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Thread: Anticommunism Megathread

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    Default Anticommunism Megathread

    Post about why communism sucks here!

    I'll start.

    Here's the Stalin Monument in Prague getting blown up:

    Here's a gulag:

    Berlin Wall being torn down:

    Did you know commies were just as into looking for occult stuff as the Nazis were? Where are all our Indiana Jones movies with the commies as the enemies? I'm going to do my part and write books about this at least.

    One small step for man, one giant leap for people who aren't commies.

    Thanks to @IndomitableKingOfTheGnomes for telling me about the "people's jihad" thing and how communism is the real reason behind Islamic terrorism, not Islam. This is probably one of the most useful things I've ever heard. Also, IndomitableKingOfTheApes is definitely a reference to a great book where Tarzan fights the communists on the ruins of Atlantis. We really need more Indiana Jones Fights the Commies books now. Commies and red mercury, commies and Atlantis, commies and remote viewing, commies and space travel... Yes, more books and movies fighting commies and less fighting Nazis! Disney must've been a bunch of pinkos for taking the part where Tarzan fights the commies over the ruins of Atlantis out of their movie, because that would've totally been cooler than what we got.

    Also thanks to @Warm Soapy Water for not being a commie while moderating mao4's site.

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    Some of my favorite books highlighting how bad communism is:

    Border by Kapka Kassabova

    Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe by Kapka Kassabova | Goodreads

    That book was inspired by this one:

    Stasiland by Anna Funder

    Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall by Anna Funder | Goodreads

    This is the book I got the Stalin monument being blown up from:

    Gottland: Mostly True Stories from Half of Czechoslovakia by Mariusz Szczygiel

    Gottland by Mariusz Szczygieł | Goodreads

    This one is hard to find in English, but my local public library had it years ago so you should be able to find it there.

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    PC = Politically Correct
    PC = Pinko Commie

    I win!

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    Trump is a commie. Legit was trying to take down NATO during his presidency.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Trump is a commie. Legit was trying to take down NATO during his presidency.

    Honestly, the only reason I didn't @ you is because a KGB officer going like "It is too late! We have already demoralized your country!" isn't that helpful. Yes, I get that the commie propaganda is really widespread, but a KGB officer puffing himself up isn't exactly who I'd trust on the outcome for the USA. As if Europe was much better. I thought the way main communism spread was by fighting against religion to be honest. Once people give up on religion all they have is a bunch of academic philosophers, and other than Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Camus, basically all well-known academic philosophers are commies. Even Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Camus have commies trying to appropriate them, even though I think those three are generally pretty harmless despite the two that aren't Kierkegaard being somewhat anti-religion and Kierkegaard sometimes making religion look bad with his "just believe!" stuff (not even all Christians would follow "just believe!" never mind other religions like Buddhists, Muslims, etc. who don't even have a tradition of "just believe!" in the first place.)

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post

    Honestly, the only reason I didn't @ you is because a KGB officer going like "It is too late! We have already demoralized your country!" isn't that helpful. Yes, I get that the commie propaganda is really widespread, but a KGB officer puffing himself up isn't exactly who I'd trust on the outcome for the USA. As if Europe was much better. I thought the way main communism spread was by fighting against religion to be honest. Once people give up on religion all they have is a bunch of academic philosophers, and other than Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Camus, basically all well-known academic philosophers are commies. Even Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Camus have commies trying to appropriate them, even though I think those three are generally pretty harmless despite the two that aren't Kierkegaard being somewhat anti-religion and Kierkegaard sometimes making religion look bad with his "just believe!" stuff (not even all Christians would follow "just believe!" never mind other religions like Buddhists, Muslims, etc. who don't even have a tradition of "just believe!" in the first place.)
    I mean, it IS too late imho as well, but that's not my opinion because the KGB defector said so, it's because of what I am seeing and experiencing firsthand as someone who is living in the USA and trying to tell people shit while they refuse to listen and call me crazy while getting mad at me and acting rude af toward me. In 15 years, people will realize I'm right, but by then it'll be too late. Then people will be like, "Why'd you up and leave your country instead of fighting for it, if you knew? You're such a coward!" and I will give them the finger because I've fucking been trying to warn people all along, but nobody's listening. There's only so much I can do as one fucking human being that no one is listening to, and if I exposed all of what I know they'd probably just kill me for knowing too much.

