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Thread: Repressed bisexual/homosexual men tendency towards excessive violence

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Default Repressed bisexual/homosexual men tendency towards excessive violence

    Mike Tyson has fathered children, been in bed with probably thousands of women, but is he a homosexual or bisexual? There has been speculation for years both within and outside boxing circles that he might be homosexual. Just look at some facts:

    • Steve Dunleavy (American Fox) said a very well-known lawyer said that Tyson was a homosexual and he didn't deny it at all, he just asked who said it.
    • Rumours have been circulating for years then there must be A LITTLE truth to it, don't you think?
    • He had been in the slammer and there have been some allegations that he had to go along with the scene, if you know what I mean...Even as a juvenile he spent some time in some pretty bad places. Remember, he hasn't denied anything.
    • I know it's all heresay, but someone pretty connected with Little Italy told Joe Bruno ( a long-time boxing writer) that Tyson was an out and out ***. Usually these guys don't make up these types of things because it doesn't really do anything for them except maybe hurt the reputation of the former heavyweight champ.
    • Another boxing writer said that a journalist he worked with who was homosexual came up to him one day and said "I met some interesting people the other night at a gay club...three guys, one was a big black guy introduced as 'Mike'. He was a fighter". The writer asked him "Mike Tyson" and the homo replied "Yes, that's who it was", and described him to a tee.
    • When Tyson was living with Cus there was an older boy who did have sex with a couple that were younger then him. Cus was really pissed off but didn't kick him out...
    • When he fought Reggies Cross he had his arm around a male reporter (which was nothing new) and when another reporter walked by Tyson said "You're just jealous that I'm with another man!"
    • Another time, a well-known boxing writer who wore his hair long was sitting on a couch next to Tyson and Tyson started leaning more on his shoulder and rubbing his hair, then Mike snapped out of it and took his hand away.
    • He also exhibits rage towards women ( ROUGH, ROUGH sex, likes to hear them scream when they have sex, hurt them).
    • We all know about his voice...

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    Vewwy homosexuwaw Mike Tyson
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
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    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    I knew a guy before that had rape fantasies about women but he also enjoyed sex with men. Like he liked gay sex better than I do, I openly talk about it too much to like it like he did probably. I mean I get horny like most men - but I also like some of the asexual things about the gay community as well. A lot of guys are just looking to fuck.

    I think sometimes/often being over the top rough and cruel with women can be very homoerotic, like even more homoerotic than two guys having sex - which to be fair got diluted and overly santized by IEEs who are into Yaoi anyway. Like Brandon Irons will sit on young woman's faces and say 'do you think I'm gay' etc.

    Super-ego society has repressed a lot of ID homosexuality, might not have to do with individuals so much idk.

    Instead of this simply being repression, I wonder if it has to do with bisexual males that also have had rough lives somehow or felt ignored/neglected. Part of where the 'evil bisexual' trope comes from that you see sometimes on tv shows etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by simpin is pimpin View Post
    Vewwy homosexuwaw Mike Tyson
    I cannot disagree. Men treating women like trash are gay and the hetero society is responsible for their behavior. 20/20
    Unless I'm blind and I am.

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    > He also exhibits rage towards women ( ROUGH, ROUGH sex, likes to hear them scream when they have sex, hurt them)

    More weighty than sex (Tyson is SLE, so this inclines to "rough sex" itself) is what a human feels to other sex in general.
    By the analogy with normal people of same sex - this adds competing in perception and hence lesser warm feelings, more surface personal and emotional interest. While to people of other sex exists indulgence and more careful relation, positive idealization, they are more pleasant to deal with - to what predisposes sexual attraction (as not practically to harm possible relations with them).

    The more a man shows negative emotions to women in general. And prefers more surface interactions with them in a pair, - with lesser personal contact, not try to develop deeper emotional and intellectual link (friendship), prefer lesser strong feelings in a pair. The more possible sexual attraction problems, including homosexuality.
    Also. Too surface emotional contact with other sex may predispose to have sex with more people. Especially accidental and not well known ones, as more personal contact needs a time for understanding and closer communication. Being in pairs such people should be higher predisposed to cheat and establish "free relations". Paradoxically some homosexuals may have more sexual partners of other sex than in average.

    s&m elements in sex may be linked secondary.
    In a case of homosexuality a sex with a human of other sex is lesser attractive. s&m stimulations may be a way to make stronger any impressions (stimulus sum effect). Also a humilation/aggressive elements may be not just a game, but also expressing of real negative relation to what happens. When you like/love other human it's partly strange to wish him a pain or any discomfort, even when this to some degree what he'd wanted. Victim position also would get a place, as when a human dislikes what should to like (sex with people of other sex) - this leads to guilt feeling and hence self-aggressive wishes.

