Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
Well, I guess it does make sense since like attracts like. The only person that I have conversations with that I enjoy is my INTJ friend (MBTI INTJ). The other one is an ENTP. The other 2 people I interact with most are INFP and ENFP. I enjoy talking the most with my INTJ friend, but we only really have an in depth conversation once every few months. But that may be just adulthood taking our time away.
I think the problem is (no offense to you or anything) that there's is never really a strong certainty that your judgement is correct. I guess a good approach would be to take people where you are absolutely sure about their type and compare them to yourself and what you value or if they relate to the way you live or go through life. I personally am not sure if Te is entirely related to a "fact" based perception of reality, as I think Ti is very factual too, the latter just prefers to subjectively asses and create speculative systems while the former just accepts knowledge as it is. Te is also related to handling money and being responsible with it. that's why IEI often make purchases that they haven't considered well or are bad at handling money/ live wasteful when they have too much. as they exist at the moment I find the cognitive functions not well defined but that's just my own opinion.