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Thread: 16Types Adventures: The Origin of Oprah

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    Cool 16Types Adventures: The Origin of Oprah

    16types Adventures: The Origin of Oprah

    Chapter 1: Monkey Bitchness

    Shazaam woke up from his bed with a headache. “Ugh damn I didn’t get enough sleep” the nerd said. He thought about all the different ways he was going to defeat Oprah in order to save the universe. It always came back around to him and Oprah, and now he was probably thinking about Oprah about a quarter as much as Alive thinks about IEIs- which is still way too much.

    Oprah was the reason Normies confused hot kinky sex with ‘sexual abuse’ in order to feel more self-righteous. Oprah was the reason Pharisees like Candace Cameron Bure got rewarded with power and true Christians that are actually nice people still work at Family Dollar. Though of course, Oprah can cast a buff spell on both Candace Cameron and a spoiled & perverted gay celebrity like Perez Hilton and get away with it because she’s Oprah. “You both have excellent points” Oprah would say to her audience in an authoritative and faux-respectful voice, while secretly agreeing with Candace a lot more.

    Oprah is the reason for Toys R Us closing, as well as any other business that that was actually kind of cool and not stuck up it’s own ass- even though ironically, the reason Toys R Us got shut down was because the investors & CEO were stuck up their own asses. Oprah was the reason for *both* Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Oprah is the reason Tom Cruise is mentally ill and can’t just be gay. Oprah is the reason the insufferable realities of *both* communism and capitalism exists, instead of a system that would actually be helpful to people instead of corrupt, sadistic and/or exploitative.

    Oprah may not have take over other dimensions or other galaxies and planets yet, but she had clearly already taken over this shitty world called Earth - and Shazaam must stop her before the entire universe is just devoured by the foul beast. Was there an ‘omniverse’ or just one singular universe? It didn’t matter- and the distinction was silly and pointless, because all the omniverses combined would make a singular universe anyway- and Oprah wants to eat all. Let’s just say there’s one universe and not ‘omniverse’ because we don’t want to be like that silly renamer dragon.

    Shazaam gazed out his bedroom window and looked up at the stars. It was about 4 am out and still night out. If Oprah had already won, all those stars would be O-shaped (and would lose their natural luster and instead look like cheap commercial lighting from shitty products you buy at QVC instead of real, God-made light), but for now they were still thankfully just beautiful & normal stars. However, that might change unless Sam/Shazaam got off his ass and did something about it.

    Then suddenly, as Sam was walking in the hallway of his house, a magical neon blue monkey appeared in front of him. “I have to take a piss” Shazaam said, the reality of having to empty his bladder took precedence over completing his video game sadly. He seemed surprised by the monkey’s presence but not so surprised that it gave him a heart attack.

    The Blue Monkey just laughed. “I can fix that for you” it then threw magical monkey poop on Sam’s crotch, and Shazaam mysteriously didn’t have to go to the bathroom anymore.

    “Uh-wow. Thanks?” Shazaam said, mildly impressed that magic was still real in the real world. But the creature was not here to really help him.

    “Lel, thinking he can save the world like a typical beta manlet” the Monkey said to Shazaam. “How can you defeat Oprah when you are Oprah yourself? You are Oprah- but you are not Prah, whereas the original Oprah is both Oprah and Prah! She always gonna win in an objective way no matter how much you write these silly stories of fag empowerment!” The Monkey said, getting under Shazaam’s skin the way the bullies in high school did.

    “You’re Blue Overtone Monkey- my Mayan Astrology type!” Both me and Oprah are Blue Overtone Monkeys… Sam thought to himself.

    “Me not just Blue Overtone Monkey. Me Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey!” The magical blue monkey then narcissistically danced, similar to how Greta did in the movie when she had that naive young woman trapped inside the wall.

    “So what, you cast a spell so I don’t have to urinate so you could just troll me all day?” Sam said. Even though the Blue Overtone Monkey was a legendary being known as an Idea, he was still small and Sam lived long enough to know the way to handle bullies was just raw bad-ass strength.

    He then flicked his hands and tried to blow the Monkey up like Piper on Charmed. Being a moderator on the forum gave him the ability to ban people, and in real life he could also channel this power into molecular combustion.

    The Monkey did not explode into atoms, but it did knock him back against the wall and functioned as if the blowing up power was a type of telekinesis. “There’s no need to get violent because you know that me right!” The Monkey said.

    Sam soon realized that he wasn’t going to be able to defeat the Monkey by force alone. He sighed and put his hands down. “What the hell you really want?” Shazaam asked. “If Oprah’s rise to power was truly inevitable- why would you be here in the first place?”

    “That has always been you problem” the Monkey said. “Me simply just like to rub it in, and you always like to avoid and ignore how sadistic and hurtful the world really is because it hurts ur feelings. U naturally soft-hearted and weak, the real Oprah-world easily kills and eats ppl like u. Ur own molestor told u the same thing before they molested u IRL - remember?” The Monkey then laughed at Shazaam’s pain.

    “And you told therapists and Starr Commonwealth social workers- but they just laughed at you again, didn’t they? Or they blamed you completely for ur issues.”

    Sam’s jaw dropped at what a sadistic little shit this monkey was. “Why are you being so mean to me?” Sam asked.

    “BECAUSE IT’S FUN, DUH!” The Blue Monkey said. “Now u prolly act all self righteous now huh- when look at how u hurt feelings of d str8 women kek kek kek”

    Sam tried to snap out of feeling emotionally trolled. He then remembered what he read about Blue Monkeys, how they were weak against ‘Red Dragons’ Sam looked around his house for anything Red Dragon-y to use against the Blue Monkey- but couldn’t find anything.

    The Blue Monkey then jumped on Shazaam’s shoulders and started to sadistically pull his on ears and lick his ear lobes although it just felt disgusting and not hot, of course. “Haha, this kinda like wut the boys used to do to u in school didn’t they?” The Monkey said while laughing.

    Shazaam tried to whack the monkey off of him but he had 1D Se. Shazaam twirled around and fell on his butt and the monkey creepily and sadistically pulled down his own eyelids. Shazaam screamed out in pain as the Monkey howled with laughter.


    “…Or they feel bad for you, and glad they can finally feel bad for u instead of u self-righteously talking down on them online like some pathetic wannabe SJW!” The Monkey said. “But like Regina Hurt said, u no victim Sam!”

    Sam’s heart raced. Was this really how he was going to die? Being trolled and then killed- his eyeballs probably eaten by a sadistic Blue Monkey?

    “Get off of him!” Sam suddenly heard the voice of a kind yet powerful female. It was none other fellow Adventurer, Coeruleum Blue. She conjured a psionic image of a Red Dragon that breathed fire on the Monkey. Since Shazaam was also weak against Red Dragon fire, with her other hand she cast a crystalline bubble on Sam that protected him from the fire at the same time it damaged the asshole monkey.

    The Idea of Blue Monkey screamed. He was severely weakened and critically injured, but he wasn’t dead.

    The Blue Monkey grimaced and scoffed. “Saved by a woman. Even thou u gay- u should still feel humiliated by that like any normal man would” the Monkey said.

    Sam’s eyes blinked. “You-you saved my life” Sam said.

    “Yeah yeah don’t be getting all sappy on me” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “How did you even know I was in trouble?” Sam asked.

    “It’s a long story but this” Coeruleum conjured up a magical enchanted mirror in front of Sam. It was life-sized, about 6 foot 5 tall in fact.

    “Don’t get freaked out but it kinda allows me to spy on you. I respect your privacy but since we’re connected as Adventurers so I just sensed something was wrong. Because we’re Mirrors in Socionics and I’m White Magnetic Mirror in mayan astrology- and with a little help from the Idea of Mirrors, and well…”

    “This change nothing” Blue Overtone Monkey said. “I can troll and tease both of u at same time you know” he then smiled.

    Suddenly, a beautiful woman walked out of a portal that was conjured from Coeruleum’s mirror. She was wearing a white top and white leather pop star pants and had on gold wristlets. It was none other than Sam’s favorite pop star, Kylie Minogue!

    “HOLY SHIT IT’S KYLIE MINOGUE!” Shazaam said.

    Coeruleum Blue just looked at Kylie with a cool indifference. She wasn’t as big a fan as Sam was, but she didn’t want to hurt Shazaam’s feelings either. So she just kind of subtlety looked her up and down.

    “I’m not really Kylie Minogue” she said, even though she had Kylie’s same Australian accent. “I was just told to take this form because you would respond to it the most” the Being said.

    Sam’s face dropped a little. “Oh. Then who are you?”

    “I am Celeste, also known as the Idea of Forgiveness”

    “Oh great, another Idea” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Not all Ideas are malevolent. You should know that mate, as the Idea of Mirrors assisted you in your quest to save Shazaam’s life.”

    “No, not all Ideas are malevolent. But you are all narcissistically narcissistic - which means you will undoubtedly try to get us to forgive things we shouldn’t forgive” Sam said. “Like pedophilia, mass genocide, and Nickelback concerts.”

    “Why not forgive those perceived ailments, since it keeps the grudge-holder in a state of bitter hatred?” The Idea of Forgiveness said.

    Sam sighed. Maybe not all Ideas were as evil as other Ideas, but he had about had it with the Ideas- as they were still a source of a lot of what was wrong with the world even though they weren’t as bad as Oprah. “Please just go away” Sam said.

    “You must have compassion on the poor Blue Monkey” the Idea of Forgiveness said. “He wasn’t always like this. You were able to forgive your main high school bully- you can forgive the Idea of Overtone Blue Monkey too!”

    “Yeah Sam, you better listen to her” the Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey said while trying hard not to smirk.

    “Ugh, he’s just saying that so he can continue to bully and tease us” Sam said.

    “He might never cease his bullying, but you yourself can also never cease your forgiveness!” The Idea of Forgiveness said.