    When you notice men or women expressing redundant negative emotions to other sex in general, - I'd suspect homosexuality there. As it's against nature to dislike other sex. Different sexes exist more for friendship.
    Negative emotions may also arise with an age going out from when children are born, - by similar reasons - reduction of sexual interest to other sex and hence of a sympathy from romantic adoration. Especially such is for women, which hormones level become lesser feminin and behavior becomes more aggressive, with more negative emotions. While aggressive negative emotions is not feminin as not useful to rise and care about tender children.

    It's general thoughts. What is with Tyson is not clear.

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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
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    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    My always-appropriate use of violence means I'm 100% straight then?

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    I have seen explosive impulsive gay SEE once but seemed not so repressed. Weird case, lol.
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    Well if he was that with many women, then maybe he was just really turned on by dudes as a natural balance. I'm not sure. I guess I kinda compare it to ppl who never see snow but then see a few flurries cuz they have a very unusually cold winter in their area and act all estatic and thot about it. Whereas you are used to the snow you're just like 'meh whatever Jan, it's just snow'

    I've looked up so many pictures of naked men that it's bound to get boring but it was even kind of boring before I was desensitized to it because a lot of gay erotica is just boring objectively as I've ranted about before. If I had sex with 1,000 men I think it's bound to get stale. Heterosexuality wouldn't be any different to me, I remember I used to be incredibly tantilized by heterosexuality just because I wasn't used to it enough. I avoid sex irl usually because I want to keep up the illusion of magic I guess when I do have some hot gay sex. That's what happened during the AIDS epidemic probably, they had to always heat up the ante to get aroused and u start doing unsafe things just for the thrill that aren't even naturally sexual but the brain turns them into sexual things due to the shock value- but that has health and moral consequences etc.

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    I've never heard about this rumour, but I've met enough straight acting bi and gay guys to know you really can never know in today's what a person likes to do sexually.

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    The key word here is "repressed". If you mean repressed as for "out of consciousness reach" like a Freudian unawareness of being Bi-Homosexual, then I would say that there is no such a thing as Bi/homosexuality repression.

    If you mean violence induced by the frustration of not being able to live a normal sexual life as a Bi/homosexual then that's another thing. It depends on the temperament of the person and his or her tolerance to frustration. Almost anybody can be violent if it's in his or her nature or under exceptional circumstances as long as it is justified by the situation and proportionate (like in self defence for instance). Impulsivity and intolerance to delayed gratification are well known factors of violent behaviors, regardless of sexual orientation.

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    lol Threads like this are why I stopped coming here. Insanity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    The key word here is "repressed". If you mean repressed as for "out of consciousness reach" like a Freudian unawareness of being Bi-Homosexual, then I would say that there is no such a thing as Bi/homosexuality repression.
    At least the Jungians talk about unconscious homosexuality in cases of men with a mother complex ("puer aethernus"). My own explanation is that because they are dissociated they don't develop normal masculinity, (normal differentiation of the personality) and that's why they can be homosexual, but because of their dissociation they don't deal with it, and they don't notice it.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    At least the Jungians talk about unconscious homosexuality in cases of men with a mother complex ("puer aethernus").
    [The Problem here is that Jung like Freud treated Homosexuality as something abnormal and thus tried to find its roots from a psychoanalytic perspective. Homosexuallity was concidered as a paraphilia and treated as such until very recently. Now, it's within that context of abnormality that Jung and others approached homosexuality as a neurotic sexual behavior supposed to be cured.

    With that said, Jung's Archetypes are a very complex thing. There is that narrative of archetypes encounters throughout the development of the psyche which don't necessarily make sense outside the framework of the structure of Jung's Model of psyche. A lot of it is purely philosophical just like Freud's work.]

    Here is an article that explain the mother complex in this context : The Mother Complex – its Definition and Implications

    My own explanation is that because they are dissociated they don't develop normal masculinity, (normal differentiation of the personality) and that's why they can be homosexual, but because of their dissociation they don't deal with it, and they don't notice it.
    As we all know, masculinity and virility are two different things. "The exaggeration of the feminine side means an intensification of all female instincts, above all the maternal instinct". Here we have a preconceived assumption that pronounced effeminacy in men is symptomatic of homesexuality regardless if the man is aware of it or not. Same goes with pronounced masculinity in women. That idea is long outdated and proven to be false. A gay man can be extremely virile and masculine, likewise he can be effeminate.

