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Thread: IEE and SLI initial dualization (I hate being in love)

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    Amoeba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    What's your IQ range? Mine is also high (over 140), even though I'm not very logical.
    You also remind me a bit of my ILI friend from college. Maybe he was also SLI (who knows)
    125-130 around. 140 Is god like level are you sure about that number? lol Role functions are strange in that if someone develops their role function really well it's hard to tell what type they are.

  2. #2
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    125-130 around. 140 Is god like level are you sure about that number? lol Role functions are strange in that if someone develops their role function really well it's hard to tell what type they are.
    Well, I do some godly like things sometimes (like learning a foreign language in 1,5 months to study abroad, learning a musical instrument in a day, or doing some mentathletics), but my sister has an even higher IQ than me, and she seems to have more difficulty solving life problems, so I'm sure IQ isn't everything besides the ability to think "outside of the box".

    And I agree that people with high IQ can be harder to type, especially the ones in the 160+ range (someone like @Midnight Maverick). They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    You're saying there"s a possibility you have a well developed Ni?
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  3. #3
    Amoeba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Well, I do some godly like things sometimes (like learning a foreign language in 1,5 months to study abroad, learning a musical instrument in a day, or doing some mentathelics), but my sister has an even higher IQ than me, and she seems to have more difficulty solving life problems, so I'm sure IQ isn't everything besides the ability to think "outside of the box".

    And I agree that people with high IQ can be harder to type, especially the ones in the 160+ range (someone like @Miss Maverick). They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    You're saying there's a possibility you have a well developed Ni?
    You must be neo then you can just download information in your head and learn it in a day, also as you mentioned high I.Q people tend be lonely, I agree 100%. In terms of my Ni it's not a possibility, I definitely have well developed Ni and I tend to go into different mode sets depending on the task at hand. When learning about theoretical topics I get into an Ni state and I notice this because the connections start coming to me easily. This happens when I'm putting together a song for example and imagining how the song would sound like in my head. So yeah ILI is not too unreasonable of a type for me at all.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    Well, I do some godly like things sometimes (like learning a foreign language in 1,5 months to study abroad, learning a musical instrument in a day, or doing some mentathletics), but my sister has an even higher IQ than me, and she seems to have more difficulty solving life problems, so I'm sure IQ isn't everything besides the ability to think "outside of the box".

    And I agree that people with high IQ can be harder to type, especially the ones in the 160+ range (someone like @Midnight Maverick). They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    You're saying there"s a possibility you have a well developed Ni?
    Mine isn't that high, I'm about 10 points toward the neanderthal end of the spectrum, but thanks.

    As for the loneliness...yes, but you can never talk about it. All problems that come with high intelligence must be kept private, or else you are automatically deemed an arrogant prick with the ulterior motive of bragging.

    Every curse has its gift side, and every gift has its curse side. Everyone looks up to Einstein now, but truth is, being Einstein probably somewhat sucked.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Mine isn't that high, I'm about 10 points toward the neanderthal end of the spectrum, but thanks.

    As for the loneliness...yes, but you can never talk about it. All problems that come with high intelligence must be kept private, or else you are automatically deemed an arrogant prick with the ulterior motive of bragging.

    Every curse has its gift side, and every gift has its curse side. Everyone looks up to Einstein now, but truth is, being Einstein probably somewhat sucked.
    This is a real issue--the loneliness aspect of it, anyway. It's a bit cringe when he talks about the subatomic particles instead of explaining it in more palatable terms, and when he talks about having sex with her being an act of bestiality. The point is that intelligence is mentally isolating. When you are operating at the level of the highest 1% of the population, that leaves you with LESS THAN 1% of the population who can genuinely connect with the fullest extent of your mind. Why less than? There are different kinds of intelligence, and not all of them will share the same type of intelligence that you have.

    It leaves you with people who are unable to fully get you, don't see or value your insights. There are many examples of geniuses in history who went through this. Einstein was thought to be crazy, his ideas were initially met with rejection. Isaac Newton is another example. There are other geniuses who were treated poorly because of their ideas in history as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
    They become introverted like, sometimes isolated, you name it.

