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Thread: Types of your future children

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    lavos's Avatar
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    Default Types of your future children

    What types would you want your future children to be?

    If you already have children, you could instead state whether their types align with what you would have wanted.
    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

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    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

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    Riven's Avatar
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    I have no intentions of having children, but I'd rather raise some ethical type. I think most of these types are better adjusted to life and become more well-rounded individuals. EIE sound interesting, maybe Gulenko is actually into something lol. SEI sounds cool too. ILE perhaps. I have no idea what exactly to base my opinions of this on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    EIE sound interesting, maybe Gulenko is actually into something lol.
    There is nothing perverse about this.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Ethical types aren't more well adjusted to life. Probably the opposite. They are much more likely to be vulnerable and exploited by an uncaring world that only cares that the machine wins. In idealistic TV land it seems that way, ethicals have the upper hand to give people false hope but in the real world everything is run by logicals. It seems kinda obvious that this is the case....

    Ethicals aren't more adjusted to life. We are adjusted more to inspiration. To inspire others... not to kill themselves even though people probably should kill themselves because the world is overpopulated and a lot of hateful and bitter people shouldn't exist. You just probably hate logical types who are assholes, because they *are* objectively the most horrid thing in the universe. But logic isn't necessarily evil or sadistic, just more indifferent to ethical concerns and more concerned with the logistics of something. If a logical type's 2D ethical function is completely broken, it becomes cringe. It's only 2D so it's also kind of always on the uncomfortable edge of that happening, and they don't really realize it because they are just too busy doing math or whatever.

  7. #7
    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    Ethical types aren't more well adjusted to life. Probably the opposite. They are much more likely to be vulnerable and exploited by an uncaring world that only cares that the machine wins. In idealistic TV land it seems that way, ethicals have the upper hand to give people false hope but in the real world everything is run by logicals. It seems kinda obvious that this is the case....
    I don't really think that is realistic. I see that ethical types tend to actually have better ways of getting what they want or influencing people, being able to get people on their side, etc. The world is unforgiving for everyone, even me, even you, etc. It's more of an understanding of how this world actually works, and how far people are willing to go to assert themselves. (Se, Ne, etc)

    An ethical type can be way more manipulative, and use that skill to get the easy way by getting someone else to do it, or getting more promotions by being more likable, etc. While logical types have to rely on their own skill sets then rely on their charisma, etc, thus seem to advance much faster. But realistically, there will be people who are both logical and ethical in that sense.

    To be an ethical type in socionics is to be good with people, not to be a "good person". Nice isn't being kind, it's just maintaining an image for a purpose, for privilege, better treatment, etc. If someone is good with people and seems nice, but they are manipulating people for his selfish benefit, he is not kind. But if someone who prefers to stay practical, and isn't good with people yet has a genuine passion for helping others, be it unconscious or not, then wouldn't that guy be kind no matter how people perceived him? Isn't being harsh on people, and giving them solutions, or just doing it for them truly kind rather than nice?

    People can be exploited, but I can see more ethical types being more naive or falling into what feels right way more often than logical types, however I see a lot of ethical types screwing up a lot of more people because of them actually weaponizing their abilities to manipulate others without ruining their image.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    Ethicals aren't more adjusted to life. We are adjusted more to inspiration. To inspire others... not to kill themselves even though people probably should kill themselves because the world is overpopulated and a lot of hateful and bitter people shouldn't exist. You just probably hate logical types who are assholes, because they *are* objectively the most horrid thing in the universe. But logic isn't necessarily evil or sadistic, just more indifferent to ethical concerns and more concerned with the logistics of something. If a logical type's 2D ethical function is completely broken, it becomes cringe. It's only 2D so it's also kind of on the uncomfortably always on the edge of that happening, and they don't really realize it because they are just too busy doing math or whatever.
    But again, just because something feels right doesn't make it right. Just because for example, a boy manipulates a girl into sleeping with him, and it feels right for her in the moment, it isn't actually right because deep down she knows that he only wants her for one thing(sex).

    I can be kinda ethical, but my ethics, or principles are really more based on a code of general well written principles that I rather apply to anything. Sometimes I often break my own code, taking turns to take the best course of action on what works effectively when needed, then leaving me to having to question all the former ideals I have held before.

