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    Default Autistic vs Non-Autistic Fi-ESI men

    How do you distinguish a Fi-ESI who’s just shy/awkward and subdued emotionally vs. one who has Asperger’s? I have zero close relationships, poor emotional intelligence in spite of my advanced age, avoid interacting with people out of either disinterest or shame, and people constantly tell me that I look uncomfortable/angry/sad even when I’m not
    Last edited by Averroes; 12-04-2022 at 12:11 PM.

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    doesnt seem unlikely to me that u have autism/HSP/ADHD
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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Personally I'm not convinced that Asperger syndrome is a thing. To me you are in the Autistic spectrum or you are not . "ASD is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain". It's a Handicap. Autism is mostly diagnosed in early childhood so it's highly unlikely that an Autistic syndrome hasn't been detected before adulthood in our modern societies. And by the way, there is no such thing as an Extrovert Autistic person and things like Autistic EIE or ESE or any other Extrovertly oriented Type because that's antinomical and doesn't make sense since Autism is all about introvertly oriented (self-centered) behaviors and thoughts. That's just my opinion ( and common sense ! ) but hey, what do I know ?

    The Idea of the Autistic Genius has made its way in the collective unconscious and is often associated to the infamous Asperger Syndrome. Movies like Rain Man and his exceptional eidetic memory and characters like Sheldon Cooper or Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) have also contributed to that fantasised association. At some point almost every Great human being has been diagnosed with Asperger. Strangely enough, a lot of those names are referenced in the IEI gallery of a certain forum member. The thing is that in Rain Man case for instance, great powers comes with great handicap and that's the reality of such condition. Fun rarissim fact : Hypermnesia can be "acquired" as a side effect of a lightning strike. There is a case of a lightning strike survivor of whom some brain circuits have been reconfigured and he became hypermnesic (among other things I guess !). But I digress.

    Anyway, I don't have any friend too and I'm socially isolated but that doesn't make me autistic. There are so many other potential explanations to your condition other than Asperger Syndrome for being or feeling socially awkward. Anybody can feel socially awkward in certain (or even all) social situations. You said that you have poor emotional intelligence but that's not how you vibe according to your posts. In fact you are very concerned about your emotional life and your recent adventure with that EIE you talked about in another thread tends to demonstrate that you do actually have an emotional intelligence. As for what people said about you is just what they are reading on your facial expression (or lack thereof) and your body language and draw conclusions. That a cross almost every Fe PolR/Ignoring has to bear since they don't give external signals (info) about their inner state. I would advise you to talk to mental health pro. regardless.

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    Best way to know for sure is to see if a professional can test you for it. Just be prepared in the eventuality that they either confirm or deny it in your instance.
    In the former case, it means you may have an 'answer' of sorts as to why you are having difficulties.
    In the latter case, at least it rules out that option, and you can look at other methods of addressing your issues.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    Best way to know for sure is to see if a professional can test you for it. Just be prepared in the eventuality that they either confirm or deny it in your instance.
    In the former case, it means you may have an 'answer' of sorts as to why you are having difficulties.
    In the latter case, at least it rules out that option, and you can look at other methods of addressing your issues.
    The thing is that professional is not a guarantee of getting objective diagnosis at all. One sided people are probably the worst here or those who take only a cursory glance view without understanding the details.

    Going further
    This dude tells (in Finnish) that aspergers diagnosis almost ruined his life. The reason was that professionals took the criteria so literally (irony is juicy here) that they told his classmates that he can not interact properly in front of him. He started to seclude himself because he thought that he was the pain in the ass and normal people with their superior social skills only tolerated him and faked it as he had supposedly no way of knowing if they pretended.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    The thing is that professional is not a guarantee of getting objective diagnosis at all. One sided people are probably the worst here or those who take only a cursory glance view without understanding the details.

    Going further
    This dude tells (in Finnish) that aspergers diagnosis almost ruined his life. The reason was that professionals took the criteria so literally (irony is juicy here) that they told his classmates that he can not interact properly in front of him. He started to seclude himself because he thought that he was the pain in the ass and normal people with their superior social skills only tolerated him and faked it as he had supposedly no way of knowing if they pretended.
    It's definitely possible that it could be a case of misdiagnosis in my case, though I did have notable difficulties in interacting with others/learning social cues from a young age.