    Some of the other places in EU are somewhat better off, even if in some places it's only because they have too many actual problems to get caught up in all of this woke shit...but Putin is heading for that 1 World Order shit, and if Trump is re-elected and takes down NATO, we're all doomed.

    Let me rephrase that...if Trump gets re-elected, we're all doomed, because then Trump would take down NATO.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 05-27-2023 at 04:24 PM.

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    Putin (left) and Trump (right)

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    It sucks because it calls for the violent overthrowing of those it considers its opponents.

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    Oh, I just looked into the thing where Trump supposedly hates NATO. He doesn't.

    Trump Hectors NATO But Boosts Both Money And Troops : NPR

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    The Marxist roots of Islamic extremism | The Week

    On the topic of Marxism and Islamic terrorism, I found this. I hope @IndomitableKingOfGnomes has some good books on this topic for us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    The Marxist roots of Islamic extremism | The Week

    On the topic of Marxism and Islamic terrorism, I found this. I hope @IndomitableKingOfGnomes has some good books on this topic for us.
    I haven't read too many books focused exactly on Marxism and terrorism, as I tend to read history and biography for the most part than political books and with most of my study with those subjects being from online research rather than cover to cover books. But one book I can recommend is Stalin The Court of the Red Tsar, which was a very eye opening book on the man and the horrors of his reign.

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    communism = collectivism -> humanism, compassion, social equality, higher optimisation for interests of group as whole, love to people, improving anyone closer to perfection, altruism, mental maturity, better karma for caring about others, love to life and attraction to pleasant and happier conditions for you and people near, predisposition to pacifism, more natural state for peoples' psyche and their history

    the opposing side to communism is individualism

    individualism -> antihumanism, liberalism/capitalism, hithlerism, satanism, social exploitation, higher optimisation for subgroups by the cost of interests of whole group, hate to people, improving to perfection only for "best ones", selfishness/egocentrism, mental infantilism, worse karma for making harm to others, hate to life and attraction to death and suffering, predisposition to violence, more alien and harder attitude for psyche of most people

    It can be political names for everlasting "fight" between "good" and "evil".
    Then is possible 3rd approach. To think as optimum the equal balance between both sides. On practice happened to exist this in societies. With some shifts of ideas and decision principles to one or other side - where those shifts gave names to social organisation.
    It can be even supposed that moral good and evil are only the perception sides for the same. Where anything what happens is good and evil in same degree by the sum of all consequences. As one coin with two sides.
    Last edited by Sol; 05-29-2023 at 10:25 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    The Marxist roots of Islamic extremism | The Week

    On the topic of Marxism and Islamic terrorism, I found this. I hope @IndomitableKingOfGnomes has some good books on this topic for us.
    While I agree that there definitely is/has been instances Marxists and radical Islamists kissing up to one another for the sake of anti-westernism, I don't think it makes for a very strong criticism of Marxism when there's also been some pretty egregious examples of the US/NATO being happy to arm and support radical Islamic factions for the sake of weakening/overthrowing socialist governments.

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    Selling things from a safe non-social distance is fake and material, but selling things from a safe non-social distance also often forces people to be fake-nice to your inner Fi, which is actually a good thing. With communism you don't have that positive manipulation. So the worst Mean Girl traits of people start coming out, which also end up turning into physical actions- it's all so grimdark and grotesque. Ew.

    I'd much rather Esther Hicks try to sell me bullshit from a safe distance than have to actually talk and interact with Esther Hicks IRL. Or Jack Oliver Aaron, or Oprah, or Trump. Or... anybody. Even if I hate them doing what they do now, I'd *really* hate being forced to communicate with them in a communist system lol.