    With that out of the way, in theory a dissociated person can be thought as sexualy immature, without clear sexual orientation since those aspects go unnoticed. The conception of "repressed homosexuality" in this context is somewhat paradoxical. It's difficult to frame it even within Jung's narrative context. It's like talking of the sexual life of adults suffering with down syndrome, it's uncomfortable and awkward. As a reminder the mental age and abilities of those with down syndrome is that of an eight or nine years old.

    Your idea is interesting though. Would you mind elaborate on it ?

    I confess that I did a lot of reading for this post, it took me over three hours and my head is about to explode !!

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    I have no propensity for violence, but I’m probably the gayest Kinsey 0-1 ever. I love dressing up, putting on jewelry and feeling pretty

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    [The Problem here is that Jung like Freud treated Homosexuality as something abnormal and thus tried to find its roots from a psychoanalytic perspective. Homosexuallity was concidered as a paraphilia and treated as such until very recently. Now, it's within that context of abnormality that Jung and others approached homosexuality as a neurotic sexual behavior supposed to be cured.
    Jung is more interested in the timeless laws of the psyche. Our time happens to accept homosexuality, but that doesn't mean that it's not abnormal, psychologically speaking. If we accept that it's abnormal (and I tend to have that view), even then that doesn't mean that it has to be cured. Because what should be cured or not depends entirely on the individual and his meaningful development.

    Many people are neurotic. Probably most artists, or monks. Like, why would you limit your life to that degree to serve God. Of course that's not healthy. That doesn't mean that all monks and artists have to be cured. They have found a meaning through sacrificing their wholeness.

    A gay man can be extremely virile and masculine, likewise he can be effeminate.
    I think one can notice when a man is gay, because it's something about his psyche that differs from heterosexual men. There can be masculine traits in gays, but in true masculine heterosexuals the masculinity is a basic constitution of the whole personality.

    The conception of "repressed homosexuality" in this context is somewhat paradoxical.
    I have some feeling of what this could mean, also from my own experience, but I haven't studied it theoretically in detail.

    If a man is dissociated due to a mother complex he can lack normal human psychology. If he then gets more in touch with himself he will fall into an undeveloped personality that might lack normal masculine differentiation. He has never organized his maculine personality where the feminine is projected on women and so on. Masculinity is at least in part a struggle where you have to be in control, deal with stuff and constantly defend against the unconscious and keep your head over the water and keep a clear consciousness "keeping your personality together".

    I confess that I did a lot of reading for this post, it took me over three hours and my head is about to explode !!
    These things unfold in life. It's very interesting when something I've read happens to me or someone I know. Often indirectly or just as some psychic changes that I happen to notice.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    At least the Jungians talk about unconscious homosexuality in cases of men with a mother complex ("puer aethernus"). My own explanation is that because they are dissociated they don't develop normal masculinity, (normal differentiation of the personality) and that's why they can be homosexual, but because of their dissociation they don't deal with it, and they don't notice it.
    Debunked several decades ago. Lmao people think most gay guys are "fruity".

    I've read your posts here and while interesting as a thought experiment, the ideas are totally incorrect against reality. I think if if you really interested in the topic you should actually go and meet gay people irl. One or two gay people you know is not enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > He also exhibits rage towards women ( ROUGH, ROUGH sex, likes to hear them scream when they have sex, hurt them)

    More weighty than sex (Tyson is SLE, so this inclines to "rough sex" itself) is what a human feels to other sex in general.
    By the analogy with normal people of same sex - this adds competing in perception and hence lesser warm feelings, more surface personal and emotional interest. While to people of other sex exists indulgence and more careful relation, positive idealization, they are more pleasant to deal with - to what predisposes sexual attraction (as not practically to harm possible relations with them).

