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Thread: Intertype Relations

  1. #1

    Default Intertype Relations

    What does everyone think about intertype relations in terms of predicting compatibility accurately? I think that the intertype relations don't work and MBTI is closer in describing actual compatibility. I don't trust any theory based on functions in predicting accurate intertype relations, but I do trust statistics on intertype compatibility that are based on real world relationships. Let me give some examples of this:

    This link above says that SJs match well with other SJs and NFs match well with other NFs. For my type (INTp) they recommend the ENTj as a compatible relationship type. I've seen other sites say that INTPs match well with ISTPs, INTJs, INFPs, and other INTPs. (These were Myers-Briggs statistics.)

    I'm curious what types others have seen as compatible and what you think about "theoretical" compatibility for example that INTPs match with ENTPs, ENTJs, and ENFJs based around functional compatibility.

    Also, I've seen this chart floating around and I am curious what others think about it:

    Here is the source for the above chart:

    Thanks in advance for reading this and hopefully replying.

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Those charts seem arbitrary while claiming to be based on statistics. They don't have any meaningful value imho. When you'll get familiar with socionics ITR (Intertypes Relationships) a fundamental concept, you'll see that there is at least a logical consistency from which we can extract meaningful values. It's not just about relationships of course but rather focus on informations flow and exchange between the types. I want to mention that a part of those psychic mechanism happen more or less unconsciously which is something a lot of people tend to forget or dismiss for some obscure reasons.
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    Socionics intertypes compatibility is based on real world statistics btw, it's based on an interview of 140 married couples irl who have been married between a period of 2-40 years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PineappleDuckCurry View Post
    What does everyone think about intertype relations in terms of predicting compatibility accurately? I think that the intertype relations don't work and MBTI is closer in describing actual compatibility. I don't trust any theory based on functions in predicting accurate intertype relations, but I do trust statistics on intertype compatibility that are based on real world relationships. Let me give some examples of this:

    This link above says that SJs match well with other SJs and NFs match well with other NFs. For my type (INTp) they recommend the ENTj as a compatible relationship type. I've seen other sites say that INTPs match well with ISTPs, INTJs, INFPs, and other INTPs. (These were Myers-Briggs statistics.)

    I'm curious what types others have seen as compatible and what you think about "theoretical" compatibility for example that INTPs match with ENTPs, ENTJs, and ENFJs based around functional compatibility.

    Also, I've seen this chart floating around and I am curious what others think about it:

    Here is the source for the above chart:

    Thanks in advance for reading this and hopefully replying.
    Speaking from personal experience, but as someone who has been very into both MBTI and Socionics at different points in time, I can say that Socionics intertype relations has much greater predictive capability and accuracy. Plus, MBTI compatibility theory isn't in-depth at all to be honest, so there's not much to test/verify about it. One thing I must admit that is a bit strange though is the number of happy couples I have seen who are in extinguishment relations, or the 'ideal match/golden pair' relationship in MBTI theory. I've seen quite a few of those, which, going by Socionics, shouldn't be the case given that extinguishment relations are said to be quite unfavourable.

  5. #5


    Extinguishment relations? What are those? (Edit: nevermind, I found extinguishment relations in the link below.)

    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Those charts seem arbitrary while claiming to be based on statistics. They don't have any meaningful value imho. When you'll get familiar with socionics ITR (Intertypes Relationships) a fundamental concept, you'll see that there is at least a logical consistency from which we can extract meaningful values. It's not just about relationships of course but rather focus on informations flow and exchange between the types. I want to mention that a part of those psychic mechanism happen more or less unconsciously which is something a lot of people tend to forget or dismiss for some obscure reasons.
    Where I do think socionics is intriguing is in the idea of information elements and how they work within the psyche. I'm a big proponent of Model A for understanding one's own conscious/unconscious, but I do not think that the information elements are a good predictor of compatibility. While I respect that Socionics is logically internally consistent, I do not think it works in practice for predicting outcomes. However, I will take a look at the link and see if I find anything of value there.
    Last edited by PineappleDuckCurry; 06-11-2023 at 03:21 PM.

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PineappleDuckCurry View Post
    Extinguishment relations? What are those?

    Where I do think socionics is intriguing is in the idea of information elements and how they work within the psyche. I'm a big proponent of Model A for understanding one's own conscious/unconscious, but I do not think that the information elements are a good predictor of compatibility. While I respect that Socionics is logically internally consistent, I do not think it works in practice for predicting outcomes. However, I will take a look at the link and see if I find anything of value there.
    There is no system in the world that can predict outcomes in terms of relationship sustainability, it would be an illusion to believe it. However, in terms of compatibility socionics can be indicative of some a priori predispositions esp for the problematic relationships. Indeed most of us know that there are certain kind of individuals with whom communication is particularly difficult which induces a certain psychological distress and fatigue.
    Nonetheless, we must be aware that Sociotypes are not real people and each individual is a unique "representative" of his or her best fit sociotype. The Psyche disposition is always relative to the individual biographie (not cybernetics !) regardless of his/her psychotype.

    That said, what outcome are we talking about ? Social Progress (as outcome of the collective mind) ? There are some socionists who think that the outcome is to fulfill a certain social mission (a set of instructions inherent to each type of which society is the primal beneficiary) which is a bit politically engaged imho.

