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Thread: Type me from video - v3 questionairre

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    Default Type me from video - v3 questionairre

    So, cant answer all these question but hopefuly 27 min video would be enough !

    Edit: Video removed. Questionairre added.

    1. What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?

    Doing labor (either physical or mental) for someone else in change of money. They go work because money is necessary to survive. There should be certain parameters for different type of work; a background education, physical and psycological characteristics etc.

    2. How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?

    I guess, most look at at which rate their expectatons are met. There could be different measurement for industrial products. I look at expectations/objecive as well. I pay attention the quality of purchases if its a long lasting item otherwise I tend to buy the one with lowest price. I gather knowledge on product to rate the quality.

    3. There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?

    Yeah, of course. I'll try to imitate the professional or ask him/her directly to teach me.

    4. If you struggle to do something, what can you say about such a task? Tell us your next steps and give examples. Compare with actions of others in a similar situation.

    I can say that it is hard ! I'd just give up though I dont care to do everything. I'll try to get someone else to do it or at least help me. Some people try harder and go to courses or sth to improve themselves when they come upon sth they cant do.

    5. You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?

    Haha ! But I'd feel excited because I always wanted to see pyramids. Egypt trip coming up ! I'd appoint a project/team leader and supervise him for the rest of the process.


    1. General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean? Give examples.

    General is more of sth global, a simplification of all those specifics. "People sleep at night" is a general statement; "My mom couldnt sleep last night" is a specific one. Also from general to specific; Electronic devices --> Home entertainment --> TVs --> LED TVs --> LG --> LG 49UF8507

    2. What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view? Is it is easy for you to be logical?

    "Logical" means, what is the most probable, like common sense ? It can also mean, easily explained by step by step and most probable relationship between events/things. I think I can be logical easily, I really cant help to notice logical consistencies by others. Though, I can sometimes make non-logical choices because I cant detach just like that if I'm personally involved.

    3. What is hierarchy? Give examples of hierarchies. Do you need to follow it? Why or why not? Give example of hierarchy of systems, what is it?

    Its a system in which things are sub-ordinated to others. A up-down relatiınship between people. Like in military or in school. You have to obey your upper's orders (more for military, of course) or they have power on you and can exercise it to punish you and throw you out of the system. Or if you work in a company, you ll have your managers which gives you certain tasks, which are also given to by his top level management. You have to obey if you want to stay there. There is also other hierachies like in society, elders young people etc. I think I follow them but my culture is highly heierachieal compared to westerners so its more of a must for me.

    4. Choose one of the following tasks and give a detailed answer. Explain your choice.
    - If A is not B, and B is not C, therefore A is C. Is it correct? Why?

    It is correct !! Mathetmatically at least. If A is not B, so A=B' and B+B'=Universal set (E). If we substite B' with A, it becomes A+B=E. B is not C, so B=C' this means A+C'=E. For this to be correct, A=C !
    I choose to explain this because it was the least wordy one ! and I've seen a couple questionarres which all say not correct for this.
    In other words, if A=dog is not a B=cat, B=cat is not a bird=C. Therefore dog and bird is samein that they are not cat but they are obviously different things.

    5. Do you frequently feel the need to structure information? For what purpose? How do people usually do it? How do you do it?

    I do think so. I do it for the basics so that they can be implemented next time sth similar comes up. Like coming up a basic formula that works most of the time. This is usually how I understand things in school or even in society. I dont know how to explain though I usually give order to information till it makes sense. Like "if this then that"...


    1. Can you press people? What methods do you use? If so, how does it happen?

    Himm, I dont think I can, with using force. I can use feeling to manipulate and push but not forcefully. I feel tense when I have to push, press or order people (except in bed, lol). A feeling of sth is not going to go right and I will have to physically beat the crap out of them. :dry:

    2. Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified? Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?

    In military or marketing, you can see books called as attack strategies, haha. I dont pay attention to this kinda information in social interaction, I think. It can be OK to occupy someone else's territory if there is an open competition. However, for myself, I'm not a competitive type of person.

    3. How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    Hm, while I dont have interests that need "protection"; I also dont think i have to do sth to protect myself, either. Dont feel like I'm under attack or threat. I'm sorta risk-averse in general though I guess this can count as a way to protect myself.

    4. Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?

    Ahhh, I get very reactive ! Feels like I need to beat them into submission but I'm also very aware that it doesnt go down like that. I'd raise my voice and become more sharp-tongued and possibly start throwing threats around. I have no idea how other poeple can do it without looking like an asshole like me, when I have to do it.

    5. Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?

    I dont think so and the reason is that I dont emphasize strong/weak notions in my image. But I dont think they see me as weak , either. They probably arent the first adjectives when people think of me.


    1. What is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?

    Something pleasing on the eye, making you feel joyful. Like when its a scenery, you want to be there for a long time. For woman, I also feel a desire to "acquire" beauty. I dont change my understanding of it. I'm not sure what is asked with generally accepted notions but like modals are usually pretty without exceptions. XXL modalling is sth beyond generally accepted notion.

    2. Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as "classic beauty"? If so, what is it?

    It seems sth more individualistic to me. "Classic beauty" is like Marilyn Monroe ?

    3. How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?

    I dress comfortably, adjust heat, not force myself to work hard, pay attention to physical signs of tiredness. Others, hmm, my mum always think I'd have trouble taking care of myself but others have never commented on such stuff. I think shes just being a mum, though, also my dad sometimes.

    4. How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?

    I dress more for comfort ! I go shopping centres and try the ones I like ! I dont follow fashion because I dont think men are supposed to follow fashion in the way woman do. I think I do know even if I dont, I can google it up.

    5. Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?

    Design ? Like I cant design a house like an architecht but if it means decoration and buying furniture, then sure, I'd like to shop for such things. It should be relaxing, practical, comfortable but not boring as well. I will change how I do it based on the place so I cant answer that.


    1. Is it acceptable to express emotions in public? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.

    It is, for most part. Maybe a bit limited for men and in certain "more serious" settings. But it could also work wonders if your a politician or team leader or sth. An inapporpiate of would be showing your anger to host on his birthday party ! Or trolling at business meeting (I guess :tongue

    2. Think of such negative emotional states as sadness, gloom, and despondence.
    - Can you, at your own will, enter these states? If not, then when do you feel them?
    - How long can you stay in such states?
    - How can you withdraw from them?
    - Can they be pleasant, soothing?
    - How do you feel after you have experienced them?

