Post about why communism sucks here!

I'll start.

Here's the Stalin Monument in Prague getting blown up:

Here's a gulag:

Berlin Wall being torn down:

Did you know commies were just as into looking for occult stuff as the Nazis were? Where are all our Indiana Jones movies with the commies as the enemies? I'm going to do my part and write books about this at least.

One small step for man, one giant leap for people who aren't commies.

Thanks to @IndomitableKingOfTheGnomes for telling me about the "people's jihad" thing and how communism is the real reason behind Islamic terrorism, not Islam. This is probably one of the most useful things I've ever heard. Also, IndomitableKingOfTheApes is definitely a reference to a great book where Tarzan fights the communists on the ruins of Atlantis. We really need more Indiana Jones Fights the Commies books now. Commies and red mercury, commies and Atlantis, commies and remote viewing, commies and space travel... Yes, more books and movies fighting commies and less fighting Nazis! Disney must've been a bunch of pinkos for taking the part where Tarzan fights the commies over the ruins of Atlantis out of their movie, because that would've totally been cooler than what we got.

Also thanks to @Warm Soapy Water for not being a commie while moderating mao4's site.