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Thread: What's my type + Video

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    Honestly I kinda give up, I expected to read that people were of a similar mind. But my typing is all over the place. Everyone thinks something different. But nonetheless thank you guys for your time.
    That happens everywhere when it comes to typology. If you ever decide to go to Gulenko, ask him to give you a second subtype beforehand if he can. He doesnt do it later on. And if you try and come back and declare it, that would be appreciated.

    You are 4DTi type, have ND or DN subtype regardless of your type.


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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    That happens everywhere when it comes to typology. If you ever decide to go to Gulenko, ask him to give you a second subtype beforehand if he can. He doesnt do it later on. And if you try and come back and declare it, that would be appreciated.

    You are 4DTi type, have ND or DN subtype regardless of your type.

    Maybe @Varlawend can say, if he has got some time, if he's an ILI, like him

    The fact that the people that are analizing him from the model g perspective don't see a balanced-stable prominence really worries me xD.

    Of course, if Varlawend or Gulenko type him ILI or another thing that is not LSI, I will humbly accept my mistake and try to improve my knowledge. Idk maybe I'm mistaken and he's an ILI.

    (Sorry for the mention in advance if it bothered).

    Last edited by Reaktor; 01-26-2023 at 06:04 AM.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaktor View Post
    Maybe @Varlawend can say, if he has got some time, if he's an ILI, like him

    The fact that the people that are analizing him from the model g perspective don't see a balanced-stable prominence really worries me xD.

    Of course, if Varlawend or Gulenko type him ILI or another thing that is not LSI, I will humbly accept my mistake and try to improve my knowledge. Idk maybe I'm mistaken and he's an ILI.

    (Sorry for the mention in advance if it bothered).
    @MadaraZero has read some of the things and camera angle wasnt directly adjusted in a way we can see his whole face directly. So some elements of VI are missing.

    @Varlawend hasnt typed anyone for a long time on this site unless they are being typed by G as far as I know. Hence I thought that was on purpose mb because criterias of interview require some specific info to be captured and/or some other things.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaktor View Post
    In the first place, this was also a hypothesis for me; ILI - Dominant subtype. However if you split up the dychotomies, temperament, etc you end up in LSI, also note that you might have the video sped up, as it is sped up by default. Out of the dychotomies / temperament; why I don't think he's an ILI in a nutshell? Because of E (Fe) in the context of being an ILI. For all the ILIs I know, both IRL or internet, it's not usual for them to refer to themselves as "I'm already clever enough" or "Creating a superior human being" not even in a humoristic context (I get that he's joking). Maybe if the ILI is surrounded by friends he does. But he's making a video for random people in a forum!! They don't want to be the center of atention; it is more a "shadow-genius" position in the background for them (don't take the word genius seriously, it's an example / exageration).

    Also Scientific-Researcher mindset is nowhere to be found in any part of the video. You may argue that the fact that he wants to "learn the truth about himself" is refered to scientific-researcher mindset, but that's purely subjectivity and comfort seeking. It fits very well in the LSI way of thinking Ti-Si, gathering data, building logical models in order to understand everything in their lifes and get a sense of comfort. To understand from what is money to what are the sentiments from a logical POV.

    What do you think @Pendulum ? It's nice to meet another Model G user in the forum. There aren't many. This kind of surprises me and somehow dissapoints me, but it's what it's.
    Oh my god, true. Why on earth does this site speed up the video by default... Odd choice. I guess in most cases it doesn't matter but it in this specific case it changes a lot about the whole VI lol.

    After looking true it again, I think I agree with LSI. I admit I wasn't paying that much attention and didn't watch the whole thing, but on a second glance both his tone, his gaze, and his whole body seem to be too fixed into a single position, to the point where you can skip through minutes and they're still in the same place. That looks like balanced-stable to me. From what he indicates he's very disciplined, able to stand his ground and active, even physically which is more Se than one would expect from a ILI, a type which often falls victim to lethargy and prefers to be a conceptualiser moreso than an implementer. Also puts emphasis on his love for systematisation and organisation, even being into cleaning. A bit of Ti-Si here and in the other areas you mentioned. These types can blend in a bit on some areas depending on subtype and other attributes, both being process logical types with very strong Ti which can make LSIs look very abstract when they go deep into theory, but upon further examination he does seem to be a bit too grounded. It always goes back to his work or the things happening on his life somehow, and the things he does he usually does with a purpose. ILIs are more detached and wandering. Some of these things I had already noticed but just chalked up to subtype influence.

    Anyways this was a huge session of me arguing with myself much moreso than you (yay dialectics). In the end though I do agree with your type more than my original one. Not completely sure of it but while I did read a lot about Model G, I'm still quite inexperienced so I'm open to the possibility there's something we might have missed. But yeah my vote now goes for LSI.

    Also, nice to meet you too. I really do wish there were more people discussing SHS but honestly? I'm not surprised at all. Not only does it go against a lot of the Model A that people know that makes it look weird and blasphemous, especially with all the LSI and EIE typings that Gulenko does (which in my opinion says more about average person who's really invested into socionics than it says about his system), but also and most importantly, it's just hard to learn and understand and wrap your head around. There isn't a neat little wiki with tons of well put together resources from many different authors throughout the years going into detail about every part of the theory. Your biggest freely available resources are Gulenko's incredibly mid website which is shallow, especially in english, has some outdated information, bad type descriptions, and can sometimes leave you with more questions than answers or just begging for an elaboration. Aside from that you have his book which most won't bother buying, although there's a PDF online, which makes it not only piracy but inconvenient for most. And that's it really for official sources. Most of what I know I learned from reading lots of reddit comments from people who studied directly under Gulenko, that or Varlawend's blog. Model G is straight up paywalled and although I can understand that the guy needs to make a living, it's frustrating and sort of dooms it to be unpopular, because how will people agree with something they don't understand at all? I see more people getting into it every day but still, don't think it will ever be on par with A, the information on it is just too limited. Oh, well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulum View Post
    Also, nice to meet you too. I really do wish there were more people discussing SHS but honestly? I'm not surprised at all. Not only does it go against a lot of the Model A that people know that makes it look weird and blasphemous, especially with all the LSI and EIE typings that Gulenko does (which in my opinion says more about average person who's really invested into socionics than it says about his system), but also and most importantly, it's just hard to learn and understand and wrap your head around. There isn't a neat little wiki with tons of well put together resources from many different authors throughout the years going into detail about every part of the theory. Your biggest freely available resources are Gulenko's incredibly mid website which is shallow, especially in english, has some outdated information, bad type descriptions, and can sometimes leave you with more questions than answers or just begging for an elaboration. Aside from that you have his book which most won't bother buying, although there's a PDF online, which makes it not only piracy but inconvenient for most. And that's it really for official sources. Most of what I know I learned from reading lots of reddit comments from people who studied directly under Gulenko, that or Varlawend's blog. Model G is straight up paywalled and although I can understand that the guy needs to make a living, it's frustrating and sort of dooms it to be unpopular, because how will people agree with something they don't understand at all? I see more people getting into it every day but still, don't think it will ever be on par with A, the information on it is just too limited. Oh, well.
    I can't feel more related