    Sam flicked his hands and tried to blast the Idea of Forgiveness back into the portal from whence it came. Celeste cast a counter-spell at the split second, completely neutralizing Shazaam’s magic. “I forgive that” the Idea of Forgiveness said in a haughty and pretentious way.

    Coeruleum Blue conjured a psionic thunderstorm over Celeste’s head. But it fizzled out before it could do any damage. “I forgive that as well” she said.

    “YOU CAN’T JUST FORGIVE EVERYTHING!” Sam said. “What about baby rape!”

    “I forgive you for being perverted enough to have the Idea of Baby Rape come to mind even though Christian Delta minds wouldn’t have never even thought about it in the first place”, the Idea of Forgiveness said.

    “Okay, I gotta admit that was kind of a good passive-aggressive insult” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Yes, you have to forgive even me. You get forgiveness, and you get forgiveness. We all get forgiveness! YOU MUST FORGIVE PRAH. BECAUSE SHE’S GOING TO EAT YOU ALL AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT HAHAHAHHAAHA.”

    “Only the Queen O is strong enough to defeat me - and I will forgive her after I’m completely dead and forgotten and eaten, ingested in her intestines” the Idea of Forgiveness said.

    The Idea of Forgiveness cackled evilly while it’s red demon-y eyes sparkled. The Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey also laughed with the Idea. The Monkey’s eyes turned red too, even though his body is blue.

    “Do not play Victim like you always do” Celeste said. “FORGIVE US INSTEAD.”

    The Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey tried to charge after the two Adventurers while they were distracted and emotionally trolled by the evil laughter, but Coeruleum Blue conjured another psionic red dragon near him- this time finally killing him.

    “No. You must forgive him instead.” Celeste’s eyes glowed white- and she resurrected the Monkey!”

    “Oh shit” Sam said.

    “Oh yes…” Celeste said.

    “Oh no!” Coeruleum said. “That’s cheating!” Coeruleum took a moment to consult her D&D handbook. “Nevermind. My bad. She does have access to very strong resurrection magic. It’s not cheating.”

    “Oh-“ Before the Blue Monkey could finish what he was saying, Coeruleum Blue killed him again with another Psionic Flame Dragon. “-..BLOOOOWWWW!!!” Coeruleum said as the red fire destroyed him.

    The Idea of Forgiveness’s eyes glowed campy white again- and Sam knew that she was about to revive the Monkey again. Thinking quickly, he body slammed her against the wall.

    “Even if I was cheating, you still must forgive me” Celeste said to Coeruleum.

    The Idea then diverted its attention back to Sam. “You should know that it’s wrong to hit women, but I forgive you” The Idea of Forgiveness said.

    “Sam, don’t listen to anything she or the Monkey says!” Coeruleum Blue said. “Think… logically. How can we get out of this dangerous loop?” she said.

    “Uh- what’s the exact opposite of Forgiveness? Grudge-holding? But no, she will just say ‘You must forgive those who hold grudges against you’ at the same time doing something edgy and trolly.”

    A lightbulb popped in Sam’s brain. He thought about something the monkey said before, how he always tried to avoid cruelty too much.

    “Hey Cor, conjure one of your mirror portal thingies behind her!” he said to the psionic mage. “Just… trust me.”

    “I will forgive you doing that” The Idea of Forgiveness said, being so over the top forgiving that she wasn’t about to see what was coming. She also tried to resurrect the Blue Monkey again while Coeruleum was making the portal, but Sam left hooked her in her face.

    Shazaam held out his hands and with all his magical might, he summoned the Idea of Cruelty to pop out of the portal. He knew in his heart, soul and mind that the Idea of Cruelty naturally trumped the Idea of Forgiveness.

    The Idea of Cruelty took on the form of legendary straight male porn star Brandon Irons, who was an assassin class. Brandon Irons had two sharp daggers and sadistically and brutally stabbed Celeste in the back of her skull and chest while dry humping her in the butt at the same time.

    Sam grimaced at the gory scene. Being a Highly Sensitive Person and an overly sensitive ******, he didn’t enjoy watching that. But he realized that he must forgive even his own empathy. Just not the Idea of Forgiveness, because that would be too much.

    Brandon Irons licked his lips. “Get out of the way, I’m not into men. But I am into her- and you’re into me too, aren’t you sweetheart?” Brandon Irons said seductively.

    “Okay, I admit he’s kind of hot…” Coeruleum said. “But umm, I don’t want to die and shit!”

    Sam tried to TK Brandon Irons back against the portal. Nothing happened, and he inched closer. Coeruleum Blue tried to TK Brandon Irons back in the portal. Nothing happened, and he inched closer.

    Coeruleum Blue and Sam looked at one another, and then held their hands together. It felt awkward and heterosexual, but Sam also felt dualized, truly appreciated, and powerful.

    “Don’t be afraid to be straight!” Coeruleum said to Sam. Combining their magic together, both heroes were able to swoosh Brandon half-way back into the portal- but with the upper half of his body he held onto the edge of the mirror! Sam looked down on Celeste’s dead grimdark body- in the form of his favorite pop star, then peered into Brandon Iron’s eyes.

    “I didn’t do anything wrong, it was all consensual and even if it wasn’t, she would have forgiven me anyway” he said- trying to get Sam to let his guard down so he could get in to rape Coeruleum. “Come on, get out of my way. Don’t be her cuck man.”

    Coeruleum Blue and Shazaam tried their hardest to pull him back into the portal, but he just kept hanging on.

    “We need even more help!” Sam screamed out, stating the obvious.

    Coeruleum thought quickly. Being a straight man, Brandon Irons probably naturally watched a lot of Game of Thrones. ‘Winter is Coming.’ What was the opposite of Winter?

    Suddenly, the Idea of Spring wrapped its thick vines around Brandon’s neck from the other side of the Magic Mirror and pulled him back into the portal. Where he could enjoy the wonderful hope and blossoms and bountiful gardens of spring instead of sadistically throat fucking and killing and raping women. For now. Also, the Idea of Things Change made a minor assistance as often times the only thing more powerful than cruelty was to simply stick it out and wait for things to change.

    Shazaam and Coeruleum Blue won! Sam and Coeruleum Blue gained 25,000 exp! Coeruleum Blue learns ‘Maliciously Magnetic Mirrors!”

    “What? You learned a new power and not me?” Sam said. “Ah well I’m not jelly!” Sam said, even though you could read between the lines and tell that he was very jealous.

    Sam looked both around and down. The portals were gone, the Blue Monkey was gone- but Celeste’s dead body was still in his hallway. “What the hell are we gonna do with this?” Sam said.

    “I uh- could use some kinda Psionic cleaning spell. Or something, I guess…”

    Sam thought about something. “No wait….” He leaned over. He looked into Kylie’s eyes. Surprisingly, they opened.

    “It’s the real Kylie!” Sam said.

    “Sh- she took over my body” Kylie said. “It was part of the deal I made with the Illuminati to become famous. I had to become possessed by the Idea. But you- you always sensed that I was a good person regardless” Kyle said.

    “I…oh my god!”

    “Don’t get too happy Sam. I’m still dying” Kylie Minogue said. “But I wanted you to remind you of who you are… you’re a Bard, because the DnD test told you so. And you’re also one of my biggest fans.”

    Sam felt Kylie’s body slowly fading away- and seeping into his own essence.

    “No! I don’t want to absorb you like some cruel monster!” Sam said.

    “That’s not wh-what is happening” Kylie said, gurgling out some blood. “I am offering myself to you. I will live on.. forever… through you… I can give you more power, to help you in your quest to destroy Prah, and to *coughs out more blood* … save the universe.”

    “I… but I don’t want to lose you” Sam said. Coeruleum Blue just looked at same compassionately. She didn’t have many healing or supportive abilities, but she did have a spell called ‘Have Compassion!’

    “You did more than you know by defeating the Idea of Forgiveness” Kylie Minogue said. “Because whilst forgiveness is a virtue on paper, Oprah was using it as part of how she always gets away with being a narci….”

    Before Kylie could finish that word, her eyes closed, and she passed away.

    Sam learned all of Kylie Minogue’s Pop Song spells. Sam also received the Bard weapon “Pretty Bow.” There was a note attached on the weapon. Sam opened it and read it. ‘And remember Sam, the bow is better left untied. /hides’ it was a message from Inumbra!

    “Wow, the ability to transform into Kylie Minogue drag any time you want” Coeruleum Blue said. “Just what every gay boy dreams of…”

    “Yeah I’m no longer jealous” Sam said happily. He looked at his new weapon and also felt more powerful and manly. It was pink and yellow and green and looked gay but dangerous at the same time. It came with 7 arrows, each representing the colors of the rainbow.

    “Hmm I wonder what ‘Maliciously Magnetic Mirrors’ does” Coeruleum said.

    He put his arm around his friend and the two walked outside of his house, to begin the next stage of their adventure.

    Shazaam still felt kinda sad, because Kylie Minogue really did die- but it was a necessary sacrifice to stop Oprah.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 01-15-2023 at 02:20 PM.

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    Oh, no, I'm in your story, and you not-quite-butchered the mechanics of D&D! Well, you still made me laugh, even if non-constipated Tarzan that Sahira turned into in a dream gets to shit and I don't. Just kidding, in D&D you can use Prestidigitation to get rid of your fecal matter like the wizards in Harry Potter no one wanted to know about. J. K. Rowling, what were you thinking, and can we use it against Prah'Frey?

    Prestidigitation ::

    Remember, Prestidigitation is on the bard spell list! I'm guessing you haven't learned it or you'd have used it against the poop-flinging Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey.

    Next: J. K. Rowling tells the Karen Kobolds that wizards used to poop in their pants, but all the Karen Kobolds are too distracted by calling her a TERF when she's not even a radical feminist!

    P. S. If we're really turning this into D&D 3.5e, consider going sublime chord bard if you want 9th-level bard spellcasting instead of only 6th.

