I seemed to troll people here and hurt their delicate heterosexual feelings ((I'm honest it wasn't my intention)) when I told them they are much more likely to have a truly religious experience looking extreme internet porn than they are going to church, but that's because the real God hangs out with outcasts and rebellious weirdos as they are always more closer to being uniquely true religious than the Karen who wears the cardigan and goes to church, even though that person of course would definitely think they are being more righteous naturally. And maybe the Karen is more naturally righteous and the weirdo perv is just a weirdo perv and not a hidden occultist witch, but the thing is you never really know, only God knows and only God can judge that, there is no rules, there is only the magic and power and not power Oneness of the Power of Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ we Gay, Gay Men!

Gaslightza aka @Eliza Thomason - how is life treating you?