    You can't imagine how hard for me it was to learn Model G without paying for Gulenko's classes, which, for me, at the moment of my life where I'm still a Uni Student without any sort of personal income, I can't afford. I also understand them to demand money, and honestly is not that expensive, if you had a salary. You can easily spend the amount of a course during 3 weekends of partying or if you had a tobbaco adiction, etc. I also find it kind of sad that he doesn't create a free source with good information and LOTS OF EXAMPLES. But I understand that translators might be expensive and probably Gulenko just gave up on the international community, since 90% don't pay atention to him. And, being honest, socionics community looks alike more to a madhouse/psychiatric/circus than a real research-orientated community. Yesterday I've read a guy who studied with Gulenko and had a lot of years of experience typing Cristiano Ronaldo as an IEI - Dominant, not ironically. The only thing that I could do at that moment is smile, close the PC and go to sleep

    I only own his book, bought it with like 21€, very cheap and it's really useful. It's like a portable wikisocionics about Model G. But the book itself has some printing errors, also bigger mistakes such as putting the wrong name to some things which can led to confusion if you don't pay attention and it has a big lack of examples. It wasn't easy for me, for example to understand terminal-initial / connectiveness-ignorativeness until I read some examples on reddit or Varlawend's blogg. But when you get the examples and return to the book, everything makes a lot more of sense. It's not a 1-time-reading book, it's like a partner in socionics, you always return to it xD.

    I feel like all the content about Model G is avalible if you own the book + translate ucranian SHS website via automatic google translator extension + watch Ben Vaserlan's videos with Victor G (these videos sometimes can get uncomfortable: Ben has a lot of weird friends ). The only thing left from there is to gather practical examples and to observe, which is a very hard process if you don't have previous examples, but not impossible.

    Last edited by Reaktor; 01-26-2023 at 06:04 AM.

  6. #46
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    ILI uploading a video talking about themselves to get information on an esoteric, non-established theory? Yeah.. no

    There seems to be a general misunderstanding about logical types on this site, especially the introverted ones, who just don't share all that much with their environment
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    ILI uploading a video talking about themselves to get information on an esoteric, non-established theory? Yeah.. no

    There seems to be a general misunderstanding about logical types on this site, especially the introverted ones, who just don't share all that much with their environment
    With all due respect Alive, I don't see how you agree with Gulenko on any matter when you refuse to apply his theory. If you did you would see just how many people are (very obviously) incompatible with IEI as a type. You seem to tunnel vision into very specific things, like Ni being interested in psychology and typology and ethical because they show a video of themselves on the internet. Only with that contrived logic would this guy who doesn't show an ounce of ethics in neither speech nor face be classified under the same type of people like Aster. From a Model G perspective you ignore key dichotomies like static/dynamic and process/result, you ignore temperaments, you ignore the energy model, thinking somehow IEIs are the types to engage in Ti and be extremely proficient in it all the time when it's their Launcher, an energy pessimum function, ignore +/- signs and everything else that contradict your theory. Even when looking at Model A you expect us to believe that the dreamy romantic type with PoLR Te can describe themselves primarily as industrious, active, systematic and efficient and have its primary issues be not knowing how to deal with others' emotions and being too blunt?

    Saying there's a misunderstanding about what logical types are on this site seems arrogant to me, I don't think you'll find any place that actually agrees with you. One of the problems is that you focus too much on what the person does and not enough on why. If logical types couldn't believe in non-established theory none of them would ever be religious, and no science would ever get made, since it always starts as esoteric theory, and they would be limited to empiricism. Are people like Carl Jung, Aushra Augusta, Sigmund Freud and Viktor Gulenko all ethical types or did they simply not believe their own theories? Logical types will apply critical thinking and a healthy dose of skepticism but they may still show interest and believe in these theories. And while an ethical type would make a video sharing things about them to others as a social activity simply because they like sharing (this is Extraverted Ethics), a logical type would do it because they see it as the most optimal way to get an accurate assessment of their type.

  8. #48
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    would this guy who doesn't show an ounce of ethics in neither speech nor face be classified under the same type of people like Aster.
    Do you assume that he watched the video?
    Souls know their way back home

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    It's unavoidable with typology, as it categorizes 8 billion people into 16 types. It's rare that a couple of people here agree on something. You might want to look at the big five instead, but they won't give you much to work with on an individual basis
    I looked at the big five. I am in the 99.9th percentile of openness. Low on agreeableness, decently high on conscientiousness, extraversion very low and emotional stability I can't remember. Probably not that good lol since I let my writing be analyzed by an algorithm years ago and I was a mess. Now I am much more stable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 10k View Post
    Attachment 18484

    LII's appearance has several characteristics that allow to identify a person of this sociotype even at a distance. One characteristic trait is ascetic face. Of asceticism we can talk for two reasons. First, the very structure of the face often resembles medieval profiles by their angularity, a combination of large parts of the face (usually nose) with a small (usually chin), as well as jaw and brow lines. Second, the expression on his face at a distance is always perceived as completely unemotional, even grim and gloomy. The complexion is usually pale and blood less
    Thank you for the analysis. I came to the same conclusion a few years ago when I saw the LII faces on a Pinterest post. I am using a tanner that is why my face looks a bit brownish. I am extremely pale. And people often assume I am sad or mad at something when they don't know me because of my facial expression.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulum View Post
    With all due respect Alive, I don't see how you agree with Gulenko on any matter when you refuse to apply his theory. If you did you would see just how many people are (very obviously) incompatible with IEI as a type. You seem to tunnel vision into very specific things, like Ni being interested in psychology and typology and ethical because they show a video of themselves on the internet. Only with that contrived logic would this guy who doesn't show an ounce of ethics in neither speech nor face be classified under the same type of people like Aster. From a Model G perspective you ignore key dichotomies like static/dynamic and process/result, you ignore temperaments, you ignore the energy model, thinking somehow IEIs are the types to engage in Ti and be extremely proficient in it all the time when it's their Launcher, an energy pessimum function, ignore +/- signs and everything else that contradict your theory. Even when looking at Model A you expect us to believe that the dreamy romantic type with PoLR Te can describe themselves primarily as industrious, active, systematic and efficient and have its primary issues be not knowing how to deal with others' emotions and being too blunt?