    Like I don't really like "capitalists" either but I'd much rather them try to manipulate others that way than being forced to socialize with them which they really would be cruel. But that's why the more evil forms of communist want to stop people from reproducing who they want with and instead try to breed out all aggressive/competitive traits in people so they can be controlled by an even more viscous monster. Communism is inherently nihilistic/amoral.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromorph View Post
    While I agree that there definitely is/has been instances Marxists and radical Islamists kissing up to one another for the sake of anti-westernism, I don't think it makes for a very strong criticism of Marxism when there's also been some pretty egregious examples of the US/NATO being happy to arm and support radical Islamic factions for the sake of weakening/overthrowing socialist governments.

    Marxists and Islamic extremists weren't allies but the founder of the ideals that led to Islamic extremism, Sayyid Qutb, was indeed heavily influenced by Marxist ideals which he infused into his new radical Islamic ideology. But he was not a card carrying Communist party member or a self proclaimed Marxist. Sayyid Qutb, Marxist Socialism and the Leninist Revolutionary Vanguard (

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nairumel View Post
    Marxists and Islamic extremists weren't allies but the founder of the ideals that led to Islamic extremism, Sayyid Qutb, was indeed heavily influenced by Marxist ideals which he infused into his new radical Islamic ideology. But he was not a card carrying Communist party member or a self proclaimed Marxist. Sayyid Qutb, Marxist Socialism and the Leninist Revolutionary Vanguard (
    Radical feminism = inerpretation of feminism derived frmo Marxism
    Radical Islam = interpretation of Islam derived from Marxism

    Yet the idea of "radical" being about the Marxist ideal of the root of oppression and even being used in very classical Marxism still never seems to connect to "radical Islam" in most people's heads, including mine until you posted about Sayyid Qutb here. That's probably the most important thing I've learned from this forum to be honest. Like oh, you have the modern intersectionalist neo-Marxists like Saul Alinsky calling their book "Rules for Radicals," and that's because Marx and Engels themselves talked about radicals and radicalization because it's about how the proletariat being oppressed is the root of all oppression, not just about being "extreme" or "fundamentalist." Despite the fact I think pretty much everyone knows what liberation theology is and most people know it was caused by Latin American Marxism, still virtually no one seems to have made the connection that the same kind of thing happened much more successfully in the Islamicate world and that's what "radical Islam" literally is.

    Even people like Hamza Yusuf who are professional sheikhs still seem to want to blame radical Islam (and I'm definitely going to keep using this phrase as much as possible in the context of Marx-ized Islam to nail it in through people's skulls) on Ibn Tamiyya and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The fact they do that is kind of the final nail for me not taking them seriously as authorities on Islam, despite their formal political and academic positions in America. I think it's extremely unlikely Ibn Tamiyya and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab have the one true correct religion, but if they have any influence on Islamic terrorism, it seems extremely indirect at most. Those people remind me of the people living in backwoods America saying that dancing is against the Bible like in Footloose and Harry Potter is also against the Bible because of witchcraft and the Earth is 6000 years old and those kinds of ideas. I think they're extremely unlikely to be right about much anything, but not all that violent or terroristic. Saying they inspired terrorism can at most be indirect, like saying the Puritans inspired Western decadence by people's backlash to Puritanism.

    I think it would also be a backlash in this case, because when you look at a lot of the popular Wahhabi sites such as IslamQ&A, they do very much recommend things like doing a counterspell involving things like reciting the Qur'an over a leaf and dropping it in the water if a spell is done on you, and people like Sayyid Qutb on the other hand seem to want to Enlightenment-ify Islam and take those so-called "superstitious" parts out of it, which seems to be a lot of what the Marxist strain is about in radical Islam and in many cases where it shows up in modern ideologies. I think the backlash to "superstition" in turn is also motivated by something very clear in psychology, which is I literally can't differentiate "magic" from science, the vast majority of modern science was done by people who were interested in all sorts of strange topics like alchemy and parapsychology and seems to have progressed despite rather than because of those topics, and even in the Abrahamic texts, I can find absolutely no clear blanket condemnation of "magic" in any of them, just of specific practices like walking children through the fire or trying to summon spirits of the dead (and even that might be because of the context of pagan magicians since sometimes saints also appear to people or people get reanimated in other parts of the Bible, even in the Hebrew Bible.) The condemnation of "magic" from the Enlightenment seems more like part of its drive toward absolute egalitarianism and what modern ideologues would call "equity, not equality" than anything else, which makes it very easy to spread through the world even if it originated in the European Enlightenment since envy and ressentiment are globally ubiquitous.

