@Aster @adage

Thank you so much for sharing your stories! I think it’s very important to recognize that certain medications can also play a role in causing obesity or weight gain. Adage, I’m glad your high school friend was able to regain some normalcy in his diet and become healthier. That anti-depressant sounds awful… especially because it completely removes your appetite and replaces it with nausea and extra pounds. That’s insane. I’m happy he’s happy now!

Aster, your story about your mom hit a soft spot in my heart because my mom is currently struggling with losing weight as well. My mom has had some pain in her knees which has made it difficult for her to walk or exercise, so she’s gained some extra weight and I don’t think she feels very good about herself but we (my family) constantly try to pump her up, to make her feel better about herself. Hearing the things you said about your mother brought a tear to my eye :’) It’s heartwarming. She sounds like she was a wonderful mother, from the little you’ve told me about her.

My father is naturally chunky, and in his old age he gains weight easily, despite his daily exercise. I also try to pump him up constantly because the poor guy beats himself up about his eating habits and weight gain, although he definitely looks a lot more able-bodied and fit than most men his age. Some of us are too hard on ourselves.

Societal body ideals and beauty standards are poisonous.