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Thread: California Raining

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default California Raining

    I am surprised I do not hear people discussing the California rain! Do we not have members living there? If so, it seems they would be talking about it here. Though we really don't have a current events thread. (I am putting it here because it is a religion thread, and I am bringing it around to that, since that is how I see things. So you can escape now if that is what you do in the face of religion!). It seems to not have been discussed that much on the news, either, though I may have missed it because I don't follow the news closely. I saw a couple of weather videos on all this rain, and it sure looks shocking.

    I remember watching Steve Martin as the weatherman in LA Story (I love that movie) and everyday it was 72 and sunny. Then one day a rain storm came and shocked everyone.

    But this is more than a rain storm. This is rain and rain and rain. Covering the ENTIRE state!

    I don't follow the news but I do follow the prophets, and today I found an interesting prophecy made this summer about California's rain in 2023. YouTube recommended it to me, actually. This prophecy was made this summer when experts were predicting worse and worse drought for droughty California in the coming year. But this prophet, interviewed this summer by Rachel Hamm (a well-respected prophet I have seen on Elijah Streams, actually the ElijahFire branch of that), interviewed another prophet this summer (prophet's name is Liberty), who had a completely different prophecy for California for 2023 - she said God said rain and rain and rain and rain! She emphasized that this is NOT that it was a punishment for California, but a blessing. Some "prophets" have said that God has "abandoned" California, but God had her prophesy that He has NOT. Those who say that are false prophets, or, they misunderstood prophecies they heard. Because God tells GOOD prophecies for His people, not bad. (Bad prophecies are for the truly evil, and are a warning for them because if they repent, God does not do what he has said He would do (like w/ Nineveh). God gives them time, warnings, and every single chance for them to repent before He acts in the vengeance He pre-warns them of.)

    So I found the whole 25 min. video so interesting that I have no five or ten minute "best parts" to point out.

    What good can God have to give to Californians with all this rain? Well maybe great good. So if you are a Californian getting overwhelmed and even a little afraid with all this rain, you might want to listen to this. It's here: [She mutes in the middle, but about 16:30 she repeats what she said while muted].

    Basically, the rain in California is a blessing for them and that blessing foretells of an even greater spiritual blessing to California, and this video tells God's promises of that spiritual blessing that this rain foretells. So if you want to know about that, this video is for you.

    More on prophecy: in 2021 it was prophesized that a time would soon come when ALL the planes in the whole ENTIRE USA are grounded. It seemed a WILD predication, because nothing like this has EVER happened in the history of our country, Imagine! Well, it happened this week.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-13-2023 at 04:53 AM. Reason: re: the mute

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    More on prophecy: in 2021 it was prophesized that a time would soon come when ALL the planes in the whole ENTIRE USA are grounded. It seemed a WILD predication, because nothing like this has EVER happened in the history of our country, Imagine! Well, it happened this week.
    It's actually happened once: 9/11. This is one reason people think it was an attack. Another is that Canada went down at the same time. The failures were orders of magnitude bigger than, say, the ransomware attack on the Royal Mail that happened at the same time, so the idea this happened purely by accident is not bought by much anyone. I personally think it was an attack and they're just trying to do damage control saying there's "no evidence" for an attack so people don't freak out that there was almost certainly an attack but the so-called experts don't remotely understand it. One of the engineers going like "Oh, I must've accidentally replaced the files when I wasn't paying attention but I don't remember it" when that's never happened in 53 years is not all that convincing.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    It's actually happened once: 9/11. This is one reason people think it was an attack. Another is that Canada went down at the same time. The failures were orders of magnitude bigger than, say, the ransomware attack on the Royal Mail that happened at the same time, so the idea this happened purely by accident is not bought by much anyone. I personally think it was an attack and they're just trying to do damage control saying there's "no evidence" for an attack so people don't freak out that there was almost certainly an attack but the so-called experts don't remotely understand it. One of the engineers going like "Oh, I must've accidentally replaced the files when I wasn't paying attention but I don't remember it" when that's never happened in 53 years is not all that convincing.
    My like/constructive button doesn't work, so here I am saying, *CONSTRUCTIVE* !
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    Tornado in Los Angeles this morning

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