    A misdiagnosis can have very serious consequences, though, you're right, because it can completely change how a person sees themselves. If they believe that how they have acted in the past was 'abnormal' compared to others, it's only natural that they'd distance themselves from others from then on, to 'protect' themselves.

    In some cases, if the child *is* autistic but seems to be otherwise doing okay in life (gets along well with others, no other serious issues preventing development), then it would likewise require a good deal of care when informing them, in case they're accidentally lead to believe that something is wrong with them. In the reverse case (ie. doing poorly in life) then it's possible informing them can be enlightening and freeing to them; but it might also cause their state to decline further, believing that they have been 'cursed' with something that 'can't be cured'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    And by the way, there is no such thing as an Extrovert Autistic person and things like Autistic EIE or ESE or any other Extrovertly oriented Type because that's antinomical and doesn't make sense since Autism is all about introvertly oriented (self-centered) behaviors and thoughts. That's just my opinion ( and common sense ! ) but hey, what do I know ?
    Honestly I used to think the same until I came across this guy -

    I thought his stand up was pretty funny, but I honestly feel sad for him. He doesn’t sugarcoat the realties of autism.

    I still believe that the majority of people with autism are introverted (I agree with you that it just makes sense).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon View Post
    Honestly I used to think the same until I came across this guy -

    I thought his stand up was pretty funny, but I honestly feel sad for him. He doesn’t sugarcoat the realties of autism.

    I still believe that the majority of people with autism are introverted (I agree with you that it just makes sense).
    I know what you mean, it's difficult to not be affected by your own compassion even if we don't want to show it to the person who is making a great effort in order for us to not feel sorry for him or her. It's human though. With that said, I'm curious to know what did you see in this video that made you change your mind ? Unfortunately I haven't see it yet but I'm open to reconsider. Do you consider that he might be : Fe or Te or Ne or Se Lead ? If so which one ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    I know what you mean, it's difficult to not be affected by your own compassion even if we don't want to show it to the person who is making a great effort in order for us to not feel sorry for him or her. It's human though. With that said, I'm curious to know what did you see in this video that made you change your mind ? Unfortunately I haven't see it yet but I'm open to reconsider. Do you consider that he might be : Fe or Te or Ne or Se Lead ? If so which one ?
    I think he’s IEE, so Ne lead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon View Post
    I think he’s IEE, so Ne lead.
    Ok. Let's say that he is a (I'm so sorry for the word that I'm about to use !!) "broken" IEE (the TIM not the person !! ). I say that because as you know with IEE we still have that 4D Fe "issue" and that Se Role which is also probably not expressed. Note that I don't know that person and I'm not sure if I could find an interview of him on YT in order to further investigate his type. Maybe you're onto something so I'll consider Ne dom as a possible exceptional Typing for an outwardly oriented mind Autistic person (which still sounds like a contradiction but I'll add "Atypical" to keep us safe ahah !).

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    I’ve noticed that my one real friendship with an SEE/LSE feels pretty one sided/parasitic at times. I only ever text her to vent or get her to take me out drinking. I never feel compelled to ask her about her day or share anything other than my problems. I think that could be indicative of low empathy and a poorly developed theory of mind. I feel like I barely ever think about people’s lives beyond the role they’re playing in mine
    Last edited by Averroes; 12-04-2022 at 10:53 PM.

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    I feel the same way, a lot of the time people have to reach out to me because I have a great tendency to keep to myself. In growing up I had friends as a child but that was because it was easier to just have friends when your little. Now it became more complex for me that I didn't really try to put in effort. I dream of having a fulfilling exciting life but it not something I know how to achieve or do.
    My mother is an EIE and vaules fe but her issue is that she has a tendency to say things that are hurtful or take actions without thinking of how it affects the other person.
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    Quote Originally Posted by youfloweryourfeast View Post
    I dream of having a fulfilling exciting life but it not something I know how to achieve or do.
    Relate to your post. What does a fulfilling exciting life look like in your mind?