    But if all these professional mostly-Sunni religious leaders think terrorism is based on people who just have some kind of Puritan-esque beliefs but nothing all that violent, when it's really obvious that Sayyid Qutb absorbed Marxist ideas and he's the one who founded radical Islam, their other claims like "obey your governments no matter what, oh lookie, I'm part of your governments" and "don't play video games or listen to 80's metal or do anything that came into existence after Bob Dylan had his heyday" just look much more suspect than they already are. It also indirectly kind of looks like an argument for Shia Islam over Sunnism, since the best Sunnis seem to have to offer is the whole Hamza Yusuf school of Islam, but at the same time, that doesn't justify violent Sunni vs. Shina conflict at all, and it's literally a very minor pointer in that direction in my opinion, not anything conclusive.

    I suspect there's an even deeper reason for this: Ever heard the whole "Neocons are Trotskyites" thing? It seems very likely to me. So we also seem to have conservative accelerationist Marxism where they're just ignoring the part where Marx says the proletariat should be open about their goals and pretending to really love capitalism and religion so they can blow it up as the third major relevant strain of Marxist thought in America. The fish can't see the water they're swimming in, even if it's as bright neon red as any huge red communist flag could ever be. CCP Marxism and Russian KGB Marxism are not as relevant, though radical Islamic Marxism is because lots of mosques and Muslims in America do seem to pick up on it. CCP Marxism kind of spreads through the Confucius Institute and KGB Marxism kind of spreads through socionics, but neither of these are nowhere near the force that literal religion is, especially since they don't have the same kinds of protections even if socionics is a cult.

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    Either some form of socialization or abject poverty for anyone who can't afford a 200 IQ neuralink implant will become the norm in a hundred years. You can't live in the Reagan era forever unless you genocide all NTs

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    Either some form of socialization or abject poverty for anyone who can't afford a 200 IQ neuralink implant will become the norm in a hundred years. You can't live in the Reagan era forever unless you genocide all NTs
    200 IQ Neuralink implant sounds like Harrison Bergeron handicapping to me. I am always more disappointed in Elon Musk than anything.

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    I think a very wealthy, non-corrupt and advanced society could eventually pull it off. Countries like Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, etc. jumped the gun and the sanctions against them have had an exacerbating effect

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    I think a very wealthy, non-corrupt and advanced society could eventually pull it off. Countries like Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, etc. jumped the gun and the sanctions against them have had an exacerbating effect
    Eventually pulling off the violent guillotining of anyone with so much as a family-owned sustenance farm?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    I think a very wealthy, non-corrupt and advanced society could eventually pull it off. Countries like Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, etc. jumped the gun and the sanctions against them have had an exacerbating effect
    Rojava is the most successful project imo.

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    Radical = Marxist (the root of oppression)
    Terrorist = French Revolution (the Terror)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nairumel View Post
    Rojava is the most successful project imo.
    I just looked that up, and that's like Noam Chomsky's anarcho-syndicalism semi-succeeding. So, probably not a great argument for Marxism, but it doesn't seem completely dystopian at least. Noam Chomsky also got his ideas from living on a commune in Palestine to begin with, so it doesn't seem all that surprising another state in the region does the same thing and actually made it sustainable. At the same time, I'm not sure "vaguely livable compared to most war zones in the Middle East" is a paragon society for every modern state to model themselves after even if there are some really admirable things about it, but contextually, it might be the perfect response. It's not like the most successful western countries are nutso Ayn Rand capitalism anyway. I tend to see Ayn Rand and Marx as being two sides of the same coin, and that coin is trying to turn an economic system into a religion. Collectivist economic policies, or "communism" broadly, probably work in some contexts, but Marx on the other hand is taking it from an explicitly religious angle and I think that's what causes the problems with him.