    Saying there's a misunderstanding about what logical types are on this site seems arrogant to me, I don't think you'll find any place that actually agrees with you. One of the problems is that you focus too much on what the person does and not enough on why. If logical types couldn't believe in non-established theory none of them would ever be religious, and no science would ever get made, since it always starts as esoteric theory, and they would be limited to empiricism. Are people like Carl Jung, Aushra Augusta, Sigmund Freud and Viktor Gulenko all ethical types or did they simply not believe their own theories? Logical types will apply critical thinking and a healthy dose of skepticism but they may still show interest and believe in these theories. And while an ethical type would make a video sharing things about them to others as a social activity simply because they like sharing (this is Extraverted Ethics), a logical type would do it because they see it as the most optimal way to get an accurate assessment of their type.
    But I don't agree with Gulenko all that much. I make the conclusion that Ni+ is interested in novelty as I have spend my whole life with art, films, music, classic literature and so on and saw that the people that care about this too also have the same type. there just aren't that many types that go in-depth on novel concepts. I observe introverted logical types and they just don't share anything about them. they can sit in a room for 8 hours and not say a word. why would they create a video about themselves to talk about their life when IxTx types are the most secretive? you compare a guy to aster and I think that's just as nonsensical. let's say there are 100 million IEI out of a global population of 8 billion. do you think all of them behave exactly like aster? the thing that all these IEI have in common is that they upload videos of themselves as if it's just something casual to do when in reality such a thing is an absolute foreign concept to other types. yes, I think Freud, Aushra, and Jung had the same type, and that Gulenko stumbled upon socionics just like I did as LII. IEI and LII are the two types that introduce novelty to society. really, the whole point of being a logical type is that you do NOT upload videos talking about your life. that's really an important point people should at least consider.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  12. #52

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaktor View Post
    In the first place, this was also a hypothesis for me; ILI - Dominant subtype. However if you split up the dychotomies, temperament, etc you end up in LSI, also note that you might have the video sped up, as it is sped up by default. Out of the dychotomies / temperament; why I don't think he's an ILI in a nutshell? Because of E (Fe) in the context of being an ILI. For all the ILIs I know, both IRL or internet, it's not usual for them to refer to themselves as "I'm already clever enough" or "Creating a superior human being" not even in a humoristic context (I get that he's joking). Maybe if the ILI is surrounded by friends he does. But he's making a video for random people in a forum!! They don't want to be the center of atention; it is more a "shadow-genius" position in the background for them (don't take the word genius seriously, it's an example / exageration).

    Also Scientific-Researcher mindset is nowhere to be found in any part of the video. You may argue that the fact that he wants to "learn the truth about himself" is refered to scientific-researcher mindset, but that's purely subjectivity and comfort seeking. It fits very well in the LSI way of thinking Ti-Si, gathering data, building logical models in order to understand everything in their lifes and get a sense of comfort. To understand from what is money to what are the sentiments from a logical POV.

    What do you think @Pendulum ? It's nice to meet another Model G user in the forum. There aren't many. This kind of surprises me and somehow dissapoints me, but it's what it's.
    The funny thing is I already knew someone was going to point out exactly what you said. But what you see in the video is years of self-development and introspection from crippling insecurity arriving at confidence, it only makes logical sense that when there is something bothering you physically and mentally you should solve it through action or introspection. I knew someone was going to point out exactly those lines you just said "I'm already clever enough" or "Creating a superior human being" and use that as an argument, while all in all it was just some in the moment witticism fueled by testosterone. The questions were extremely boring and hard to get through and I was also kinda depressed when I made that video I truly believe my true self didn't come out well in that video and I get why you are thinking what you are thinking based on that video.

    You don't seem to regard me scientific. And that is fine, I don't claim to be. I am 5w4 which on enneagram which less scientific indeed. But I have always loved science and research. Reading research papers, writing about them, writing about propositional logic, discrete mathematics, neuroscience etc. are some of my favorite topics to think about and learn about. But you are right, I don't do it for the sake of research or experimentation or science, I do it to build on my model of the world, I want to expand my general knowledge so that I can make more connections in my mind. My favourite book is GEB an eternal golden braid, a book weaving mathematics, music, computer science, philosophy and zen Buddhism into one. It is science, yet it is more artistic than science in my opinion. In that way I don't regard myself as an scientist more of an artist. Rather than doing a scientific experiment I am the type to try attempt the puzzle of Theseus' ship (which I have tried on a few strips of Adderal lol).

    Anyway, I do appreciate the effort you are putting in writing this, most definitely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    That happens everywhere when it comes to typology. If you ever decide to go to Gulenko, ask him to give you a second subtype beforehand if he can. He doesnt do it later on. And if you try and come back and declare it, that would be appreciated.

    You are 4DTi type, have ND or DN subtype regardless of your type.

    Is Gukenko a user on this forum? And what does 'second subtype' entail?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaktor View Post
    Maybe @Varlawend can say, if he has got some time, if he's an ILI, like him

    The fact that the people that are analizing him from the model g perspective don't see a balanced-stable prominence really worries me xD.

    Of course, if Varlawend or Gulenko type him ILI or another thing that is not LSI, I will humbly accept my mistake and try to improve my knowledge. Idk maybe I'm mistaken and he's an ILI.

    (Sorry for the mention in advance if it bothered).
    Guys, I just want to say I do appreciate the effort you are all putting in. I didn't expect so many replies. My mind is full of things to consider when it comes to this.

