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Thread: Human Design Critiqued

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    Default Human Design Critiqued

    A Critique of the Human Design System - Morten Tolboll (

    '1) An existential-philosophical problem:

    If you actually follow HDS, then you, in your opinion formation and identity formation, will strive after being something else than what you are, you are imitating others (the system), are a slave of others´ ideas and ideals (the personality types), and your actions will therefore be characterized by irresoluteness and doubt.

    Directly opposite to what HDS itself claims. Tao, Zen and the existential-philosophical claim about being yourself are the last things you can combine with an instrumentally, technological fixated system as HDS. Have these people not studied these traditions? These traditions are directly a rebellion against any kind of authority and system. The father of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard, would have turned in his grave if he had heard about that HDS is about being yourself.'

    Of course all the generators are natural slaves. So are the manifestors, projectors, and reflectors. People who follow systems like Human Design and let it tell them who to be are natural slaves in general.

    People who follow socionics are also natural slaves.

  2. #2


    Not wanting to be a natural slave can be its own kind of slavery. Or maybe the Idea of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    Not wanting to be a natural slave can be its own kind of slavery. Or maybe the Idea of it.

    A Critique of The New Thought Movement and the Law of Attraction - Morten Tolboll (

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    what does this have to do with new thought/law of attraction? Fwiw, i have nothing against it. It is just more belief.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    what does this have to do with new thought/law of attraction? Fwiw, i have nothing against it. It is just more belief.
    Ideas with a capital I and the concept you can get something by avoiding it seem very New Thought to me, honestly. The user here who came up with Ideas also seemed pretty into New Thought to me too.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Ideas with a capital I and the concept you can get something by avoiding it seem very New Thought to me, honestly. The user here who came up with Ideas also seemed pretty into New Thought to me too.
    ok i see. It was a wink at the stories you wrote with sam.

  7. #7
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    So I don't know, an arrogant straight male type got shooken up and was humbling? Or something? Yes I know I'm projecting my own identity and issues onto the experience and it wasn't quite like that but I'm not entirely wrong either, I don't think.

    Well, good for him if the story is genuine. That is the Power of Christ. Christ makes victimized IP introverts boss fight Ubervamps after being empowered ((and actually win)) and it makes arrogant and haughty know it all blowhards who are being like 'I'm just being straight and logical here. Why aren't you respecting and worshipping me for that?' become humble and more ethical. Though you could be dark and edgy and say the truly arrogant can never be shaken or would admit to such a defeat in power but I mean that's what Christ does. It's also what your run of the mill worldly IEE therapist likes to do with their clients, but they think they are Christ anyway so it fits.

    In the Oneness of Christ, these dichotomies and differences are all just playful illusions anyway no matter how real they appear to be. "BUT BND, YOU STUPID AND NAIVE HOMO. DIFFERENCES CLEARLY EXIST, KEK. YOU CAN'T JUST SAY 'WE ARE ALL ONE', IT'S NOT REAL. IT'S NOT PRACTICAL. IT'S NOT LOGICAL. IT'S NOT STRAIGHT!!" /stomps feet angrily until a building falls on them like Glory in that one episode.

    Teal Swan says to follow your shadow and to be edgy and defend people telling minor boys to suck on their tongue because it's just cultural even though the average American would find that pretty creepy and perverted and disturbing, cultural norms be damned. I always secretly thought Teal Swan was turned on by kids and mostly made up the molestation story as some perv fantasy ((and knew that ppl hate child molestors and would be on her side for it and she could sway a lot of gullible ppl that way)) - but I didn't want people to just say I was projecting. Yeah I don't know, seeing through the darkness in other people is always projecting I'm sure, Karens. Is it projecting to say that Ted Bundy liked raping and killing women because I clearly too want to do that? I'm just in denial of my own heterosexual evilness.