    Edit: Including the psionic version of prestidigitation because it's probably easier to poop in your pants and clean it up using it since you just use your mind instead of either words and gestures or taking a 2nd-level spell slot. Not having to say "excrementum removo" every time pre-toilet wizards poo in their pants sems pretty important, and anyway, things like apparating and the animagus shapeshifting ability are more like 3.5e psionics than 3.5e arcane spells anyway. Did they apparate their poo? Where did it go to? All the questions you never wanted answered! Now Oprah shall consider them!

    Prestidigitation, Psionic » Powers » Psionics.Info
    Last edited by Metamorph; 01-16-2023 at 05:17 AM.

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    Sublime chord bard: Sublime Chord – Class – D&D Tools (

    It's just a version of bards that's more focused on spells like bards in some other games are instead of making them more rogue-martial-esque.

    Hopefully, I have Skillful Moment by now to help you with your Knowledge (D&D) checks if you're going that route. You definitely have bardic knowledge if you think that's the class you'd be, though! So stack them.

    P. S. Definitely take ranks in lucid dreaming. Even though we all know the origin of Prah is AAAAAT THE MOOOOUNTAINS OF MAAAADNESS anyway.

    Oprah is from Antarctica and Gulenko's gulag is in the Arctic. Coincidence? I think not!

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    I'm going to continue double posting to help you with your game mechanics: I'm guessing the "psionic red dragon" is supposed to be Phantasmal Killer with Mind Mage's Psionic Components (Ex), and another spell option would be Shades but that seems unlikely since a red dragon isn't on any of the summon tables for Summon Monster I-IX that I've found and if I'm high enough level for that I should just have used Astral Construct from a wand or from Psychic Chirurgery. If Phantsmal Killer's the intended spell, that should've been my character's bonus action, but you probably didn't see my main action, so, accurate.

    Please be careful before using Major Creation from the sublime chord's expanded arcane spell list to make a Huge Can of Worms...

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    @mu4 Get back on or Shazaam will probably make you an antipaladin for being absent from the site instead of a paladin... Well, being absent does spread chaos and evil, unlike paladins spreading law and good...

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    Chapter 2: Friendship Is Tragic

    Coeruleum Blue and Shazaam were walking across a large grassy field. They were in some sort of park filled with normies.

    “Looks like the red arrow from my new bow can shoot fire…” - Sam demonstrated this by shooting a bush and having it catch on fire. A few normies sitting on a picnic table reading The Family Circus noticed this, and stood up and screamed before running away.

    “The orange one - looks like that gives people a shield” - Sam shot the arrow near Coeruleum’s feet, and her body was surrounded by an orange light. It felt warm and protective. “Although you can use Shields too and I already had a shield with my Pink Triangle spell, we’ll undoubtedly need all of it for the boss fights to come!” Sam said geekily and dramatically.

    “Now the yellow…” Sam gasped as he noticed a woman jogging and a creepy man chasing after her. Sam used his Ni and immediately sensed this man was a rapist. Sam shot the yellow arrow at the man’s eyes - and he became temporarily blinded and couldn’t see- because bright neon yellow was one of the hardest colors to look at directly. The rapist ran into a sign post while the victim escaped.

    “Green one is kinda strange, but” - Sam suddenly shot the green arrow into Coeruleum’s arm. It hurt like hell. “Hey what the hell?” She said.

    “Try to cast your ‘Kill Your Self ability… on yourself’” Sam said.

    “Ugh I think I’m gonna kill YOU for what you just did…”

    “Just do it” Sam said.

    Coeruleum Blue’s eyes dimmed and turned a yellow grimdark-y color. A bad-ass looking psionic reaper appeared behind her with a scythe, and tried to cut off her head- but she was completely immune and just stood there as if nothing happened.

    “It appears to protect the target from all negative status effects, no matter how powerful, you know like Instant Death skills- at the cost of doing some damage” Sam said.

    Sam then TK’ed the arrow out of Coeruleum’s arm, and sung a little bit of Kylie Minogue’s ‘Better than Today’. She felt healed.

    Coeruleum Blue forgave Sam even though the Idea of Forgiveness was dead.

    “Now the Blue Arrow…” Sam shot it at two random teenagers walking, and they slipped back about forty yards from a torrent of fast moving magical water. “Gives me a knockback effect….”

    A dead bird suddenly fell down at Coeruleum’s feet and she gasped a little. “…at the same time the Blue Arrow shot another arrow into the sky, seems to affect both the sea and sky” Shazaam said. “Because you know, it’s blue.”

    “No, really?” Coeruleum said sarcastically. Trying not to be rude, but she kind of wanted this lesson over with.

    “Just two more to go!” Sam said excitedly. “This one is probably my favorite..” Sam shot an Indigo arrow into the air. It didn’t seem to travel as far as the others, but instead conjured up a phantom image of the gay male porn star ‘Jason Ridge’.

    “Looks like it randomly summons a phantom version of any gay male tank-class I want to take some hits for us” Sam said. “I imagine this one is going to be quite useful.” Jason Ridge chased after some cute looking twinks in the park, but faded away before he could catch up to them.

    “How gay” Coeruleum said indifferently and ambiguously, and it was hard to tell if she meant that as a compliment or insult.

    “And now finally….” Sam shot a bunch of violet arrows into the air- and they rained down and killed almost all the low-level normies at the park. Coeruleum Blue’s eyes blinked, and she enjoyed the carnage. Especially against all the Normies. “Pretty bitchin’ range on that AoE spell” she said.

    Sam looked around at all the dead Normies. He looked at his Pretty Bow weapon, then at Coeruleum Blue. Then the dead people, then Blue again. “Oops… I mean, I didn’t mean to…” he said. “Kind of.”

    Coeruleum Blue smiled at Sam. She had to admit, she liked seeing him happy. “It’s okay, as a high level Bard you can cast a song to revive them all” she said.

    “Um- that’s the thing. I’m not really a high level Bard” Sam said. “More mid-range? I mean, I was a Priest and Shaman and Necromancer and Neon Mage before… and I guess I change my class too much to learn the really good high level stuff like AoE rezz. BUT I PROMISE I WILL STICK WITH BARD THIS TIME, I PROMISE!” Sam said, not wanting to have Alt-its any longer.

    “You at least have Raise Dead, right?” Coeruleum shook her head.

    “No, I’m a level 4 Bard not 5” Sam said.

    Coeruleum looked around at the dead NPCs and sighed. “I could try to return their souls psionically- but I think I can only do it one at a time, and it takes awhile- and I’d need to gather some raw materials. We’ll be here all day or even a week, and I don’t think that’s very efficient” she said to the Te PolR Bard.

    Suddenly, a nerdy looking autistic boy came down from flying on a broom in the sky - and a tall, vivacious looking female cartoon rabbit was standing beside him. “Me and Bunny can save the day!” he said excitedly. RaptorWizard, being a high level Wizard - cast ‘Wish’- and all the normies were instantly revived.

    “Wow thanks” Sam said to RaptorWizard. “You really saved us” he said. “I would have been arrested by the FBI for killing all those Normies.”

    “Anything is possible in the catalyst of dreams!” RaptorWizard said. He then kept autistically ranting about Bunny when nobody else cared.

    “The Prophecy is almost fulfilled….” Sam heard a voice booming all around them. He spun around and eyed the being up and down with his 4D Ni.

    “You must be the Idea of Prophecies” Sam said to the old-looking man. He was currently taking on the form of Patrick Stewart from the Star Trek series.

    “There’s Five Letters in Oprah’s Name. There will be 5 Adventurers helping you on your quest - you already are a party of three” The Idea of Prophecies said. “Coincidence? I think not…”

    “Will we succeed in defeating Oprah?” Sam asked the Idea of Prophecies.

    “I do not know that. I, the Idea of Prophecies- only know that there will be five main characters on your quest.”

    “It’s an Idea- I don’t think we can trust him” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Yeah, I mean it is Oprah we’re talking about. I think we’ll need more than 5…” Sam said. He glared back at the Idea of Prophecies.

    “It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality” the Idea of Prophecies said. “And like the Idea of Margaret Mead says: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

    “I’ve about had it with the Ideas” Sam said, even though he was always secretly touched by Margaret’s quote even though it was kind of Delta and Normie-ish. “There’s no way for us to know if you’re telling the truth or you’re just trying to troll us.”

    “He’s not lying…” Sam heard the voice of a kind woman. It was none other than the Diviner Oracle class, Kalinoche Buenanoche!

    “The Ideas might very well all be narcissists, solely concerned with their own selves and making every other being just like them - but most still want to survive. They do not all just wish to be eaten by Oprah like the Idea of Forgiveness did” kalinoche said. “I know this because my crystal ball told me so” She held up her ball for all to see.

    “You must be the fourth party member…” Coeruleum Blue said.

    Kalinoche nodded. She was wearing off-white robes with complex and ornate cosmic-looking designs on them.


    “Don’t be so naive and like an omega male cuck” kalinoche said solemnly. “Like the Idea of Prophecy told us, he isn’t so sure we will succeed against Oprah.”

    “Women are too bitterly negative, not trusting in the hopeful spirit of Yang to propel them into orgasmic blisses of the unknown!” He then took a moment to slap Bunny on the bottom. “Like my damn sister in the real world…” RaptorWizard said underneath his teeth.

    “Stop fighting you two!” Shazaam said. “We all know both men and women are annoying narcissists! That’s not the point- the point is… we must stop Oprah.”

    “Well, we’re still down one Adventurer…” Coeruleum Blue said.

    Sam looked around. As a sublime chord Bard he played the role of buffer, physical ranged DPS mixed with some magic. Kalinoche’s Divine Oracle class was clearly some type of pure healer class. Coeruleum Blue and RaptorWizard were well, wizards aka long ranged magic DPS. Coeruleum Blue being a Psionic Mage and RaptorWizard being a Wish Wizard.

    Sam looked down at his indigo arrow. While it was a cool new ability, he also knew that it wouldn’t be enough.