    The more a man shows negative emotions to women in general. And prefers more surface interactions with them in a pair, - with lesser personal contact, not try to develop deeper emotional and intellectual link (friendship), prefer lesser strong feelings in a pair. The more possible sexual attraction problems, including homosexuality.
    Also. Too surface emotional contact with other sex may predispose to have sex with more people. Especially accidental and not well known ones, as more personal contact needs a time for understanding and closer communication. Being in pairs such people should be higher predisposed to cheat and establish "free relations". Paradoxically some homosexuals may have more sexual partners of other sex than in average.

    s&m elements in sex may be linked secondary.
    In a case of homosexuality a sex with a human of other sex is lesser attractive. s&m stimulations may be a way to make stronger any impressions (stimulus sum effect). Also a humilation/aggressive elements may be not just a game, but also expressing of real negative relation to what happens. When you like/love other human it's partly strange to wish him a pain or any discomfort, even when this to some degree what he'd wanted. Victim position also would get a place, as when a human dislikes what should to like (sex with people of other sex) - this leads to guilt feeling and hence self-aggressive wishes.

    When you notice men or women expressing redundant negative emotions to other sex in general, - I'd suspect homosexuality there. As it's against nature to dislike other sex. Different sexes exist more for friendship.
    Negative emotions may also arise with an age going out from when children are born, - by similar reasons - reduction of sexual interest to other sex and hence of a sympathy from romantic adoration. Especially such is for women, which hormones level become lesser feminin and behavior becomes more aggressive, with more negative emotions. While aggressive negative emotions is not feminin as not useful to rise and care about tender children.

    It's general thoughts. What is with Tyson is not clear.
    I've know I was gay since before puberty and the attraction itself has never been a problem for me. Only a problem for people like you.

    Moron. No wonder your country is a shit hole if filled with backward Hicks like you.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Debunked several decades ago. Lmao people think most gay guys are "fruity".

    I've read your posts here and while interesting as a thought experiment, the ideas are totally incorrect against reality. I think if if you really interested in the topic you should actually go and meet gay people irl. One or two gay people you know is not enough.
    Do you have an opinion on the reasons for homosexuality. I mean the psychological reasons, or the psychological constitution of the person?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Do you have an opinion on the reasons for homosexuality. I mean the psychological reasons, or the psychological constitution of the person?
    Sure, will return at a later date with thoughts.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    some thoughts
    gay men have bigger penis sizes on average than str8
    however im not sure if str8 doesnt incldue a large sample of repressed bisexual men
    anyways high testosterone during growth was related to penis size
    then men who grow up without fathers average higher testosterone and need to prove thmeslves more to their peers
    u lose testosterone when u lose a fight and feel defeated, u gain it when you dominate and win. in the case of developed psychopaths they may lose a lot but keep fighting despite it so it may raise to unnatural levels despite them losing and because of them losing and being mistreated.
    men who take artificial testosterone sometimes develop homosexuality and it allegedly turns to estrogen.
    men with "weak" fathers may be more likely to be homosexual. the relation may again be more genetic in how it plays out. also the father may be less forceful with the child in particular compared to the mother but be strong otherwise. if the father isnt exerting dominance over the child it may mean the child gets more testosterone.
    of course all may be related to how a person is predisposed and genetically too so they may be homosexual regardless of what happens to them externally.
    gay ppl are more likely to have ASPD and NPD. both of those are also related to traumatic experiences.
    homosexuality in some men may be a way to make ammends with others to avoid violence. gay men are more "emotional" in a sense. super violent str8 ones like andrew tate and mike tyson are bisexual, this is somewhat consistent with what i've experienced with similar people.
    homosexuality may also be a provisioning role for other males who depend on them as "alpha males" but the violence doesn't make sense in that case. they are failing to fulfill their function.
    if they are bisexual they may be frustrated with managing to appeal both to men and women, on top of failing to appeal to homophobes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    some thoughts
    gay men have bigger penis sizes on average than str8
    however im not sure if str8 doesnt incldue a large sample of repressed bisexual men
    anyways high testosterone during growth was related to penis size
    then men who grow up without fathers average higher testosterone and need to prove thmeslves more to their peers
    u lose testosterone when u lose a fight and feel defeated, u gain it when you dominate and win. in the case of developed psychopaths they may lose a lot but keep fighting despite it so it may raise to unnatural levels despite them losing and because of them losing and being mistreated.
    men who take artificial testosterone sometimes develop homosexuality and it allegedly turns to estrogen.
    men with "weak" fathers may be more likely to be homosexual. the relation may again be more genetic in how it plays out. also the father may be less forceful with the child in particular compared to the mother but be strong otherwise. if the father isnt exerting dominance over the child it may mean the child gets more testosterone.
    of course all may be related to how a person is predisposed and genetically too so they may be homosexual regardless of what happens to them externally.
    gay ppl are more likely to have ASPD and NPD. both of those are also related to traumatic experiences.
    homosexuality in some men may be a way to make ammends with others to avoid violence. gay men are more "emotional" in a sense. super violent str8 ones like andrew tate and mike tyson are bisexual, this is somewhat consistent with what i've experienced with similar people.
    homosexuality may also be a provisioning role for other males who depend on them as "alpha males" but the violence doesn't make sense in that case. they are failing to fulfill their function.
    if they are bisexual they may be frustrated with managing to appeal both to men and women, on top of failing to appeal to homophobes.
    Did your mother kickbox or frequently fall down flights of stairs while you were in the womb? Perhaps your "thoughts" are the unfortunate result of some form of prenatal CTE.