    I think that's also kinda what @Kalinoche buenanoche is always trying to say? I mean the playful illusion part lol. But she wants to say it without actually really saying it- because that's the inverted delta lesson- in reverse. Though you say that too much to people in a way that is too over the top and they think you're the one that's being delusional. But that's okay, you would just cutely say 'I know, I give into my inner demon sometimes' while pointlessly watching a Charmed episode like you do, you adorable woman/human being/person/angel priest class you.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Warm Soapy Water View Post
    So I don't know, an arrogant straight male type got shooken up and was humbling? Or something? Yes I know I'm projecting my own identity and issues onto the experience and it wasn't quite like that but I'm not entirely wrong either, I don't think.

    Well, good for him if the story is genuine. That is the Power of Christ. Christ makes victimized IP introverts boss fight Ubervamps after being empowered ((and actually win)) and it makes arrogant and haughty know it all blowhards who are being like 'I'm just being straight and logical here. Why aren't you respecting and worshipping me for that?' become humble and more ethical. Though you could be dark and edgy and say the truly arrogant can never be shaken or would admit to such a defeat in power but I mean that's what Christ does. It's also what your run of the mill worldly IEE therapist likes to do with their clients, but they think they are Christ anyway so it fits.

    In the Oneness of Christ, these dichotomies and differences are all just playful illusions anyway no matter how real they appear to be. "BUT BND, YOU STUPID AND NAIVE HOMO. DIFFERENCES CLEARLY EXIST, KEK. YOU CAN'T JUST SAY 'WE ARE ALL ONE', IT'S NOT REAL. IT'S NOT PRACTICAL. IT'S NOT LOGICAL. IT'S NOT STRAIGHT!!" /stomps feet angrily until a building falls on them like Glory in that one episode.

    Teal Swan says to follow your shadow and to be edgy and defend people telling minor boys to suck on their tongue because it's just cultural even though the average American would find that pretty creepy and perverted and disturbing, cultural norms be damned. I always secretly thought Teal Swan was turned on by kids and mostly made up the molestation story as some perv fantasy ((and knew that ppl hate child molestors and would be on her side for it and she could sway a lot of gullible ppl that way)) - but I didn't want people to just say I was projecting. Yeah I don't know, seeing through the darkness in other people is always projecting I'm sure, Karens. Is it projecting to say that Ted Bundy liked raping and killing women because I clearly too want to do that? I'm just in denial of my own heterosexual evilness.

    I think that's also kinda what @Kalinoche buenanoche is always trying to say? I mean the playful illusion part lol. But she wants to say it without actually really saying it- because that's the inverted delta lesson- in reverse. Though you say that too much to people in a way that is too over the top and they think you're the one that's being delusional. But that's okay, you would just cutely say 'I know, I give into my inner demon sometimes' while pointlessly watching a Charmed episode like you do, you adorable woman/human being/person/angel priest class you.
    I don't watch Charmed, but would watch with you. I rarely watch series and movies actually. It seems that the ones in my head fill my cup. The most prominent movie/fantasy collapsed yesterday and I could not have been more grateful.

    regarding the rest of the post, i see the appeal in endeavouring to 'drill'/uncover parts of the psyche and reach a 'this is who i really am' place. And everyone else can do the same and we can all play the game in peace, or whatever the right word is. But are we who we think we are? I have heard nondual speakers say 'I am aware at all times that I am talking to myself and not to a 'you' '' and I do not know why I find this so appealing.
    I don't think that these words will come out of my mouth anytime soon, but I like the thought of having raw discussions with people about everything I project onto them and onto myself. Not in a Brene Brown/Oprah way though.

    edit: you mention the tongue-sucking thing. This was probably a wink at the dalai lama recent thing. I grew up being really into conspiracy theories (illuminati, indigo kids and thinking i am one etc.), so i would easily entertain the thought of him having had something put into his drink. In a sense, anyone is capable of anything.

    to bring this back to CB's thread and to something else I posted recently about theories: I think that there are lessons to be learned from every approach and that nothing goes to waste
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 05-17-2023 at 01:48 PM.

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    But more seriously, re: Human Design, I've never seen a system that's more factually-incorrect in my life. It's like the guy who made it asked a demon to give him a divination system that'd say the exact opposite of how things are and then he could go around trying to brainwash everyone into fitting it. Not only does it get the facts opposite, it gets the processes opposite. If you look at how it was invented, that's more or less what the story seems to suggest, some guy talking to a channeled "voice" for a few days to try to teach people how to remove their "conditioning."