  16. #16


    @Averroes, (maybe) your sheer presence helps those people

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    I check in on people I care about, but rarely do I think about their lives unless I’m very interested in them or haven’t quite figured them out. Otherwise it just seems like prying.

    Deeper relationships require you to go deeper, I raised myself so I’m pretty emotionally self reliant and am far more careful how and who I express myself to these days. As a rule of thumb, I don’t depend on friends emotionally and do see them as people you can unwind and be goofy with. An exchange of genuine emotions is always nice - but I’ve had codependency issues in the past with people that’s made me very wary about who I let into my space.

    The fact that you’re self aware enough to acknowledge your relationships are one sided means you are capable of changing the way you approach people and relationships.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Personally I'm not convinced that Asperger syndrome is a thing. To me you are in the Autistic spectrum or you are not . "ASD is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain". It's a Handicap. Autism is mostly diagnosed in early childhood so it's highly unlikely that an Autistic syndrome hasn't been detected before adulthood in our modern societies. And by the way, there is no such thing as an Extrovert Autistic person and things like Autistic EIE or ESE or any other Extrovertly oriented Type because that's antinomical and doesn't make sense since Autism is all about introvertly oriented (self-centered) behaviors and thoughts. That's just my opinion ( and common sense ! ) but hey, what do I know ?

    The Idea of the Autistic Genius has made its way in the collective unconscious and is often associated to the infamous Asperger Syndrome. Movies like Rain Man and his exceptional eidetic memory and characters like Sheldon Cooper or Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) have also contributed to that fantasised association. At some point almost every Great human being has been diagnosed with Asperger. Strangely enough, a lot of those names are referenced in the IEI gallery of a certain forum member. The thing is that in Rain Man case for instance, great powers comes with great handicap and that's the reality of such condition. Fun rarissim fact : Hypermnesia can be "acquired" as a side effect of a lightning strike. There is a case of a lightning strike survivor of whom some brain circuits have been reconfigured and he became hypermnesic (among other things I guess !). But I digress.

    Anyway, I don't have any friend too and I'm socially isolated but that doesn't make me autistic. There are so many other potential explanations to your condition other than Asperger Syndrome for being or feeling socially awkward. Anybody can feel socially awkward in certain (or even all) social situations. You said that you have poor emotional intelligence but that's not how you vibe according to your posts. In fact you are very concerned about your emotional life and your recent adventure with that EIE you talked about in another thread tends to demonstrate that you do actually have an emotional intelligence. As for what people said about you is just what they are reading on your facial expression (or lack thereof) and your body language and draw conclusions. That a cross almost every Fe PolR/Ignoring has to bear since they don't give external signals (info) about their inner state. I would advise you to talk to mental health pro. regardless.
    I was diagnosed as having Aspergers syndrome, but if/when I say that it's just me explaining what I was told I was diagnosed as, I think 'high-functioning autism' is a completely fine way to refer to myself otherwise.

    And yeah, I am definitely not a genius, far from it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    I was diagnosed as having Aspergers syndrome, but if/when I say that it's just me explaining what I was told I was diagnosed as, I think 'high-functioning autism' is a completely fine way to refer to myself otherwise.

    And yeah, I am definitely not a genius, far from it.
    Absolutely ! I'm sure you know about the controversy regarding Dr. Asperger. I've seen many "aspies" who from now on refuse to be labeled with his name. The most weird stuff I read about about Dr. Asperger is that his own child was autistic and he came up with this syndrome in order for his son to be spared. I don't know if it's true because I didn't looked for it seriously and check some timelines because I feel like there maybe some anachronisms in that story. I've also read that he was compared to Oskar Schindler (retrospectively of course !) but again evidences point to another comparison with a whole lot more infamous kind of Doctor ! I think that the truth is in the middle, people in desperate times makes desperate choices and the possibility that Asperger might have been playing "double agent" role is not something that we can easily exclude. People's judgement however is another thing and as John Adams (and Lenin) said : Facts are a stubborn thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    How do you distinguish a Fi-ESI who’s just shy/awkward and subdued emotionally vs. one who has Asperger’s? I have zero close relationships, poor emotional intelligence in spite of my advanced age, avoid interacting with people out of either disinterest or shame, and people constantly tell me that I look uncomfortable/angry/sad even when I’m not
    I've come to the conclusion that you really cannot. Hell, it's a bit of a meme that being ILI is just code for having mild Aspergers and they even diagnosed me with that if I'm going full disclosure mode.