    Some use ITR just for romantic purposes etc...

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    Quote Originally Posted by PineappleDuckCurry View Post
    I think that the intertype relations don't work
    To notice IR theory as working needs correct types. And to have significant informal interaction with those people, to have a cooperation for some task for both. To feel a compassion, when personality of other influences on you.

    If you mistake in own type then you are doubtful to understand IR theory as correct. It's not rare situation, mb ~50%.
    The common typing accuracy is ~40%. For good and long known people in informal communications the accuracy should be higher.
    Choose such people in >=10 quantity. Give them Gulenko's dichotomy test. Think about their types by logical analysis for the behavior, by intuitive impressions from their nonverbal behavior. Then understand to what type those people are close the most.
    Similarly you need to understand to what type your behavior and perceptions fit the most. Also check how variants of your type fit to assumed types of well-known people by IR theory - by the degree of your sympathy to them. For IR checking are most important people who during your life were remembered as most personally pleasant and most annoying for you.
    In types theory use: 4 dichotomies, 8 variants of functions, strong/valued functions. IR. Do not use other theory as it's wrong, more doubtful and worse described.
    With this approach, step by step after some monthes you'll have a chance to understand correctly own type and to notice IR theory as correct.

    > MBTI is closer in describing actual compatibility

    MBTI is a dichotomy test for a type. MBTI manual have no types compatibility theory.

    That chart seems to be one of types compatibility hypothesis of someone who knows MBTI related texts.
    The interesting for my ESTJ is relating to worst IR of all 4 types with both differing functions. 50% of them are among hardest IR in Socionics. While other 2 are among best IR in Socionics.
    So the main idea of that chart - to choose people of types similar to your type. The question - how good a human which has same strong sides may be useful for you, to be good friend for you? He may do good what you may too and he can't do good what you can't.
    Also funny, that some of types are "magical" and there is no bad matched types for them. Especially, the author was ENTJ's fan.
    Jung's idea was that optimum psyche state is equal functional strenght. When all functions are good conscious, when there is lesser of neurotising opposing between consciousness and unconsciousness as all functions are processed by the consciousness, when a human is lesser retarded in weak functional regions. This is all developed personality, instead of half-minded.
    A human which differs from you by functional strenght not only may: help in your deals where you are weaker, help to study use your weak functions better - to make you wiser, help switch more of your attention on your weak regions and so reduce the opposing between consciousness and unconsciousness. That's why a human feels higher interest and sympathy (to some of those) to people with differing functions. As those may give the most of useful in a cooperation, and some of them are also compatible (by valued functional pair) for this.

    Now what is not Socionics, but an interpretation for some places of Jung's "Psychology Types" book.
    There is possible minority of people which prefer similar types. At least, in surface interactions. Jung said an idea about false identification with own "anima" for some people, an example of which he named homosexualists and mb narcissists (up to 5% ?). Such mb in more variants of psyche pathology. Those people may besides effects of positive IR to have something additional and negative, what may overwheight in conditions of surface interactions with low compassion. Mb such anomal people tend to assign themselves types with both opposite strong functions, as those associate with "anima".

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    There is no system in the world that can predict outcomes in terms of relationship sustainability, it would be an illusion to believe it. However, in terms of compatibility socionics can be indicative of some a priori predispositions esp for the problematic relationships. Indeed most of us know that there are certain kind of individuals with whom communication is particularly difficult which induces a certain psychological distress and fatigue.
    Nonetheless, we must be aware that Sociotypes are not real people and each individual is a unique "representative" of his or her best fit sociotype. The Psyche disposition is always relative to the individual biographie (not cybernetics !) regardless of his/her psychotype.

    That said, what outcome are we talking about ? Social Progress (as outcome of the collective mind) ? There are some socionists who think that the outcome is to fulfill a certain social mission (a set of instructions inherent to each type of which society is the primal beneficiary) which is a bit politically engaged imho.

    Some use ITR just for romantic purposes etc...

    I have to agree. Socionics does also lack objectivity in many situations. I personally got along with my conflict after talking things out, talked about out values and why we ended up valuing certain things, out personal boundaries, how arrogant we both can be, etc.

    I find from my personal real life experience that socio relations don't always work, and it's more about people being full of themselves, having pride in that they refuse to look at the perspectives of others and remembering that they can always be proven wrong. Also, that the point of an argument is to find a middle ground maturely, and not defend one's pride.

    A couple can only get along as much as they put in effort to work problems out. We can be just as capable of being logical as much as we can be sympathetic, just it may take us longer for us to get used to thinking in a new fluid mindset.

    In the end, romantic relationships will only work when both parties share the same sexual and romantic ideals and principles, and share the same end goal.

    In the end, "I have no enemies."

    As Tupac once said, "Just because you lost me as a friend, doesn't mean you gained me as an enemy. I'm bigger than that. I still want to see you eat, just not at my table."

    Just as there will always be people we dislike, but that doesn't mean we should be enemies. Just because we have different ideologies, doesn't mean we have to hate each other.

    We shouldn't hate a whole demographic of people.

    Just something to add ^^

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