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Thread: Please type me, Socionics + enneagram

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    Default Please type me, Socionics + enneagram

    Socionics Questionnaire

    Section 1

    1. Describe your relationship to factual data, pragmatic/efficient thought, and competency in your environment. Is it important for you to feel well informed or supported by factual data, is this more important than your own ideological consistency? Explain. How important is it for you to ultimately do what works most efficiently or provides the most profit based on your own factual knowledge?

    I can handle massive amounts of information depending if I’m in the mood for it. Usually like to make dragrams, graphs, etc, in order to understand what I am learning. I think my logic is constistiant, though I over generalize, for example large groups of people for example when maing a point. I can understand the complexity of this work, but my views are still black and white because I constantly feel the need to classify something. For example, people say that gender is seperate from pronouns, but you get charged or even loose your job for using the wrong pronouns, which then is called misgendering, which is seems to be supported by emotions and logic insconstitancy. So pronouns would be based on gender, and are if they cause such a identity crisis. I can’t just leave things on being on their own.

    1. Do you have difficulty in accumulating factual knowledge or achieving your desires in the most efficient way possible? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect? How could they support you?

    No, I like to scavenge for information or new principles when I need to. If some system isn’t working for me I will get rid of it in the moment, I often have sharpe transitions. While I feel like I wasted time, I also know I have gained experience, which cane boost my ego to some degree. I usually would stick to one ideology until its proven to be unjust or unreliable to getting me to gain something I am seeking. So overall my views are pretty black and white.

    1. Would you say that factual data and efficiency take priority in your life, why or why not?

    I am in High School, of course, I am in chem and all those math classes. While I don’t like math as much as gym or sports, things like math, data, and such can be much more fun than having to talk about some left-washed version of history. I like stuff that makes me test my own logic skills. Other than that, efficiency is not my main priority as sometimes I liek to take my time doing things the right way and gain experience from it when I can.

    Section 2

    1. Describe your relationship to structured and consistent logic. Do you create a system in order to recognize correctness or consistency in thought? Do you ever feel that overly pragmatic views are shallow compared to your own judgment, why? How important to you is the classification of objects? Explain.

    While I hold some value in the truth,and when your principle is the truth no one can argue against you or else they are a idiot. But I still am quick to form my own conclusions, which can be more negative and fragmented. I’m more like a half-empty-cup type of thinker. I keep on asking questions to many different people about my typology but I go with whatever discretion matches my behavior in real life rather than online. Though if someone is higher up than me in experience, I could lend in a year. However, working hard to find the truth when it isn’t necessary is just not my thing. In the end if it get’s me what I need, then that’s what I’ll go for.

    1. Do you have a difficulty in being aware of how to create a logical structure or system in order to understand the world and your own personal views? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect? How could they support you?

    No, like creating hierarchy within my head and categorizing people based on their abilities, who I should work with and who I should not even waste my time looking at. That’s probably why I don’t have many friends when everyone else is too concerned about their dating life or how they will fit in, while I just want to pass by school and live my life the way that makes me happy, successful and generally the idea of material possessions. My judgement of people is pretty impersonal, as I usually don’t have strong feelings towards people unless they have done something inhuman to me or someone close to me, or even someone who didn’t even deserve it.

    1. Would you say that classification and how things fit into a system of logic takes priority in your life, why or why not?

    Well since I am still in school, I look at the work ethic and general intelligence of the children around me. I rather hang out with someone who would push me to grow, or someone better than me. I kinda hate seeing someone better than me, so it makes me have a strong drive to improve. However, I also might hang around someone who can help me emotionally express myself without judging on my past decisions. Overall, I love people who can help me see the greater meaning in life. I hate how I constantly find myself aggressively looking for the meaning of things through different sources.
    Section 3

    1. Describe your relationship to ownership, influence, and willpower. How important is personal gain to you when considering possibilities? How willing are you to confront or organize people in order to achieve a goal, do you like obedience in others? Are you not afraid to use force in order to achieve your goals? Do you believe that you can help others towards achieving their goals as well?

    Personal gain is the main point of even looking into possibilities, I will do what I have to do. I would confront people and get on everyone’s a/ss if it means making it big. I am pretty poor at evaluating the future, while I do seem confident and certain, I am nowhere as optimistic as I do seem mentally.

    1. Do you have a difficulty in making important decisions or being sure of yourself and that you are on the right path? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect?? How could they support you?