    Autism, if it's really a thing, seems to be an atypical overvaluation of for their type (i.e. most of them ain't Alphas and the ones that are actually fail at hard enough to get mistaken for Gammas and Deltas). Aspies are "little professors" as many a psychologist studying them put it. They learned fast and knew and were dedicated to learning all there was about the thing that attracted their obsessive interest.

    I'll admit they got me read on that one. How do you change the world for the better? I can tell ya exactly how you'd go about it and, sadly, it's the exact same way you'd go about changing it for the worse. Not to get political but let's just say liberals get this and most of my fellow conservatives not only don't but seem intent on ensuring my side never does. They're intent on being the Washington Generals facing off against the Harlem Globetrotters. Yeah, I'd rather be the Globetrotters in this example yet whenever I'd attempt to suggest how I/we can I get slandered and thrown out the group by a fucker who glows so radiantly in the dark I'm shocked I haven't gotten a lethal dose of polonium in my Sushi yet!

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    2 me u are just a somewhat shy and introverted nerd boy that has self-esteem issues because ur constantly overly comparing yourself to Chad males and the Stacies that do wildtakes over them- but that might be sugar coating things a bit too much. I mean I don't really know you.

    Read the official traits. See if u have any of the symptoms. Autists have lack of boundaries though. They don't seem to understand or comprehend boundaries, like when Kara told so many personal things about her life. The average normie Karen is the opposite of that- they are more closed off and ultra guarded about anything emotional and are like 'u have to use Te business' all day in a bitchy & stern demeanor. Introverted nerd ppl don't tend to care so much about "being normal" but I mean they still understand those boundaries more or less kinda.

    Ur probably just shy and want people to be more 'real' but to be fair most people are masochists ((and shadow sadists cuz its like two sides of the same coin)) that are turned on when somebody is manipulating them or playing a power game with them. If ur not doing that with them, they don't know how to quite handle u and ur gonna have awkward relations with ppl. They can't really handle human honesty. I trigger some ESEs when I say this because they say I'm not being fair or nice enough to the Stacies but - it's just true lol.

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    I had weak boundaries when I was 12-16 and up until I was 20 to a lesser extent - I would annoy the shit out of people by making gay and slightly racist jokes. On my first tinder date with a Polish girl years ago at 20, I thought it was appropriate to start calling her every Polish swear word that I knew to "neg" her. When I was 16, one of my cousins brought me to his girlfriend's house and started pretending that they were just friends to hide their relationship from her dad, I didn't realize what they were doing, and straight up asked him if it was ok for me to flirt with her/try to pick her up seeing as they're just friends

    There's no way I'm not autistic now that I think about it - I've gotten better in this area, but I definitely have a long history of trying to treat people like video game NPCs with dialogue trees and speaking at them instead of with them. Even on my recent date with an EIE, I just went way overboard with the "playful" insults to compensate for my weak conversation skills
    Last edited by Averroes; 12-08-2022 at 12:27 PM.

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    seems you have some baggage and growing to do in this department. at least you are self aware.

    edit: i have my own baggage so its not a case of pot calling the kettle black.
    Last edited by timber; 12-10-2022 at 01:52 PM.

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    by ur logic the jocks and popular ppl are autistic too (except they were opnely racist). u may be autistic anyway but thats not it and u dont seem to be using patterns much
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    by ur logic the jocks and popular ppl are autistic too (except they were opnely racist). u may be autistic anyway but thats not it and u dont seem to be using patterns much
    the way I did it was clumsy and more likely to make someone upset or confused than laugh, especially in highschool. My mind makes weird, hyper-specific connections that most people’s don’t so my jokes and observations don’t land a lot of the time
    Last edited by Averroes; 12-08-2022 at 01:23 PM.

