Quote Originally Posted by MathHysteriaOfSoul View Post
I don't know if you already know this but duality is not an ordinary relation, sometimes it may take a long time to properly develop if one of the parts is not experienced with complementary types. SLI-IEE is probably the hardest dyad to form due to both being result pairs and don juans.

Yes, you should absolutely avoid being with her all the time, especially if you are forcing this. You should give your best, do your best, and then give time and space.

Also, duality sometimes implies love and hate (even at the same time). So you have to take the risk of intruding in her subconscious by giving help on her thinking and sensing. But don't give advices nor opinions around logic and senses, instead ask to offer help improving something she's already done. It can be areas where it involves being detail oriented, looks, systems, performing tasks, even chores.

You can work in groups with her, but be discrete about the possibility of working with them, don't make it sound like you wanted to be with them byt rather, let the opportunity arise.

When I say you can intrude in her subconscious I mean it can be uncomfortable for her to receive help depending on her level of self awareness and dualization or even independence.

The most important thing: don't pretend to be someone else, be completely natural in your behavior and don't think too much about what to say, let the words come out of your mouth as though it came from your spirit, and the only way is by stopping to monitor your behavior around her

As you're still in college, I'm guessing it may difficult to establish relations in a systematic way. But if you two are really duals, just being exposed to the truer versions of yourselves over some time will definitely have a huge impact. Duality is a communication between conscious and unconscious. So it is important to not force things too much, and just be the best person you can be for her, but don't look desperate and don't lower yourself and value your own company as an introvert
Yeah, I know duality takes a lot of time to develop, it's mostly just that I'm really impatient when it comes to relationships (which is probably why they end up in disaster). It's kinda funny, really. I know what my problem is, I just don't know how to work on it.

I wouldn't say that I'm forcing it, at least from my perspective, because whenever we stay together it's usually with other friends around, mostly because I like keeping them company, with or without her around. If it's just us though, it's always because it happened to be convenient for the both of us to be together at that place in time.

We also do work in the same groups, we decided as soon as we became friends that we'd do group assignments together whenever possible (mostly due to the fact that we're too lazy to befriend more people than the small group we already have), so that's a non-issue right now.

About the love-hate aspect, I can totally see that. Sometimes when I point things out to her about her sensing (such as food on her face or her teeth, her glasses being dirty, and so on), she acts kind of annoyed, but not in a bad way. It's more of a "I wish I didn't have to rely on you to point that out to me" kind of annoyance. If I correct her or try to help her understand theoretical concepts from our classes from a practical point of view, she also has similar reactions, but those are more pronounced, and she usually just ends up saying she'd rather stick with her own interpretations to not get even more confused (even though she always arrives at the same conclusions I was trying to point her to, which makes me giggle).

And, yeah, I'm over pretending to be someone I'm not. Either way people will find a way to hate me when it suits them, so being myself is the most efficient way to achieve that result lol. But I get what you mean, not being genuine during something as complex as the dualization process can fuck you over in more ways than one, so I make sure to be as true to myself as I can. Most of my insecurities stem from how she'll react to me being myself, and not from me being myself, if that makes any sense.

Again, thank you! You've been very helpful.