    It seems to mostly just work by taking what normal astrology would say and inverting it completely. I have never seen anything so diabolical. At least regular astrology will probably be accurate when it tells you how someone born under Sagittarius or Capricorn or whatever would act even if it also makes a bunch of wrong predictions if you try to use it to guide your life. On the other hand, this version basically just seems to take that data and tell people born under Capricorn that actually they aren't climbers or bosses and they aren't intellectual, they're passive and guided by pleasures, or tell Sagittarius that they aren't interested in travel, that personality was conditioned in them and really they function best as homebodies and should stop trying to belong to organizations. It tells all the extraverts they're introverts, all the introverts they're extraverts, all the loud people they're quiet, all the quiet people they're loud, all the egotistical people they're doormats, all the doormats they're egotistical, all the intellectual people they're instinctive, all the instinctive people they're intellectual, all the emotive people they're detatched, and all the detatched people they're emotive. The theory itself consists of basically nothing but people complaining that their type is the opposite of everything they do and then people coming in and saying that's because they're using their minds instead of their "authority," whatever good that's supposed to do (I thought the mind was the entire point of being a person, the psyche being the word for soul in Greek and Geist the word for spirit in German for obvious metonymic reasons that your soul or your spirit are just your mind, and your whole identity is your mind.)

    I don't really use astrology, I believe people should make decisions for themselves and the stars don't really do anything other than the Sun and Moon having some minor influence that does make people born at certain times have certain characteristics and makes people kind of crazy when things like the full Moon happen, but that's minor stuff, but I'm glad I've looked into it in the past so I can recognize this system as basically being a weird diabolically reversed astrology that tells people that they're just "conditioned" to try to brainwash them into acting the opposite of how they act, something which I think is never really possible for a person anyway due to the things which all people have in common due to what it takes to live on Earth as a human. I don't even really believe in conditioning on principle, either. You can only ever become conditioned into what your nature tells you to be in the first place. So I will finish with some wise words from someone much smarter than the person who came up with this dorky cult (or any of the other dorky cults I've referenced such as New Thought) as a response to this silly theory:

    johnirons: A translation of Goethe's sonnet about nature and art

    Natur und Kunst, sie scheinen sich zu fliehen

    Natur und Kunst, sie scheinen sich zu fliehen
    Und haben sich, eh man es denkt, gefunden;
    Der Widerwille ist auch mir verschwunden,
    Und beide scheinen gleich mich anzuziehen.

    Es gilt wohl nur ein redliches Bemühen!
    Und wenn wir erst in abgemeßnen Stunden
    Mit Geist und Fleiß uns an die Kunst gebunden,
    Mag frei Natur im Herzen wieder glühen.

    So ists mit aller Bildung auch beschaffen:
    Vergebens werden ungebundne Geister
    Nach der Vollendung reiner Höhe streben.

    Wer Großes will, muß sich zusammenraffen;
    In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister,
    Und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben.

    Nature and art, they seem to shun each other

    Nature and art, they seem to shun each other
    Yet in a trice can draw back close once more;
    The aversion’s gone too that I felt before,
    Both equally attract me, I discover.

    An honest effort’s all that we require!
    Only when we’ve assigned art clear-cut hours,
    With full exertion of our mental powers,
    Is nature free our hearts once more to inspire.

    Such is the case with all forms of refinement:
    In vain will spirits lacking due constraint
    Seek the perfection of pure elevation.

    He who’d do great things must display restraint;
    The master shows himself first in confinement,
    And law alone can grant us liberation.

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    Humanity yearns for edgy sunrises of glacier sized opinions and over the rainbow mirth to sprint universal questing.
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    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    New Jedi Order of Yellow Pikachu Yahweh (

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    Human Design probably has to be the single grossest thing I've encountered recently, to be honest. I've figured out exactly what it's trying to do and how it's doing it. Astrology, even though you shouldn't rely on it too heavily, when done correctly, is actually kind of accurate when it comes to things like health information, personality, etc. Aside from inverting all the personality predictions making people feel unsure about themselves, and inverting the skill and talent predictions getting people to ignore their strengths and rely on their weaknesses and therefore completely depend on the cult, most importantly, it inverts health information. People who just have really bad genetics normally don't even want to breed, and in my opinion that makes eugenics normally unnecessary. Natural selection is, well, natural, and it takes care of itself.