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    Just the fact that I’ve had persistent social/relational issues my entire life should be proof enough. I can’t build an emotional connection with another human being and even something as simple as saying “hi, how are you?” to a coworker with my camera turned off feels draining

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    Just the fact that I’ve had persistent social/relational issues my entire life should be proof enough. I can’t build an emotional connection with another human being and even something as simple as saying “hi, how are you?” to a coworker with my camera turned off feels draining
    social media technology is a spook though. nobody really feels connected using it. its just a proxy. but your issues connecting, it would be a challenge for a Fi socials club as they are traditionally thought of the ones "doing the leg work" to make connections happen.

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    I don't see autists making jokes about gay people unless the two are both in on it ((and autistic ppl themselves are often super serious and not very joke-y anyway, they often can't even tell the difference)), the empathetic bond between autism and glbt seems to be super strong... that's just common behavior from any young man lol. Those weak and pathetic faggetz, smh. Why can't they just be real men like k0rpsey?

    I really don't think there's anything wrong with you (I mean 'wrong' as in an official diagnosis of a developmental disability), and you might be looking for a 'label' as an excuse to justify some anti-social or immature behavior.

    You probably are severly butthurt that ur a beta male and not a Chad though. Chads don't make fun of gays, they instead more condescendingly "help" fags or just ignore us... another iei male explained it to be where it's like you saved a panda from a well. Anyway it's obnoxious seeing gays so weak and victim-y like that anyway, I don't think that's the entire picture even tho the average gay in high school is going to act like that probably and in a way this forum doesn't ever graduate from high school. I'm not a victim, and I'm not Satan incarnate- but it's boring if people just see you as the complex and gray character you really are though, so bring on the faggy pandas and the evil gay perverts that want to harrass breeders and bother them from their white trash farmlands.

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    To be clear, by gay jokes I mean acting “sus” and making a complete fool of myself for attention. I was never really a bully. I think I acted more like a stereotypical ADHD kid up until I was 13-14 - I was outgoing and always outside, but once I got to highschool I just couldn’t keep up with my peers mentally and haven’t recovered since. To this day, I still feel like a crass, overly honest middle schooler trapped in a grown man’s body
    Last edited by Averroes; 12-11-2022 at 02:01 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    To be clear, by gay jokes I mean acting “sus” and making a complete fool of myself for attention. I was never really a bully. I think I acted more like a stereotypical ADHD kid up until I was 13-14 - I was outgoing and always outside, but once I got to highschool I just couldn’t keep up with my peers mentally and haven’t recovered since. To this day, I still feel like a crass, overly honest middle schooler trapped in a grown man’s body
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
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    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    Well, from my own experience the "Gamma" quadra can be somewhat accurately characterized as the "autistic" quadra. I mean it's even a meme that ILI/INTJ is code for victims of mild Asperger's...

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    Some of my other autistic traits:

    Perseveration, which is what I'm doing now

    Normal people often don’t notice when I’m being sarcastic/joking

    Usually feel more drawn to/inspired by objects and art than people. Some of my special interests are rap music, streetwear, cars, interior design, architecture, photography, skateboarding, anything Japanese, etc. mostly for aesthetic reasons though

    Concrete/overly-linear thinker. I'm good enough at math, excel and learning rote procedures to hold down an office job, but I've always hated writing English papers and have trouble with open-ended questions like "what does X mean to you?", "How do you embody X/[corporate buzzword] trait in your day to day life?

    People have always been "inexplicably" put off by me even though I'm supposedly above average in looks, have good hygiene and grooming, dress well etc., probably because the way I move and speak gives off an uncanny valley effect. Even when I think I'm making a good impression, I'm most likely not. People suddenly becomes boring, awkward, antisocial and too busy when i try to build a rapport with them

    I connect with people through shared interests as opposed to experiences, dreams, hopes, aspirations, life philosophies, etc. I don't have any emotionally resonant, colorful stories to tell because I've been a robot my entire life
    Last edited by Averroes; 12-13-2022 at 02:28 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    Some of my other autistic traits:

    Perseveration, which is what I'm doing now

    Normal people often don’t notice when I’m being sarcastic/joking

    Usually feel more drawn to/inspired by objects and art than people. Some of my special interests are rap music, streetwear, cars, interior design, architecture, photography, skateboarding, anything Japanese, etc. mostly for aesthetic reasons though

    Concrete/overly-linear thinker. I'm good enough at math, excel and learning rote procedures to hold down an office job, but I've always hated writing English papers and have trouble with open-ended questions like "what does X mean to you?", "How do you embody X/[corporate buzzword] trait in your day to day life?

