Thank you.

So we got


ISTp or Delta in general

Delta ISTp or INFj


ST and IP


From what is known of his character, I considered ISFj as the most likely type. He took lots of decisions based on principle or personal loyalty rather than practicality or expediency. He never forgot what he saw as hostile or unprincipled actions by others. He flatly refused to visit Britain in the first 15 years of his reign - 1950-65 - because of the role the British had played in the forced abdication of his father. Especially in the beginning, he would not play the hand-shaking role of a politician or monarch, but publicly snub politicians or other people he felt had deserved it.

Despite the "fake smile" pictures, one of his nicknames was "the sad king" precisely for not smiling much, especially in the early years. He was also extremely religious and he also flatly refused to sign abortion into law, which led to the unprecedented action of parliament declaring him "unfit to reign" for one day so that the cabinet could replace him and sign it into law.

I could see INFj ethical subtype, which would be consistent with what most people thought.

Any comments, especially by Rick?