    Every eugenics program pretty much inevitably ends up trying to get people with terrible genetics to breed at the expense of good genetics, because the people with terrible genetics are the ones who don't want to breed anyway, and the people with good genetics are already breeding the proper amount to propagate their genes the amount they should (e.g., probably people with some recessive thing have fewer kids instead of breeding like rabbits, that's probably why there are so many families of people who have really good traits but also serious problems on the recessive side, because having one copy of something can be a blessing while two copies can be a curse.) Jewish people with a ton of hereditary disorders aren't dysgenic, Jewish people with a ton of hereditary disorders are some of the most successful people on the planet. Successful people who aren't Jewish often tend to end up looking pretty Jewish too. I get confused for Jewish pretty often and I even wanted to convert to Judaism when I was younger, but I can't get behind the idea God only likes a certain race that really orthodox Jews (so all converts, since you can only convert to Orthodox Judaism) actually have to believe, unlike people who were just born into it and can believe whatever they feel like and just feel sentimentally attached to yarmulkes and menorahs. However, if God wanted to be racist, Jews would definitely be the top choice, Jews rock with of course some exceptions. Nietzche called Jews the most aristocratic people alive today for a reason.

    So, how this applies to eugenics programs: you get people who don't want to breed because people kind of instinctually know if they should breed or not anyway despite what some academics say, and yes, some people in wheelchairs or whatever should definitely breed if their positive traits outweigh it, and the kids have really bad genetics, so it's kind of like the the Marxist revolution or whatever where you just flood the world with evil in an accelerationist scheme to supposedly say something good will come out of that. However, instead of flooding the world with bad ideas or actions, you're just flooding it with bad genes. This is almost sympathetic, because it's not really the fault of kids with terrible genes that their parents were brainwashed into thinking that reproducing was a good idea even though it was a bad one. The Nazis would give people medals for having as many kids as possible, and Human Design tells all the people who don't want kids that they've been "socially conditioned" and they're "living through mind" (an argument that kind of breaks down once you see that Human Design actually tells 0.5% of people that they should live through mind, but it also naturally picks out the 0.5% dumbest people, seeing as its goal is to try to get people to rely on their weak skills and spurn their strong ones so it can create a demonic inversion of reality.) So, you take all these people who actually have the negative traits and not so many positive ones, basically a bunch of hicks and country bumpkins usually (for example, "Nazi" was short for Ignatius as well as National Socialist, and Ignatius was basically like calling someone a hillbilly since lots of country bumpkins in Germany were named Ignatius like lots of country bumpkins in America are named Billy Bob,) then you sift through them for the worst possible genetic information so you can breed your completely-dysfunctional low-functioning-autism 30-IQ children.

    What now? They get indoctrinated into a cult, whether it's the Nazis, Theosophy, Human Design, or socionics. Most of the cult practices are aimed at putting demons in people. The goal is just to get the easiest kids possible to put demons in since the kids won't really be able to do much about it since their intelligence and willpower are both basically going to be zilch, even if the kids' are innocent their bodies will still be possessed and there will probably not be much of their own volition they can do about it (though miracles should never be discounted, and I think the cultists tend to discount it, if Nazism, Theosophy, and the Indigo Child movement are anything to go by.) Then the kids will all go to mental institutions since they will have been groomed to be the most dysfunctional people ever, and since they were probably from the same areas in addition to being more dysfunctional than even most mentally-ill people, they will all meet each other and recognize the way they've been raised and filled with demons even if they don't know what happened. If you don't really believe in demons as evil spirits, just think of evil conditioning by the cult instead and it'll all make perfect sense how it works, but it only makes sense why they would want to do it when you just consider that some people want to do the most evil thing possible and that's actually due to a spiritual element.