    So when I'm opposing Communism I mostly just mean Marxism, not some hippies or some war-torn people deciding that a collective economy on a kibbutz will keep them alive. That's solely a voluntary decision by people who live in those communities, it doesn't involve hanging all landowners even if they're sustenance farmers to try to destroy worldwide property ownership. Yes, Marx was really explicitly into turning what I'd like to call Communism with a capital C into a religion. He was in an occult group called the League of the Just that I've heard is likely to be a real offshoot of the Bavarian Illuminati, he wrote all these odes to Lucifer and to suicide pacts, basically all his grandchildren died as babies and many of his children and their spouses killed themselves in actual suicide pacts. Marx sounds very Satanic to me. But collectivist economic systems I think can work as long as people don't turn their economic systems into a religion that has all the answers, that's not what I'm opposing with opposing communism. Turning individualistic capitalist and mercantile economic systems into a religion is equally disastrous, and that's Ayn Rand. However, I see global Marxism as being a much bigger threat than global Randism.

    I also think Noam Chomsky kind of tries to turn these economic and political systems that have actually taken off in parts of the Middle East into a religion as well, for what it's worth. On the other hand, he kind of really liked Scholastic literature and most of his linguistics is based on that, but he explicitly calls himself an atheist. In some ways I think he's so kind and sensible that I tend to hope for his sake he's a Sam Harris "atheist" rather than really a serious one, but he also seems to do things that I think are huge mistakes, like defending Serbia and Pol Pot's Cambodia among the intelligentsia. He also basically completely quit his linguistics research for several decades, and he probably secretly works for the CIA since he was apparently one of Jeffery Epstein's contacts. Sometimes I wonder if Noam Chomsky is directly stifling the cognitive sciences/psychology rather than advancing them at this point, no matter what he said about behaviorism back in the day, and no matter how silly I think Daniel Everett is, and if that's all tied into him trying to make his anarcho-syndicalism into a religion even if it's definitely a more workable system than classical Marxism in my opinion and actually has worked in parts of the world just like kibbitzes have, or really in the same parts of the world where kibbitzes have, which is ironically the birthplace of all these religions and the site of all these religious wars.

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    essence of anti-communism
    a part of this essence
    Last edited by Sol; 06-03-2023 at 02:46 PM.

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    When you think about it, the Middle East really is the most communist place in the world. Maybe things like Rojava and the kibbitzes are the cause of the problem, not the solution. It also seems that communism is usually tied in with nationalism. Even when you look at the non-Marxist Scandinavian countries, which I'm strongly inclined to think really are socialist even if not Marxist, they have 99 problems, they're basically dystopian, that's why they write all their heavy metal stuff in Scandinavia and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books. All these European countries that have some socialist elements without even attempting Marxism just seem nearly as ethno-nationalist as most Middle Eastern countries.

    On the other hand, in capitalist America, we take everyone, you just have to prove you can cut it in the brutal capitalist economy. Jewish? Italian? Black? Arab? East Asian? South Asian? Anglo? Celtic? Continental European? Protestant? Catholic? Muslim? Buddhist? Hindu? We don't care, just show you can be productive and not a menace to society. We don't have any of that ethno-nationalism here and that's probably related to our capitalist economies. Also, it seems likely Kennedy might've been a horrible president for trying to turn the US into Soviet Americastan. I've met people who didn't like him and thought he deserved to be assassinated, just not ones who also thought the CIA might've done it and commended them, though that's highly speculative.