  15. #55
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    I even mentioned a bunch of times now that Ni+ and Ti- is related to an inclination towards mathematics, physics, art, philosophy which is EXACTLY what Zero mentions in the post above me. you see this over and over and over with the users on this site.

    this is a description I have made about Ni+ on my website:

    In my eyes, time intuition is present in many of my fields of interest. Abstract art (film, music, literature, poetry, painting, photography), architecture, synaesthesia, languages (the ability to learn them quickly seems to me to be particularly pronounced in Beta Intuitives, but especially IEIs, especially when learning is connected with visual elements. As an example I would like to mention the Japanese language with the kanji, which can be learned very well through imaginative stories about each character), philosophy, psychology, mathematics (Ni+ in combination with Ti- seems to be particularly interested in abstract mathematics such as geometry), natural sciences such as evolutionary biology, etc., the intuition of time can be found in all of these areas. According to my observation, some people with Ni as base function are also interested in physics, which, for example, deals with topics such as space and time shifts. The time intuition is a diverse palette of visual, literary, acoustic and dramatic creativity.


    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    My favourite book is GEB an eternal golden braid, a book weaving mathematics, music, computer science, philosophy and zen Buddhism into one. It is science, yet it is more artistic than science in my opinion. In that way I don't regard myself as an scientist more of an artist.
    Last edited by Still Alive; 01-24-2023 at 08:59 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulum View Post
    Oh my god, true. Why on earth does this site speed up the video by default... Odd choice. I guess in most cases it doesn't matter but it in this specific case it changes a lot about the whole VI lol.

    After looking true it again, I think I agree with LSI. I admit I wasn't paying that much attention and didn't watch the whole thing, but on a second glance both his tone, his gaze, and his whole body seem to be too fixed into a single position, to the point where you can skip through minutes and they're still in the same place. That looks like balanced-stable to me. From what he indicates he's very disciplined, able to stand his ground and active, even physically which is more Se than one would expect from a ILI, a type which often falls victim to lethargy and prefers to be a conceptualiser moreso than an implementer. Also puts emphasis on his love for systematisation and organisation, even being into cleaning. A bit of Ti-Si here and in the other areas you mentioned. These types can blend in a bit on some areas depending on subtype and other attributes, both being process logical types with very strong Ti which can make LSIs look very abstract when they go deep into theory, but upon further examination he does seem to be a bit too grounded. It always goes back to his work or the things happening on his life somehow, and the things he does he usually does with a purpose. ILIs are more detached and wandering. Some of these things I had already noticed but just chalked up to subtype influence.

    Anyways this was a huge session of me arguing with myself much moreso than you (yay dialectics). In the end though I do agree with your type more than my original one. Not completely sure of it but while I did read a lot about Model G, I'm still quite inexperienced so I'm open to the possibility there's something we might have missed. But yeah my vote now goes for LSI.

    Also, nice to meet you too. I really do wish there were more people discussing SHS but honestly? I'm not surprised at all. Not only does it go against a lot of the Model A that people know that makes it look weird and blasphemous, especially with all the LSI and EIE typings that Gulenko does (which in my opinion says more about average person who's really invested into socionics than it says about his system), but also and most importantly, it's just hard to learn and understand and wrap your head around. There isn't a neat little wiki with tons of well put together resources from many different authors throughout the years going into detail about every part of the theory. Your biggest freely available resources are Gulenko's incredibly mid website which is shallow, especially in english, has some outdated information, bad type descriptions, and can sometimes leave you with more questions than answers or just begging for an elaboration. Aside from that you have his book which most won't bother buying, although there's a PDF online, which makes it not only piracy but inconvenient for most. And that's it really for official sources. Most of what I know I learned from reading lots of reddit comments from people who studied directly under Gulenko, that or Varlawend's blog. Model G is straight up paywalled and although I can understand that the guy needs to make a living, it's frustrating and sort of dooms it to be unpopular, because how will people agree with something they don't understand at all? I see more people getting into it every day but still, don't think it will ever be on par with A, the information on it is just too limited. Oh, well.
    These are the results of my identity engineering protocol. I had to literally make a list of things not serving me and remove them out of my life that includes a lot of INTP traits (MBTI INTP). If I didn't do that I would end up on streets. It was a necessity of survival. I went from reading Manly Palmer Hall to becoming a stereotypical Wall Street psycho all to gain a footing on life. All meticulously engineered and thought out. So I understand why you would attribute .e.g. my physical inclinations with Se.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    I even mentioned a bunch of times now that Ni+ and Ti- is related to an inclination towards mathematics, physics, art, philosophy which is EXACTLY what Zero mentions in the post above me. you see this over and over and over with the users on this site.
    See my reply to Reaktor it explains my interests better. My video sucked ass and I didn't feel well, I rushed everything, I am a better writer than a speaker that is why I wrote the notes, which are als rushed, what you guys saw on there is results of introspection arriving at narrowing down my focus in life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    See my reply to Reaktor it explains my interests better. My video sucked ass and I didn't feel well, I rushed everything, I am a better writer than a speaker that is why I wrote the notes, which are als rushed, what you guys saw on there is results of introspection arriving at narrowing down my focus in life.
    I do not really look at the exact characteristics of you as a person on the video, but rather, I am trying to see "through" you if that makes sense, your essence. details don't concern me much. I saw that you are an IEI after a minute for example, but I still watched the whole video. I think it was alright. there are far worse "type me" videos
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    Is Gukenko a user on this forum? And what does 'second subtype' entail?
    He is a socionics theorician. Founder of model G in socionics. He provides services to type people meaning in the exchange of some money. You can find about his writings and typing services here:

    Subtypes are a thing in model G. We all have four of them in different order, first and second will be the dominating ones in one's behavior. You can learn more about here:

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    socionics is based on Model A developed by Aushra Augusta and some of her students decades ago. Victor Gulenko emerged as the most prominent figure in the sphere of socionics, at least in the west, as Aushra Augusta died a while ago. MBTI says "well there are 16 types and that's it" so it's an incredibly shallow theory but it doesn't have all that many "work in progress" sections, while socionics is still constantly being developed by pretty much anyone that wants to. this can sometimes lead to weird results. for example, people will use subtype models that are heavily based on their imagination, claiming that SLE-Se will behave like this and SLE-Ti will behave like that and so on. Gulenko uses a subtype model similar to the DISG system, which has 4 subtypes, but nobody is stopping you from inventing your own. it's pretty much the wild west out here with some theories making more sense than others. you have to decide for yourself if it's worth your time Zero.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    I do not really look at the exact characteristics of you as a person on the video, but rather, I am trying to see "through" you if that makes sense, your essence. details don't concern me much. I saw that you are an IEI after a minute for example, but I still watched the whole video. I think it was alright. there are far worse "type me" videos
    Oh sorry I misread. I thought you said ''EXACTLY NOT'''. I relate immensely with your description of Ni, I am a visual learner by nature. And in fact still remember the Kanji for Tree, forest and jungle. Because there is a story behind it and the symbols kinda look like trees even the concept of synesthesia is relatable, a different form of it that I theorized about a few years ago. I completely forgot the theory, been too caught up with surviving. The stuff about geometry is also relatable together with set theory and some forms of discrete maths it is probably the only maths I am good at. I also have a minor form of dyscalculia making me switch up numbers in my mind. But I overcame it with practice.
    Last edited by MadaraZero; 01-24-2023 at 09:44 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    socionics is based on Model A developed by Aushra Augusta and some of her students decades ago. Victor Gulenko emerged as the most prominent figure in the sphere of socionics, at least in the west, as Aushra Augusta died a while ago. MBTI says "well there are 16 types and that's it" so it's an incredibly shallow theory but it doesn't have all that many "work in progress" sections, while socionics is still constantly being developed by pretty much anyone that wants to. this can sometimes lead to weird results. for example, people will use subtype models that are heavily based on their imagination, claiming that SLE-Se will behave like this and SLE-Ti will behave like that and so on. Gulenko uses a subtype model similar to the DISG system, which has 4 subtypes, but nobody is stopping you from inventing your own. it's pretty much the wild west out here with some theories making more sense than others. you have to decide for yourself if it's worth your time Zero.
    Thank you, I am an advocate of Occam's razor when it comes to the abstract imaginations of the mind. I'd rather keep it simple with less assumptions I find those things to be more accurate then. Your comments are making my mind much clearer, so far it has been all over the place with the theories. Very much appreciated. I am starting to see an answer in my mind.

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    I also suspect that all of the 8 functions diverge into different branches that differentiate in significant ways. in that sense not every Ni base type will have the ability to be an artist or writer or scientist for example. some IEI are in my opinion neutral researchers, others are overly emtional and completely illogical. there's a lot that hasn't been researched at all, which makes it very interesting for me personally, as it gives a lot of room to invent and speculate.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    I also suspect that all of the 8 functions diverge into different branches that differentiate in significant ways. in that sense not every Ni base type will have the ability to be an artist or writer or scientist for example. some IEI are in my opinion neutral researchers, others are overly emtional and completely illogical. there's a lot that hasn't been researched at all, which makes it very interesting for me personally, as it gives a lot of room to invent and speculate.
    I have noticed the difference between types in group of types myself, you do have ''phenotypes'' of types. One with ENFP for example, you have the highly impulsive ENFP but also the academic ones.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WVW View Post
    It's probably best. It would do you much better to read the theory yourself and reflect on which type you fit into best. Lets say the threshold for a correct typing is <75% match to a specific type. You could satisfactorily fit into 2-3 types within those thresholds easily. To determine "your type" you have to use radical honesty with yourself as well as just use your gut imo. In other words just pick one.

    Also, it doesn't help that everyone on here interprets socionics differently and oftentimes are using different models and methods to justify their conclusions.
    Yes, I didn't expect the many variations of interpretation regarding the theory. That is actually what has bumped me out the most from this post. But you are right.

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    After reading all the recent posts, I change my typing to LSI>>ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulum View Post
    With all due respect Alive, I don't see how you agree with Gulenko on any matter when you refuse to apply his theory. If you did you would see just how many people are (very obviously) incompatible with IEI as a type. You seem to tunnel vision into very specific things, like Ni being interested in psychology and typology and ethical because they show a video of themselves on the internet. Only with that contrived logic would this guy who doesn't show an ounce of ethics in neither speech nor face be classified under the same type of people like Aster. From a Model G perspective you ignore key dichotomies like static/dynamic and process/result, you ignore temperaments, you ignore the energy model, thinking somehow IEIs are the types to engage in Ti and be extremely proficient in it all the time when it's their Launcher, an energy pessimum function, ignore +/- signs and everything else that contradict your theory. Even when looking at Model A you expect us to believe that the dreamy romantic type with PoLR Te can describe themselves primarily as industrious, active, systematic and efficient and have its primary issues be not knowing how to deal with others' emotions and being too blunt?

    Saying there's a misunderstanding about what logical types are on this site seems arrogant to me, I don't think you'll find any place that actually agrees with you. One of the problems is that you focus too much on what the person does and not enough on why. If logical types couldn't believe in non-established theory none of them would ever be religious, and no science would ever get made, since it always starts as esoteric theory, and they would be limited to empiricism. Are people like Carl Jung, Aushra Augusta, Sigmund Freud and Viktor Gulenko all ethical types or did they simply not believe their own theories? Logical types will apply critical thinking and a healthy dose of skepticism but they may still show interest and believe in these theories. And while an ethical type would make a video sharing things about them to others as a social activity simply because they like sharing (this is Extraverted Ethics), a logical type would do it because they see it as the most optimal way to get an accurate assessment of their type.
    That was a rather well thought-out response, @Pendulum.

    Unfortunately, the member you're responding to has turned to a simplified take on the theory I suspect to satisfy a personal aversion to minor but obligatory combinatory appreciation. It's no different to declaring all bikers in Amsterdam Se leads. After all, I reach my conclusion because Se is about kinetic forces in objects. Proof of my conclusion? Well, they are riding bikes. Don't laugh at me! you don't understand theory, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    And in fact still remember the Kanji for Tree, forest and jungle. Because there is a story behind it and the symbols kinda look like trees even the concept of synesthesia is relatable
    Synesthesia maybe related more to dynamic vs static rather than Ni, if there's a correlation at all. Victor Talanov, a Socionist, has been studying the types for 15 years at least and correlates IEIs with weak long term memory through his interviews, so it might be harder to deal with excessive study material, etc, so it's more nuanced than that you might expect. Here's the link to his research results. Right click, translate and go over his charts for the types to see if some resonate more with you. They might be helpful at this stage if you want a quick fix.

    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaktor View Post
    Maybe @Varlawend can say, if he has got some time, if he's an ILI, like him

    The fact that the people that are analizing him from the model g perspective don't see a balanced-stable prominence really worries me xD.

    Of course, if Varlawend or Gulenko type him ILI or another thing that is not LSI, I will humbly accept my mistake and try to improve my knowledge. Idk maybe I'm mistaken and he's an ILI.

    (Sorry for the mention in advance if it bothered).