    I will NOT enter these states on my own will because I'm not a masochist. Maybe I can, never tried though. I feel them if I feel bad about sth, usually when I feel alone or rejected, or when I think about future sometimes. Or people around talk about sad events, disasters and etc. I also feel gloomy and despondence when I think about working at a desk behind a computer.
    As less as possible. They usually go in half an hour if not I sleep and they go ! Or sth to distract myself, music, porn, obnoxiously texting other people to get them to pay attention to me or go do sth outside.
    They are not pleasing. I seriously get very uncomfortable at the thought of someone finding these states pleasing. Only crying can be relaxing sometimes but its a scientific truth that it helps pain !
    I usually feel greatful and a bit elevated happiness after getting out of those sad - gloomy states.

    3. How quickly can you change emotional state? To what side – positive or negative?

    I dont think I need to be actively doing stuff to change my emotional state. It can change pretty quickly. Sometimes i put on a song and I suddently feel better as i listened and get in the mood of the song. I may play video games or go out for walking or drinking/smoking. I avoid changing my state to negative because im not an idiot or masochist (or beta hopefully

    4. What emotional state is usual for you? Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?

    Mostly, I'm bored out of my mind on my own. With other people, I feel more excited, happy or trollish. Sometimes I just feel neutral. Yes, it does corralate for most part but I can conceal them for a limited time if situation requires, but really, its rarely a necessary to do this.

    5. Tell us about your moods over the last day.

    Woke up excited if I do sh interesting today. Saw weather cold, feeling a bit sick so --->Bored bored bored bored bored bored. Chatted with people, so happy happy. Bored Bored Bored Bored Tired-->Sleep!


    1. Tell us how did you build relationships with others over the last day.

    I replied some messages back. Talked with a friend who will visit my town next week on phone.

    2. What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to? How do you express it?

    Feeling for someone even if its not related to you personally. Feeling familiar and close for some reason. I guess, its good start for building a relationship with poeple. Its not advised when the sympathy you feel is for a child rapist or your enemy. I express it by patting people on their back and smiling ! :happy:

    3. Are there any standards of behavior or interpersonal relationships in the society? If so, do you adhere to them? Do people always have to maintain them? Why?

    Like behaving polite to others ? Its not always neccessary but for most part with people u dont know especially it is suggested. But like I think, if the situation requires it, you need change it, like lying on purpose.

    4. What does moral mean? What is immoral? How do you understand these terms and does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?

    Moral means good ? Honest, decency, etc. Its immoral to steal from someone else or have sex with their girlfriend, imo. Hmm with some people, it corralates I think. I dont evaluate my own correctness. I think I'm good and nice overall.:happy:

    5. Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you feel ill-disposed towards somebody for a long time? How easily do you forgive people?

    I feel very upset ! If they keep it, I'd tell them to fuck off and die. At worst I'd avoid them and treat them worse. I can show my negative feelings. Passive aggressiveness, sarsacm, not looking at them, not greeting them, looking at them with a disgusted face expression etc etc. Yeah I can feel ill-disposed people for a long time, I almost never forgive people. They have to make it up to me, for me to even consider forgiving.


    1. Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?

    Hmm, maybe to have children and have a good time ! Its different for everybody I think but I dont think life has to have that big important "meaning". It is meaningful in itself.

    2. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's traits?

    Ah, I can say a lot with good accuracy. I usually know what people is about just looking at them. When I walk in streets alone, I make 2-3 judgments per person I've looked at. Its just a gut feeling but has its roots with patterns I think. Clothes, facial features, the way someone walks, voice tone, hand shake; they are clues to be looked at.

    3. What is imagination? Do all people have imagination and can fantasize? What is your fantasizing like?

    Yes, I think everyone has some sorta imagination but what is it, hmm, like projecting all your desires into real world but in a parallel universe or sth so that they are real. :crazy::kitteh:
    I fantasize about stuff, ugh, but I used to do this a lot more. I think with age or knwoledge the curiosty or taste for adventure decreases orrr, a better way to say this maybe you limit yourself with whatyou see, so you lose that parts of imagination. I fantasize about thngs I havent seen yet ! But this is also bad because sometimes reality oesnt live up to your expectations.

    4. What do you think of people (or yourself) who distinctively stand out in a crowd, differ from others? What is a measure of such distinction, how can this difference be feasible and how not?

    Well, I'm inclined to think about bad about those who stand out a lot, at first. Not to mean its good to follow the crowd always so they have my appreciation for that but more often than not; I see their efforts to differentiate themselves as BS. But they are stometimes reallly interesting people with unique personalities and wiews. I dunno how to measure it but I'd say that copying these stand-out people is not a real way to differ from others.

    5. Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good. What's your attitude towards this statement?

    It can be like that. But the correct ones are usually better in practice. These good but not correct ideas are interesting to explore though just not to the point that you are continously throwing out stuff out there for the sake of it.


    1. How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?

    Poele change over time, learning from their experiences. They should at least. It's a reality, I see it as that and I dont have feelings about this. Yeh, I think other people can notice these, too.

    2. What is time? How do you feel time? Can you waste time?

    Time is "t". Its unfolding of events ( I've read this from someone else questionarre but it makes sense :tongue. Yeah you can waste time but I feel bad if I waste time. Like sit in house all day and do nothing but surf on internet.

    3. Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?

    Well, my political and economical forecasts are always on spot. I also usualy know, how a certain thing is most likely to end up. I do trust them because I'm confident in my ability, usually.

    4. Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?

    I'm not late, normally. I even arrive a bit earlier just to protect myself from stuff like traffic. I see it as a good quality to be on time. I get annoyed at people being late. If I see a person being always late, I also adjust my meeting time for that and actually + some more, so that they know how stupid it feels to be waiting for someone else.

    5. Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions:
    a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts,
    b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts,
    c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here,
    d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here,
    e) more time and the person is still not here…

    a)I'm probably in bus or my car, close to there. Depends on the type of meeting, like if its a date, I imagine some dirty things maybe. :tongue: Or if its a presentation or sth, I may feel a bit anxious.
    b)I'm at the place where we will meet. I'd look around and observe poeple or sth interesting.
    c)"Hmm, where is he/she ? I hope, I dont have to wait long."
    d)I'd probably have called and/or texted 10 times in 20 minutes. If I can; I maybe willing to go for sth else rather than meeting.
    e)I'm gone ! Next time, he/she calls, it wont be a pleasent conversation for them. :angry
    Last edited by idol; 04-25-2023 at 02:01 PM.