    Communism is probably just a really popular move in general, because it's rooted into people's tribalism, and no, Nazism isn't anti-communist. It's just a slightly altered form that tries to play nicer with popular ideals like religion, classical and folk arts and culture, and the paranormal while concealing its true aims instead of being all Khorne berserker like classical Marxism and just sending the king and queen straight to the guillotines in the open because blood for the no-god, skulls for the no-throne.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    When you think about it, the Middle East really is the most communist place in the world. Maybe things like Rojava and the kibbitzes are the cause of the problem, not the solution
    Oh yes. Rojava. Famously responsible for the Syrian civil war. Never mind the American-funded Islamic fundamentalist armies with a penchant for beheading and explosions; it's the secularist communists blowing themselves up.

    Nazism isn't anti-communist
    In the same way that it isn't anti-Jewish or anti-homosexual?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Oh yes. Rojava. Famously responsible for the Syrian civil war. Never mind the American-funded Islamic fundamentalist armies with a penchant for beheading and explosions; it's the secularist communists blowing themselves up.

    In the same way that it isn't anti-Jewish or anti-homosexual?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Oh yes. Rojava. Famously responsible for the Syrian civil war. Never mind the American-funded Islamic fundamentalist armies with a penchant for beheading and explosions; it's the secularist communists blowing themselves up.

    In the same way that it isn't anti-Jewish or anti-homosexual?
    Why say American funded, as if Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Qatar aren't leading the funding and organizing of terrorism world wide? Why deflect from them?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    In the same way that it isn't anti-Jewish or anti-homosexual?

    Sorry, had to shorten the URL because the original one referred to the Moustache Man so the link never could've worked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nairumel View Post
    Why say American funded, as if Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Qatar aren't leading the funding and organizing of terrorism world wide? Why deflect from them?
    Clearly, everything is America's fault. America just mind-controls many Middle Eastern countries into following the ideals of Sayyid Qutb, which is totally beneficial to America, somehow. There's nothing America likes more than watching its own citizens die, which is why all American citizens are dead and we live under global Marxism now, all because of America's mind control, aka, orieeeeeeeentalism. Yeah.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nairumel View Post
    Why say American funded, as if Turkey, Saudi Arabia
    Vassal states, who have been protected by the U.S. and whose goals align with the US.

    And because Coer is American and the US funding literal al-Quaeda in Syria (while, incidentally, stealing its oil), is a bigger problem than the nobodies who are Rojava. Saying "hm, I wonder why the Middle East is so violent," then blaming it on fucking Rojava of all things, when your own country is responsible for a lot of that violence, is criminally blind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post

    Sorry, had to shorten the URL because the original one referred to the Moustache Man so the link never could've worked.
    ****** had incoherent thoughts; what else is new?

    It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that H. and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too.
    Nazism emerged from the melange of discontents following Germany's defeat in the first world war. The most organized and loudest of the discontents were the communists, and many of those who'd eventually become Nazis had once held some interest in the movement or considered themselves communists. Nazism was not really a coherent ideology for a long time, and it appealed to intellectually and spiritually confused people. But as the Nazis gained popularity and power they quickly dropped any left-wing ideas they'd once had. Their statements toward and killing of communists is I think clear enough, as was their alliance with the German capitalist class.

    Goebbels was a liar, to be sure, but no one can explain why he would lie to his diaries. And to the end of his days he believed that socialism was what National Socialism was about.
    Goebbel's position was "everything the 99% of people calling themselves "socialists" believe and fight for is wrong; we have better claim to the name." By the time the Nazis were in power Nazism was firmly anti-socialist. They did not recognize "socialists" as part of the same movement or fighting for the same goals. This feeling was mutual. It's analogous to "black Africans are the real Jews;" claiming the name doesn't make them so and they share nothing in common. This "Nazis were really socialists; it's in the name national socialism" business comes from anti-communists whose real goal is to discredit communism; it's not a defensible position and no one would try to argue this without that motivation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Vassal states, who have been protected by the U.S. and whose goals align with the US.