    "The things they had in common were things that had to do with aloneness...They were alone in their heads."

    100%. I experience this also, and I've met a few others who were highly intelligent and experience this as well.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-20-2023 at 09:04 PM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    This is a real issue--the loneliness aspect of it, anyway. It's a bit cringe when he talks about the subatomic particles instead of explaining it in more palatable terms, and when he talks about having sex with her being an act of bestiality. The point is that intelligence is mentally isolating. When you are operating at the level of the highest 1% of the population, that leaves you with LESS THAN 1% of the population who can genuinely connect with the fullest extent of your mind. Why less than? There are different kinds of intelligence, and not all of them will share the same type of intelligence that you have.

    It leaves you with people who are unable to fully get you, don't see or value your insights. There are many examples of geniuses in history who went through this. Einstein was thought to be crazy, his ideas were initially met with rejection. Isaac Newton is another example. There are other geniuses who were treated poorly because of their ideas in history as well.

    "The things they had in common were things that had to do with aloneness...They were alone in their heads."

    100%. I experience this also, and I've met a few others who were highly intelligent and experience this as well.
    Me doing something im interested in:

    Me excitedly and enthusiastically trying to explain said interests to other people:

    Other people reacting when hearing me talk about said interests:

    How I feel when I see their reaction:

    The point of origin of the mental isolation is not necessarily that no one understands your ideas (which would be a simple matter of communicating them more clearly). It's mostly caused by the fact that people don't recognize the value in them or appreciate them the way you do.

    Connecting with others through common interests is a basic fundamental component within the overall process of forming of human connections. The problem is that highly intelligent people are attracted to that which is novel and complex. That makes it more difficult to connect with others through common interests.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Maverick View Post
    Me doing something im interested in:

    Me excitedly and enthusiastically trying to explain said interests to other people:

    Other people reacting when hearing me talk about said interests:

    How I feel when I see their reaction:

    The point of origin of the mental isolation is not necessarily that no one understands your ideas (which would be a simple matter of communicating them more clearly). It's mostly caused by the fact that people don't recognize the value in them or appreciate them the way you do.

    Connecting with others through common interests is a basic fundamental component within the overall process of forming of human connections. The problem is that highly intelligent people are attracted to that which is novel and complex. That makes it more difficult to connect with others through common interests.
    For almost a week now, I've been sculpting a commercial building. My design structure, layout, and other visuals, are very methodical and deliberate. It's not designed to just look pretty. I based the visual elements on the retail psychology that is used in the real world, except, I combined it with what I know about consumer behavior in metaverses and then formed my own psychological retail strategies to enhance marketing/improve sales in metaverses instead. I feel enthusiastic about everything I've been learning throughout the process of designing this commercial 3D model building, which makes me want to share all of those thoughts and strategies with someone. When I do share with someone I'm familiar enough with to discuss those concepts, they don't see the value behind it or appreciate it. From their perspective, it's like..."Why so complicated? Just put up some walls, make it look pretty, and be done with it."

    From typing this out, I just now noticed that this might be resolved by extending my social circle to include those who share a greater interest in 3D modeling or retail design. Maybe I just need to get more involved in communities where this is the main topic and form some friendships there.

    Basically, I would be specifically targeting communities with people who are interested in certain subjects, then dividing my interests up among different people. I guess that seems pretty common sense/socializing 101 now that I've thought about it.

    I keep looking for "whole" connections. Those connections in which you can share anything and everything with a few people. Those are the most satisfying, and it's like filling a void/hole within myself when I find them. It just seems like they're not all that realistic--or, if they are, then they're extremely uncommon. I wonder if this stems from some sort of remnant of damage that was inflicted by the "connection" I felt with my narcissistic father, from his love bombing and lies that imitated that kind of "whole" connection.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 04-23-2023 at 12:37 AM.

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