  23. #23


    Lol. I never repressed my bisexuality. I also just like casually straight out told my mom I was bisexual, back when I was a teen. "It's just a phase," she said. "Ok, sure." I'm now 31, still waiting for the phase to end...

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    ^^^ My mood ^^^

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    This is about the sexual violence part, not whether he's gay/bi

    You should check out his bio, his life is pretty fucked up

    His mom was a prostitute and his dad was a pimp. Their apartment was the drop-off for all the prostitute's kids, and he grew up around sex and domestic violence. His mom used to give him liquor and drugs to get him to sleep.

    Mike Tyson & Shannon Briggs Talk About Growing Up In Brownsville

    @4:35 They "grew up worried about getting raped"


    He was abducted by some old man and sexually abused at 7
    Last edited by inaLim; 04-08-2023 at 08:56 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    This is about the sexual violence part, not whether he's gay/bi

    You should check out his bio, his life is pretty fucked up

    His mom was a prostitute and his dad was a pimp. Their apartment was the drop-off for all the prostitute's kids, and he grew up around sex and domestic violence. His mom used to give him liquor and drugs to get him to sleep.

    Mike Tyson & Shannon Briggs Talk About Growing Up In Brownsville

    @4:35 They "grew up worried about getting raped"


    He was abducted by some old man and sexually abused at 7
    i know ppl with his attitude where some of whom had some issues but i know ppl with pretty bad issues who dont have his inclinations to hostility and self righteousness, or if they do they listen and change more. i also know about rich ppl who've been away from that and so spoiled maybe born psychopths hurting others is entertaining for them. ofc theres variety of factors and circumstances but he felt real power in the ring and i believe himself directly not only experiencing but learning to dish out violence further pushed him in the wrong direction. power without responsibility leads to attrocities his ego also grew. the former ppl who also were gone bad like him always surrounded by invisible enemies triggered by everything controlling you can't breathe around them can't criticize them can't make mistakes and i despise them telling "if u grow up like that u wont tolerate disrespect" - if its deserved or benign u will, they just became powerful and didn't learn self control or to care for others as much as themselves.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i know ppl with his attitude where some of whom had some issues but i know ppl with pretty bad issues who dont have his inclinations to hostility and self righteousness, or if they do they listen and change more. i also know about rich ppl who've been away from that and so spoiled maybe born psychopths hurting others is entertaining for them. ofc theres variety of factors and circumstances but he felt real power in the ring and i believe himself directly not only experiencing but learning to dish out violence further pushed him in the wrong direction. power without responsibility leads to attrocities his ego also grew. the former ppl who also were gone bad like him always surrounded by invisible enemies triggered by everything controlling you can't breathe around them can't criticize them can't make mistakes and i despise them telling "if u grow up like that u wont tolerate disrespect" - if its deserved or benign u will, they just became powerful and didn't learn self control or to care for others as much as themselves.
    Why not try to understand the man before you diagnose the disorder

    @1:58 ego
    @3:11 hypnotism starting at 13
    @3:50 no off switch


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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Why not try to understand the man before you diagnose the disorder