    “We need a tank…” Sam said, diverting his attention back to his friends after being lost in thought. “Both me and Coeruleum can summon creatures temporarily to tank, and perhaps RaptorWizard could wish for a tank- but we need a more sturdy and reliable tank to protect us, and for kalinoche to stay safe in the back and heal him or her or they” Sam looked at kalinoche and smiled. He obviously added the ‘they’ pronoun at the end because he wanted to manipulate transgender and non-binary people to buy his comic books and video games as much as anybody else.

    The Idea of Prophecy looked at the 4 Heroes. “I wish you well on your quest” he said. He then pressed on his Starfleet badge and energized out.

    The four walked and talked in the park, wondering how they were going to find their tank class….

    About an hour later, a Russian man approached them. He smelled kinda weird.

    “Ve vill vype vu, ves?” The man said. “Vonly Vorty Vive VUSVD Vollars?”

    “Oh great, it’s the Idea of Victor Gulenko” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Vot Van Videa, Vus ‘Victor’” Victor Gulenko said.

    “Uh I think he said that he wasn’t an Idea, and he was just Victor Gulenko?” Kalinoche held up her crystal ball. Apparently, it could translate languages for the party.

    “Yeah, I think we can all speak bad campy Russian” Sam said to Kalinoche.

    “..And I think we all knew it was just a real normal person by the way he smelled…” kalinoche said.

    “Wait- would the Idea of Gulenko smell even worse or better or not at all?” Raptor Wizard asked- looking up at his imaginary friend Bunny.

    “Voo vis vat voy valking vu?” Gulenko asked.

    “Oh it’s Bunny! Only I choose who gets to see her though- and I don’t choose you!” RaptorWizard said with a childish pout on his face. “You don’t know that dreams are made of stars riding in the sky of eternal hope, you seem.. kind of.. MEAN.”

    Wait. When Gulenko met us, why did he say ‘we?’ Sam thought.

    “Oh please, you Fe-valuing wusses. And Kalinoche too, who is probably Delta- and I don’t know what the hell you’re hanging out with these losers for anyway! Daddy Gulenko is not MEAN, he’s just a professional with lots of money- something you LOSERS will never have…”

    A whore-ish looking woman came up and stood next to Gulenko, holding a gaudy looking gold phone with the letters ‘Tap’a’Talk.’ She was wearing a blue and green jumpsuit outfit that looked like it belonged back in the 1980s.

    “Vat vis vorrect” Victor Gulenko said.

    Shazaam sighed, instantly recognizing who the young woman was. “Out of our way, Kiana” he said. “We have no interest in paying money to get ourselves typed” he said. “We’re kind of on another mission right now…” Sam said.

    “You could have been a cool person, getting your driver’s licenses and traveling the world with me and spending money on cool things - but nooo, you have to stay inside your dorky little house writing your dorky little stories that nobody cares about!” Mean Girl Kiana said. “Face it Sam, no matter how much it gets under your skin- the real world is OWNED by people like Gulenko and Oprah- not you.”

    Coeruleum Blue thought of something. “Gulenko’s name ends in O, Oprah’s name starts with O… Coincidence? I think not.”

    Victor Gulenko smiled sinisterly. “Vi vave Voprah Ver ‘Vo’ Villions vof Vears Vago- Vand Vow, Vi’ll Vu Vuh Vame Viwth vy Viana!” He then took out some sort of ancient-looking book with his right hand and began eyeing it while holding up his left hand, as if casting some sort of spell. “Vy Vey Ve a Vormie, Vut Vi Vill Vave Vowers!”

    Sam’s jaw dropped in amazement. “You’re… you’re how Prah became Oprah!” Sam said.

    “It’s not evil to be famous, Te-valuing and real-world successful” Kiana said. “That’s just what you say out of your own jealousy.”

    “I don’t think that!” Shazaam said. “I like Rachel Ray and a whole bunch of other celebrities that aren’t evil narcissists!” Shazaam said. “YOU’RE just saying that, to get away with being a spoiled mean girl bitch!”

    “Guys- we have to do something, before-” Before Coeruleum Blue could finish her sentence, Kiana’s body grew about 12 feet tall and she hulked out. Her jumpsuit outfit completely ripped open, revealing her naked light green body.

    It was too late; Victor Gulenko had already cast his iconic ‘O’ buff spell on Kiana.

    “Vat Vill Veach Vem Vor Venying Vy Vypology Vessions!” Victor Gulenko said. He then ran away as fast as he could.

    RaptorWizard saw him trying to escape, and sent Bunny after him… maybe she will be able to stop him? But now, he didn’t have Bunny for… he looked over at Kiana and began to feel worried.

    Shazaam looked up at Kiana and gulped. “Kiana, I’m sorry… I don’t really want to fight you, even though you’re a bitch…”


    “…ME OKIANA!” ((Epic boss fight music begins playing))

    “But Sam, we don’t have a tank!” Kalinoche said while looking scared.

    Sam looked down at one of his indigo arrows. “Yeah we do… kind of.” He looked behind at his party, remembering something inumbra told him. “Our team is not the perfect little ribbon, but it will just have to do! We still must do our bes-“

    Okiana then growled angrily and backhanded Shazaam with one arm before he could finish buffing the party with one of his lame and gay inspiring speeches.

    Sam instantly died. RaptorWizard pissed his pants from the real grimdark brutality of it all.

    “Oh no….” Coeruleum Blue stood there looking scared with RaptorWizard and kalinoche, wondering what they were going to do next.

    To be continued…

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Chapter 2: Friendship Is Tragic


    Technically friendship isn't magic in most settings, probably including Earth. However, sometimes magic is friendship, though it's still generally more efficient without magic.

    ...I'll host a forum 3.5e game if anyone wants it, but you can probably find them yourselves too.

    Did Gulenko's book look like this by any chance?

  8. #8


    So i am the only one to get a crystal ball as a metaphor for pulling things out of where the sun don't shine. Accepted, yet I invite yous to take a nice close look at your stuffs. And you know I am the biggest loser (just to narcissistically use a superlative) <3
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 01-18-2023 at 07:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    So i am the only one to get a crystal ball as a metaphor for pulling things out of where the sun don't shine. Accepted. And you know I am the biggest loser <3
    Hey, divination and scrying are great. Remote viewing and metafaculty are even better, but usually cost XP unless you can waive the cost. Then, so do wish and limited wish which the high-level RaptorWizard is spamming assuming he's not a gnome illusionist making 100% real illusions. I would also have to pay experience and not items for psionic revivify or my own health for empathic transfer unless the items I'm collecting are XP tokens or health rocks.

    Now I feel like the sports commentator of D&D discussing actual mechanics for this story.

    I got a mirror as a metaphor for spying, so there's also that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    16types Adventures: The Origin of Oprah

    Chapter 1: Monkey Bitchness

    Shazaam woke up from his bed with a headache. “Ugh damn I didn’t get enough sleep” the nerd said. He thought about all the different ways he was going to defeat Oprah in order to save the universe. It always came back around to him and Oprah, and now he was probably thinking about Oprah about a quarter as much as Alive thinks about IEIs- which is still way too much.

    Oprah was the reason Normies confused hot kinky sex with ‘sexual abuse’ in order to feel more self-righteous. Oprah was the reason Pharisees like Candace Cameron Bure got rewarded with power and true Christians that are actually nice people still work at Family Dollar. Though of course, Oprah can cast a buff spell on both Candace Cameron and a spoiled & perverted gay celebrity like Perez Hilton and get away with it because she’s Oprah. “You both have excellent points” Oprah would say to her audience in an authoritative and faux-respectful voice, while secretly agreeing with Candace a lot more.

    Oprah is the reason for Toys R Us closing, as well as any other business that that was actually kind of cool and not stuck up it’s own ass- even though ironically, the reason Toys R Us got shut down was because the investors & CEO were stuck up their own asses. Oprah was the reason for *both* Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Oprah is the reason Tom Cruise is mentally ill and can’t just be gay. Oprah is the reason the insufferable realities of *both* communism and capitalism exists, instead of a system that would actually be helpful to people instead of corrupt, sadistic and/or exploitative.

    Oprah may not have take over other dimensions or other galaxies and planets yet, but she had clearly already taken over this shitty world called Earth - and Shazaam must stop her before the entire universe is just devoured by the foul beast. Was there an ‘omniverse’ or just one singular universe? It didn’t matter- and the distinction was silly and pointless, because all the omniverses combined would make a singular universe anyway- and Oprah wants to eat all. Let’s just say there’s one universe and not ‘omniverse’ because we don’t want to be like that silly renamer dragon.

    Shazaam gazed out his bedroom window and looked up at the stars. It was about 4 am out and still night out. If Oprah had already won, all those stars would be O-shaped (and would lose their natural luster and instead look like cheap commercial lighting from shitty products you buy at QVC instead of real, God-made light), but for now they were still thankfully just beautiful & normal stars. However, that might change unless Sam/Shazaam got off his ass and did something about it.

    Then suddenly, as Sam was walking in the hallway of his house, a magical neon blue monkey appeared in front of him. “I have to take a piss” Shazaam said, the reality of having to empty his bladder took precedence over completing his video game sadly. He seemed surprised by the monkey’s presence but not so surprised that it gave him a heart attack.

    The Blue Monkey just laughed. “I can fix that for you” it then threw magical monkey poop on Sam’s crotch, and Shazaam mysteriously didn’t have to go to the bathroom anymore.

    “Uh-wow. Thanks?” Shazaam said, mildly impressed that magic was still real in the real world. But the creature was not here to really help him.

    “Lel, thinking he can save the world like a typical beta manlet” the Monkey said to Shazaam. “How can you defeat Oprah when you are Oprah yourself? You are Oprah- but you are not Prah, whereas the original Oprah is both Oprah and Prah! She always gonna win in an objective way no matter how much you write these silly stories of fag empowerment!” The Monkey said, getting under Shazaam’s skin the way the bullies in high school did.

