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    Exclamation "MAGA Communism"

    What do you think of this absurdity? Anticentrism has become reality...

    What the Hell Is MAGACommunism? (

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    I feel sorry for these people

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    In Victoria 3 terms, it's a party of the rural folk and the trade unions..

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    I feel like I have no words. Reality no longer makes sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    I feel like I have no words. Reality no longer makes sense.
    Everything you read is a psyop. Don't be taken in!

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Everything you read is a psyop. Don't be taken in!
    If it is a psyop, it's certainly an interesting one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Everything you read is a psyop. Don't be taken in!
    Psyops are a psyop, Morty. *beeeeellllllccch*

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Everything you read is a psyop. Don't be taken in!
    The entire mainstream media was made by Sigmund Freud's nephew. News at 11 (or not, since we're trying to avoid the news.)

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    Maga Communists are basic bitch contrarians. They unironically cheer on Putin while denouncing imperialism. They call to imprison all of Epstein’s associates EXCEPT for Donald Trump—he gets a pass from Maga Communists because opposing Trump is a mainstream position (which means they must apologize for him). Maga Communists oppose the mainstream to the point of absurdity (hence their name perfectly represents everything they stand for). It’s a simple formula that they follow, and once you see it, everything they say becomes extremely predictable.

    On a side note, I’ve been saying since like 2014 that Rand Paul is the biggest contrarian in congress. It’s not surprise to me that he’s sympathetic to the Maga Communist crowd.

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    Make America Great Again

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Maga Communists are basic bitch contrarians. They unironically cheer on Putin while denouncing imperialism. They call to imprison all of Epstein’s associates EXCEPT for Donald Trump—he gets a pass from Maga Communists because opposing Trump is a mainstream position (which means they must apologize for him). Maga Communists oppose the mainstream to the point of absurdity (hence their name perfectly represents everything they stand for). It’s a simple formula that they follow, and once you see it, everything they say becomes extremely predictable.

    On a side note, I’ve been saying since like 2014 that Rand Paul is the biggest contrarian in congress. It’s not surprise to me that he’s sympathetic to the Maga Communist crowd.
    Are these "Maga Communists" in the room with you right now??

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Everything you read is a psyop. Don't be taken in!
    You are unironically correct even if you're joking. If it's mentioned by the MSM or "Official" government Channels you can be certain it's part of a psyop.

    Then there's the other principle I've mentioned. That is that all possibilities are potentially true save for one. That one being the "Official" line as stated by said MSM and The Government. That is total bullshit. Even David Icke has a higher chance of representing the truth when he goes off the deep end than the "Official" line and he rants about trans-dimensional reptilians being the PTB!

    I'm not kidding here folks. Literally anything else is true, but the "Official" line is the exactly one thing you can be certain isn't. Not saying it can't be close to the truth somehow, but it isn't ever and will never be fully and completely true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    The entire mainstream media was made by Sigmund Freud's nephew. News at 11 (or not, since we're trying to avoid the news.)
    Edward Bernays. A name more people should become more familiar with if they are not already. "Propaganda" and "Public Relations" are titles related to him. The fact that this particular line of shit (as well as that name) remains relatively unknown even by avid fans of both Freud and Jung (and if you're on this forum you are a big fan of one or both whether you'd like to admit it or not) is a testament to how effective the methods mentioned by said sucker of Satan's Cock are as are his disciple's efforts to conceal it from breaching into mainstream political/philosophical/psychological discourse.

    Like with Saul Alinsky (and because this is implicitly a political thread given its title), I argue as a conservative that we ought to fight fire with fire. Read, understand, and use the tactics endorsed by the likes of Alinsky and Bernays. There is one advantage we have that they do not however. See, we can actually be forthright and honest about our intensions as we employ those methods and tactics.

    Lies and sin require subversion and the like. One must cloak the poison in sweetness to get the victim to swallow it. Our message, properly delivered in any form, is the message of the messiah (i.e. truth and logic embodied). I'm gonna offend people here with this example but unironically telling someone the result of my educating their daughter will make them into a good housewife, mother, and potentially illustrator or writer will always beat someone lying about all that while actually intending to turn them into a wokie and, by sad extension, into a sterile whore of one flavor or another.

    Same goes if we switch the genders. If I can unironically promise without a shadow of a doubt that I will get their son to be an exemplar of Strength, Courage, Mastery, and Honor I'm going to beat out the pale wokie imitation that will clearly encourage their son to embrace Weakness, Cowardice, Ineptitude, and Duplicty.

    This is the trap most conservative "parents" are falling into BTW because of their abject and painfully obvious Sloth. Public Schools are now officially child abuse if you send your kids into it. At least here in America parents still have the choice to raise their own friggin' kids via Homeschooling! If they fail to do exactly that they plain and simply deserve all that comes afterward...

