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Thread: Living with a Quasi-Identical: ESI-SEI

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    Elmira's Avatar
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    Default Living with a Quasi-Identical: ESI-SEI

    How to distinguish between a ESI(me) and a SEI(my sister)

    • Si base vs. Si Demonstrative
      • Compared to my younger sister, I would outwardly appear to be the one who cares about creating a soothing environment and engaging with soothing activities, but this is untrue, to an extent. I do like cooking, gardening, and I clean around the house more frequently than my sister, but I like the action of doing calming activities rather than enjoying the physical sensations. Enjoying the physical sensations is a characteristic that better suits my sister. I like to plant roses, while my sister prefers to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. I can be a pretty bland cook, especially if I’m cooking for myself, because it’s not making food tasty that excites me but rather the process of cooking. My sister is the picky eater, not me. I don’t care if the food is cold or needs a little salt, but cold and flavorless food completely ruins my sister’s day.

    • My sister has an aesthetic for everything! Her bedroom, her clothes, her phone, and even the people she’s attracted to. Things must be pretty for her. In the past, as the youngest, my sister used to receive lots of hand-me-down. Wearing unfashionable, slightly worn clothes depressed her. I wore worn-down clothes too, as I am the second youngest, but this never bothered me. I’m okay with used furniture, outdated technology, and secondhand clothes as long as they “work.”

    • In terms of fashion sense, we both dress fairly well. But to be specific, I have a more classic and conservative style with hints of punk. My style has been consistent since middle school and I don’t follow trends too much. My sister, on the other hand, does pay close attention to trends. She buys clothes more frequently than me and likes to experiment with her look.

    • Providing care for others and ourselves comes naturally to us. We both own pets and provide good care for them. We are queasy people though. She is a bit more than I am; she can’t stand the sight of blood.

    • For art, I am a little more creative than her. I have liked to write ever since I was young, while my sister hasn’t really indulged into anything creative. We enjoy music in low volumes, but I can jam out sometimes. I like to dance too.

    • Fe creative vs. Fe Ignoring
      • At first glance, we both appear restrained to a stranger, but a good joke would help you discern us. My sister is friendly and loves to laugh. I most likely would not laugh and at most, give a tight smile.

    • She is far more playful and lively than me, she loves to be in merry company. She likes to tease, flirt, light-heartedly gossip, and once again, laugh. Even her resting face, she has a slight smirk that seems like she is ready to laugh at any moment. She laughs out loud and grins widely. I don’t laugh much, at least not sincerely. I often have a scared look on my face. When I do sincerely smile, it’s small as if I’m fighting it. I giggle, not laugh. I don’t gossip and I am awkward in any flirty situations.

    • Emotions appear to be contagious to my sister. If everyone is laughing and teasing, she appears to be “high” on the emotions. If others are sad, this distresses her too and she may even cry for them.

    • Neither of us are comedians or the life of the party. My sister finds it straining and becomes irritable if this role is pushed onto her. She much prefers to enjoy the lively environment another makes rather than create it herself. I often find myself being unintentionally entertaining, but I don’t purposely change the mood even when it’s tense and awkward. My sister will leave if the environment is awkward.
    Last edited by Elmira; 01-20-2023 at 02:43 PM.

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