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    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    Where's the link ?
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    I have only watched first few mins but your body language immediately strikes me as 4D Te…

    you seem to be sensing type as well

    so my type impressions for now - SLE or LSE

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    mb ENTP

    There are jobs where you need to travel. In production industry should be too, when you visit a place so there: to achieve an agreement, to inspect or research, to help install devices, etc. Not anything can be done by Internet. People on some occupations of firms which sell or service worldwide do regular visits to other places. Such occupations may need technical education of engineers and some social skills.

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    xLE has been suggested before, Sle>Ile usually, but im pretty sure that im not a SLE.

    Im very lazy and care about comfort before Se thingz.

    ILE is in consideration along with Sei and Sli.

    I also got a IEE from some test first time in my life yesterday and i dont put value to it but can point to delta maybe ?

    I mostly typed as xSTP in mbti dichtomy wise but didnt think i lead with se or ti.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    ILE is in consideration along with Sei and Sli.
    English is not my strong side (even own language was my weakest subject to study *sigh*) and to understand written is much easier, unlike with talking. So I could to mistake in something said.

    You seems noted that prefer to make home cleaning not by yourself but when someone else does this, even alike 1 in 3 monthes. For S (more for base S) to make a regular cleaning is not a problem and they'd prefer to do this themselves in own home, to have better control for what happens.
    Also you said that was among best studends in technical speciality. It's least expected for SF as engineering is closer to NT.
    Against SLI is your high interest to communications with people at your workplace, to know what happens in life of people was among most positive sides there. SLI would prefer be nailed at his desk - TI have least interest to gossips about people, at least are not active side in this.

    > I also got a IEE from some test first time in my life yesterday and i dont put value to it but can point to delta maybe ?

    In case of ILE, you may get close to this types not rarely.
    Against F is your lack of interest to bla-bla-bla for just to remind your existence. F, more FE, tend to communicate just for the process itself. They may message you for any formal occasion to support a contact, while you seems don't like such approach. As I understood you think yourself lesser than average sentimental and emotional in communications.

    > I mostly typed as xSTP in mbti dichtomy wise

    These match with my variant in TP. So stay: ENTP, INTP, ESTP, ISTP.
    Against base S (ESTP, ISTP) arguments are above. Against INTP arguments would be the similar as against ISTP (SLI) in your situation.

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    My degree was not so much hardcore engineering but involved lots of business administration classes as well. I found very technical classes more difficult and barely succeeded in most. I was not the typical NT engineering student so to say.
    I was better at high school and before and very efficient at getting high grades with minimal effort.

    I understand the argument against SLI . In fact Fe polr was the readon i doubted Sli . I saw part of with me but like going with group feeling ( im not disturbed to fuck up the synergy if it doesnt interest me, dont like peer/group pressure) but ovrall i seem more lively than fe polr (irl as well, they seem so static).

    I get along with ile uncle and we have very similar trolling sense of humor.
    I felt good with an eie friend, going out, like how he could organize people and bring other along. Overal im more alpha (or delta) because i dont find joy in things like using drugs and drinking till passing out. I prefer to be in control mentally.

    there was a member here before "myst" and she was sure about me as ENTP.

    any reason why would i never get ile on tests ? Its always a close second after iee, sli, lse, sei or whatever but never in first place.

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    I think ST position seem quite well established here.

    When a group consists of members of this club, but without either of the two quadras having greater weight, its interactions are likely to be based on sports activities or discussion of, or cooperation in, projects related to manual work and engineering. Very typical examples of groups formed mainly of members of this club are groups of car enthusiasts where actively repairing and refurbishing them with their own hands is a key component of their activities.

    This kind of group behavior, though, in terms of seeing a club as any kind of unit, is visible only as long as the group is held together by, and focuses on, discussions and activities of their common interests. Longer and deeper interactions make such a club visibly “split” into the two quadras, Beta and Delta.
    LSE is known as the admin. Overall negativist body language (so LSE/SLE).
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr provocateur View Post
    I think ST position seem quite well established here.

    LSE is known as the admin. Overall negativist body language (so LSE/SLE).
    Except that I’d associate with Socials better. I have Been with a “ party group” during younger yeats and found it entertaining but never with sports team or fixing my car (sounds horriblly boring). I enjoy discussing sports to (i make fun of the fans of losing teams) a degree but it is also a part Socials club.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    Except that I’d associate with Socials better. I have Been with a “ party group” during younger yeats and found it entertaining but never with sports team or fixing my car (sounds horriblly boring). I enjoy discussing sports to (i make fun of the fans of losing teams) a degree but it is also a part Socials club.
    That is fine but was engineering something you liked to do instead of xyz? I mean instead of a car you'd tune some process or product etc.

    But since you also associate with socials it probably even shows up in your work admin stuff customer stuff or something along those lines.Socials as the name says are socially driven and active..
    Winning is for losers


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    Quote Originally Posted by mr provocateur View Post
    That is fine but was engineering something you liked to do instead of xyz? I mean instead of a car you'd tune some process or product etc.

    But since you also associate with socials it probably even shows up in your work admin stuff customer stuff or something along those lines.Socials as the name says are socially driven and active..
    not really, i didnt know what i want and mechanical/electrical engineering kinda jobs looked boring and hard but it seemed good oppurtunuties exist in business/ind. engineering/management (more job openings, higher salary etc) .
    Industrial engineering is not so engineering btw its sth like business adm. with more technical stuff thrown in.

    I'm like "nt" in being driven by curiousity and exploration. Otherwise, I dont associate with nerdish behaviour/ groups.

    ok i remembered that i actually wanted to be a bus driver when i was little.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    any reason why would i never get ile on tests ? Its always a close second after iee, sli, lse, sei or whatever but never in first place
    Quality of tests is different. I'd recommend to try Gulenko's one.
    Sometimes a behavior is shifted closer to other types by non-types reasons. For example, I more often got an introvertion in tests. And seems only 1 time my correct type.

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    After a real detailed reading of ILE-SEI-SLI profiles by reinin, gulenko and filatovskyo (?),

    I'm set on ILE. Im definitely not socially retarded as filaytnovsko suggests but whatever its more fitting in key sentences than other types.

    probably -ne subtype if that theory has any merit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    reinin, gulenko and filatovskyo (?)
    Yekaterina Filatova. "filatovskiye" - is possessive form of the sirname "Filatova" in multiple number

    > I'm set on ILE.