    @1:58 ego
    @3:11 hypnotism starting at 13
    @3:50 no off switch

    just because he was manipulated and developed violent cognitive networks that shaped his character does not mean that i am supposed to validate them and let him spread his disease. empathy does not belong to anyone. you give people waht they deserve otherwise u will suffer and die, and not only you. you give the wrong people what they don't deserve they get bigger and ruin others. if you want to give or get understanding you need to do it properly just as it's appropriate. just because you can see some human parts of him doesn't mean the rest isn't there. a toxic person very often uses his trauma to justify his actions. of course you should be supported through tough shit, and you can't be blamed for everything, but it doesn't mean u aren't persistently crossing the wrong borders and that people should tolerate that, when you are not changing much (when people don't know if u even want to, which is the defining characteristic of the ppl im thalking about) not anyone in his position would act the way he did. some people just don't want to drop the ego. you can give some ppl genuine understanding but they dont want to reciprocate and will dare do it in a crooked way while pretending they do and you are a horrible person for having ur own borders. someone will get raped once then will go on will rape others who dont deserve it AND who may have supported him or wanted to support him with genuine intentions but he dont want to trust and he will still feel like a victim. he's not the only one who matters. why dont he take his anger on the men and those who abused him < because they are more powerful or distant or wahtever thats why so u go for someone weaker who doesnt deserve it. were they just hurt too and they weren't understood? how do you imagine women whom he raped getting jacked in a boxing ring becoming champions against men? what are they supposed to do with their anger? destroy their rape born children's lives or commit suicide?
    He continued, “We’re the same guy. A thrust for power, a drive for power. Whatever field we’re in, we need power in that field. That’s just who we are…”

    Tyson went public with his endorsement of Trump for president.
    “Listen: I’m a Black motherf***er from the poorest town in the country. I’ve been through a lot in life. And I know him. When I see him, he shakes my hand and respects my family. None of them—Barack, whoever—nobody else does that. They’re gonna be who they are and disregard me, my family. So I’m voting for him. If I can get 20,000 people or more to vote for him, I’m gonna do it.”
    trump is a narcissist he is bad, tyson cares more about superficial respect than integrity. he apologized to his children but it doesn't mean he cares. he cares more about the image of apologizing and being seen as a nice guy, than being a nice guy. his behavior is demonic possession mostly.
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 04-09-2023 at 12:36 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Why not try to understand the man before you diagnose the disorder
    1.) Bro, don't assume that this creature wants to actually (i.e., legit, concrete data) understand anything. They seem to be driven primarily by mental illness and confirmation bias.

    2.) Seeing as how they likely received their diagnostician certificate from the ANUS (Anonymous Nobody University System), I wouldn't take anything they say seriously.

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    I don't really know anything about Mike Tyson, but insofar as repressed sexuality correlating with aggression and/or assault, this might be interesting to you:

    (I haven't read the paper, just this abstract):
    The present study compared the relative effectiveness of sexuality variables versus attitudes hypothesized to be rape-supportive in the prediction of “likelihood to rape” (LR) and “likelihood to use sexual force” (LF) measures. This research was guided by the suggestion that understanding the variables which underlie LR and LF may shed light on the factors which cause some men to actually commit acts of violence against women. The results were inconsistent with viewing rape as primarily caused by sexual frustration or sexual maladjustment, since sexuality variables were generally not predictive of LF or LR. In contrast, a variety of rape-supportive attitudes and beliefs such as blaming the victim for her rape or viewing sexual violence as sexually arousing to women were successful predictors of both LF and LR. These data were interpreted as supporting theories of rape which consider cultural, socially transmitted attitudes about women and rape to be psychological releasers for sexual aggression. The findings also supported the notion of an “aggression toward women” continuum, rather than a conceptualization of rape as a discrete, isolated phenomenon with its own determinants.
    I know it's just one study, but in case you are interested...

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    1000% homosexual. All Alphas male types and overly macho men are gay ass hell and just want to bang their dude friends, but secretly hate themselves for it, so they become as manly as any man and tell other men this is how to cure homosexuality and be supermen True Alpha men with babies and money and Bugattis. And then they finally feel good about themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Do you have an opinion on the reasons for homosexuality. I mean the psychological reasons, or the psychological constitution of the person?
    Hi Tallmo,

    I am a little hesitant to explain myself, given the state of the opinions on this forum, because people mistake a thought exploration as something solid and absolute, and fight unfairly. In other words, my quest to understand the roots of my sexuality, and those of other gay and bi people, has been one of an evolving journey, and contains multiple perspectives, some of which are in conflict with one another. So here goes the ground work of my treatise on why people are gay, and if it even matters:

    I would be remise in forgetting to state that at its core, I do not think that a reason for being a certain way is necessary to completely understand, in order to live a good and happy life. A beautiful tree, standing in the light of the sun, does not need to question itself in order to stand beautiful and tall against the seasons for hundreds of years. It just is.

