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Thread: Si PolR - My thoughts

  1. #1
    Mairon's Avatar
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    Default Si PolR - My thoughts

    I think Si polr is the most important aspect to consider when you have to understand if someone is EIE or not. It could even bring in mistyping them for ESEs or SEIs if you just consider how they "appear". So...

    Si polr to me is just the inability to be in comfort in general, both with the physical world (they can't be just "automatic" relating to it) and with their mental state.

    For exemple, they don't know how to properly sit on a chair, what kind of posture is normal etc. Even when they sit in a normal way, they are so self conscious and uncomfortable that people would perceive they are sitting weirdly, while a Si valuer could sit weirdly while still appearing natural and in comfort. This doesn't mean IMO that they are not interested in how they appear, or they wouldn't be good actors. They just don't naturally know how to do it well because they are constantly self conscious cause of their creative Ni, which is "purpose seeking" rather than oriented to the quality of the stimuli and the general comfort.

    I noticed this lack of Si generates also constant anxiety and the most common way they have to cope with it is bringing their energy to their mob Se, which express this discomfort in various way.

    So, I noticed different approaches:
    - They completely neglect Si and just keep doing terrible postures, being uncaring about appearance etc. (maybe every XIEs starts this way because it is their weakness), trying to not improve;
    - they substitute their lack of Si with being too much expressive and they try to make an impact with their physical appearance in a weird way, for exemple dressing as a goth, or as an armani model just to go to the supermarket, or doing a lot of tatoos and piercings; they could dislike appearing "normal". Most of the EIEs I know do this (and these are the most common type of EIEs imo);
    - Some of them could decide to work about it, yet their results will be mixed and sometimes weird. For exemple, if they want to show theirselves to be able to appear in a state they perceive as "normal" (because they could actually desire to do it), it is like they exaggerate their postures and people can easily perceive XIEs being in "manual mode" or just uncomfortable. Having their back very straight, giving the impression they have a broom in the a$$, or trying new posture or facial expression etc. Also, some of them could spend a lot of time caring about their physical appearance and end up being externally "perfect" and trendy like a Si valuer, yet they still couldn't fit in due to their self-consciousness. I have this EIE friend who looks like a Si lead, but if you spend 5 minutes with him you understand he is undercover lol. He watches every f*cking reflex of himself he can find (car glasses, shop glasses, his phone etc.) and complain about his hairs even if everyone doesn't give a f0ck and jus want to chill. But he feels everyone is judging him so he must be perfect. A lot of people also says this guys makes too much expressive facial expressions and sometimes they find it funny even when he wanted to be taken seriously.

    Ironically, EIEs being good actors is due also to their concern in this matter. Being so self conscious give them the skill to learn a lot of different way of showing theirselves, but they would feel natural in doing so only if they are doing something for a purpose, for exemple working for a movie or wanting to affect someone else.

    Also, talking about mental states, another EIE I know said this to me:
    "I just can't relax. Even when I done everything I planned and I could take some time to relax, I always think "what is the meaning of life if there is not any problem to be preoccupied about", and so I must create some problem in my mind"
    He also explained to me he doesn't feel in comfort even when he is sleeping. He could get up at a decided hour without any alarm to wake him, because he has this "ready" mental state everytime.

    I will add other ideas about it, but I want your opinions too. What do you think about Si PolR?

  2. #2
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    I just know that when EIE was sick at work the ESE at work tried to take care of her by empathizing and touching the EIE’s hair, by making sentimental remarks like “aww you don’t look well; is there anything I can do?” Maybe EIE look and come across as not being able to be in a state of comfort when they are ill sending out the “help me” call card.

    To be fair when I’m sick I look like hell too who doesn’t ? I just say “i’m on my cocktail” and maybe don’t send out the calling card as much since I’m introverted or don’t work around people.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  3. #3
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I thought Si PoLR had more to do with how you can be kind of "prickly" and abrasive to others, and not make your words sound super comforting. ((asshole LIE businessman archetype or provocative EIE drag queen etc)) Sometimes the Si PoLR can be over the top nice and sensitive too though, like it goes both ways because SEIs have 3D ignoring Se etc. More prominent in ethicals maybe because 'feelings are weaknesses and thoughts are strength!' in a campy way etc.

    But I like this explanation as well.