    To be assured in own type and to have an opinion as stable, it's useful to suppose types of people you know good irl, >10 such people. By tests, intuitive impressions and logically how they fit to descriptions of types traits. To compare with yourself, to check how IR theory works. To train skills in the understanding of Jung types.

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    I ve found my old answers to questionarre from a different forum. More or less, my answers would be the same as now.

    as i read the old thread, SEI EIE and ILE were some of the suggestions.

    1. What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
    Doing labor (either physical or mental) for someone else in change of money. They go work because money is necessary to survive. There should be certain parameters for different type of work; a background education, physical and psycological characteristics etc.
    2. How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
    I guess, most look at at which rate their expectatons are met. There could be different measurement for industrial products. I look at expectations/objecive as well. I pay attention the quality of purchases if its a long lasting item otherwise I tend to buy the one with lowest price. I gather knowledge on product to rate the quality.
    3. There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?
    Yeah, of course. I'll try to imitate the professional or ask him/her directly to teach me.
    4. If you struggle to do something, what can you say about such a task? Tell us your next steps and give examples. Compare with actions of others in a similar situation.
    I can say that it is hard ! I'd just give up though I dont care to do everything. I'll try to get someone else to do it or at least help me. Some people try harder and go to courses or sth to improve themselves when they come upon sth they cant do.
    5. You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?
    Haha ! But I'd feel excited because I always wanted to see pyramids. Egypt trip coming up ! I'd appoint a project/team leader and supervise him for the rest of the process.


    1. General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean? Give examples.
    General is more of sth global, a simplification of all those specifics. "People sleep at night" is a general statement; "My mom couldnt sleep last night" is a specific one. Also from general to specific; Electronic devices --> Home entertainment --> TVs --> LED TVs --> LG --> LG 49UF8507
    2. What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view? Is it is easy for you to be logical?
    "Logical" means, what is the most probable, like common sense ? It can also mean, easily explained by step by step and most probable relationship between events/things. I think I can be logical easily, I really cant help to notice logical consistencies by others. Though, I can sometimes make non-logical choices because I cant detach just like that if I'm personally involved.
    3. What is hierarchy? Give examples of hierarchies. Do you need to follow it? Why or why not? Give example of hierarchy of systems, what is it?
    Its a system in which things are sub-ordinated to others. A up-down relatiınship between people. Like in military or in school. You have to obey your upper's orders (more for military, of course) or they have power on you and can exercise it to punish you and throw you out of the system. Or if you work in a company, you ll have your managers which gives you certain tasks, which are also given to by his top level management. You have to obey if you want to stay there. There is also other hierachies like in society, elders young people etc. I think I follow them but my culture is highly heierachieal compared to westerners so its more of a must for me.
    4. Choose one of the following tasks and give a detailed answer. Explain your choice.
    - If A is not B, and B is not C, therefore A is C. Is it correct? Why?

    It is correct !! Mathetmatically at least. If A is not B, so A=B' and B+B'=Universal set (E). If we substite B' with A, it becomes A+B=E. B is not C, so B=C' this means A+C'=E. For this to be correct, A=C !
    I choose to explain this because it was the least wordy one ! and I've seen a couple questionarres which all say not correct for this.
    5. Do you frequently feel the need to structure information? For what purpose? How do people usually do it? How do you do it?
    I do think so. I do it for the basics so that they can be implemented next time sth similar comes up. Like coming up a basic formula that works most of the time. This is usually how I understand things in school or even in society. I dont know how to explain though I usually give order to information till it makes sense. Like "if this then that"...


    1. Can you press people? What methods do you use? If so, how does it happen?
    Himm, I dont think I can, with using force. I can use feeling to manipulate and push but not forcefully. I feel tense when I have to push, press or order people (except in bed, lol). A feeling of sth is not going to go right and I will have to physically beat the crap out of them. :dry:
    2. Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified? Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?
    In military or marketing, you can see books called as attack strategies, haha. I dont pay attention to this kinda information in social interaction, I think. It can be OK to occupy someone else's territory if there is an open competition. However, for myself, I'm not a competitive type of person.
    3. How do you protect yourself and your interests?
    Hm, while I dont have interests that need "protection"; I also dont think i have to do sth to protect myself, either. Dont feel like I'm under attack or threat. I'm sorta risk-averse in general though I guess this can count as a way to protect myself.
    4. Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?
    Ahhh, I get very reactive ! Feels like I need to beat them into submission but I'm also very aware that it doesnt go down like that. I'd raise my voice and become more sharp-tongued and possibly start throwing threats around. I have no idea how other poeple can do it without looking like an asshole like me, when I have to do it.
    5. Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?
    I dont think so and the reason is that I dont emphasize strong/weak notions in my image. But I dont think they see me as weak , either. They probably arent the first adjectives when people think of me.


    1. What is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?
    Something pleasing on the eye, making you feel joyful. Like when its a scenery, you want to be there for a long time. For woman, I also feel a desire to "acquire" beauty. I dont change my understanding of it. I'm not sure what is asked with generally accepted notions but like modals are usually pretty without exceptions. XXL modalling is sth beyond generally accepted notion.
    2. Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as "classic beauty"? If so, what is it?
    It seems sth more individualistic to me. "Classic beauty" is like Marilyn Monroe ?
    3. How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?
    I dress comfortably, adjust heat, not force myself to work hard, pay attention to physical signs of tiredness. Others, hmm, my mum always think I'd have trouble taking care of myself but others have never commented on such stuff. I think shes just being a mum, though, also my dad sometimes.
    4. How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?
    I dress more for comfort ! I go shopping centres and try the ones I like ! I dont follow fashion because I dont think men are supposed to follow fashion in the way woman do. I think I do know even if I dont, I can google it up.
    5. Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?
    Design ? Like I cant design a house like an architecht but if it means decoration and buying furniture, then sure, I'd like to shop for such things. It should be relaxing, practical, comfortable but not boring as well. I will change how I do it based on the place so I cant answer that.


    1. Is it acceptable to express emotions in public? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
    It is, for most part. Maybe a bit limited for men and in certain "more serious" settings. But it could also work wonders if your a politician or team leader or sth. An inapporpiate of would be showing your anger to host on his birthday party ! Or trolling at business meeting (I guess :tongue
    2. Think of such negative emotional states as sadness, gloom, and despondence.
    - Can you, at your own will, enter these states? If not, then when do you feel them?
    - How long can you stay in such states?
    - How can you withdraw from them?
    - Can they be pleasant, soothing?
    - How do you feel after you have experienced them?