    More than a few conservative households have become memes thanks to a before and after photo of their progeny. There was the "before" image of their high school graduation, and then there was the "after" that came from their college graduation. Night and day in the absolute worst of ways all because the dumbass boomers seem to lack as an entire generational cohort. A thing the true "Millennials" seem to as well (protip: the Millennials are Boomer Clones so figure from that if you really wanna blackpill yourself if you happen to be an atheist).

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    Edward Bernays and Saul Alinsky :

    Note the French name of this movie : "Des Hommes d'influence" (Men of Influence)

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Are these "Maga Communists" in the room with you right now??
    My husband’s dog is a maga communist

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You are unironically correct even if you're joking. If it's mentioned by the MSM or "Official" government Channels you can be certain it's part of a psyop.
    I was half-joking. I tend to do that a lot.

    This is the trap most conservative "parents" are falling into BTW because of their abject and painfully obvious Sloth. Public Schools are now officially child abuse if you send your kids into it. At least here in America parents still have the choice to raise their own friggin' kids via Homeschooling! If they fail to do exactly that they plain and simply deserve all that comes afterward...
    IME homeschooling is more usually abuse. I'm not a fan of the education system here, but parents should almost never be the ones to educate their kids. And homeschooled kids, despite what their parents like to repeat, are rarely socialized well.

    More than a few conservative households have become memes thanks to a before and after photo of their progeny. There was the "before" image of their high school graduation, and then there was the "after" that came from their college graduation. Night and day in the absolute worst of ways all because the dumbass boomers seem to lack as an entire generational cohort. A thing the true "Millennials" seem to as well (protip: the Millennials are Boomer Clones so figure from that if you really wanna blackpill yourself if you happen to be an atheist).
    Why do you think that happens? It's not because their professors are indoctrinating them. Academics are insufferable in a lot of ways but mainly for vicious status-conscious reasons. It's more that as soon as possible, they reject the identity their family's forced upon them.

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    I heard that Adam Strange was buried alive by maga communists…retaliation for inciting ww3 selling telescopes to Ukraine.

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    "MAGA communism" seems like pure clickbait. But there are right-wingers who support interventionism and protectionism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    But there are right-wingers who support interventionism and protectionism.
    A lot of them are traditional conservatives.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    A lot of them are traditional conservatives.
    Yeah, I'm not trying to like right-wingers here, just liking that they have better opinions than other right-wingers. I tend to get really annoyed with traditional conservatives, though. So, the Catholic Church put Galileo under house arrest... and the Catholic Church is who we're going to support here, even if we're not actually religious? That makes it worse, if anything, for someone to think sciences and arts are simply a bad idea even if they're true and organized religion is a good idea even if it's false. Joseph de Maistre throne and altar conservatism ticks me off a lot, and that's the first kind of thing I think of because of the popularity of people like Jordan Peterson promoting religion despite not believing in it, or even Richard Dawkins feeling sentimental about churches. Whenever I had to go to church growing up, I'd be listening to "Baal" and similarly non-Christian things pretty much the whole way there and back, why would you want organized religion when you don't believe in any kind of spiritual realm? I find it much easier to point to what gets called Christian morality as being the problem than metaphysical beliefs themselves, though I hope metaphysics is replaced by proper science (which might more or less still qualify as metaphysics on some level, considering the example of string theory and "bootstrapping" processes) and that might imply some form of nonverificationism. However, most formalized conservative thought ticks me off in general. I've never even been able to try to find Burke or Evola interesting, even though those are probably a bit less bad than Joseph de Maistre.

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    Makes sense in a shorted sighted way if you’re broke and racist

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    Makes sense in a shorted sighted way if you’re broke and racist
    Well, you should probably stop being racist, and broke for that matter, but stopping being racist seems easier.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Well, you should probably stop being racist, and broke for that matter, but stopping being racist seems easier.

    There is only one human species on this earth since Neanderthal and Denisovan have been extinguished (assimilated cuz life finds a way !) about 47 thousands years ago. As long as all humans on earth can interbreed without any signs of incompatibilities regardless of the color of their skin, etymologically "racism" doesn't make sense anymore. The term is misused to illustrate an "ideology" of hate and fear (xenophobia) of fellow human beings discriminated only by the color of their skin and sometimes their cultures and mores. The usage of that term contributes to its persistence as a reality in the collective unconscious. We shouldn't use it anymore because it's obsolete. I understand that it's easier to use it for the Drama and the powerful impact it has on the counsciences but words have meaning.