    I do engage in diagnostics, but don't go on this site frequently or scroll to look for people to diagnose. When I do pop in though, I can definitely give my thoughts if some are interested. I don’t restrict myself to only giving my thoughts if Gulenko is diagnosing the same person; sometimes I even type people through text, but the more info the better, especially video, since SHS relies a lot on real life behavior which can be difficult to represent fully in text.

    I can see why you would speculate LSI for the subject of this thread. He is a pretty ambitious and interesting person. I don't have a super strong opinion yet, though LSI did strike me as a possible hypothesis, albeit with some unusual enough things that I have some doubts about it (ocular-motor reactions are largely in the upwards direction which make me wonder about dynamism, pretty fast and expressive speech at times, some tendencies towards difficulty with sensation and every day behaviors that he mentions in the thread, etc.).

    I just watched his Loom video once and I don't want to rush to a conclusion, and I see a few possible hypotheses, but it looks like he has a YouTube channel which could be watched more thoroughly and it might reveal a lot more information. SHS typing can be done quickly for those who are very experienced because they've collected so many images of people that they've studied, but especially for people who have a lot of Normalization or Structural Logic, it is good to consider things patiently and thoroughly from many angles while understanding what sort of behaviors are likely for different types, subtypes, functions, etc. in real life. And this care and thoroughness can pay off with greater accuracy and not overpromising. I do think ILI is pretty unlikely, fwiw. It looked more like Beta quadra to me:
    -a lot of training and discipline, self-improvement and motivation being major themes and focuses
    -teaching and getting through to people about important ideas
    -very ambitious, bold and outspoken in certain ways, which set one apart from other people
    -paying pretty "particular" attention to the appearance and its effect on people

    It didn't look to me like some kind of relaxed pragmatic democrat. However, there is a lot of Structural Logic:
    -dispassionate emotional expressions throughout many videos, and seriousness (though also some dark humor, -E function playing emotions, not literal)
    -thorough step-by-step reasoning and abstraction with the +L function, probably right-spinning with a desire for every step to be traceable
    -designing systems and optimizations

    And Temporal Intuition:
    -strange and unusual thoughts which there might be a shyness about revealing since others may not understand them
    -some abstract philosophical topics and speculative reasonings, while sometimes neglecting everyday things like "cooking" or misperceiving the sensory environment
    -really motivated by getting big insights (though this can also be the I function, Opportunity Intuition, if these insights are more connected to real opportunities and innovations in reality)

    There is also a certain bold and entrepreneurial spirit, doing something openly different from what other people are doing, which I find pretty admirable, and it speaks to some Creativity (C subtype), and could make you wonder about LIE as a hypothesis (though the presence of all this right-spinning reasoning and abstract speculations makes LIE seem a bit unlikely, but might still be worth exploring). There is also the rebelliousness of the EIE type which could relate to this "set apart from others" quality. I'm not sure of his full subtype hierarchy though and it's possible that this Creativity is in 2nd place as well, as there does seem like some other motivations:
    -Dominance, real practical goals and ambitions which are taken quite seriously and where this person did get significant results (though I'm not inclined to think that Dominance and leadership are the main thing for him)
    -some Remoteness [maybe N or H] due to sometimes being conflict avoidant, sometimes seeming strange in his ideas to others or not easy to relate to, though the type or accentuation could possibly explain something in that regard
    -Due to all this, there is likely some kind of mixed subtype, with some contactiveness (D or C) and some distance (N or H), or at least some terminality (D or N) with some initiality (C or H)
    Last edited by Varlawend; 01-24-2023 at 11:40 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Varlawend View Post
    I don't have a super strong opinion yet, though LSI did strike me as a possible hypothesis, albeit with some unusual enough things that I have some doubts about it (ocular-motor reactions, pretty fast and expressive speech at times, some tendencies towards difficulty with sensation and every day behaviors that he mentions in the thread, etc.).
    Video is sped up 1.2x
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    I completely agree that prudence must rule the process of typing a person, more if the one who is typing is not very experienced, such as for example my case.

    About the fast speech and expressiveness + his claims of being an entrepeneur or the fact that he has got a youtube channel, that made me think about the Dominant subtype which by itself correlates with the linear-assertive temperament which also correlates with fast speech and expressiveness in some way, altough you can clearly see balanced-stable in general in him.

    When he says he researches info about how to look good and be more attractive, that reminds me of a L+S way of thinking. Maybe because of reaching a certain goal or maybe because he loves to attract the atention of others, in which case I doubt that to be L+S. But let's stick to what's more obvious.

    About the strengh of Structural Logic, +L, I completely agree.

    About the strengh of Temporal Intuition, as from the LSI perspective I think it's obvious it has an external appeal as you note, which can be explained with Accelerate + Valued descriptions. Also, for example seeing 11:11 continously (numerology) could be explained by the need of his demanding L to understand and structure out and his supplying T, etc. And maybe the prominence of Harmonizing subtype. Obviously not the most prominent. In fact, he might be high in H due to that need of order, hygiene and cleanliness (In an LSI context). I noted a really interesting feature of some LSI (my friend and potentially @Alive), they tend to explain their hypothesis this way: "I know it, but I can't explain how I know it, it's my intuition. If you don't understand it, it's your problem. But I know it's the truth". This quote was from my friend, but I also read symilar stuff said by @Alive. Probably my friend and Alive share a very symilar subtype profile, with an accentuation of Harmonizing.

    Now I gathered 3 examples of potential LSI typing themselves as LIIs. 1 is one friend irl, who is obvious an LSI from the Model G perspective. The other I'm not sure about, but he's very very likely of being an LSI: @Alive and the 3rd is Madara. They 3 share in common interests about typology, phylosophy, some mystycism (this trait is also noted by Gulenko in his book). About Alive, I find it kind of funny that he is not aware of the BIG BIG Ti+ he has instead of Ti-.

    Anyways, thank you for replying Varlawend and nice to meet you

    Last edited by Reaktor; 01-26-2023 at 06:04 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Video is sped up 1.2x
    Luckily I saw it and slowed it down! I also watched a few minutes of some other vids on his YouTube channel, so I'm seeing some variation. I agree that it's important to keep these things in mind though as they can really through off the typing process.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaktor View Post

    I completely agree that prudence must rule the process of typing a person, more if the one who is typing is not very experienced, such as for example my case.

    About the fast speech and expressiveness + his claims of being an entrepeneur or the fact that he has got a youtube channel, that made me think about the Dominant subtype which by itself correlates with the linear-assertive temperament which also correlates with fast speech and expressiveness in some way, altough you can clearly see balanced-stable in general in him.