    I will NOT enter these states on my own will because I'm not a masochist. Maybe I can, never tried though. I feel them if I feel bad about sth, usually when I feel alone or rejected, or when I think about future sometimes. Or people around talk about sad events, disasters and etc. I also feel gloomy and despondence when I think about working at a desk behind a computer.
    As less as possible. They usually go in half an hour if not I sleep and they go ! Or sth to distract myself, music, porn, obnoxiously texting other people to get them to pay attention to me or go do sth outside.
    They are not pleasing. I seriously get very uncomfortable at the thought of someone finding these states pleasing. Only crying can be relaxing sometimes but its a scientific truth that it helps pain !
    I usually feel greatful and a bit elevated happiness after getting out of those sad - gloomy states.
    3. How quickly can you change emotional state? To what side – positive or negative?
    I dont think I need to be actively doing stuff to change my emotional state. It can change pretty quickly. Sometimes i put on a song and I suddently feel better as i listened and get in the mood of the song. I may play video games or go out for walking or drinking/smoking. I avoid changing my state to negative because im not an idiot or masochist (or beta hopefully
    4. What emotional state is usual for you? Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?
    Mostly, I'm bored out of my mind on my own. With other people, I feel more excited, happy or trollish. Sometimes I just feel neutral. Yes, it does corralate for most part but I can conceal them for a limited time if situation requires, but really, its rarely a necessary to do this.
    5. Tell us about your moods over the last da
    Woke up excited if I do sh interesting today. Saw weather cold, feeling a bit sick so --->Bored bored bored bored bored bored. Chatted with people, so happy happy. Bored Bored Bored Bored Tired-->Sleep!


    1. Tell us how did you build relationships with others over the last day.
    I asked them how are they doing. Replied some new year messages back.
    2. What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to? How do you express it?
    Feeling for someone even if its not related to you personally. Feeling familiar and close for some reason. I guess, its good start for building a relationship with poeple. Its not advised when the sympathy you feel is for a child rapist or your enemy. I express it by patting people on their back and smiling ! :happy:
    3. Are there any standards of behavior or interpersonal relationships in the society? If so, do you adhere to them? Do people always have to maintain them? Why?
    Like behaving polite to others ? Its not always neccessary but for most part with people u dont know especially it is suggested. But like I think, if the situation requires it, you need change it, like lying on purpose.
    4. What does moral mean? What is immoral? How do you understand these terms and does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?
    Moral means good ? Honest, decency, etc. Its immoral to steal from someone else or have sex with their girlfriend, imo. Hmm with some people, it corralates I think. I dont evaluate my own correctness. I think I'm good and nice overall.:happy:
    5. Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you feel ill-disposed towards somebody for a long time? How easily do you forgive people?
    I feel very upset ! If they keep it, I'd tell them to fuck off and die. At worst I'd avoid them and treat them worse. I can show my negative feelings. Passive aggressiveness, sarsacm, not looking at them, not greeting them, looking at them with a disgusted face expression etc etc. Yeah I can feel ill-disposed people for a long time, I almost never forgive people. They have to make it up to me, for me to even consider forgiving.


    1. Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?
    Hmm, maybe to have children and have a good time ! Its different for everybody I think but I dont think life has to have that big important "meaning". It is meaningful in itself.
    2. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's traits?
    Ah, I can say a lot with good accuracy. I usually know what people is about just looking at them. When I walk in streets alone, I make 2-3 judgments per person I've looked at. Its just a gut feeling but has its roots with patterns I think. Clothes, facial features, the way someone walks, voice tone, hand shake; they are clues to be looked at.
    3. What is imagination? Do all people have imagination and can fantasize? What is your fantasizing like?
    Yes, I think everyone has some sorta imagination but what is it, hmm, like projecting all your desires into real world but in a parallel universe or sth so that they are real. :crazy::kitteh:
    I fantasize about stuff, ugh, but I used to do this a lot more. I think with age or knwoledge the curiosty or taste for adventure decreases orrr, a better way to say this maybe you limit yourself with whatyou see, so you lose that parts of imagination. I fantasize about thngs I havent seen yet ! But this is also bad because sometimes reality oesnt live up to your expectations.
    4. What do you think of people (or yourself) who distinctively stand out in a crowd, differ from others? What is a measure of such distinction, how can this difference be feasible and how not?
    Well, I'm inclined to think about bad about those who stand out a lot, at first. Not to mean its good to follow the crowd always so they have my appreciation for that but more often than not; I see their efforts to differentiate themselves as BS. But they are stometimes reallly interesting people with unique personalities and wiews. I dunno how to measure it but I'd say that copying these stand-out people is not a real way to differ from others.
    5. Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good. What's your attitude towards this statement?
    It can be like that. But the correct ones are usually better in practice. These good but not correct ideas are interesting to explore though just not to the point that you are continously throwing out stuff out there for the sake of it.


    1. How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?
    Poele change over time, learning from their experiences. They should at least. It's a reality, I see it as that and I dont have feelings about this. Yeh, I think other people can notice these, too.
    2. What is time? How do you feel time? Can you waste time?
    Time is "t". Its unfolding of events ( I've read this from someone else questionarre but it makes sense :tongue. Yeah you can waste time but I feel bad if I waste time. Lİke sit in house all day and do nothing but surf on internet.
    3. Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?
    Well, my political and economical forecasts are always on spot. I also usualy know, how a certain thing is most likely to end up. I do trust them because I'm confident in my ability, usually.
    4. Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?
    I'm not late, normally. I even arrive a bit earlier just to protect myself from stuff like traffic. I see it as a good quality to be on time. I get annoyed at people being late. If I see a person being always late, I also adjust my meeting time for that and actually + some more, so that they know how stupid it feels to be waiting for someone else.
    5. Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions:
    a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts,
    b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts,
    c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here,
    d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here,
    e) more time and the person is still not here…

    a)I'm probably in bus or my car, close to there. Depends on the type of meeting, like if its a date, I imagine some dirty things maybe. :tongue: Or if its a presentation or sth, I may feel a bit anxious.
    b)I'm at the place where we will meet. I'd look around and observe poeple or sth interesting.
    c)"Hmm, where is he/she ? I hope, I dont have to wait long."
    d)I'd probably have called and/or texted 10 times in 20 minutes. If I can; I maybe willing to go for sth else rather than meeting.
    e)I'm gone ! Next time, he/she calls, it wont be a pleasent conversation for them. :angry

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    alpha pairs with good IR

    he ILE and SEI

    he LII and SEI

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    alpha pairs with good IR

    he ILE and SEI

    he LII and SEI
    The ILE in the video above displays a lot more Fe than the SEI. It's typical of Fe mobilizing buffoonery we see in ILEs and SLEs. If we would see there writing style in a forum for instance..... that would manifest in a lot emoticons and funny stuff imho because that's the best way to convey written buffoonery.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    The ILE in the video above displays a lot more Fe than the SEI.
    It's good you are trying nonverbal approach. For this is useful to watch a human in several videos.
    With a training you'll do lesser of mistakes. To identify own type with IR check is also important to confirm minimim theory understanding and typing skills.