    “You’re Blue Overtone Monkey- my Mayan Astrology type!” Both me and Oprah are Blue Overtone Monkeys… Sam thought to himself.

    “Me not just Blue Overtone Monkey. Me Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey!” The magical blue monkey then narcissistically danced, similar to how Greta did in the movie when she had that naive young woman trapped inside the wall.

    “So what, you cast a spell so I don’t have to urinate so you could just troll me all day?” Sam said. Even though the Blue Overtone Monkey was a legendary being known as an Idea, he was still small and Sam lived long enough to know the way to handle bullies was just raw bad-ass strength.

    He then flicked his hands and tried to blow the Monkey up like Piper on Charmed. Being a moderator on the forum gave him the ability to ban people, and in real life he could also channel this power into molecular combustion.

    The Monkey did not explode into atoms, but it did knock him back against the wall and functioned as if the blowing up power was a type of telekinesis. “There’s no need to get violent because you know that me right!” The Monkey said.

    Sam soon realized that he wasn’t going to be able to defeat the Monkey by force alone. He sighed and put his hands down. “What the hell you really want?” Shazaam asked. “If Oprah’s rise to power was truly inevitable- why would you be here in the first place?”

    “That has always been you problem” the Monkey said. “Me simply just like to rub it in, and you always like to avoid and ignore how sadistic and hurtful the world really is because it hurts ur feelings. U naturally soft-hearted and weak, the real Oprah-world easily kills and eats ppl like u. Ur own molestor told u the same thing before they molested u IRL - remember?” The Monkey then laughed at Shazaam’s pain.

    “And you told therapists and Starr Commonwealth social workers- but they just laughed at you again, didn’t they? Or they blamed you completely for ur issues.”

    Sam’s jaw dropped at what a sadistic little shit this monkey was. “Why are you being so mean to me?” Sam asked.

    “BECAUSE IT’S FUN, DUH!” The Blue Monkey said. “Now u prolly act all self righteous now huh- when look at how u hurt feelings of d str8 women kek kek kek”

    Sam tried to snap out of feeling emotionally trolled. He then remembered what he read about Blue Monkeys, how they were weak against ‘Red Dragons’ Sam looked around his house for anything Red Dragon-y to use against the Blue Monkey- but couldn’t find anything.

    The Blue Monkey then jumped on Shazaam’s shoulders and started to sadistically pull his on ears and lick his ear lobes although it just felt disgusting and not hot, of course. “Haha, this kinda like wut the boys used to do to u in school didn’t they?” The Monkey said while laughing.

    Shazaam tried to whack the monkey off of him but he had 1D Se. Shazaam twirled around and fell on his butt and the monkey creepily and sadistically pulled down his own eyelids. Shazaam screamed out in pain as the Monkey howled with laughter.


    “…Or they feel bad for you, and glad they can finally feel bad for u instead of u self-righteously talking down on them online like some pathetic wannabe SJW!” The Monkey said. “But like Regina Hurt said, u no victim Sam!”

    Sam’s heart raced. Was this really how he was going to die? Being trolled and then killed- his eyeballs probably eaten by a sadistic Blue Monkey?

    “Get off of him!” Sam suddenly heard the voice of a kind yet powerful female. It was none other fellow Adventurer, Coeruleum Blue. She conjured a psionic image of a Red Dragon that breathed fire on the Monkey. Since Shazaam was also weak against Red Dragon fire, with her other hand she cast a crystalline bubble on Sam that protected him from the fire at the same time it damaged the asshole monkey.

    The Idea of Blue Monkey screamed. He was severely weakened and critically injured, but he wasn’t dead.

    The Blue Monkey grimaced and scoffed. “Saved by a woman. Even thou u gay- u should still feel humiliated by that like any normal man would” the Monkey said.

    Sam’s eyes blinked. “You-you saved my life” Sam said.

    “Yeah yeah don’t be getting all sappy on me” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “How did you even know I was in trouble?” Sam asked.

    “It’s a long story but this” Coeruleum conjured up a magical enchanted mirror in front of Sam. It was life-sized, about 6 foot 5 tall in fact.

    “Don’t get freaked out but it kinda allows me to spy on you. I respect your privacy but since we’re connected as Adventurers so I just sensed something was wrong. Because we’re Mirrors in Socionics and I’m White Magnetic Mirror in mayan astrology- and with a little help from the Idea of Mirrors, and well…”

    “This change nothing” Blue Overtone Monkey said. “I can troll and tease both of u at same time you know” he then smiled.

    Suddenly, a beautiful woman walked out of a portal that was conjured from Coeruleum’s mirror. She was wearing a white top and white leather pop star pants and had on gold wristlets. It was none other than Sam’s favorite pop star, Kylie Minogue!

    “HOLY SHIT IT’S KYLIE MINOGUE!” Shazaam said.

    Coeruleum Blue just looked at Kylie with a cool indifference. She wasn’t as big a fan as Sam was, but she didn’t want to hurt Shazaam’s feelings either. So she just kind of subtlety looked her up and down.

    “I’m not really Kylie Minogue” she said, even though she had Kylie’s same Australian accent. “I was just told to take this form because you would respond to it the most” the Being said.

    Sam’s face dropped a little. “Oh. Then who are you?”

    “I am Celeste, also known as the Idea of Forgiveness”

    “Oh great, another Idea” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Not all Ideas are malevolent. You should know that mate, as the Idea of Mirrors assisted you in your quest to save Shazaam’s life.”

    “No, not all Ideas are malevolent. But you are all narcissistically narcissistic - which means you will undoubtedly try to get us to forgive things we shouldn’t forgive” Sam said. “Like pedophilia, mass genocide, and Nickelback concerts.”

    “Why not forgive those perceived ailments, since it keeps the grudge-holder in a state of bitter hatred?” The Idea of Forgiveness said.

    Sam sighed. Maybe not all Ideas were as evil as other Ideas, but he had about had it with the Ideas- as they were still a source of a lot of what was wrong with the world even though they weren’t as bad as Oprah. “Please just go away” Sam said.

    “You must have compassion on the poor Blue Monkey” the Idea of Forgiveness said. “He wasn’t always like this. You were able to forgive your main high school bully- you can forgive the Idea of Overtone Blue Monkey too!”

    “Yeah Sam, you better listen to her” the Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey said while trying hard not to smirk.

    “Ugh, he’s just saying that so he can continue to bully and tease us” Sam said.

    “He might never cease his bullying, but you yourself can also never cease your forgiveness!” The Idea of Forgiveness said.

    Sam flicked his hands and tried to blast the Idea of Forgiveness back into the portal from whence it came. Celeste cast a counter-spell at the split second, completely neutralizing Shazaam’s magic. “I forgive that” the Idea of Forgiveness said in a haughty and pretentious way.

    Coeruleum Blue conjured a psionic thunderstorm over Celeste’s head. But it fizzled out before it could do any damage. “I forgive that as well” she said.

    “YOU CAN’T JUST FORGIVE EVERYTHING!” Sam said. “What about baby rape!”

    “I forgive you for being perverted enough to have the Idea of Baby Rape come to mind even though Christian Delta minds wouldn’t have never even thought about it in the first place”, the Idea of Forgiveness said.

    “Okay, I gotta admit that was kind of a good passive-aggressive insult” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Yes, you have to forgive even me. You get forgiveness, and you get forgiveness. We all get forgiveness! YOU MUST FORGIVE PRAH. BECAUSE SHE’S GOING TO EAT YOU ALL AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT HAHAHAHHAAHA.”

    “Only the Queen O is strong enough to defeat me - and I will forgive her after I’m completely dead and forgotten and eaten, ingested in her intestines” the Idea of Forgiveness said.

    The Idea of Forgiveness cackled evilly while it’s red demon-y eyes sparkled. The Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey also laughed with the Idea. The Monkey’s eyes turned red too, even though his body is blue.

    “Do not play Victim like you always do” Celeste said. “FORGIVE US INSTEAD.”

    The Idea of Blue Overtone Monkey tried to charge after the two Adventurers while they were distracted and emotionally trolled by the evil laughter, but Coeruleum Blue conjured another psionic red dragon near him- this time finally killing him.

    “No. You must forgive him instead.” Celeste’s eyes glowed white- and she resurrected the Monkey!”

    “Oh shit” Sam said.

    “Oh yes…” Celeste said.

    “Oh no!” Coeruleum said. “That’s cheating!” Coeruleum took a moment to consult her D&D handbook. “Nevermind. My bad. She does have access to very strong resurrection magic. It’s not cheating.”

    “Oh-“ Before the Blue Monkey could finish what he was saying, Coeruleum Blue killed him again with another Psionic Flame Dragon. “-..BLOOOOWWWW!!!” Coeruleum said as the red fire destroyed him.

    The Idea of Forgiveness’s eyes glowed campy white again- and Sam knew that she was about to revive the Monkey again. Thinking quickly, he body slammed her against the wall.

    “Even if I was cheating, you still must forgive me” Celeste said to Coeruleum.

    The Idea then diverted its attention back to Sam. “You should know that it’s wrong to hit women, but I forgive you” The Idea of Forgiveness said.

    “Sam, don’t listen to anything she or the Monkey says!” Coeruleum Blue said. “Think… logically. How can we get out of this dangerous loop?” she said.

    “Uh- what’s the exact opposite of Forgiveness? Grudge-holding? But no, she will just say ‘You must forgive those who hold grudges against you’ at the same time doing something edgy and trolly.”

    A lightbulb popped in Sam’s brain. He thought about something the monkey said before, how he always tried to avoid cruelty too much.

    “Hey Cor, conjure one of your mirror portal thingies behind her!” he said to the psionic mage. “Just… trust me.”

    “I will forgive you doing that” The Idea of Forgiveness said, being so over the top forgiving that she wasn’t about to see what was coming. She also tried to resurrect the Blue Monkey again while Coeruleum was making the portal, but Sam left hooked her in her face.

