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Thread: Damnation

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    Default Damnation

    Don't you think it'd be a little ridiculous if someone could go around committing as many sins as possible and still get an equal reward to anyone else? Aleph null is aleph null. Don't you think if there's a Heaven and a Hell, but Satan also goes to Heaven, Satan is basically getting rewarded for being Satan? Everyone would be like "Oooooh man, I know you, you were Satan!" while someone who wasn't literally being evil incarnate with their life would not be rewarded nearly as much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pseudomorph View Post
    Don't you think it'd be a little ridiculous if someone could go around committing as many sins as possible and still get an equal reward to anyone else?
    The theme is the intersection of psychology and religions. Religion can be said a psychology, which uses mystic metaphors and some methods dealing with unconsciousness (as a prey).
    An example for the said by you is when people during wars make "terrible sins". They may kill, make injuries and pain for many people and then to feel emotionally good and to live not bad lifes.
    I'll try to give one of models to explain the seen. Lesser simple then to say about punishments after life or in other lifes.

    "Sin" in objective sense follows from a morality. While morality follows from consequences. But how long and complex consequences you may understand?
    What you may try to evaluate indeed is subjective side of "sin". If you act in a harmony with own Self (soul, heart; Russian language has the term "sovest" with the sense of emotional "heart" evaluation) - you don't do a "sin", in the degree you fit it. It's primerely not about objective of what you do, - it's about your subjective feeling and evaluation! If you have inner opposing - then you'll get neurotisation and unconsciousness may allow more of other problems to happen, - this brings "karma".

    The best way for consciousness to follow Self is to feel love to anything (including to yourself). Hence also to wish and do lesser of suffering and to feel more of pleasure for other people (to care about them and their interests, including higher interests of their Self), to living beings to which you have a compassion.
    Compassion is important to be noted, as there are mystic approaches which suppose that higher egocentrism will help to avoid karma. Mb this may reduce direct karma, but with lesser love you'll get lesser of positive feelings and events. If not strong suffering, but you'll be becoming "empty" - will feel lesser alive. A possible reason why "dark" approaches get death cult symbolism. To feel happy is important to love and to care about others. The opposing "light" and life love approach supposes a karma, where despite initial individual spares (and sometimes without direct usefulness in return) the caring about other people further helps to feel happier yourself and for positive events to happen (close in Christianity).

    From some of religious monotheistic views, there is doubtful to exist a freewill and anything what happens is predifined events of God's will. From today science is similar as there is no freewill _culturally_ supposed for anything besides living beings or besides humans. While, there is no objective difference between living and not living from the point of self-control or influence on the world around (living beings act as complex machines). [We may suppose that some of mind activity is not predifined or a paradox is an illussion due to human mind limitations.]
    God is supposed as perfect (infinitely above your mind) and hence any part of his Creation is perfect too from the point of ultimate consequences. Anything is perfect for own mission in the reality, for the influence it will do. Any event is the best possible "good". And any human is perfect too, despite how your mind likes and evaluates his traits. The main trait of God is said the love to anyone in equal degree. What we have in the Creation is the manifestation of his love and of care about our highest needs, needs of our Self. So the best way to understand the reality and its parts goes in becoming closer to God's traits, including to his total/unconditional love to the Creation, including to us as humans - to have this love. There is also religious state of feeling being united with God, which can be made stronger by a prey. In which you are feeling his unconditional love and attention on you and perceiving his love and unlimited will on anything in reality.

    The more love state to the world, to other people. To yourself manifested in feeling inner harmony with own Self, including the moral inner assurance for what you do. The lesser of "sin" will happen.
    Unconditional love does not mean passive perception. Your wishes are a part of the world too and if you follow them being in the state of love and feeling fiting to own Self - you don't do a sin. It's not so important what you do or do not - as what you are feeling during this and about this. To make "bad" objectively in reality you can't as you can't to not follow God's will and no events can happen besides God's will.
    Self can be said is individual aspect of God. To follow Self and to follow God is the same. To be sinful by your mind includes to feel not united with God, to feel a hate and acceptance to something in the Creation, to be not in unconditional love with the world. "Sin" is thing happening in your mind and not in objective reality which you perceive.

    Sins which people talk in common - are sins supposed by objective events. 2 humans which did the same may have different consequences. Depending how their minds and Selfs evaluated the done. This approach should fit to common psychology.

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