Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
While I do agree with Ron White's point of view (which you just voiced more adroitly instead of his more "rude and crude" way a fellow Redneck like myself would appreciate) I am also a Catholic and that also explains quite a lot about other things. I'd warn you that demons are real, they spend every waking moment of their days trying to get you to sin, and as beings of pure intellect they have no need of things like sleep and sustenance as they are not objectively linked to material things like we are.

This is, fun fact, why they are so utterly and uniquely damned (i.e. there's is no possible way to "redeem" a demon). Us dumb humans with souls bound inexorably to our material bodies are so much less than the least of the demons. At least, that's how they see things. Sin dims the intellect and if we carry that to its logical conclusion we see a rather obvious irony. As the demons were once full angels (beings of pure intellect) a limiting factor like being linked to a material existence ought to ensure that lowly human would always be beneath even sinful demons.

I can go on but a theologian I ain't so I fear I might just spark the next heresy that'll come after modernism if I keep on going. Let's just say it's a very good thing we're beings of both soul/mind and body and that Dualism is BS.

Damn. That's a lot of pointless emojis there my dude. A mere 3-5 would have sufficed. You're also giving off signs of being a Death Cultist. If I get banned or something somehow within the next few days/weeks I'll remind everyone who pays even the slightest bit of attention to me that "killing" me only confirms everything I've ever said is true given how my ultimate goal in life is to stick it to the the PTB who are naught but boot licking and slaveringly thirsty whores for Satan's Cock. Search "Bill Hicks" and "Satan's Cock" and you'll get the skit I'm referring to.

I won't accuse you of anything Brave but I am but a small step from issuing a Witch Test. I pray you can but type out the words if only in jest...
You never fail to radiate this energy.