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Thread: Living with a Quasi-Identical: ESI-SEI

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  1. #1
    Elmira's Avatar
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    Ne Suggestive-Ne PoLR

    • My sister’s face lights up when the topic of “what could be” occurs. She likes when people share the potential of her talents, of others’, and items. I, on the other hand, find these topics boring and respond curtly, if I even engage. I prefer to focus on “what is” or “what will be.”
    • She enjoys having multiple options in all parts of life, but has a difficult time seeing options herself. If one randomly ask, “have any ideas what we should do today,” she’ll react with a puzzled and panicked look. I have struggles with brainstorming too, but in an oppositional way. Too many options freak me out. I get frustrated by ‘excessive’ fantasizing, even if I end up short cutting myself by hastily deciding on a less fortunate choice.
    • My sister frequently daydreams, but her daydreams seem repetitive and ‘grounded.’ I don’t daydream much, but if I do, my daydreams are unusual.
    • Anything ambiguous and sudden changes brings me distress; I avoid this as much as possible. My sisters enjoys surprises. When someone randomly switches plans in outgoings, like choosing a different restaurant than one planned, this seems to please my sister very much.

    Ti Mobilizing-Ti Role

    • Rather than explain my thought process and understanding of a topic, I would prefer to just send the person the original source of the information, indirectly stating “learn it yourself.” But this is out of insecurity that I’m overestimating my knowledge on the topic. My sister seems to share a similar sentiment. She evades situations that involve presenting her comprehension of topics.
    • My sister is academically inclined; she seems to absorb other explanations of topics, so school is on the easier side for her. I’m decent at school. School is exhaustive and does not come naturally to me.
    • Outwardly I appear to be very interested in theories and academics, but this is out of ambition rather than sincere interest. My sister outwardly won’t appear to be interested; she doesn’t read at all and she doesn’t seek higher education, but if someone starts explaining a theory or a similar topic, she enthusiastically listens and asks questions.
    • I have a reputation for being a hypocrite. I’ll say a statement and another will take this as a “rule” for myself, so when I behave outside of this “rule,” I get called a hypocrite. If someone points out this inconsistency, I’m confused and feel as if they’re playing a “gotcha” game that I didn’t know or care to be a part of. My sister hates to be outed for any inaccuracy between her words and her actions. My sister tries her best to maintain logical consistency, so when she is faced that she has made a mistake, this pains her.

  2. #2
    mbti INFJ lookin4waifu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elmira View Post
    Too many options freak me out. I get frustrated by ‘excessive’ fantasizing, even if I end up short cutting myself by hastily deciding on a less fortunate choice.
    Why? Is it because too many options seems like a “scam”? Or feeling exhausted at the thought of having to evaluate all of them?
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  3. #3
    Elmira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpin is pimpin View Post
    Why? Is it because too many options seems like a “scam”? Or feeling exhausted at the thought of having to evaluate all of them?
    Yes, having to evaluate all of them is tiring. I also don't like the state of inaction it requires me to be in.

    You’re a female right? Do you have depression or autism or has something happened to you to make you have a more sombre vibe? Most of the female ESIs I know seem a bit more smiley than this sounds. The only female ESI I know like this was adopted, and had to undergo some hardship in her younger life.
    I do smile as it's polite and courteous to do so. My somber impression only comes out with closeness, as this is when I become more sincere with my emotional expression.

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