    When he says he researches info about how to look good and be more attractive, that reminds me of a L+S way of thinking. Maybe because of reaching a certain goal or maybe because he loves to attract the atention of others, in which case I doubt that to be L+S. But let's stick to what's more obvious.

    About the strengh of Structural Logic, +L, I completely agree.

    About the strengh of Temporal Intuition, as from the LSI perspective I think it's obvious it has an external appeal as you note, which can be explained with Accelerate + Valued descriptions. Also, for example seeing 11:11 continously (numerology) could be explained by the need of his demanding L to understand and structure out and his supplying T, etc. And maybe the prominence of Harmonizing subtype. Obviously not the most prominent. In fact, he might be high in H due to that need of order, hygiene and cleanliness (In an LSI context). I noted a really interesting feature of some LSI (my friend and potentially @Alive), they tend to explain their hypothesis this way: "I know it, but I can't explain how I know it, it's my intuition. If you don't understand it, it's your problem. But I know it's the truth". This quote was from my friend, but I also read symilar stuff said by @Alive. Probably my friend and Alive share a very symilar subtype model, with an accentuation of Harmonizing.

    Now I gathered 3 examples of potential LSI typing themselves as LIIs. 1 is one friend irl, who is obvious an LSI from the Model G perspective. The other I'm not sure about, but he's very very likely of being an LSI: @Alive and the 3rd is Madara. They 3 share in common interests about typology, phylosophy, some mystycism (this trait is also noted by Gulenko in his book). About Alive, I find it kind of funny that he is not aware of the BIG BIG Ti+ he has instead of Ti-.

    Anyways, thank you for replying Varlawend and nice to meet you
    I can agree that there is some linear-assertiveness to him for sure, though I also would wonder if his type might affect this. I didn't see him as obviously balanced stable, though I do agree with there being enough +L (in his mannerisms, almost always dispassionate facial expressions, etc.) to make LSI a strong contender and I still think LSI is very possible.

    I agree that LSI might be inclined to pay attention to their appearance and desire to look attractive, but I would say other aristocrats and ethical extroverts can be engaged in this a lot. And looking at his videos, his appearance seems a bit messy and disorderly at times (though I know he knows how to pay attention to it VERY well, so please don't take that as a criticism lol, personally it's actually something I couldn't care less about but just notice because of Socionics), so it makes me suspicious of sensing > intuition or LSI who tend to be hard to catch off guard in this regard, though functional accentuations can also impact this (e.g. possible T accentuation making someone distracted from everyday life and concerns), and of course one point can't be decisive alone.

    Certainly LSI can be interested in esotericism and there are prominent "gurus" of this type in various branches of psychology, esotericism, and religion. A T accentuation could also disrupt their S2 and make them less adapted to everyday life. On the other hand, such traits may still be more likely in something like EIE, especially the latter. Still, he also seems good at building and optimizing systems and can manage companies skillfully, so this could give some signs of the Technical-Managerial activity orientation. EIE can also make a good leader who knows ways to motivate others, and often don't see themselves as natural with people (due R8, their tendency to rebelliousness and criticism, and especially for males, especially one's very into their T and in some kind of technical professions, might seem more distracted from everyday life and people and not be as "expressive" as you would typically think, but their bold "affecting things" extroverted orientation will still come out in other ways).

    This explaining things through intuition and feeling that others are lower ranked for not understanding certain "intuitive impressions" does seem like a more aristocratic tendency, though I've seen humanitarian types (esp. EIE, IEE) who can also be quite sure of their insights in this way and not be so interested in exploring them in a more substantive logical way since they already "feel" what is true (and sometimes, of course, they are correct and very perceptive about people, but other times they can be so drunk with their emotions that they see what they want for reality, whereas LSI are often quite sober and skeptical due to their +L, but perhaps very stubborn and slow to reconsider a system in which they have a lot of accumulated experience).

    About Alive, I am not so sure about LSI, though I do agree that he likely has +L in SHS (strongly justifying one angle of view and proving it further and further with evidence, reaching out an engaging with people socially about this, agitating for his point of view and trying to "convince" people of this). His theories are also pretty boldly different from everything else and far from any kind of grounded common sense than I would expect from LSI. His appearance is also not similar to other LSI I've seen, from the few glimpses I caught of it. I'd wonder about types like ILE and EIE for him. ILE because they also have causal-determinist thinking, but their L is Demonstrative, much more controversial in society, justifying unusual ideas and inventions which can be hard to understand for people not close to their projects, instead of trying to make their ideas work in reality (-P) which people tend to find more convincing from ILE, plus being very ignorative and not seeing to care what most people think of him in spite of many having low opinions of his methods (which gets him into trouble sometimes). Alternatively, EIE could make sense because of the rebelliousness, the tendency to argue with people a lot and sometimes convince them with his persistence, the attraction to this T world of poetry and mysticism in which he sees so many other people, typing them as IEI and attributing so much to this kind of dreamy thinking that fascinates him, while not necessarily caring where the logic of all his points lead because he intuitively feels certain conclusions valuable. Without a video or knowing more about him, I hesitate to draw firm conclusions, but I do see where you coming from to some degree.

    I won't say anymore about the thread subject until I have time to watch more videos and think about what angle makes most sense to me, so as not to bias myself or anyone else.

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    > If it helps my MBTI type is INTP, enneagram 5w4

    among close and more possible is ENTP

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    Thank you for your thoughts.

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    Excellent analysis.

    I love all kinds of big insights especially ones that solve multiple problems at the same time or take multiple variables into account. These insights could be related to business, creative endeavors but also personal growth and metamorphoses. For example, shedding or gaining a new belief system that adjusts my behaviour in a drastic way as to better progress in life. One of my deepest desire is to master reality and life through my mind. There are some beliefs I have which have already revolutionized my life and you are right I am very shy to share them. They are esoteric but produce factual results. It doesn't matter to me how out there something is as long as it produces tangible results ranging from small benefits to super powers. It does need to work without it being placebo. I love these penetrating insights that completely unveil reality and uncovers a profound truth that benefits me.

    I also believe the abstract is connected to the concrete. There is a saying that goes like: People don't have business problems, they have personal problems that manifest in their business. Thus, fix your personal life problems and your business will make more money. Or if you are an artist. Do you suck at art or do you actually suck at organizing and planning your study routines? The most rusty coin in the bag of your simple business is a connected to a profound metaphysical reality about you yourself and in the reversed also true.