    I know I can trust myself, by befualt I think about my own interests, other people after. I have a strong desire to get things on my own sometimes, if not always, be it muffins, sports, or being able to indulge in food which over blows my senses. Don’t get me wrong, my impulses are are more like random bursts of energy rather than pure gluttony. I rather abstain from then from my sight because I suck at moderation, if it isn’t there than I won’t think about it. I can look at things and just want it so badly, I acknowledge the consequences and what it may cause, but if it isn’t worth getting in trouble for, I’ll work towards it in a way that I can earn it. If it is something comepletely about life, then I always take the one with the most benefits, especially in what gives more money without making me feel violated or owned/inferior.

    1. Would you say that willing your way through obstacles, and working to achieve goals takes priority in your life, why or why not?

    Yes, there are many things I want in life, but I hate not doing things in the moment, I might as well screw it up then take forever to complete something. I also hate boredom, I constantly feel like I need to be doing something sometimes, having fun or being productive, mostly to get something I need, I have way too much energy. Life is miserable not working for something to fill that void, and also getting things free makes it lose the point of enjoying it. I kinda just punish myself if I am inable to do something.

    Section 4

    1. Describe your relationship to your own internal physical state and personal comfort or enjoyment. Are you able to create a comforting and enjoyable physical state for yourself and others? Explain how you create this environment. Is it important that you avoid feelings of discomfort? To what lengths do you go to avoid this?

    I am intunes, but I would ignore it if there was something I needed to get done. I can neglect my own health at times when it somes to school work or competitions, or sometimes I might gain some sort of addiction out of things that are intense in things such as food or fighting, being a girl, I should cut out the fighting if I want to survive.

    1. Do you have a difficulty in being aware of how to create a comforting or relaxed state in yourself and others? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect? How could they support you?

    For other’s, I am not the best, I can help guide others(people I actually give a shit about) at most, but eh. I can’t really read people unless then are obviously expressing themselves, or being direct. Plus, I don’t really even have a interest of getting to know people personally unless we share some strong form of kinship or they are a romantic partner, so I don’t really know everything about.

    1. Would you say that the quality of pleasing internal physical sensations and relaxing enjoyable activities takes priority in your life, why or why not?

    Not really, I rather do something when I need to even if I end up getting hurt. For example, I once had a test and I was near people who where sick. My dad tried to get me to rest, but me being me I went. Days later I was sick on bed rest and I couldn’t even breathe properly, lesson was to listen to my dad more often.

    Section 5

    1. Describe your relationship to expression and the emotional atmosphere around you. Do you try to manipulate the emotional atmosphere in order to create a positive mood for yourself and others? Explain how you create this environment. Is it important that you are emotionally involved in all you do and that your emotions are expressed to those around you? Why or why not?

    I suck ass. I can read basic emotions like people crying, but I have no idea how to react. Through text I can give advice, but I am REALY horrible at dealing with emotional atmospheres. I feel like I’ll be judged with everything I do, even with good intentions, like “Oh YukItA tHAt iS InSENsaTive.” I always keep a somewhat stoic if not iritated face, I am pretty guarded when it comes to my emotional expression in reality.

    1. Do you have a difficulty in being aware of how to create a positive social or emotional atmosphere through expression for yourself and others? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect? How could they support you?

    Yes, I have no idea how to change that environment, it its my domain. I like to be influential, kind of be the leader for everyone and try and be myself as well. Which I often come off as too harsh or unwelcoming. I try to start it, but eh, it’s not my strength at all. I prefer dynamic relationships where I can freely express my ideas and general thoughts, maybe emotions, without being critically or morally judged by others.

    1. Would you say that displays of emotion and attentiveness to the emotional atmosphere or mood around you takes priority in your life, why or why not?

    I try tosmall acts of kindness or service, providing materials and help with those I care about, if not direct advice. I’m not the best at this, but I wanna try to help if it’s like the few people I care about. I just don’t show I care, but I sorta do, but don’t want too…You know what I mean.

    Section 6

    1. Describe your relationship to interpersonal bonds, personal ethics, and your awareness of one on one connections. In what way do you form connections between yourself and others? Is it easy for you to tell the interpersonal distance between yourself and others? Why or why not? How do you judge this?When making judgments of the nature of others is it usually based on your personal understanding of what is ethical or moral?