    Every of these kind of fascistic discussions of a "coming race" or in this case "coming Rave" seems to be about the same thing, basically making the anti-Jews who will be really dysfunctional instead of really functional, and also be way more racist than the portion of Jews who look at themselves and go like "Yep, I'm Jewish, I'm the best and every other race sucks" based on the accurate perception Jews kind of are a better race on average, but racism is invalid because of how averages work in the first place, there are still great people who aren't Jewish and dumb, useless Jews in the world. In the time of the Nazis etc., people would just do it with pure ideology, because of the thing I said where people who don't want to breed are really people who shouldn't anyway and that's fine, but you just tell people why they really should be breeding more and you get the wrong people breeding, unlike the premise of Idiocracy where they think the stupid people outbreed the smart ones (maybe they breed at a higher rate, but those children don't survive as often, so stupid genes can't really overtake smart ones even if some stupid people have good enough genes that allow them to stay in the gene pool indefinitely.)

    Race is really not a biological construct and this should be proof of that if anything, people might organize themselves into groups based on their traits but the traits clearly aren't solely a result of previous groups that existed which is what would be the case if race were biological. If race were a natural rather than artificial phenomenon, you wouldn't have groups like the Human Design people, Nazis, Theosophists, or socionists using their eugenic theories, when groups like Human Design, Nazis, Theosophists, and socionists themselves are not a hereditary group at all, they're a self-selected group trying to artificially create a group that has literally no power due to the kinds of demonic inversions of language, science, philosophy, theology, and the like they engage in. They're trying to create a race, but they're trying to create a race on factors other than self-selection by basically creating a bunch of people who are too dumb to function without a lot of social control and making that into their race to do whatever they want with. It never actually works out, but that always seems to be the general direction it pushes in.

    People like Foucault and many other so-called postmodern and relevant thinkers also always want the same kind of thing as well, since he explicitly wants the people in mental institutions to all meet, break out, and implement "power for the sake of power" and "torture for the sake of torture." Media like The Last of Us, The Girl with All the Gifts, and Us that portray zombies as the good guys also tend to seem similar, both vilifying the mind and glorifying the Satanic and death at once while also being a TVTropes-like "metaphor" (TVTropes being, of course, the synthesis of all heresies) for what happens once the oppressed supposedly get their power but, once you consider the actual occult associations of people like Marx and Foucault, never mind more-explicit occultists like Nazis, Human Design, and Theosophy, seemingly not all that metaphorical, since this is what they literally, actually believe in as the "post-human future." Older books like Childhood's End also seem to be similar, portraying lobotomized mad children as operating on a "higher level," and so do so-called Romantic notions of wisdom in folly, knowledge in madness, or beauty in ugliness (e.g., ugly art like van Gogh.) The real issue of "postmodernism," though Foucault, Derrida, etc. would never call themselves that and I think that's accurate because what they seem to me is modernist, is that if you say everything is a metaphor, eventually it's not so metaphorical. The zombies are real, the demons are real, nothing is really standing for something else, you're just left with corruption, decay, disgust, and everything unpleasant while trying to say darkness is somehow a metaphor for light, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and war is peace like Big Brother from 1984. This is modernism, the good old ideology fascism and Marxism itself, and "metanarratives" (metaphorical narratives,) not postmodernism, though calling it postmodernism also seems like yet another diabolical inversion so it should be expected.

    Socionics is also similar, since it wants everyone to be too dumb to pick up all the information in reality and use their duals. Meeting your dual will also get people to breed socionics children, so it has the same effect of getting extremely genetically unhealthy people to meet each other, make low-functioning-autistic babies with an IQ of 30, and indoctrinate them into the cult in the hopes of getting a passive demon-possessed child who can be controlled even if they're considered by the cultists to be operating on "another level." The main trait of a demonic cult is always getting people to breed powerless kids so the kids will be full of demons that the cultists want to use themselves. The most effective ones at this always go for people with the worst genetic information rather than appealing to the adults, who to be the best actors in an adult-oriented cult would have to have the best genetic information, but aside from the fact their kids would not be easy to indoctrinate, they themselves are never easy to indoctrinate since things keep going well for them. I dare someone to try to get the Rothschilds or someone really successful like that to join a dopey cult like Nazism, Theosophy, Human Design, or socionics. It will just never happen.

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