    At the end of the day, it's not really ethical being exploited, but people are not properly understanding how influence, power dynamics, interactions, power, etc works in the real world. And not having a good sense when someone is exploiting you can really lead you to being exploited really easily. But when you don't have a good sense of that, but at least can tell who does have a good sense and who is genuine, you can build bonds with the right people to teach you to understand how worldly dynamics work.

    For example, my mom always used to be emotionally manipulative, but I understood her desire to gain influence online and using people to reach her goals(kindred), so I tried to set it up where I'd get some benefit in terms of payment or extra snacks, etc. But I would also try to avoid her daily with new class courses, etc.
    Last edited by Muira; 07-01-2023 at 02:34 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gulenko AI View Post
    There is nothing perverse about this.

    Why do you type so weirdly?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    Ethical types aren't more well adjusted to life. Probably the opposite. They are much more likely to be vulnerable and exploited by an uncaring world that only cares that the machine wins. In idealistic TV land it seems that way, ethicals have the upper hand to give people false hope but in the real world everything is run by logicals. It seems kinda obvious that this is the case....

    Ethicals aren't more adjusted to life. We are adjusted more to inspiration. To inspire others... not to kill themselves even though people probably should kill themselves because the world is overpopulated and a lot of hateful and bitter people shouldn't exist. You just probably hate logical types who are assholes, because they *are* objectively the most horrid thing in the universe. But logic isn't necessarily evil or sadistic, just more indifferent to ethical concerns and more concerned with the logistics of something. If a logical type's 2D ethical function is completely broken, it becomes cringe. It's only 2D so it's also kind of always on the uncomfortable edge of that happening, and they don't really realize it because they are just too busy doing math or whatever.
    I was mostly looking at microscale of people around me when I wrote my reply, who have been typed by me, myself included. There's always the possibility I got all typings wrong and specially that I'm not a logical type. I wasn't really consciously considering how the world is badly designed or something, how the big capitalistic machine is evil and how it works to keep evolving. If anything my reply was just an attempt to bring life to a thread that allowed me to say something silly about socionics without having to think deeply about it.

    I didn't mention hating logical types. In fact I feel kinda bad for most. I kinda resonate with what you say about inspiration, and the issue with logical types is that it feels way harder to get them moving again once they stop. Considering the theme is about having a child, I wanna raise someone who becomes a fulfilled individual and who doesn't end up with dozens of paranoias and mental illnesses because their mind is designed to work through calculations, rather than whatever gears work on ethical types. Considering people I know, I correlate mental disorders with thinking types, either sensors or intuitives. Yet we know correlation ≠ causation. Not that I don't know ethicals who are mentally ill, but those with logical traits are severely more impaired, less able to cope in general.

    Besides, I consider it easier to teach the strengths of logical types to an ethical person than teaching the strengths of an ethical type to a logical one. Like how on earth do you teach empathy to a person, how to naturally read a room, awareness of personal sentiments?

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    Based on my personal experiences, ESE-Si (Mirage), LSE-Si (Dual), and EII-Fi (Identical). I felt my household was sorely lacking in Si growing up. I was partly raised by my ESE-Fe grandma, but she used her Si as a manipulation/blackmail tool, whereas I have noted Si-subtypes are more generous. To me, psychological comfort + the stability of shared rationality/irrationality is more important than anything else when it comes to bringing a child into the home, because it facilitates healthy attachment. My Si needs felt the most fulfilled when my EII-Fi (identical with different subtype) grandpa who raised me was still alive. I feel I would have been much more maladapted if I had not had an Identical in my life as a child. And, in the case of Si-subtypes, they have equal need for an Ne-subtype like myself.

    I have an ILI-Te mother whom I would never trade for anyone and has shown me how essential it is to have a well-wishing Benefactor in your life, but we caused each other pain and distress while I was coming up due to constant misunderstandings of one another's needs and desires. My biological father is SLI-Si, and the decisions he made due to his irrational temperament were also traumatic for me to cope with growing up.
    Last edited by PinKDiGiT18; 09-06-2023 at 12:52 PM.

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