    In the same way, the reason for being gay is not necessary in order to be gay. Do you understand this distinction? Gayness crosses all idealogical, political, and social lines. A person is as likely to be gay in a uncontacted tribe in the Amazon, as they are in San Fransisco, or Miami...or Russia. This has been proven by anthrolopoghists for decades and I do not feel its required to demonstrate that by links and studies. Do your own research. Further, being gay has existed throughout all of time. This has also been demonstrated. If you are interested in gay people throughout history, please join Facebook groups. You will find photographs from a hundred years ago of gay couples, usually hidden from the greater society. This tosses out this concept of gayness being a modern phenomena, brought on by hidden chemicals, or secret poisons in the water. Get over it if you disagree. Its fact. These chemicals were not around a hundred years ago, so how can these gay people in history be explained away by this, if the supposed contributing factors are not found throughout all time and place?

    So its well established that gay people have always been present and always been present in great enough numbers as to have left their mark on history. Your influencing philosophers, inventors, religious figures that changed the world, all had the potential and in fact many ... were... gay. FACT. WE have computers because of a gay man. We are not Nazis right now, because of a gay man, for example. get. over. it.

    So why are people gay? This is a question I've asked since I was a child, being that its been such an important and impacting feature of my life, one in which I suffered greatly as a child trying to figure out: as a fixed identity is required to a healthy functioning ego, and a healthy functioning position in society, free from fear and turmoil from the "others", hence- the social progression of society. Thank-God people have hard fought for rights and protections long before I came along, and allowed me to live a full and happy life in society. Ironically, civilizations have at many times, in many continents, both ignored and celebrated gay people openly, and these hard fought rights come to us from a time of great oppression and fear, that was not always present. Again, research history.

    But none of this explains WHY people are gay. Its crucial to recognize that it does not matter why, people just ARE. In the same way a tree just IS. Yet, society demands its explanations, for if a person is a certain way, than material reductionism demands its answers.

    Which leads to nurture vs nature. Are people gay because of upbringing? some experience, or lack of experience at some formative moment in their childhood or youth? This line of questioning was heavily explored over the century. The answer, succinctly, is a resounding NO. Again, do your own research. No overbearing mother made little Mark gay. No absent Father made little Barbara gay. No lack of mainly activities at 8 years old made James a fruit cake. No lesson taught in school by the local cross dressing fa%%ot turns little Bruce into a raging queen. Debunked, all of it. Freud showed us that childhood matters, but he was also embedded in an era where more needed to be learned, via scientific methods, and societal aligning with the inherent dignity and worth of the individual.

    So nature then. If its a matter of matter, then perhaps being gay came from here? Many studies have looked for the roots of homosexuals here. The gay gene. Epigentic influences. Gay Aunty-Uncle theory. Increasing the fecundity of siblings. FACTS. But none of them are a smoking gun, only slightly less nebulous answers :/ Look to the animal kingdom to see Mr Lion licking his best friends testicles. Look at that gay giraffe humping his tall necked buddy. Look at dogs for christ sakes, humping their female sisters. Dominance is also a factor, as it is in humans - prisons are a case in point. Yet humans are more than animals, our behaviours encompass ALL the animals, which is, personally, influencing my own beliefs that human beings are sacred and more than our primal instincts, although those are also sacred.

    Tell a tree to stop being a tree. Will it bend to your will? Tell a gay person to stop having romantic and sexual thoughts and feelings. Tell a gay man to not get erect at the sight of a another attractive man. Tell a woman to not feel affection, warmth, love for her sister in college. You cant. You can try and society fucking did try and look how that turned out? Pretty fucking disastrous. Pretty fucking awful. Pretty fucking sad.

    These questions led me to even entertain the possibility that gayness is some kind of disordered pattern, some kind of corrupted and corruptible process that change "what could have been", or the potential a gay person could have ended up straight. This leads to the moralization of sexuality. If a thing is corrupted, then it can be uncorrupted, it can be turned, it can be changed, it can be made right, in the way a mis-measured beam of a house can be recut and made "true". In my attempts to reconcile this possibility, I learned it cannot. No amount of trying to change a tree into a grass will do it. Although I think maybe the gay gene could be removed by God-scientists in some near future, but some gay men/woman do not have this gene expression, so what then do we do about "those" people? And I think we an all remember what "dealing with those people" leads leads to great suffering. No other creature in this world enacts the level of monstrosity that man enacts on its fellow man.

    So the bottom line is it doesn't fucking matter why. I quested and quested to answer the why and I think I am most qualified to answer. I looked at nature, nurture, society, some kind of mice in a utopia cages stratifying the future generations into hyper sexualized homosexuals. No answer is satisfactory, no answer explains in entirety. Nothing encompasses the wholeness of being in all times and places.