    Shazaam held out his hands and with all his magical might, he summoned the Idea of Cruelty to pop out of the portal. He knew in his heart, soul and mind that the Idea of Cruelty naturally trumped the Idea of Forgiveness.

    The Idea of Cruelty took on the form of legendary straight male porn star Brandon Irons, who was an assassin class. Brandon Irons had two sharp daggers and sadistically and brutally stabbed Celeste in the back of her skull and chest while dry humping her in the butt at the same time.

    Sam grimaced at the gory scene. Being a Highly Sensitive Person and an overly sensitive ******, he didn’t enjoy watching that. But he realized that he must forgive even his own empathy. Just not the Idea of Forgiveness, because that would be too much.

    Brandon Irons licked his lips. “Get out of the way, I’m not into men. But I am into her- and you’re into me too, aren’t you sweetheart?” Brandon Irons said seductively.

    “Okay, I admit he’s kind of hot…” Coeruleum said. “But umm, I don’t want to die and shit!”

    Sam tried to TK Brandon Irons back against the portal. Nothing happened, and he inched closer. Coeruleum Blue tried to TK Brandon Irons back in the portal. Nothing happened, and he inched closer.

    Coeruleum Blue and Sam looked at one another, and then held their hands together. It felt awkward and heterosexual, but Sam also felt dualized, truly appreciated, and powerful.

    “Don’t be afraid to be straight!” Coeruleum said to Sam. Combining their magic together, both heroes were able to swoosh Brandon half-way back into the portal- but with the upper half of his body he held onto the edge of the mirror! Sam looked down on Celeste’s dead grimdark body- in the form of his favorite pop star, then peered into Brandon Iron’s eyes.

    “I didn’t do anything wrong, it was all consensual and even if it wasn’t, she would have forgiven me anyway” he said- trying to get Sam to let his guard down so he could get in to rape Coeruleum. “Come on, get out of my way. Don’t be her cuck man.”

    Coeruleum Blue and Shazaam tried their hardest to pull him back into the portal, but he just kept hanging on.

    “We need even more help!” Sam screamed out, stating the obvious.

    Coeruleum thought quickly. Being a straight man, Brandon Irons probably naturally watched a lot of Game of Thrones. ‘Winter is Coming.’ What was the opposite of Winter?

    Suddenly, the Idea of Spring wrapped its thick vines around Brandon’s neck from the other side of the Magic Mirror and pulled him back into the portal. Where he could enjoy the wonderful hope and blossoms and bountiful gardens of spring instead of sadistically throat fucking and killing and raping women. For now. Also, the Idea of Things Change made a minor assistance as often times the only thing more powerful than cruelty was to simply stick it out and wait for things to change.

    Shazaam and Coeruleum Blue won! Sam and Coeruleum Blue gained 25,000 exp! Coeruleum Blue learns ‘Maliciously Magnetic Mirrors!”

    “What? You learned a new power and not me?” Sam said. “Ah well I’m not jelly!” Sam said, even though you could read between the lines and tell that he was very jealous.

    Sam looked both around and down. The portals were gone, the Blue Monkey was gone- but Celeste’s dead body was still in his hallway. “What the hell are we gonna do with this?” Sam said.

    “I uh- could use some kinda Psionic cleaning spell. Or something, I guess…”

    Sam thought about something. “No wait….” He leaned over. He looked into Kylie’s eyes. Surprisingly, they opened.

    “It’s the real Kylie!” Sam said.

    “Sh- she took over my body” Kylie said. “It was part of the deal I made with the Illuminati to become famous. I had to become possessed by the Idea. But you- you always sensed that I was a good person regardless” Kyle said.

    “I…oh my god!”

    “Don’t get too happy Sam. I’m still dying” Kylie Minogue said. “But I wanted you to remind you of who you are… you’re a Bard, because the DnD test told you so. And you’re also one of my biggest fans.”

    Sam felt Kylie’s body slowly fading away- and seeping into his own essence.

    “No! I don’t want to absorb you like some cruel monster!” Sam said.

    “That’s not wh-what is happening” Kylie said, gurgling out some blood. “I am offering myself to you. I will live on.. forever… through you… I can give you more power, to help you in your quest to destroy Prah, and to *coughs out more blood* … save the universe.”

    “I… but I don’t want to lose you” Sam said. Coeruleum Blue just looked at same compassionately. She didn’t have many healing or supportive abilities, but she did have a spell called ‘Have Compassion!’

    “You did more than you know by defeating the Idea of Forgiveness” Kylie Minogue said. “Because whilst forgiveness is a virtue on paper, Oprah was using it as part of how she always gets away with being a narci….”

    Before Kylie could finish that word, her eyes closed, and she passed away.

    Sam learned all of Kylie Minogue’s Pop Song spells. Sam also received the Bard weapon “Pretty Bow.” There was a note attached on the weapon. Sam opened it and read it. ‘And remember Sam, the bow is better left untied. /hides’ it was a message from Inumbra!

    “Wow, the ability to transform into Kylie Minogue drag any time you want” Coeruleum Blue said. “Just what every gay boy dreams of…”

    “Yeah I’m no longer jealous” Sam said happily. He looked at his new weapon and also felt more powerful and manly. It was pink and yellow and green and looked gay but dangerous at the same time. It came with 7 arrows, each representing the colors of the rainbow.

    “Hmm I wonder what ‘Maliciously Magnetic Mirrors’ does” Coeruleum said.

    He put his arm around his friend and the two walked outside of his house, to begin the next stage of their adventure.

    Shazaam still felt kinda sad, because Kylie Minogue really did die- but it was a necessary sacrifice to stop Oprah.
    Have you ever read "Lord of Light" by Roger Zelanzy? Main character is Sam.

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    Ve vill vype vu, ves?” The man said. “Vonly Vorty Vive VUSVD Vollars?”

    “Oh great, it’s the Idea of Victor Gulenko” Coeruleum Blue said.

    Bruhhhh the fucking Gulenko shout-out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    Have you ever read "Lord of Light" by Roger Zelanzy? Main character is Sam.
    I don't think this is based on that. This is just a science fantasy series written by someone called Sam, and it's always been a science fantasy series written by someone called Sam. I don't think people called Sam are now banned from writing science fantasy series.

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    I love the attention to detail like how kiana wears a Tapatalk t-shirt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I don't think this is based on that. This is just a science fantasy series written by someone called Sam, and it's always been a science fantasy series written by someone called Sam. I don't think people called Sam are now banned from writing science fantasy series.
    I don't know. Shazam just reminded me of Sam.

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    Chapter 2.5: You're Dead, Sam

    "Sam, you thought socionics would save the world from Oprah, but you helped her. Could've wrote a book, but wrote this." As Sam floated around the Plane of Shadow, he saw many black shades and wraiths drift about and he heard a voice in his head... Coeruleum Blue?

    "This site was for the weird people. I wanted to empower us! Anyway, I wrote an entire book with one hundred chapters and I will..." Sam's telepathic response seemed to cut off at this length of message, as if it were sucked into the swirling vortex found at the edge of the edge of being and non-being.

    "Sam, you think you can just promote a cult, die at that cult's hands, and have someone stuff your soul back into your body?" Coeruleum asked rhetorically.

    "We're friends! The 16Types Adventurers! How do you think we could ever defeat Oprah? It's all pretend!" Sam replied.

    "Oprah, whatever her origins are, is as much of a person as you or me. I see you where you're at. I'll come." Blue appeared in some odd form, not truly transparent, but the accursed realm still fully visible behind her image.

    "There. This is probably easier," Blue continued, talking through the uncanny solid light-form. "You don't need to pretend to fight Oprah. Socionics won't help you. Ideas are real and as long as you fight them with play-fighting you will lose. Ideas do not care if you shout 'pew pew!' They just don't. By the way, don't expect me to be able to do this regularly. I personally prefer people not dying to trying to figure out ways to talk to them, even though I can talk to you wherever." The swirling shadows gnawed at the edges of all the forms, what traces of reality that had the consistency to peak through the gloom taking on the characteristics of a pointilistic hallucination in opposing colors that would not normally be observed. "Hopefully kalinoche can bring you back more easily than I could. I have no desire to try to quickly sort between the power stones I would need to be able to shape my power correctly to bring you back and some middle-aged hippie who probably likes Oprah's crystal dildoes. But don't just rely on people to save you all the time. Now you're just trying to be Harry Potter and make me Dumbledore even though luckily I don't have to die to see you here unlike Dumbledore, which means you're trying to be Jesus. Well, we should all try to be Jesus, but would Jesus really promote I don't think you have to be a mind-reader to know how that question would be answered, though technically-not-speaking as a mind-reader, it might help." Two black shades started pulling at Shazaam's legs like he was on a rack before Coeruleum Blue glared at them and they started going at each other instead. "It's OK. If we all have to die we all have to come back. Just not going to let you sit there thinking that dying and coming back means everything is completely hunky dory and Sam Shazaam died for our sins. It ain't over. No. It hasn't even begun. Don't just pretend to fight Oprah. Fight Oprah!"

    Sam was still dead, since even though Coeruleum felt like giving his temporarily-tormented soul a pep talk, kalinoche was probably the better candidate to try to bring him back, and she still needs to decide if she wants to.

  16. #16


    Shazaam realized he does not wish to assume a physical form because he found out his shadow work had paid off big time in the astal realm and he could tap into people's experiences like Katie byron can when she gets really still. He realized he had never really been his thoughts and body anyway. This was just a misidentification caused by the limited human faculties and social conditioning.

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    Chapter 3: Planet O

    We take a break from the regularly scheduled boss fight to bring you…

    Oprah Gail Winfrey was about to give a speech at a conference room at NASA headquarters. In Washington D.C

    A bunch of people were clapping for her as she stepped up on the podium. The CEO of Nasa, Bill Nelson, was next to her and smiling. He looked like a smarmy charlatan, like CEOs stereotypically do. He and another person were holding a large envelope with a decorative ribbon on it, clearly a prize meant for Oprah to unwrap.