    I only have one friend I might have an emotional attachment to, personally most of my close friends are online especially due to the pandemic. I like having a place where I am not morally judged on my own stances and takes. I like people who are interesting or different from me you could say as well. Once someone shows their true colors, if they are boring or a back stabbing snake then I am out of the scene. However the deal maker is people with a good personality, because I naturally suspect disloyalty or that people are bad by default. I like to test people on how loyal they are and how reliable they can be. So seeing that I have someone to trust really makes me feel safe in a way. I also like people who are my opposites, someone who can help me see the bigger picture in life but also generally feel like I have a safe space.

    1. Do you have a difficulty in evaluating or being sure of the status of personal relationships with others? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect? How could they support you?

    No, I am the first person like 90% to actually try and figure out where we are in a reletionship, I like finding out the boundaries and making the dynamics work. I prefer a dynamic reletionhsips, specifically when I get to make the choices

    1. Would you say that others' relation and connection to you regardless of emotional expression takes priority in your life, why or why not?

    Not really, I can read basic faces, but I literally cannot comprehend the emotions that exist in peoples heads, so I assume they feel the same way as me. So I end up offending people since I am just not very emotionally sensitive around the people around me, so then I just get off doing my own thing since I can’t really deal with people on a personal level.

    Section 7

    1. Describe your relationship to novelty, curiosity, and the generation of possibilities. Are you able to encourage curiosity in yourself and others? In what way do you use the new ideas you generate? Is it ever difficult for you to finish tasks when new possibilities are apparent? How important to you is the potential in new opportunities? Explain.

    I’m pretty grounded, so I focus on what is likely to be effected by the cause, and the likely consequences. Not something I just pulled out of my a/ss with no context.

    1. Do you have a difficulty in being aware of how to generate novel ideas or to see potential in new beginnings or even parts of yourself? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect? How could they support you?

    I can come up with some ideas, but its always never out of pocket and its for the sake of achieving a goal usually. However, otherwise I’m very grounded. So I tend to sort of kinda gust on the idea of knowing everything, even if I tend to sort of get impatient with it.

    1. Would you say that creating multiple new ideas and pursuing new beginnings takes priority in your life, why or why not?

    I can come up with greater meaning and ideas, mainly those that correlate with my surroundings. I mostly weig my decisions on what get’s me more gold in a way.
    I say it can help, but I rather see things for what they are objectively. A rock is a rock, it can be used maybe to kill someone or sell to a idiot that collects rocks, but to think a rock can something for example a person is stupid. I’m open to new ideas as I am not always the best at coming up with random thoughts on the top of my head, but if it becomes something delusional or goes against to how this world works, plus its theoretical then I’d be very skeptical and might even label you a idiot.

    Section 8

    1. Describe your relationship to time, understanding trends, and future plans. What is the importance of these aspects to you? How important are the concepts of past, present, and future to you? Are any of these periods of time more important than others, explain why. Is it important for you to be timely or anticipate the future? Explain.