    Emotions of T types are lesser natural, detailed and expressive, compared in average for F. To distinguish such nuances needs data and skills.

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    I posted my answers because you write this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    English is not my strong side (even own language was my weakest subject to study *sigh*) and to understand written is much easier, unlike with talking. So I could to mistake in something said.
    What is most striking about the videos, is that russian sei girls are pretty. And i am be more like ILE than LII.

    I cant make judgements from other itr in my life cos i dont know how i feel about most people and it changes quickly if we disagree or sth.

    what im sure is that i favor SLE over SEE. SEE are disruptive and look like they hate / ignore me. SLE more inclined to invite and more friendly and inclusive.

    I think my aunt is LSE and she is kinda nervous when she hears unexpectd phone calls. So i troll her when phone rings saying “oh look how sad the phone rings, it must be bad news”. Or just sometimes text her that sth bad happened with a crying emoji and wait for her nervously call me. She learned though now im joking and doesnt fall for it anymore. So this looks Ni in ID block in my understanding. Or ni creative to get a reaction ? But it is always non serious so more like id block.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    I think my aunt is LSE and she is kinda nervous when she hears unexpectd phone calls.
    Can be an introvertion. To make contacts for them is lesser attractive.

    > Or just sometimes text her that sth bad happened with a crying emoji and wait for her nervously call me.

    Possibility for F. T types tend to not behave "nervously" in front of problems, as suppress emotions to rely more on strong regions.

    > So this looks Ni in ID block in my understanding.

    Looks as nonvalued Fi to annoy a human without good reasons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Can be an introvertion. To make contacts for them is lesser attractive.

    > Or just sometimes text her that sth bad happened with a crying emoji and wait for her nervously call me.

    Possibility for F. T types tend to not behave "nervously" in front of problems, as suppress emotions to rely more on strong regions.

    > So this looks Ni in ID block in my understanding.

    Looks as nonvalued Fi to annoy a human without good reasons.

    You dont suppose to type her, here. She became an artisan after retiring, pottery maker. She fixes her things and paints herself. Obviously rational. Thats LSE.

    Im just teasing her to learn not worry much. You dont have to take it so serious but to comment on the dynamic between us as in itr way of looking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    You dont suppose to type her, here.
    It's possibly to suppose a type for her by the described behavior which fits badly to LSE.

    > She fixes her things and paints herself.

    This arises a chance for S. Also arises a chance of introvertion due to interest to sit alone for manual work. As the work is monotonous - some more for J.

    > in itr way of looking

    IR can be among reasons of your redundantly negative relation to her. In case of LSI, for example.
    Or mb you seek more of her emotional attention, what is possibly with positive IR too.

    My LSI father often reacted on phone call with words "Who was sent by a chert". Then talked without an anger. I think - he disliked situations to make additional contacts with people, what is more expected from introverts. While for me, as an extravert LSE, phone contacts mean new info and impressions, what I perceive more positively.


    You are novice in the typology. If you'll practice for long you notice many times when you did mistakes. Those can be slight as LSI->LSE and sometimes more differing. I'd give her Gulenko's dichotomy test.

    P.S. All this site is to say opinions about types when exist an info for this. In many cases people will disagree with you. You should adopt to this.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It's possibly to suppose a type for her by the described behavior which fits badly to LSE.

    > She fixes her things and paints herself.

    This arises a chance for S. Also arises a chance of introvertion due to interest to sit alone for manual work. As the work is monotonous - some more for J.
    she went to a course to learn pottery and she continued going there with her learning group (10 years at least now) Those thing keep her busy otherwise she becomes agitated sitting doing nothing. she always wants to do some kinda work, keep busy. she is not annoyed that she has to answer phone and talk with someone but scared that she will receive bad news.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    You are novice in the typology. If you'll practice for long you notice many times when you did mistakes. Those can be slight as LSI->LSE and sometimes more differing. I'd give her Gulenko's dichotomy test.

    P.S. All this site is to say opinions about types when exist an info for this. In many cases people will disagree with you. You should adopt to this.

    I dont think im novice or bad at typing nor that this was a mistake. you are welcome to share your opinion but you are asuming too much about how things are and go off the topic. I merely asked how would be making fun of someones (LSE in particular) dire predicitons of unexpected events (such as phone calls) would be judged in regards to offenders (my) type. non valued fi comment is useful info from you, for example.

    thanks for your help so far, bye bye.

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    I added a revised version of an old questionnairre to the OP.

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    example of ISFP here is @SlytherinPower

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    example of ISFP here is @SlytherinPower
    Looks like my mom when she was young. I type her as SEI too. I kinda look like my mom too. Soo -> SEI confirmed.

    Me being extravert is a joke of some sort, if not ISFp, then ISTp. I'm fine with whatever. Enneagram - SP 2 and SLI.

    People thought I was SLE before, lol (which made me stop taking type suggestions seriously most of the time). You offer better insight but I'm more convinced of Si ego.!
    Last edited by idol; 05-10-2023 at 09:02 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    Looks like my mom when she was young. I type her as SEI too. I kinda look like my mom too. Soo -> SEI confirmed.

    Me being extravert is a joke of some sort, if not ISFp, then ISTp. I'm fine with whatever. Enneagram - SP 2 and SLI.

    People thought I was SLE before, lol (which made me stop taking type suggestions not seriously most of the time). You offer better insight but I'm more convinced of Si ego.!
    Si dominant types are comfort driven, and make the environment perfect. They recall the past and reference those Si facts. Look how detailed SLI or SEI are here in posting something accurate with facts.

    I see you kinda throwing out ideas to see if they stick, and take what looks good in the moment. Not so careful like these other types.