    And because Coer is American and the US funding literal al-Quaeda in Syria (while, incidentally, stealing its oil), is a bigger problem than the nobodies who are Rojava. Saying "hm, I wonder why the Middle East is so violent," then blaming it on fucking Rojava of all things, when your own country is responsible for a lot of that violence, is criminally blind.
    *Blaming it on communism. I also blamed the kibbitzes in Israel, which was clearly created by the British Empire (British Mandate of Palestine) and literally Hı̇tler, aka, the Haavara Agreement to send Jews who weren't going to be genocided in the Holocaust to Israel, which reminds me of @godslave's point a while back that Jews in Israel are living with people who think as well of them as literally Hı̇tler did, and I told him that the Haavara Agreement was literally created by Hı̇tler so that might not be a coincidence. The Middle East appears to be overwhelmingly the most communist place in the world, and if the US supports some Middle Eastern states that appear to be engaged in some form of socialism, this is probably because of all the socialist elements in the US government like Saul Alinsky aligning with all the socialist elements in the Middle East like Sayyid Qutb.

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    Communism doesn't work in any way. Socialism sounds amazing in theory, but doesn't work out. We can only implement some mild watered down version of socialism mixed with capitalism, The Nordic model. That is the closest we will ever get to a Utopian society, even still, do we need more than we need to survive and have basic comfort? To when will we be asking for too much, after all I believe that life itself isn't something that is guaranteed in itself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtuoso View Post
    Communism doesn't work in any way. Socialism sounds amazing in theory, but doesn't work out. We can only implement some mild watered down version of socialism mixed with capitalism, The Nordic model. That is the closest we will ever get to a Utopian society, even still, do we need more than we need to survive and have basic comfort? To when will we be asking for too much, after all I believe that life itself isn't something that is guaranteed in itself.
    I've said this off and on on this forum, but I don't think the Nordic model sounds very good. Scandinavian countries seem kind of dystopian. That's where all those death metal and black metal albums are produced because people in those countries are mad all the time (but I do like some of those albums because making art out of the bad parts of life is a good response,) and where those The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books were written. Scandinavian countries are basically human trafficking and organized crime capitols of the world, and I think the Scandinavian model likely has a lot to do with it. All the infamous "European socialism that's not Marxism" in general probably accounts for lots of the problems in Europe, and out of all the countries in Europe that have major problems, the Scandinavian ones seem to be the worst and also the most socialist.

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    Pavlenko's article about political roots of Hithlerism.
    He talks there only about political opposing of "West" (and its 20 century centers, including USA) against others. Some below should go the conflict of hierarchy social groups (classes). While more essential level is ideological opposing of humanism/collectivism (socialism) and antihumanism/individualism (social-darwinism). The front and open sides of which became represented by communists and Russians vs liberal capitalists and "West".
    This scenario of 2 political sides which represent 2 these ideologies seems existed in the history not a single time (Rome vs Carthage?). This dialectic game will continue. Only players may change and mb forms, levels.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-08-2023 at 11:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Auth right and auth left are two wings of the auth bird. While I tend to be somewhat of a bird person, I do not like the auth bird.

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    Besides officials of USA economically and politically helped to establish Hithlerism to organise WW2, the political practice of USA is similar to hithleristic ideology. It was natural for USA to represent itself as main competitor for communism (which represented humanistic ideology) and to be main spreader of anticommunistic (and antihumanistic/individualistic) propaganda.

    Anticommunism always implies Hithlerism.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-08-2023 at 10:49 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    Besides officials of USA economically and politically helped to establish Hithlerism to organise WW2, the political practice of USA is similar to hithleristic ideology. It was natural for USA to represent itself as main competitor for communism (which represented humanistic ideology) and to be main spreader of anticommunistic (and antihumanistic/individualistic) propaganda.

    Anticommunism always implies Hithlerism.
    [Citation needed] for this fake news.