    I live in the present moment, but I do value the future to an extent. I say I used to be so impulsive as a kid, constantly getting into fights and just punishing other people for the sake of punishing others who I just feel need to be put in check, I literally used to live for the sake of feeling alive. However this bite me in the a/ss as I got a whooping that I’ll remember til the day I die and I learnt my lesson, so now I tend to abstain from things since I am quick to get addicted to things. I used to have no sense of self control from things such as beating people who bullied people who I considered mu kind(“friends”) andI also just fought in fights from elementary to freshmen simply because I liked the feeling of just punishing people. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like hurting innocent people let alone getting them involved, but I was a very violent and just ruthless peice of sht. Now since my step Dad had a stronger presents in the home and he became the only person to actually give a sht about me, I began to mellow out and control myself mush more. Also, it took while for me to stop my own violent implusies, so I try better anger mangiment methods, but sometimes I might just burst out once in awhile.
    [Story time; Once I was just violently sexually asualted, by an ex in the girls restroom. Also I couldn’t beat them as I was pinned down by her friends, and she was about to swtich schools. Nor could I report as I would be outing myself to the schoola nd my parents that I was formerly in a lesbien relationships, and my business is my business in person, online I’d say it if it was needed for context, but in reality if you know me I am very guarded, I am bad at assuming people’s intentions so I just assume its always malicious. So i just swallowed it like every other traumatic event in my life, after all the way I think is that “what the hell am I feeling, even still why is even your business.” And that day, I wasn’t in the best of mindset. So I had a friends, a guy, obsesse, let girls walk all over him. He was the type tp be like “confrontation is not okay, its what men get from oppressing women” and more sht. Which as a friend, I wanted whats best for him, and he was one of the very few that I genuinely cared about as he was the one of the only people who turned out not to be snakes. So I got fed up, and it sort of make me just, its hard to describe, but I was just so angry I wasn’t in control of myself so I just took out all my turmoil on him as a lesson what happens to when you let others step on you. He didn’t even deserve it to be honest, and I hate myself for it, he forgave me knowing I tend to abondon broken relations since I just suck at relations with people. So then him forgiving me made me break down, as someone that geuinely had helped me me I was rejecting people’s help and was a reliable was just very kind…I felt like I ruined a friendship that I even forgot that I relied on for mental stability, but he knew everything about my childhood and background since I was friends with him for so long. I always tried to help him get stronger and set better boundaries, as its just something he clearly lacks, and I see him as helpless especially since his mother hates men and is a radical misandrist. So I naturally just wanted to help people that seem helpless in a situation that they don’t deserve to be in, but I’m pretty terrible at the delivery. So he was patient and just told my dad that I had a mental break down in private without going into details. So my Dad would then try to get me to talk about my issues, but I still didn’t tell him about me getting SAed. I don’t want to tell anyone in real life, as doing so makes me feel like I’m allowing myself to be a victim and I never was really showen a way to even handle personal emotions and judgement at a young age. So I just constantly feel as if I can’t be the victim its just my fault that I wasn’t able to prevent it ot my fault for not getting back at them. So eventually I just sort of detached myself from allowing my traumatic experiences shape who I am, as it only makes me so unstable and just so violent.]
    The past really has not much impact on me. Usually I can hate people for only a day and move on, I only ever felt myself having deep hatred for someone when they have been picking on me for long periods of time when I was not able to do anything about it. I hate that feeling, I have to do it right then and there. While the future is interesting, the here and now is important and tomorrow itself is never guaranteed. I say I’d usually take my time to understand things over efficiency as that itself can be more beneficial, but if there is a problem I have to urgently solve, then I’ll work as fast as possible, even if its not good for me. If I screw up, thats on me and me alone, just learn and move on, crying is too expensive in my opinion.

    1. Do you have a difficulty in being aware of how situations will develop or cause and effect relationships? Do you think someone else could support you in this aspect? How could they support you?

    Depends, if it’s tangible, or drama, I can sense it from a mile away, but when it comes to emotional issues, I am terrible. People have to be manually crying for me to have a reaction, otherwise I just assume they don’t really give a crap. I often generalize people when it comes to making logical points, often using my own labels. My most common reletiosnhips are just working with others, I do what I need to do. I don’t have much personal relationships. Most of them is just people I work with to have short-cuts or get my hands on good information if not improve myself in order to get something I want.

    However I am horrible at interpersonal relationships. I often don't find people interesting enough on a personal level. If I am attracted to someone on a deep level, it is to a unique, emotional person with a great personality. I am attracted to such people, but they don't see the extent of it because I hold back when it comes to expressing my attraction. I rarely express how much I'm really interested because I'm suspicious of others and expect people to bite nowhere near as much as when they express their love wholeheartedly. It almost becomes a game to test the waters. The result is that most of my relationships have come from this cat and mouse game of flirting and teasing. When someone no longer amuses me, I tend to get over them quickly and just dump them, which often leaves the person I was with feeling empty and depressed. However, I don’t think am over cheating, I may not have much morals that I have developed on my own, but I only see negatives, plus I have been cheated on before. My biggest problem is that I doubt the other person's faithfulness and potential to be a lasting and exiting partner, which prevents me from closing the gap. I am easily disappointed, have no sense of distance between myself and the other person, and am often unable to discern the motivations behind their actions, leading to what I perceive as betrayal, which only reinforces my natural distrust. I don’t think I fear intimacy, but I am just bad at recognizing when someone I am with is the best person I could ask for. I just don’t know what to do with my emotions. The way I am with relationships is almost, sadistic. Generally I just like having a emotionally dependent partner because I like being the one who is independent and not feeling like I have anything to lose. It’s just who I naturally am I guess. This could stem from my severe fear of emotional attachment or boredom. This is where I kinda started idolizing chastity and abstain from unnecessary or underwhelming relationships.