    Just food for thought, If you are settled in then that's fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by To B or to B View Post
    Si dominant types are comfort driven, and make the environment perfect. They recall the past and reference those Si facts. Look how detailed SLI or SEI are here in posting something accurate with facts.

    I see you kinda throwing out ideas to see if they stick, and take what looks good in the moment. Not so careful like these other types.

    Just food for thought, If you are settled in then that's fine.
    I’m soooo comfort driven to point that making things perfect and being detailistic is a bore. I do %20 effort to get % 80 things you know pareto rule and all.

    My ideal world is owning some sorta bar on seaside and swim and chill on the beach all day. I’m content with doing nothing for weeks but stay at home and chill. Like i dont know how much more lazy i need to be to deserve that Si ego/lead.

    And guess which types are supposed to be lazy ?

    I mean if Ni leads can be/are lazy too but you have to show me some Ni that i indulge in. It creeps me out unless coming from an hot beta NF girl that i find attractive. Even that i cant tolerate much, label them as witch and run away. It can be interesting from distance but creepy when you really in it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    I’m soooo comfort driven to point that making things perfect and being detailistic is a bore. I do %20 effort to get % 80 things you know pareto rule and all.

    My ideal world is owning some sorta bar on seaside and swim and chill on the beach all day. I’m content with doing nothing for weeks but stay at home and chill. Like i dont know how much more lazy i need to be to deserve that Si ego/lead.

    And guess which types are supposed to be lazy ?

    I mean if Ni leads can be/are lazy too but you have to show me some Ni that i indulge in. It creeps me out unless coming from an hot beta NF girl that i find attractive. Even that i cant tolerate much, label them as witch and run away. It can be interesting from distance but creepy when you really in it.
    That sort of looks egocentric like a T type.

    How do you use Fe? SEI types are warm and interested in other people to accommodate them, from an F point of view.
    Wife would make a quilt for you.

    Do you connect with feelings?

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    I’m not accomodating like that at all really ( imean i wont make quilt and certainly wont be a wife )but i expect that others to be accomatading to me. My Fe is like when there is silence -> talk louder, make jokes, tell sth provacative i mean sth to lift the atmosphere. I dislike in grup cliques (?) i mean where there are multpile people engaged in conversation but then two of them start talking like they are in private and then it becomes one on one convos. I like to include everyone somehow by throwing some jokes or making remarks about them.

    I dont feel that im supposed to protect good mood or sth though im not troubled by to speak my mind or mention my distutbance with the situation. I dont protect group mood to the detriment of my own.

    I’m not very supportive when people are in bad mood, i kinda dont know what to do or say. I try to use Fe for mostly fun, i guess.

    I mean im not really sure what is this connection with feelings mean but i know how i feel and most often than not, i do express it. I can also notice how are others feeling as well. I can reciprocate feelings to make people feel better. Im pretty diplomatic and prefer not to take sides so i guess im accomatading their feelings this way by agreeing with them or listening them and saying they are right to everybody (unless to my detriment, yeah im a bit “me first”).

    I do understand im not very sei like but i do identify better with alpha values and si lead. I read somewhere Ne in super id can make people more curious about how do they come off, and thats me. I have trouble evaluating myself in terms of how i come off in soicety. Different people usually see different sides of me. I tend to take different roles in different groups. now id say i have good soxial awareness so i find my niche accordingly in each setting but yeah im not totally sure on this. So i think i have some Fe, better than PoLR at least.

    Soo, combining Si lead with a no Fe Polr makes a SEI. Thats my reasoning at least. There were instances that people claimed ESE and EIE as well. I can try to find those threads to understand why. The main thing i remmeber is that hey were suggesting that i had some situational awareness of Fe. I think i definitely know the norms on Fe and probably 3d situational as well. But not 4d lead like no way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    I’m not accomodating like that at all really ( imean i wont make quilt and certainly wont be a wife )but i expect that others to be accomatading to me. My Fe is like when there is silence -> talk louder, make jokes, tell sth provacative i mean sth to lift the atmosphere. I dislike in grup cliques (?) i mean where there are multpile people engaged in conversation but then two of them start talking like they are in private and then it becomes one on one convos. I like to include everyone somehow by throwing some jokes or making remarks about them.

    I dont feel that im supposed to protect good mood or sth though im not troubled by to speak my mind or mention my distutbance with the situation. I dont protect group mood to the detriment of my own.

    I’m not very supportive when people are in bad mood, i kinda dont know what to do or say. I try to use Fe for mostly fun, i guess.

    I mean im not really sure what is this connection with feelings mean but i know how i feel and most often than not, i do express it. I can also notice how are others feeling as well. I can reciprocate feelings to make people feel better. Im pretty diplomatic and prefer not to take sides so i guess im accomatading their feelings this way by agreeing with them or listening them and saying they are right to everybody (unless to my detriment, yeah im a bit “me first”).
    this (entire post) does not sound like a 4D Fi type, and it does sound like a logical type

    I would type you SLE, but you mentioned that you don't identify with extroversion. From what I remember of your video, I did not notice anything that seemed N ego to me... what about other ST types? or an introverted sub of extroverted ST type?

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    I’m not accomodating like that at all really ( imean i wont make quilt and certainly wont be a wife )but i expect that others to be accomatading to me. My Fe is like when there is silence -> talk louder, make jokes, tell sth provacative i mean sth to lift the atmosphere. I dislike in grup cliques (?) i mean where there are multpile people engaged in conversation but then two of them start talking like they are in private and then it becomes one on one convos. I like to include everyone somehow by throwing some jokes or making remarks about them.

    I dont feel that im supposed to protect good mood or sth though im not troubled by to speak my mind or mention my distutbance with the situation. I dont protect group mood to the detriment of my own.

    I’m not very supportive when people are in bad mood, i kinda dont know what to do or say. I try to use Fe for mostly fun, i guess.

    I mean im not really sure what is this connection with feelings mean but i know how i feel and most often than not, i do express it. I can also notice how are others feeling as well. I can reciprocate feelings to make people feel better. Im pretty diplomatic and prefer not to take sides so i guess im accomatading their feelings this way by agreeing with them or listening them and saying they are right to everybody (unless to my detriment, yeah im a bit “me first”).

    I do understand im not very sei like but i do identify better with alpha values and si lead. I read somewhere Ne in super id can make people more curious about how do they come off, and thats me. I have trouble evaluating myself in terms of how i come off in soicety. Different people usually see different sides of me. I tend to take different roles in different groups. now id say i have good soxial awareness so i find my niche accordingly in each setting but yeah im not totally sure on this. So i think i have some Fe, better than PoLR at least.