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    COVID-19 = Commie-19
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    USA have claimed to be main ideology competitor to USSR
    to think about the link of antihumanism and anticommunism

    It's known at least 3 cases when USA officials did intentional mass killing of civilians (every of tens of thousands, as min). The behavior similar to hithlerists practice. During WW2 it was bombing of some cities, not only of concrete military objects: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
    The same as USA did intentional mass killings in the past, they do the similar in Russia now. When do intentional attacks on civilians and civil objects (to make the harm to civilians) as main aim, when those have no strong meaning from military point. They do regular fire to markets, for example. It's done mainly for terroristic purpose. USA use civilians as shields/hostages when don't allow them to go away from cities where were started military actions, while those people have no military or structure duties. They do fire attacks on civilian people who try to go away from those cities.
    That WW2 criminal bombing was done by USA with Britain, which are ideologically and politically close. There is wide known example when Britain soldiers used civilians (children) as hostages/shields in Ireland. It's a part of common tactics of USA and a part of antihumanistic capitalistic ideology, which is close to hithlerism. In Vietnam and other places USA did the similar terrorism during wars. This approach is not only for wars - it's general capitalistic antihumanistic approach.

    What USA have done with "natives" of America on its territory since the creation in 1770s to the beginning of 20th century? How many millions of them were killed for nothing, including by intentional spreading of diseases among them.

    The dark side of USA's officials in world activity is decribed there. It's a part and from what is on the surface only. You'll notice alot of similarity with hithlerists.


    Some interesting history data about symbols.
    Communists in Russia have taken the power in October of 1917. The opposing side who had the formal power before was known as Temporal Government ("Provisional Government" in English texts). This TG got the power in Februrary of 1917 after the monarch (formally through his other relative) has given them it. By the essence this was bourgeois/capitalistic anti-monarchist revolution similar to what was in other states of that time.
    This TG and its leader Kerenskiy had strong links to "West", much acted for interests for foreign capitalists and nations. It allowed to begin regions separatism (what is a part of capitalism/liberalism ideology), as example of harmful activity. Such international links are common for capitalism as it's about individualism, where people serve to those who gives more of money. This TG even decided to print money in USA, the order for what was done in September. When evidences of betray were enough, communists (with a help of a part of local aristocracy) have stoped all this soon and saved Russia to not become "West"'s robbed colony separated to parts, with establishing here of alien to Russians individualistic and hence antihumanistic morality of capitalism. Then was civil war until 1922 as opposing to communists to establish own real power in Russia. Mainly from those on the side of TG and some others with similar links to "West".

    Among officially used symbols of TG was what you know as reversed "Swastika", the same which was used by hithlerists. It was used on money of 250 rubles issued in September of 1917.

    This symbol is also named as Black Sun. It shows round moving _against_ clockwise, against the direction how Sun moves. Sun which gives the life and shines - it's about love, good. While Black Sun acts by opposite - about hate, evil, taking instead of giving. This is the symbol of death, anti-life, destruction, suffering - the "evil" side of nature. The sense is similar to reversed Christian cross, as Christianity claims itself on the side of unconditional love, - the same as Sun shines and gives the life to all.
    This symbol can also be linked with hierarchy power in a society, - of classes and vertical castes. As it's against love, the highest state of which is unconditional. It's against compassion and equality of people - against what is the base of socialism and humanism. It's about inner social and nature competing, about everlasting hate and fight between each other - about evil side of nature. It's about individualism as approach to life, about opposing of an individ with others and external. Where love would be a compassion and against individualism. It's about society devided on people who live and get the relation not as equals, who get different level of means to be alive, to be developed. Though it's creative side which may lead to better in something, but it moves by suffering, by evil methods - what is antihumanism. It's what capitalism does on practice - creates and supports social inequality, individualism and competing, hating between people. Instead of people perceiving each other as equal, compassion and care, love - ideology of collectivism/communism.
    This is what the side of anticommunism is. It's just evil.

    Civil war of Russians in 1917-1922 on the side of communists can be thought as one of against those who followed to ideology of Hithlerism.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-11-2023 at 01:45 PM.

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