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Thread: Autistic vs Non-Autistic Fi-ESI men

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Well, this one is certainly very different but something is off (it is stiff, robotic)
    I will put comments here as I'm watching the video (I'll hit pause and write my observations)

    As a reminder, the video starts at 51 minutes (t=3115)

    Being autistic is not an invisible disability at least we shouldn't be as categorical with such generalisation. I could see right away in her gaze (pointing up and unfocused) that she might have some sort of condition and it tooks me 2 seconds to notice it. Autism is not always invisible.
    She said that it's in music that you can see the strengths (interesting choice of word) of Autism (again, not necessarily that's a generalisation) and then she talks about subjective sensory informations and pain because of her sound sensitivity. She said that she creates music and of course performing is indeed essential in any musical work (re)creation (interpretation) but does she compose music ? I don't know. I've noticed the rather dramatic reference to Beethoven but that kind of comparaison doesn't surprise me, exceptional people compare themselves only to exceptional people

    52:50 She talked about "intersection" (this word was accentuated ) between her Autistic perception allowing her "to experience music as a living breathing entity". She basically experience synesthesia (2 to 4 % of the population according to some "studies") another reference to exceptionality. Basically music triggers her imagination and senses which is something expected from a musically inclined sensibility btw. I wonder if she has perfect pitch ? I bet she would have mentioned it if it was the case ! Anyway, all the arguments which were supposed to demonstrate the strengths of Autism in music are in fact subjective...

    53:18 here I see a red flag. She said that her Autism diagnosis was the best birthday gift of her life. It's something I see often in Typology (The INFJ 2% MBTI nonsense) and in people who test high in IQ tests or people who are accepted in Mensa. The label alternates their self-perception ; from now on they can put a name on their suffering. The label is like that quote from Uncle Ben (Spiderman) "With great power comes great responsibilities" and all of a sudden a feeling of actually being really special comes from tha "confirmation" and some of them are instrumentalized or have this sense of "calling of destiny" to fight for a greater purpose.

    53:31 this is what I was talking about in my post above (communities integrating a larger group), I was actually perceiving it (like a feeling in the zeitgeist) but this video confirms what I thought. I feel like a lot of what they are advocating for already exist and that there is no need to recreate groups and label them as a community to fight for the rights they supposedly don't have. I love Wendy Carlos , she's a genius but for some reasons I've never heard her name associated to all those movements. This is why I feel like some significant battles have already been won a long time ago.

    at 55:41 another interview begins. she start to talk about her "sensory profile" (what the heck is that ?) and it sounds like HSP but again it's expected from ASD however, her sensitivity to "nearly imperceptible sounds" points to the exceptional factor of course. Her prosody is kinda "by the book" in fact it feels exactly as if she is reading a book ( note her pauses, you can literally feel the punctuation in her speech pattern esp commas and periods).

    Yeah, I think she is indeed reading a text ! I can see her eyes following the screen in front of her. It's interesting to notice that her head movements are pretty well synchronized with her speech ( almost perfect so it feels overplayed). 59:09 to 59:18 she almost said that she values Si and Te.

    59:38 OMG ! Here we go !! I think I'm gonna stop watching here ! Jesus Christ ! I said it the post above but Autism is not an Identity and what in the world do Genders and Intersextionality have to do with Autism ! I'm sure Freud would have loved to live in our time !
    And she goes on with a rambling that I don't understand ! She seems to postulate that a discrimination is going on. She seems upset because some people in the medical field refuse to diagnose her as autistic because the gender she identify with (I have to be prudent now because appearances are often misleading ahaha !) which sounds like a nonsense to me. "Cisgender ? white-pass ? Neurotypical passing ?" I had to google those because I didn't know what they meant.

    1:01:47 to 1:02:31 Sounds like enneagram 6 and she seems to blame people for her constant fear and second-guessing people's intentions. sounds like Satre : "L'enfer, c'est les autres " (Hell, is the others ).

    1:03:16 to 1:05:12 Okay, I will definitely stop watching here. Victim rhetoric, and social activism she's clearly a kind of SJW.

    I rewind the video to the actual moment where she begun to talk (50:35). "My pronouns are she, her and hers" , it makes sense ! followed by Ti and Fi informations. And then she talked about her fascination for Horses.

    If I had to type her making abstraction of her condition I would say LII but I feel like she's Ni Dom !

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    If I had to type her making abstraction of her condition I would say LII but I feel like she's Ni Dom !
    She is definitely a static while the man in question is dynamic. Look at their eyes. She has heightened Si problems (which is oddly very mobilizing and close to reality how it should manifest) while he has heightened Fi problems (I'd like to postulate that similar Se problems are in the realm of direct reality testing - I definitely have those sort of issues - not as being objective but...).
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 12-07-2022 at 07:52 AM.
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