  36. #76
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    I don’t think ILI or SLI. The eyes seem too focus and a little bit intense. xLI eyes are more relax and detached(ILI) unless they get emotional. I guess you’re some IxTj or ExTx

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    fix your personal life problems and your business will make more money
    From the point of Jung types there are some problems which reduce productive efficiency:

    1) Weak functions, which are developed below social norms. People do mistakes there more than average. While all 4 functions are equally important for any practical task its context. Weak functions is the region of potential improvement, alike to develop 2 kinds of intellect which are weaker than should and could. This can be done by usage and studing skills.
    For example. F types need more often to think what and why they do, why happens what they see - to explain that from logical point. They may train logics in logical games, math tasks. To get wider factual knowledge.
    T types may train in communications, in tuning to emotional states of other people and trying to influence on emotions, may do and get arts as music and singing (incl. improvising).
    S types need to develop imagination. To try guess what is not evident, what will be, what was. May use esoterics methods. Try visualisations, including conscious dreaming. In do art as to describe worlds and situations as in literature, to read such books.
    N types may develop sport and physical/handwork skills, to dance, draw, do sculptures, train attention to physical details of the world.
    In this training may be useful to take into account what is valued kind of weak function, to pay more attention to methods more specific for that. Alike dancing (not in a pair) - more about Si control, while to draw a real scene - more of Se.

    2) When a part of functions are lesser conscious they form an opposing, as their opinions are not taken into account consciously good enough. This predisposes to neurotic symptoms: anxiety, irritation, depressive emotions, feeling of lesser energy, attention issues, memory issues, sometimes specific disorders.

    Among reasons why we have a sympathy to duals is that such people help to reduce problems of Jung type. They being experts where we are weak take a part of work on themselves, teach us skills in our weak regions, switch and arise our conscious attention in weak regions (what means reduction of Jung type). Besides helping in development of weak functions, communications with duals, tuning on traits of their personality, - reduces neurotic symptoms caused by Jung type.
    The max personality tuning and interactions happen in a pair. Love/friendship state supposes that people "join minds", tune on conscious contents and interests of each other alike on own ones. That they share one life in cooperations in max kinds of work. This give maximum possibility to study personal traits of duality type to help reduce own Jung type, problems which it occures on the psyche and productivity.

    Bad IR as superego/conflictor may do the similar, but because of valued functions difference such people are also perceived as annoying and wearying. They activate weak functions and may teach, but tend to do it "wrongly". Negative effects are too significant.
    With lesser expressed Jung type would be lesser felt negative influence of values difference. As all 8 kinds of functions are equally important, so on late step of Jung type reduction process to deal with a conflictor may become more useful than annoying. This interaction may develop further positive effects related to duals or to appear new positive effects which are hiden in common by negative values influence. Besides better skills and usage of weak nonvalued functions.
    Last edited by Sol; 02-10-2023 at 03:03 PM.

  38. #78

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    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    Excellent analysis.

    I love all kinds of big insights especially ones that solve multiple problems at the same time or take multiple variables into account. These insights could be related to business, creative endeavors but also personal growth and metamorphoses. For example, shedding or gaining a new belief system that adjusts my behaviour in a drastic way as to better progress in life. One of my deepest desire is to master reality and life through my mind. There are some beliefs I have which have already revolutionized my life and you are right I am very shy to share them. They are esoteric but produce factual results. It doesn't matter to me how out there something is as long as it produces tangible results ranging from small benefits to super powers. It does need to work without it being placebo. I love these penetrating insights that completely unveil reality and uncovers a profound truth that benefits me.

    I also believe the abstract is connected to the concrete. There is a saying that goes like: People don't have business problems, they have personal problems that manifest in their business. Thus, fix your personal life problems and your business will make more money. Or if you are an artist. Do you suck at art or do you actually suck at organizing and planning your study routines? The most rusty coin in the bag of your simple business is a connected to a profound metaphysical reality about you yourself and in the reversed also true.
    You're Gamma NT. Figure it out whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, and there, you have it. Honestly, I don't even understand, based on the stuff you say in this topic and in your videos on Loom and YouTube, what else could be even reasonably considered.

    (p.s. Don't take it as an offense, but based on the way you act and behave, and the manner you talk and the stuff you actually say about your relationship with people and your family is just grotesque (even people commenting below your YouTube videos have pointed this out), and indicates Fe PoLR and not Fe Role. If this was correct, it would lead to the conclusion that you're an introvert, you lead with Ni, blocked with Te, and your type is INTp / ILI. But I have mixed feelings about this, because you highly emphasize Te in the content of all your verbal expressions (almost idolizing pragmatism and material gain, and according to your admission, you're capable, competent and successful in this area, but maybe this over-the-top accentuation is just overcompensation). If it turned out that you lead with Te, blocked with Ni, then you would be an extrovert, and your type would be ENTj / LIE.

    During the process of figuring out what do you actually lead with, ignore information element descriptions focusing on traits completely, and try to understand how the two elements work in a leading position in the head of a person and match one of them to your cognitive process.)
    Last edited by fjoerd; 02-14-2023 at 08:02 PM.

  39. #79

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    Quote Originally Posted by fjoerd View Post
    You're Gamma NT. Figure out whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, and there, you have it. Honestly, I don't even understand, based on the stuff you say in this topic and in your videos on Loom and YouTube, what else could be even reasonably considered.
    I am 100% introvert, every since I was a young kid. Maybe people are overthinking it... including myself

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    Quote Originally Posted by MadaraZero View Post
    I am 100% introvert, every since I was a young kid. Maybe people are overthinking it... including myself
    Then you are indeed overthinking it. Socionics hustlers here like to trump up their sense of competence with overcomplicating this, but it's actually quite simple. If you can narrow down the quadra and can decide between being a Thinker/Feeler and Introvert/Extrovert, then you have your type. Once you have the type, you can double-check it and cross-examine it by filling in the information elements into the type's model and see whether you can construct a coherent narrative or not. If yes, the typing is right, if not, you made an error somewhere in the beginning. No responsible people can create a whole narrative for you by relying on just a few clips and comments because it's impossible to tell whether the information provided is truly relevant or not and whether they indicate truly habitual behavior and thinking or not. For what it's worth, you seemed to be an Introvert to me too, therefore I think that your type is ILI too.

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