    People have always been "inexplicably" put off by me even though I'm supposedly above average in looks, have good hygiene and grooming, dress well etc., probably because the way I move and speak gives off an uncanny valley effect. Even when I think I'm making a good impression, I'm most likely not. People suddenly becomes boring, awkward, antisocial and too busy when i try to build a rapport with them

    I connect with people through shared interests as opposed to experiences, dreams, hopes, aspirations, life philosophies, etc. I don't have any emotionally resonant, colorful stories to tell because I've been a robot my entire life
    We’d all like to see this uncanny valley effect. Post video.
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    It's possible that you may have some sort of mild aspergers, but its not really likely. You understand how you off put people. People with autism dont. But I think you are more so traumatized from events when you were younger. The trauma keeps you in this low self esteem robotic state that you self perpetuate through a quiet bitterness due to feeling inadequate in the social and dating realm.

    You can fix this Brotha

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    It's possible that you may have some sort of mild aspergers, but its not really likely. You understand how you off put people. People with autism dont. But I think you are more so traumatized from events when you were younger. The trauma keeps you in this low self esteem robotic state that you self perpetuate through a quiet bitterness due to feeling inadequate in the social and dating realm.

    You can fix this Brotha
    Ah but here's a good question. What if that Autistic actually bothered to use their meme-worthy focus and attention on figuring out the how and why they put people off, actually succeed in finding the reason, and then using that knowledge to not put people off?

    This ties into another of my own epiphanies. See, once you hit IQ 130 or more you've got a choice in regards to what you're ultimately gonna focus on with that now officially "big brain" of yours. You're gonna either focus on the "hard" sciences and go into STEM or you're gonna focus on "people" and get into fields like psychology, philosophy, theology, etc.

    Now imagine an autistic who chooses to delve into the latter without any sense of pride and who somehow either doesn't have or successfully keeps major psychological issues (e.g. attachment issues) from really affecting them and their conclusions. "Charisma" is, if you really study it, a "skill" that can be learned by and large much like how PUA's talk of "Game".

    How and what a given learnable "skill" relates to this reality is where most fall short. The true autistic will likely get snagged upon one such psychological crag or another for they'd likely fail to account for or even accept that interpersonal relationships are not, will not, and can not ever be as clean, pure, and utterly infallible as mathematics. People are people, not numbers. You will never be able to solve for X in the ultimate end if you're dealing with another sentient being because it can and will (God's grace permitting) do something literally no finite being could have seen coming.

    Oh it can get pretty damn close don't get me wrong. Like I've said time and time again the more miserable you make a person the more predictable they become and that's why everything in the modern world is hellbent on making us all as miserable as possible but (much to the chagrin of our satanic rulers) you cannot ever make a true human truly miserable without their final consent and descent into that mostly unnamed 8th deadly sin: Despair.

    I was way more miserable years ago yet now I'm actually kinda joyful. Yeah, it's all getting worse from my end, but I also know that this shit is like a rubber band and my enemies are pulling as hard as they can while I'm just sitting there as I observe the band fraying ever so subtlety at a point close to my fingers and thus, I know what's coming next. That's the "snap" point and boy oh boy is that a bad thing for my enemies given how logic, conservation of energy, and just how far away they are from me at present would work out given that math .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

    Now imagine an autistic who chooses to delve into the latter without any sense of pride and who somehow either doesn't have or successfully keeps major psychological issues (e.g. attachment issues) from really affecting them and their conclusions. "Charisma" is, if you really study it, a "skill" that can be learned by and large much like how PUA's talk of "Game".
    Doesn't neuroplasticity begin to disappear by the end of childhood though? As I understood, the reason developmental milestones are such a concern to new parents is because there are certain functions that simply can't be "re-learned", with any amount of effort, once the respective developmental window has closed. That's the reason it's so easy to learn your first language as a baby, but incredibly difficult to acquire a second as an adult, right?