    “Thank you” Oprah said. “I’m so touched that I’m here.” Oprah paused for a moment to look at her audience. “A lot of people are thinking ‘who does she think she is?’ I say to them: A woman who is about to have her own planet, that’s who!”

    The audience erupted in laughter.

    “In all seriousness, this is a huge stride not just for myself - but for women and people of color everywhere” Oprah said.

    The members in the audience just ate her words up, salivating at the mouth at the perfect sounding words of social justice and humanitarian inclusion.

    Mary Wallace Funk aka Wally Funk, the world’s oldest female aviator was in the audience. She looked up at Oprah and was teary-eyed. ‘I love you’ she whispered.

    “Now normally I’d be like you get a planet, and you get a planet- but I don’t think it works that way here!” …

    More laughter.

    “Nope, this planet is just for me baby. And there’s nothing wrong with saying ’this is for me.’ As women, we have forgotten to say that…”

    Oprah paused and looked behind her at an incredibly large photo of the planet Uranus. Little did these fools know that Oprah Winfrey was really Prah’Frey, and she would devour Uranus after owning it- and everything else in the universe, but all in good time.

    I sometimes forget that I’m even Prah…
    Oprah said to herself as she thought of something that happened, millions of years ago.


    Prah’Frey was a Cthulhu Demon, the oldest and most powerful species of demons - way greater than the Illuminati Reptile Demons. (There’s no such thing as Half-Demons any more in the year 2023 as Oprah ate all of them already - and many people who previously thought they were half-demons were really Pure Demons or something else entirely.)

    As a Cthulhu Demon, Prah’Frey had many black tentacles - each about as long as all the eight planets stitched together. The body of Prah was about the size of three Jupiters. The inside of Prah’s body looked so gruesome and horrifying with many types of teeth, as not only was Prah a Cthulhu Demon- she was also one of the Original Nightmares.

    Prah’Frey had already successfully devoured the Tharkdaian Galaxy. Never heard of the Tharkdaian Galaxy? Well of course you haven’t- because Prah has already eaten it. She traveled through the Milky Way Galaxy and saw earth in her mind’s eye.

    The particular shade of blue was just what she needed to be even more perfect, she thought. Prah was aware of the Ideas existence, but they were like atoms to her. Way less than fleas, more like the atoms of fleas, divided less into that - so minuscule as to be basically unnoticed.

    Prah’Frey lunged forward toward earth, thinking this was going to be as easy as a fat person eating a peanut butter M & M - but a voice called out to her.

    It was the Idea of Victor Gulenko- who like most Ideas could freely travel in space. He wasn’t born yet and wouldn’t be born for many, many years - but the idea of him lingered long before his current physical form.

    “Vait! Vop! Vu vill ve vevroyed vif voo vu vat!”

    Prah barely noticed the man’s warning. She looked at him, wondering why she didn’t just instinctively eat them like she did other Ideas.

    “What do you mean?” Prah’Frey attempted to communicate with Victor, but Victor couldn’t understand. It’s like he was going insane.

    “Vi van’t vear vu, vut vi vow vu van vear VE!” The idea of Victor Gulenko said.

    “Vu var very vowerful- vut vat vlanet - vits vrotected vy veing valled ‘Vod.’ The Idea said to Prah’Frey. “Vu van’t vust veet vit - vot vet! Vin vorder vu veet- vu virst veed va visvuise.

    Prah’Frey sent a pleasing jingle in Victor Gulenko’s ears, letting him know that she was listening and could understand every word.

    “Vi van velp vu!” the Idea of Gulenko said. He then took out the same book we saw in the last chapter, eyeballed the book- and said (surprisingly speaking American, and not Bad Campy Russian):

    “Give this beast a chance to hide, through all of space and all of time- the hunger that lurks cannot be too much, but interwoven in details; the Te, and the Fe and such. So hidden and subtle, it’s also agape- let it be the Idea of O, that helps the beast relate. As to truly be wicked, evil and dark- one must first be fake-kind. One must first play a harp. Oh, we summon Thee from All Times and All Lands- Oh come to us, Oh - WE DEMAND!!!!”

    Magical ‘O’ rings emanated out of the ancient book and into Prah’Frey’s body. She felt… strange, but she didn’t seem to mind it, either. You could tell by the Idea of Victor still being alive.

    This new thing called empathy she was feeling… this feeling vulnerable. This getting weaker, and weaker. Shrinking and shrinking. It would enable her to be an even better monster, she quickly realized. She was beginning to even disappear, but she was okay with that. She knew she’d be back.

    The Idea of Time and The Idea of Winning was also there in the cosmos, with the Idea of Victor Gulenko floating in the middle.

    “You need some assistance, yes?” The Idea of Time said wickedly. He liked taking the form of a tall and intimidating old man in a generic gray suit. He looked kind of like a more Fi-valuing version of Marshall Applewhite. He then waved his hands and sped up time to the year 1954 AD.

    The Idea of Winning, a blonde female Idea looked at Prah’Frey - who had now shrunk down to the size of the Ideas themselves from Victor’s spell.

    “You are destined for great things - but even a Cthulhu Demon needs help now and then. I give half of myself to you, from the essence of my being. I was told by the Idea of Goodness and the Idea of Balance that everybody should have a chance to be winners- what naive suckers!” the Idea of Winning said like an unhealthy enneagram 3. "Life is competetivie, brutal and sadistic. Dog eat dog. There can only be one true winner- and that winner should be you."

    And poof. Prah’Frey was no more- or seemingly no more, but her true essence was cleverly hidden, inside a fetus who will soon be a small child.

    Vernita Lee, Oprah’s human mother, rubs her pregnant stomach whilst rocking on a rocking chair.

    And that is how Prah’Frey became Oprah Gail Winfrey.

    A Cthulhu Demon on earth, escaping God’s army? It was a rare and special thing. All other known Cthulhu Demons were destroyed by God’s warriors, and those warriors wiped out by the Cthulhu Demons themselves - making earth the in-between Heaven and Hell place that it is.

    But how did Shazaam become Shazaam? The other half the Idea of Winning - the ‘’Ning’ gave Shazaam all of his magical abilities.

    The Idea of Balance, Fairness and Goodness also intervened at the last second- knowing that something must be done to balance the universe - that Prah’Frey could not be reborn inside a human vessel just to eat all other humans.

    The power of Ning gave Sam the ability to unlock Adventurer classes in others. ‘Ning’ is kind of like the sound of a gay man orgasming. Sam is the other half of Oprah/Prah'Frey - both Blue Overtone Monkeys. But besides that, they couldn’t be any more different.

    One was a man, one was a woman. One was a gay pervert, the other was an asexual straight person. One was black, the other white. One was very wealthy, the other one- not so much. One was popular and liked by the real world. The other, the real world considered another incel loser. Yet the magical subjective world adored Sam, and the magical subjective world saw Oprah for exactly the Cthulhu Demon that she was. More or less.

    “He’s dead…” Oprah thought to herself while looking at her reflection in one of the shiny NASA space pictures. Although she couldn’t say it out loud but she thought it to herself subtlety and quietly, and she was quite pleased.

    She knew way back when that the Idea of Winning had sabotaged her somewhat, promising herself half of her power when she should have given her all then. But Ning, would be eaten- just like the others…

    The audience and Bill Nelson just looked at Oprah, not sure of how to approach. She had been daydreaming for awhile now and they were wondering what was going on- but it was typical for Illuminati celebrities to freeze for a long time after being mind controlled by MK Ultra. Like Draymond Green. So they played it off as ‘maybe she’s thinking of what books to include in her next book club meeting.’

    Oprah snapped out of it, and embraced the 'real' world again.

    “...Ah yes, well- I don’t think we need any further words” Oprah said. “Just give a sistah her planet!”


More laughter and applause and ‘I love you Oprah’ from the audience.

    Oprah Winfrey placed one of her hands on Bill’s large envelope, shook some hands and gave some smiles and posed for some photos.

    Oprah/Prah’Frey smiled to herself. Now that she officially owns Uranus, she will have a better vision on the cosmos- in order to catapult the next stage of her plan.

    To be continued….

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    Chapter 4: Hell Hath No Fury if it’s Oprah’ed

    Sam looked around the Shadow Plane. It was mostly streams of dull grayish pinks and dark purple. He saw the wraiths eerily hovering around him. They looked similar to the wraiths he saw when he was much younger- in a vision he had about the recreation room inside his old church.

    Shazaam walked around, confused. He had thought he heard Coeruleum Blue’s voice but it was too garbled. “What am I thinking? Who am I to fight Oprah- and what made me think…. we actually had a shot… “ He looked around for a conveniently placed stone to sit on, or something- so he could gather his thoughts, but no such thing existed so he just… sat on the dimensional floor.

    Sam looked down at his hand. It appeared to be… permanently transforming, on a molecular level? He looked up and suddenly saw a translucent blue being with his shirt off. The creature didn’t look completely awful shirtless, but it wasn’t exactly homoerotic either. “Oh great, yet another Idea…” Sam said.

    “I am not an Idea, I merely help wayward souls navigate their way through this place” the mysterious being said. “…And you must make a decision quickly, for time is not on your side. Either stay here and turn into a wraith, or cross on through the Other Side and be Judged by the Ultimate Creator.”

    “Uh what about choice ‘c’ you know… coming back from the dead?” Sam said, trying not to sound as idealistic and naively hopeful as RaptorWizard but he wasn’t really succeeding.

    The blue being laughed at Sam’s naïveté. “You are dead. Those are the only two choices” the being said.

    Sam looked at the wraiths. “Uh… being a wraith NPC - doesn’t seem… so bad?” He observed one floating in front of him and howling like a banshee. Oh, who was he kidding. They looked pretty mindless and grimdark.

