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Thread: Anticommunism Megathread

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  1. #39
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    USA have claimed to be main ideology competitor to USSR
    to think about the link of antihumanism and anticommunism

    It's known at least 3 cases when USA officials did intentional mass killing of civilians (every of tens of thousands, as min). The behavior similar to hithlerists practice. During WW2 it was bombing of some cities, not only of concrete military objects: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
    The same as USA did intentional mass killings in the past, they do the similar in Russia now. When do intentional attacks on civilians and civil objects (to make the harm to civilians) as main aim, when those have no strong meaning from military point. They do regular fire to markets, for example. It's done mainly for terroristic purpose. USA use civilians as shields/hostages when don't allow them to go away from cities where were started military actions, while those people have no military or structure duties. They do fire attacks on civilian people who try to go away from those cities.
    That WW2 criminal bombing was done by USA with Britain, which are ideologically and politically close. There is wide known example when Britain soldiers used civilians (children) as hostages/shields in Ireland. It's a part of common tactics of USA and a part of antihumanistic capitalistic ideology, which is close to hithlerism. In Vietnam and other places USA did the similar terrorism during wars. This approach is not only for wars - it's general capitalistic antihumanistic approach.

    What USA have done with "natives" of America on its territory since the creation in 1770s to the beginning of 20th century? How many millions of them were killed for nothing, including by intentional spreading of diseases among them.

    The dark side of USA's officials in world activity is decribed there. It's a part and from what is on the surface only. You'll notice alot of similarity with hithlerists.


    Some interesting history data about symbols.
    Communists in Russia have taken the power in October of 1917. The opposing side who had the formal power before was known as Temporal Government ("Provisional Government" in English texts). This TG got the power in Februrary of 1917 after the monarch (formally through his other relative) has given them it. By the essence this was bourgeois/capitalistic anti-monarchist revolution similar to what was in other states of that time.
    This TG and its leader Kerenskiy had strong links to "West", much acted for interests for foreign capitalists and nations. It allowed to begin regions separatism (what is a part of capitalism/liberalism ideology), as example of harmful activity. Such international links are common for capitalism as it's about individualism, where people serve to those who gives more of money. This TG even decided to print money in USA, the order for what was done in September. When evidences of betray were enough, communists (with a help of a part of local aristocracy) have stoped all this soon and saved Russia to not become "West"'s robbed colony separated to parts, with establishing here of alien to Russians individualistic and hence antihumanistic morality of capitalism. Then was civil war until 1922 as opposing to communists to establish own real power in Russia. Mainly from those on the side of TG and some others with similar links to "West".

    Among officially used symbols of TG was what you know as reversed "Swastika", the same which was used by hithlerists. It was used on money of 250 rubles issued in September of 1917.

    This symbol is also named as Black Sun. It shows round moving _against_ clockwise, against the direction how Sun moves. Sun which gives the life and shines - it's about love, good. While Black Sun acts by opposite - about hate, evil, taking instead of giving. This is the symbol of death, anti-life, destruction, suffering - the "evil" side of nature. The sense is similar to reversed Christian cross, as Christianity claims itself on the side of unconditional love, - the same as Sun shines and gives the life to all.
    This symbol can also be linked with hierarchy power in a society, - of classes and vertical castes. As it's against love, the highest state of which is unconditional. It's against compassion and equality of people - against what is the base of socialism and humanism. It's about inner social and nature competing, about everlasting hate and fight between each other - about evil side of nature. It's about individualism as approach to life, about opposing of an individ with others and external. Where love would be a compassion and against individualism. It's about society devided on people who live and get the relation not as equals, who get different level of means to be alive, to be developed. Though it's creative side which may lead to better in something, but it moves by suffering, by evil methods - what is antihumanism. It's what capitalism does on practice - creates and supports social inequality, individualism and competing, hating between people. Instead of people perceiving each other as equal, compassion and care, love - ideology of collectivism/communism.
    This is what the side of anticommunism is. It's just evil.

    Civil war of Russians in 1917-1922 on the side of communists can be thought as one of against those who followed to ideology of Hithlerism.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-11-2023 at 01:45 PM.

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