    In what way does Amber and Tiffany doing the scissor and kissing and renovating their bathroom into something beautiful effect you, or your family in any negative, or harmful way? Zero percent. Seriously.

    Why does Bob and mark sucking dik in their back yard undercut the very fabric of your existence? We claim the moral high ground by saying that other people are lesser by being the way they are, yet also stand pretty in some self congratulation circle jerk when a politician removes the human rights of other humans and stand proud and haunty at the spectre of others diminished enjoyment, capacity, and affect to live a free and equal existence. Such deep and disturbing hypocrisy. Pure ignorance and willful blindness. "Forgive them lord, for they know not what they do". And don't give me this pathetic argument that "well they force it in our faces in media, with their parades, blah blah blah". So fucking what? When you grow old and decrepit and can't wipe your own ass, you think still that gay male nurse, who cleans your shit like a infant is "evil"? You think any of your wining and crying and wringing your hands at other gay human beings is going to matter when you are faced with the spectre of your own mortality? You arrogant and ignorant child. None of it will matter.

    BUT... I think it does need to be acknowledged that being hit on by another member of the opposite sex IS frightening, IS intimidating. This is the growing pains of a world freshly minted and I think gay men and woman in their effort to be free, should temper themselves from the most forward aspects of their sexuality. If they demand respect (need) from others, then it should be given as well. Sexual attention can have some threat and we are still instinctual animals at heart. I tell you this in order for you to understand that I'm not an absolute thinker. That I think there is some room to at least CONSIDER things I do not agree with, or find uncomfortable. But please do not mistake my effort to hold this type of cognitive dissonance creating scenarios in my head as some sort of "gotcha" moment. "ah see, even YOU think like I do, GOTCHA".

    Finally, in answer to your question about the psychological constitution of the person. There is literally no singular defining feature. There are as many types of gay people as there are people. You can trust me on that. I no more relate to a prissy city boy as he relates to me, and no amount of trying to define "one thing" is going to encompass reality and anyone trying to do that is definitely giving a biased opinion. Take it from me, or do not. So don't tread on gay people. Let them "be". Make their own mistakes, make their own triumphs. They are not going away. Let them live a life they chose, within reason and with the same amount of responsibility as anyone else. A tree is a tree and the tree does not ask why. (although I think I should also note that trees live in a community, but they are also all vying for the same unit of sunlight as other trees, hence competition is a fixed law of biology, but its not the end of the story).

    I hope that helps answer your question, thank you for listening. And I apologize at this long winded post, but I wanted to do a tiny bit of justice to this. This concludes my Ted Talk.
    Last edited by timber; 04-13-2023 at 07:02 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    They seem to be driven primarily by mental illness and confirmation bias.

    I mostly drive-by post, I don't lose sleep over anything here.

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    His voice isn't all that manly but that doesn't mean he packs fudge. Also most of the guys in jail were afraid of him, I doubt they would be sneaking behind after he dropped the soap. All this speculative crap of someone's sexuality comes off as creepy and weird for someone to think about in general.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    So you are saying that Tyson is gay?

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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    So you are saying that Tyson is gay?
    No, lol, I actually do not remember why I posted Mikey's photo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    No, lol, I actually do not remember why I posted Mikey's photo
    Lol, well I'd be surprised if he was gay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HotAndCold View Post
    Lol, well I'd be surprised if he was gay.
    I actually wouldn't be suprised, he has so much energy that could be put into into anal banging

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    There's no psychological reasons, most people are just born that way. I knew since I was about 5 years old. There are gay people in every subset of the human population. Even if you weren't born that way and decided to be gay because you had such bad luck with other sex I don't see that's a problem necessarily but realistically I'm not sure that even happens a lot. Anyway we don't ask straight people to explain their straightness, we consider it a gift from God because the str8 woman is now pregnant with potential Jesus.

    Some well-meaning people think gay people (gay men in particular) were created to be emotional healers and supporters in their communities, the reason being if every male was some warrior-type straight male douche the world would die out. This father of a gay son did some TED talk about it. It's an interesting hypothesis but it obviously ignores the gay men who can and will in fact, kick your ass and are Warrior and Rogue classes themselves. And it ignores the reality that there are kind and soft str8 men as well, etc. I mean it made no sense because he was straight or bi himself and was also soft and nice himself lol. He just obviously had the genetic code to make a gay son. His son was soft and nice because he was soft and nice himself and we share our parents DNA, not because he was gay.

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