    Like, don't the autistic tend to do stuff like recognize human faces with the same part of the brain relegated to ordinary objects, whereas neurotypical people have separate centers dedicated to faces, or something? I know I read about that somewhere.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Doesn't neuroplasticity begin to disappear by the end of childhood though? As I understood, the reason developmental milestones are such a concern to new parents is because there are certain functions that simply can't be "re-learned", with any amount of effort, once the respective developmental window has closed. That's the reason it's so easy to learn your first language as a baby, but incredibly difficult to acquire a second as an adult, right?

    Like, don't the autistic tend to do stuff like recognize human faces with the same part of the brain relegated to ordinary objects, whereas neurotypical people have separate centers dedicated to faces, or something? I know I read about that somewhere.
    There is some merit in what you say. Developmental milestones are easy to pass through at certain points and once past them it's incredibly hard to alter them but that doesn't mean that it's impossible to fix them. It's just exceedingly difficult. This is why Martial Arts instructors of any kind (i.e. including marksmen) prefer totally and utterly "green" trainees to those with any form of experience in the field for it means there are no "bad habits" they're going to have to train out of them.

    For instance, take muscle memory. To go from "totally green" to "memorized" on that front takes about 2,000 repetitions. However, if you "memorized" a bad habit it's gonna take 10,000 repetitions to fix that particular problem.

    This doesn't exactly translate for Language (for it is true that young children are better able to pick up other languages than adults if you teach and immerse them in them for some reason much like it's possible for them to attain "perfect pitch" then but not later in life) but it does translate for attachment issues and pretty much anything else you'd care to mention now that I think on it. If you get the proper habits right from the get-go, then life is pretty easy on that front. Once you "memorize" bad attachment styles for instance it's incredibly difficult to "fix" them, but it is far from impossible to do so.

    This would, I presume, be the case for the people focused autist I mentioned. Hard as hell for them to actually achieve the goal, but not impossible and hey, maybe the experience could and would benefit many others if they had the ability to articulate it in words and write a book about it for other autists (or hell, even other "neurotypicals" as they put it). Despair is a lot of things and, in addition to being sinful, it's utterly illogical on this front!

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    You understand how you off put people. People with autism dont.
    nah this ain’t it. autism is a profile that varies from person to person. i have sensory processing issues, am intense about my (more niche) interests, and very pattern-seeking. i don’t have many friends irl because my friendships are based upon interests first and foremost. but my metacognition of my own mind is extremely developed, and i’ve learned how what i do and say will affect others. i’m highly aware of this because i’m sensitive to burdening other people in any way and i’m highly avoidant of feeling rejected by others. i am officially diagnosed btw.

    edit 3/2/24: hitting a point of growth where they dont need to be based on shared special interest, thank you thc
    Last edited by maresnest; 03-02-2024 at 11:28 PM.
    “You'll feel safest of all, you can only receive, it'll keep you stable for days in cars.”
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    let it shine
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
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    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    People have always been "inexplicably" put off by me even though I'm supposedly above average in looks, have good hygiene and grooming, dress well etc., probably because the way I move and speak gives off an uncanny valley effect. Even when I think I'm making a good impression, I'm most likely not. People suddenly becomes boring, awkward, antisocial and too busy when i try to build a rapport with them
    I think that's off putting for people because it sounds shamelessly narcissistic even if u aren't. Good hygiene, grooming dress well- I think a lot of society expects males to be more rough around the edges and more stupid blue collar looking like because then it's like you're both more useful and more easily manipulated. I can see how that can rub people the wrong way- tho not saying it's your fault or anything.

    ppl probably have the trope in their heads of the rough around the edges looking small-town hero that's trustworthy vs the urban male that's narcissistically good looking and decadent, but also evil, and that rubs ppl the wrong way- even though the narc looking male could be good, and the blue collar male could have ppl in their basement.

    Oh no, am I empathsizing with Karens?

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