    1. Would you say that following developments on current trends takes priority in your life, why or why not?

    I always say I will improve my morality, but it’s just my dad keeping me in check. I need someone who has migh morals to keep me in check and from potentially hurting others. Other than my dad’s plans, I think about school and getting the hell outta here. I wanna be independent, but close in a way to my dad, I learnt to trust him(more than my mom). I’ll often break a rule once or twice if it means getting to the finish line.
    But personally, just get a good paying job, something big maybe. I would make a good politician if it wern’t for how bad I am at wording this so directly or aggressively, but I really like playing with dynamics and seeing how much I can change my environment, since my dad would be watching me, then for the better. Also, I hate poeple who are liars, pretending to be the real deal when all they do is sell some stupid image for some money. I just want to put those types of people in their place, maybe I would pull the same crap they did, but I won’t be so fake about it. While I don’t agree with what Trump says (yeah we can have our own views, having to constantly judge others morally is draining), I must at least admire that Trump doesn’t hide who he his and what his intentions are, same for Genghis Khan. Yeah they did some terrible things, don’t annoy me with the reminders, but the difference is they were acting who they were, not all these modern liars that we call our heroes when they are clearly sketchy. I at least respect people to show who they truly are as its basically warning me not to screw with them.

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    I'll wait for a video.

    For enneagram is another section. I'd recommend to make 2nd theme specially for that typology there.

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    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 03-21-2023 at 10:06 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    Nice, how come?

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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    Nice, what about enneagram?
    I’m not confident in the enneagram seems like a “head” type more than heart whatever those parameters mean maybe something like a 1, 6, 7, 8 (?)
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    Nice, how come?
    What stuck out to me is
    Te demonstrated: black and white thinking and all the judgements you are making along the way
    Taking your time in doing something the right way not being rushed
    And guiding others

    This kinda strikes me more SeTi but I think ESTJ look for good in others too“ people with a good personality, because I naturally suspect disloyalty or that people are bad by default. I like to test people on how loyal they are and how reliable they can be. So seeing that I have someone to trust really makes me feel safe in a way. I also like people who are my opposites, someone who can help me see the bigger picture in life but also generally feel like I have a safe space. ”
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 03-21-2023 at 10:13 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    Nice, well I tend to lean towards gut types, so somewhere between sx1 and so8?

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    Nice, though I don't know if I value si. What do you think?

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    I take that back
    100% SLE
    Because ESTJ don’t really test people for reliability and loyalty
    They will instead keep track of inconsistencies that they observe
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    This “testing” people is probably the biggest sources of conflict between SLE and me. I don’t like being tested just like being trusted without any reason to prove myself otherwise SLE are fun
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    Nice, well I tend to lean towards gut types, so somewhere between sx1 and so8?
    I am preparing a summary of all Enneagram Subtypes , which I will publish soon

    But between 8 and 1 :
    The difference I find most obvious is that 1 Sx seek to correct others and make them perfect , they will not be satisfied with even the slightest faults in others , everyone should meet their ideal standard .
    8 So on the other hand, don't seek such thing , even if they encouraged others to be more powerful , they will not be as perfectionist as 1 Sx
    Souls know their way back home

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    Oh haha, I get it. I just come from an environment where I was left on my own. So trying my best to make friends and be as attentive as possible, I have been exploited and taken advantage of as a kid. I mean it makes no sense to be a "die hard" supportive friend to someone who wouldn't even try to contribute back, let alone at least appreciate me. Though I don't force myself onto people. Though as I am almost an adult, I'm sort of getting to a middle ground as I try my best to mature and be as well rounded as possible.

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    I guess I can relate to so8 more, I don't care too much about correcting others or myself as long as it doesn't affect anything negatively.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    I take that back
    100% SLE
    Because ESTJ don’t really test people for reliability and loyalty
    They will instead keep track of inconsistencies that they observe
    This trait is usually found in 8 So , they have a great need for loyalty from others , it doesn't completely confirm that he's SLE , he might be LSE 8 So though LSE are usually more of 8 Sp than So or Sx
    Souls know their way back home

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    This trait is usually found in 8 So , they have a great need for loyalty from others , it doesn't completely confirm that he's SLE , he might be LSE 8 So though LSE are usually more of 8 Sp than So or Sx
    I can see that being an 8 trait
    So yes I agree with you
    I did see more Te in the post than Se more along the lines of seeing things dynamically
    She did say she has no Si

    So yes @HotAndCold a video in your case maybe needed
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I see, well I'll do it during the weekend when I have time. I am currently pretty busy.

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    post production is long. Oscar awaits

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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    I mean when I feel betrayed by someone, I rather avoid them to avoid feeling intense negative emotions.
    T type would said not about emotions, but about to avoid another harm.

    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    I'd be SLE or LSE, but I am ENTJ
    A problem to understand theory basics rises the chance for F type.
    Last edited by Sol; 04-05-2023 at 12:26 PM.

  19. #19
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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