    Soo, combining Si lead with a no Fe Polr makes a SEI. Thats my reasoning at least. There were instances that people claimed ESE and EIE as well. I can try to find those threads to understand why. The main thing i remmeber is that hey were suggesting that i had some situational awareness of Fe. I think i definitely know the norms on Fe and probably 3d situational as well. But not 4d lead like no way.
    You are throwing this stuff together Hodge podge.
    Like i would. Not SEI, btw, not SLE.


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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    this (entire post) does not sound like a 4D Fi type, and it does sound like a logical type

    I would type you SLE, but you mentioned that you don't identify with extroversion. From what I remember of your video, I did not notice anything that seemed N ego to me... what about other ST types? or an introverted sub of extroverted ST type?
    I can be a SLI, its closely after SEI for me as they both lead with Si. But, i have to be enneagram 2 or sth to make SLI close to me (to sort off balance that Fe PoLR). But no SLE or not SLE-Ti or LSI. I mean below are my Se block answers and i cant see them in any way valued or 4D. Definetely fits to ignoring though ..


    1. Can you press people? What methods do you use? If so, how does it happen?

    Himm, I dont think I can, with using force. I can use feeling to manipulate and push but not forcefully. I feel tense when I have to push, press or order people (except in bed, lol). A feeling of sth is not going to go right and I will have to physically beat the crap out of them. :dry:

    2. Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified? Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?

    In military or marketing, you can see books called as attack strategies, haha. I dont pay attention to this kinda information in social interaction, I think. It can be OK to occupy someone else's territory if there is an open competition. However, for myself, I'm not a competitive type of person.

    3. How do you protect yourself and your interests?

    Hm, while I dont have interests that need "protection"; I also dont think i have to do sth to protect myself, either. Dont feel like I'm under attack or threat. I'm sorta risk-averse in general though I guess this can count as a way to protect myself.

    4. Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?

    Ahhh, I get very reactive ! Feels like I need to beat them into submission but I'm also very aware that it doesnt go down like that. I'd raise my voice and become more sharp-tongued and possibly start throwing threats around. I have no idea how other poeple can do it without looking like an asshole like me, when I have to do it.

    5. Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?

    I dont think so and the reason is that I dont emphasize strong/weak notions in my image. But I dont think they see me as weak , either. They probably arent the first adjectives when people think of me.
    I’m trying to type the person in the OP and he comes off as Sei to me. Thats me 7 years ago.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    I can be a SLI, its closely after SEI for me as they both lead with Si. But, i have to be enneagram 2 or sth to make SLI close to me (to sort off balance that Fe PoLR). But no SLE or not SLE-Ti or LSI. I mean below are my Se block answers and i cant see them in any way valued or 4D.

    I’m trying to type the person in the OP and he comes off as Sei to me. Thats me 7 years ago.
    what do you think of LSE-Si?

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    The sensory subtype is characterized by a differentiation between their internal stability and working capacity. Internally unstable, they are likewise extremely vigorous and cannot relax without business affairs as they do not like wasting time in vain. Interested in new technologies within the professional sphere and able to adapt these to serve their needs. Possess a sense of humor. Their speech is abrupt and emotional; their smile is somewhat tense. Pulls together distance in dialogue through hospitable, friendly gestures – embraces and light touches. Briskly conducts conversation and/or jokes. An aesthete with a taste for gourmet, they love original dishes and beautiful, expensive objects of quality. Are able to relieve pressures by sitting at a table with friends but rarely allow themselves the rest to themselves that they need. Have a tendency to corpulence, their movements are gusty, sharp, quick and impulsive; often embody a restless demeanor.
    Description by Victor Gulenko

    Feels at home in the intermediate fields of production – in trade or management. Is less inquisitive than the logical subtype; Is very sociable, emotional, gregarious. Frequently hospitable; loves comfort and cosiness, and likes to spend leisure time in nature. Easily manages the responsibilities of a technical director or manager.

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    Quote Originally Posted by To B or to B View Post
    You are throwing this stuff together Hodge podge.
    Like i would. Not SEI, btw, not SLE.

    Hahah im throwing what i think out. To read them later maybe. But its nice to discuss, even my thinking is like discussion with myself so this helps !

    I mean i know this ILE, he is the husband of my cousin and we were both gamers so i liked him because when i went to them he let me play his playstation lol. He’s also lazy but a super hypochondriac and fat and talks a lot more than me. His Fe thingz seem too fakey to me as well. Im also scared of doctors but i can control my diet/weight way easier and be my own doctor (he trusts them). Hmm .. i think we are similar and not in a dual way.

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    I mean im not really sure what is this connection with feelings mean but i know how i feel and most often than not, i do express it. I can also notice how are others feeling as well. I can reciprocate feelings to make people feel better. Im pretty diplomatic and prefer not to take sides so i guess im accomatading their feelings this way by agreeing with them or listening them and saying they are right to everybody (unless to my detriment, yeah im a bit “me first”).

    I have trouble evaluating myself in terms of how i come off in soicety. Different people usually see different sides of me. I tend to take different roles in different groups. now id say i have good soxial awareness so i find my niche accordingly in each setting but yeah im not totally sure on this. So i think i have some Fe, better than PoLR at least.

    Fi PoLR^

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    what do you think of LSE-Si?
    My work capacity and tolerance for business is abysmall. I honestly think managment / working is the most soul killing thing in the world. There are also other stuff ... thats just not me. Like being restless and caring about job/working. I mean i just quit my job to have the summer to rest and sunbathe. =)

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    My last post could be interpreted another way with Fe role and Fi suggestive, but my quote of your Hodge podge soup is not Te. ESTjs are more linear and careful. You jump across contexts with no connections and lump it all together .

    Plus i get a sense you think in ideas abstractly, not concretely. I.e., you start from the top down, not bottom up with facts.

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    Another one bites the dust.

    Ne subtype btw.

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    Quote Originally Posted by To B or to B View Post
    Another one bites the dust.

    Ne subtype btw.
    I quickly do get the gist of things then ... facts or no facts. I’m not building passenger planes so i dont need that safety.

    I think, that ILE will end up being my competition rather than dual in the long run .. so identical makes sense from this pow.

    But, I still ended up as an extrovert .

    I didnt talk or message with anyone but my parents once a couple days since 10 days and i enjoy it. Well except here. But still...

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