    “I guess it’s time for me to go…” Sam said. He felt a heaviness in his chest. In the far distance beyond the bleak colors he could see an opening of immense light pouring in. Obviously, this was the gateway to Heaven.

    Sam knew however, that he wasn’t necessarily going to be spending eternity in a peace and happiness bubble. “I spent so much time telling jokes and trying to be funny, but real death is just kind of serious and straight people judgmental like, isn’t it?” Sam said.

    “I won’t sugar coat it” the Being said. “Most souls do go to Hell, as you may already know. This creates a weighty heaviness people can feel on earth… the pain of Hell, it doesn’t just stay in Hell. It leaks out, for others to experience the sorrow. As part of God’s warning and for other reasons. How it crushes you - I know you felt this before with your empathetic abilities. It’s the souls being tortured in Hell, the fragmentization of spirits that creates that sensation.”

    Sam suddenly got one of his Ni epiphanies. Where he could explain the truth without physical objects or evidence, the opposite of Te-valuing Sherlock Holmes. “That’s why people aren’t stopping Oprah. Even if they know she’s bad…” he realized.

    “Prah’Frey is destined to consume everything, and this includes Hell. She is our true savior, even if you disagree with her methods. Hell's Heaviness… Shall Be Gone.”

    Sam listened intently.

    “You yourself think you are more lighter than ‘straight males’ but when you watched Charmed was the better episode when Prue died in the season 3 finale, or the bullshit Mermaid fluff storyline that was so retarded even the 12-year-old girls it was written for made fun of it? So yeah, the Lightness and Levity Prah will eat too, but those are gay things nobody really cares about that much.”

    “RaptorWizard cares…” Sam mumbled under his breath. Thinking of his friend that he had just met, that he left behind when Okiana killed him. He then thought of Coeruleum Blue and kalinoche too.

    “I have to go back to them…” Sam said and he forced himself to stand up even though he was lazy and had bad Te. If a third option didn’t exist, he’d just have to make one for himself.

    “You cannot just break the Laws of Creation!” The Being said.

    “Watch me” Sam said. “This is the Shadow Plane right? Well then let’s give it a little light. People have been calling me ‘bright’ all my life. Little do they know how … literal it can be.”

    “Ugh light is gay and corny, you can’t just-“

    Sam held up his hands and blinded the Shadow Portal demon. “It also can you know, blind things…” he said.

    The being screamed out in pain. How is Sam doing this, he wondered- powers are not supposed to work here. He tried to lunge at Sam, but with his other hand, Sam cast a fireball and kept him at bay.

    “I notice you never told me your name” Sam said. “Interesting. How about we call you: World’s Biggest Wuss? I mean, you are letting a faget kick your ass after all” Sam’s eyes glowed black. Well, one eye glowed black; the other white - and he channeled some ancient power of the Illuminati.

    Sam flicked his hands and exploded the Nameless Being. Shards of blue glitter appeared before him and fell back down, mixing in with all the other colors. “I didn’t want to resort to murder, not really- but I mean. I also want to live…”

    “HEEEELPPP!” Sam screamed out as loud as he could. He even tried to collapse the Shadow Realm world from the inside out with Light Magic - but the Bard-Mage didn’t have that kind of power. Instead it just made him exhausted and he took a nap. He hoped that he wouldn’t reawaken as a wraith.

    Back to the Okiana Boss fight…

    “What are you doing, you need to resurrect him!” Coeruleum Blue said to kalinoche who was just standing there, as if deeply meditating.

    “Resurrection spells don’t exist in real life! And besides, I tried- b-but Sam was kind of annoying how he pissed of most of the Deltas. Maybe he deserved to die?” Kalinoche said. “I mean, not to sound rude. Maybe it was just his time…”

    Coeruleum Blue got angry and slapped the Divine Oracle right in her face. “How could you! After all he’s done for us…”

    “I NEVER FUCKING WANTED THIS!” Kalinoche said. She tried to keep her cool, but her eyes became shiny with tears. “I know I’m supposed to be the ‘sweet nice healer magician girl’ that resurrects people and everything but meh. Like Byron Katie says do we know that thought is true? This is Sam, making me his puppet- he’s taking away our own will while thinking that he can get away with it because he’s cute and gay looking. Don’t you see that? I just want to meditate in peace…”

    “Fuck your peace and meditation you goody two shoes Delta Bitch! You ungrateful little Karen, after all Sam has done for us… your willpower is no good if all you do with it is suck your thumb and ignore the true realities of the world in favor of a cozy Walmartian lie!”

    “Wow Coeruleum, what both you and Sam need to realize is that you guys can only control yourselves and can only be the boss of yourselves…” Kalinoche said in a squeaky delta school teacher voice. “We must all question what we think of Oprah. How do we know that it’s even true?”

    “Guys, stop fighting!” RaptorWizard looked over at Okiana, wondering why she wasn’t taking advantage of the situation and just killing the rest of them. Yet she seemed almost… crowd controlled by the drama and fighting?

    “Nevermind, keep fighting!” RaptorWizard said. “The joyous bitchery seems to be putting the creature under a spell… of sorts.” Kiana loved drama, but Okiana loves is so much that it sends her into a state of sweet catatonia.

    “Sent through my iPhone using tapatalk” … “Sent through my iPhone using tapatalk” .. “Sent through my iPhone using tapatalk” … Okiana said repeatedly whilst frozen, like an MK ultra controlled robot.

    “Jeez are we really being basic bitches and fighting?” Coeruleum Blue said. “I don’t want to be like one of those basic bitch females that can’t get along with other women…” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Yeah me neither” kalinoche said. “I’m sorry, I’ll try again. And I do want to be a part of the team. I wouldn’t have liked the story in the first place if I didn’t” she said with a nice smile.

    “I’m sorry too. I know how powerful my psionic magic is and I’ll try to keep other people’s willpower in mind as well” Coeruleum Blue said compassionately.

    Okiana snapped out of the stupor now that there was no drama left.

    “Aw Bunny- they didn’t listen!” RaptorWizard said. He then remembered that he had sent Bunny to go after Victor Gulenko.

    RaptorWizard suddenly felt somebody move his body against his will- as if he was being thrown. No, he really was being thrown. He first thought was that he was dead it was so rough and scary. Not like his fantasies about Bunny that’s for sure. He then quickly realized Okiana had repositioned him so he could be in a better spot for..

    “..SHE’S FUCKING THROWING A TREE AT US!” Kalinoche screamed.

    RaptorWizard got in front of Coeruleum Blue and kalinoche bueanoche and spread his arms out as if to shield them with something that only he could see, even though both women were skeptical of his abilities. “You’re not gonna hurt my friends!” RaptorWizard said like an even dorkier Steven Universe.

    RaptorWizard closed his eyes, cast 'Wish' again- and when he opened them the tree exploded into ice cream cones and confetti!

    Okiana looked at this and it caused her to scream angrily. “You fucking EIEs always sugar coating things because you can’t handle how we Gammas Slay and we don’t PLAY! YOU’RE ALL FUCKING EIE AND I FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU, AND YOU ALL FUCKING NEED TO DIE RIGHT NOW!”

    Okiana lunged forward. If she got in the middle of them she could easily wipe out all three Adventurers at once.

    But they warped away to safety atop a grassy knoll… although it wasn’t very far. They could all still see Okiana in the distance, though she appeared much smaller.

    “Who warped us?” RaptorWizard asked. They were a party of three ‘mages’ roughly speaking - even though Raptor Wizard was a Wish Mage, kalinoche was a Healer Mage and Coeruleum Blue was a Psionic Mage.

    “Well, I know it wasn’t me because I can warp much farther than that” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “Show off…” kalinoche said with a smirk.

    “Maybe it was all of us!” RaptorWizard said idealistically. “Either way we’re alive….”

    He looked at Okiana rushing at them. She could sure move fast.

    “For now….” Coeruleum Blue said.

    “I got it!” Kalinoche said suddenly. “I know what I was doing wrong.” She closed her eyes and translocated Sam’s corpse near her feet. Waving her starry staff she chanted “Astral Portal - we connect, from dreary lands it intersects. But life is too dull and bleak, without a gay to help it be sleek.”

    Soul-Sam stepped out of the portal kalinoche made, reunited with his body and immediately performed a somersault. When he stood back up, Okiana was blinded with one of his yellow’s arrows.

    Shazaam felt wobbly and dizzy. He was still getting used to being back on earth and not inside the Shadow Plane. He vomited on the grass. He ignored this and fought through the pain, knowing that he has faced much worse than Kiana, buffed up ‘O’ form or not.

    Okiana took a swing at Coeruleum Blue, but she was able to safely dodge the attack. She created a Mirror Image of herself and cautiously walked away.

    “Yay, you’re back!” RaptorWizard said happily. “Bunny will save us all with her divine love and wisdom and naughty touch-y cotton parts!”

    “Maybe” Sam said with a weary smile. “I mean, wouldn’t that be nice….” He looked at RaptorWizard and sighed. The wishcaster was so naive and innocent little boy like, but he was also part of the Magical Ones that Shazaam took an oath to help protect; one of the ones that he wanted to save from being eaten by Oprah.

    Sam shot an Indigo arrow out of his Pretty Bow weapon, letting an image of adult film actor Colton Ford tank Okiana for a bit.

    “By the way guys, I learned that the rest of the world wants Oprah to win because that will mean she will eat Hell - which actually will make people feel better even though they’re all gonna be in Prah’s stomach anyway and can’t feel much of anything besides being broken down by Prah’s digestive juices, which is still a much better fate than what most people deserve according to God….” Sam said to his friends while Colton was busy keeping Okiana distracted.

    “Oh…” Kalinoche said. “But how do we know that thought is true?” She really did enjoy asking that question.

    “Just trust me bitch, I was dead in the Shadow Planes, okay?” Sam said while shooting another arrow at Okiana. This time a red one, trying to burn the beast.

    To be continued….

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