  4. #4
    youfloweryourfeast's Avatar
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    Si polr seems common in todays society a lot of my friends are..Maybe because they use their se instead for society. Not taking very good care of your health (in worser states). caring more for your appearance rather than health so they could look very beautiful, but it's seem kinda manufactured, (into like piercings, nose rings, tattoos for funn ofc, body not being in a state of equilibrium, not really able to create peace in their surroundings(not always), unhealthy or weird diets/indulgences, hoarding, and when more unhealthy does not care if their house becomes very dirty which like if your living with someone who's si polr, but you values si it can start to annoy you/or them. Also getting strange sickness that they will tell you about or could use to make you feel pity 4 them.
    -I have been in some dirty places/environments where Si was not valued at ALL like stuff everywhere in the bathrooms, there was this horrible smell coming out of the walls of the school and everywhere you walked you could feel it...lmaoo a bunch of kids randomly got lice once, the whole school,ppl randomly getting sick, (the administration was just bad in general), nn the water also was cloudy or tasted v weird. Also a lot of bullying there. I was never said anything Abt it to anyone bc I know they can't really do anything to change it and it wasn't THAT bad but I usually stayed outside a lot.
    Weirdly, I never did get sick or anything from it and it wasn't that big of a deal but more for the younger kids. A part of me was like I just want to clean the entire school and put like oils or something in every room.
    -But I don't think I'm si ego simply because si, I don't really focus on that much. It's not something 24/7 I am paying attention too, often I can have my clothes pile up and my space can be cluttered. Like rn and 24/7 often. I just have certain things I dislike like odor/dirt I can't stand in my space or dirty food.
    Last edited by youfloweryourfeast; 03-19-2024 at 03:32 PM.

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    Last edited by Simple; 09-16-2024 at 04:30 PM.

  6. #6
    youfloweryourfeast's Avatar
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    Yeahh I have noticed the salt thing. I try not to criticize my friends or family if their si is bad because they can get upset about it.
    Another thing is they will talk about cleaning and organization but not rlly go through with it. So everything tends to stay the same and may expect you to fix it, and blame you.
    Also, I have started to become concerned because I don't think my si polr mother ever sleeps how ever she says she is sick, but does not exhibit any symptoms. But she does not like going to the doctor so.

  7. #7
    jimi$dope one's Avatar
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    - If I bait them to talking about bodily stuff they don’t seem to respond at all
    - Even if they have money they may live in squalor
    - Not much comments about smell, feel of the room, what things should look like, but for some reason for example when I give or present something visually good or striking they like it and that’s the only time they will start thinking about those kinds of things, but still would never comment how things match each other that way - it’s like they only see things as is and not connected to the whole
    - So speaking of that they may wear things that are not even connected to one another style-wise or there is something super different about what they wear
    - Mostly no chill, even if they seem chill they still overdo more than anyone which is kinda good because they move fast
    - Their food combo choices are questionable to me, you can also bait them here by saying something like this food is well-suited rn bec of some reasons and they match the other food and they never seem to respond, it’s like they don’t even understand what you’re talking about

    I don’t know how to explain it it’s like they see objects in a disconnected way like they never see how they relate and when you change one aspect of the whole that changes the vibe of things

    Sometimes LIE’s perspective of quality and beauty is when there is a good reason for it, like maybe it has good reviews, maybe it’s expensive, never about the thing matching the others or if it’s in season. It’s more likely they will say it’s a good buy for this season because it’s in sale or something about the overall trend that it’s the best time to buy now.

    I don’t think they are bad at design but most of the time they never even consider designs and aesthetic when doing anything

    I am also not saying they are not fashionable, but they seem to sacrifice the overall feel and comfort for the idea and any other aspects. To be fair they don’t need to, others do though. Sometimes they make you do things with them that they think is normal but you are already dying because you can feel how it is messing your internal state. But that’s for me and some select types because their duals love pressure don’t care about any of these things
    Last edited by one; 03-18-2024 at 12:10 PM.

  8. #8
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    I guess you can talk about their supervisors in related to them too. SxIs may just always go for average but they are put together, tend to be healthy in general, comfortable, good sense of their own bodies. Probably more well-slept than their supervisees too. SEIs always match the vibe and casually stunning, SLIs are competent enough without killing themselves.

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