    Last edited by godslave; 12-04-2022 at 07:47 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Yeah, I'm not trying to like right-wingers here, just liking that they have better opinions than other right-wingers. I tend to get really annoyed with traditional conservatives, though. So, the Catholic Church put Galileo under house arrest... and the Catholic Church is who we're going to support here, even if we're not actually religious? That makes it worse, if anything, for someone to think sciences and arts are simply a bad idea even if they're true and organized religion is a good idea even if it's false. Joseph de Maistre throne and altar conservatism ticks me off a lot, and that's the first kind of thing I think of because of the popularity of people like Jordan Peterson promoting religion despite not believing in it, or even Richard Dawkins feeling sentimental about churches. Whenever I had to go to church growing up, I'd be listening to "Baal" and similarly non-Christian things pretty much the whole way there and back, why would you want organized religion when you don't believe in any kind of spiritual realm? I find it much easier to point to what gets called Christian morality as being the problem than metaphysical beliefs themselves, though I hope metaphysics is replaced by proper science (which might more or less still qualify as metaphysics on some level, considering the example of string theory and "bootstrapping" processes) and that might imply some form of nonverificationism. However, most formalized conservative thought ticks me off in general. I've never even been able to try to find Burke or Evola interesting, even though those are probably a bit less bad than Joseph de Maistre.
    I'm not a traditional conservative by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm an atheist. But I respect the underdog, and I often like traditional conservatives because I often like anyone who advocates for a nearly-lost cause. Quite a few of them are actually pretty interesting (you have to be clever to create something that provokes thought about conventional wisdom).

    I don't think that science will ever replace religious metaphysical belief, to be honest. Science is too impersonal, and it isn't satisfying to people whose focus of creativity is human emotions and human relations. The decline in traditional religious observance hasn't meant the decline in belief in the supernatural.

    As for 'MAGA communism': It's mostly forgotten now because of how individualistic our societies have become, but there used to be such a thing as an 'authoritarian left'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    IME homeschooling is more usually abuse. I'm not a fan of the education system here, but parents should almost never be the ones to educate their kids. And homeschooled kids, despite what their parents like to repeat, are rarely socialized well.
    Forgive my impudence but how the ever living hell do you think pretty much every society/civilization to have ever existed up until the modern age did things? It's also essentially unavoidable. Yeah, you may send your kids off to someone else to educate them but those same kids will look to their parents to either confirm or deny the truths being told to them. Silence is consent as they say. If you don't say anything about what the kids are being taught you essentially confirm it as true in their minds. It's as if you actually did teach them yourself in that regard.

    Far too many parents are effectively silent due to sloth and thus the "educators" have free reign to make your kids their kids. Give me the ability and authority to teach your children as I see fit and make no effort to examine, dispute or countermand anything I deign to teach them and they will become in all the ways that truly matter mine. Genetics are plebian. Memetics are Patrician. Hate Catholics and Christ all you want but if you do that while giving me free reign to educate them as I see fit your kids will have a high chance of becoming Priests, Nuns, Monk, etc. within the Catholic faith if they don't become good Catholic Wives or Husbands who will raise their kids to be likewise. That's just how things work whether you like it or not.

    Now, I say they are guilty of sloth because, if most parents bothered to actually learn what said "educators" were teaching their kids they'd be up in arms. In the few instances a community became aware of CRT being the basis of their children's education (and had caught said educators red-handed) they revolted. The fact that the entire education system isn't under a microscope by every parent everywhere is all the proof one needs of the general failing of most parents to live up to their most basic duties regarding their progeny and validates my charge of their guilt of being slothful.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Why do you think that happens? It's not because their professors are indoctrinating them. Academics are insufferable in a lot of ways but mainly for vicious status-conscious reasons. It's more that as soon as possible, they reject the identity their family's forced upon them.
    One does not construct their identity a priori. You are, whether you like it or not, born into a kind of identity. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family after all. The academics are as you say but I'd add they're almost all part of a cult. I and those of a similar mind to myself call it the "Death Cult" for many a damn good reason.

    I will say one positive thing about them however. They are fully committed to their dark vision. They will gladly suffer for the sake of their goals and never fail to look out for one another (so long as they don't accidentally run afoul of their chaotic and ever-shifting moral code). Most so called "conservatives" do not share this trait despite the fact their moral codes are by and large fixed and unchanging if they're serious. They'll throw another one of their own under the bus if it means they'll "get theirs" as it were. Case in point? No major conservative "influencer" like (for example), Tucker Carlson, ever mentions conservative authors or artists nor makes any attempt to actively push their artistic works.

    Politics is downwind from culture. You will not, can not, change the politics of a society without first changing its culture. To change the culture, you must promote and promulgate cultural works that align with your moral vision. "Of all the arts, to us, the Cinema is the most important" to quote Vladimir Lenin! The fact that no major mainstream conservative voice does this is proof enough that they're all on the same team as it were (i.e. Not mine).

    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Except homeschooling socially stunts young minds by withdrawing from them the opportunity to learn how to make friends and build emotional bonds during a critical developmental window. And once that window closes, there's basically no way to rehabilitate past it and the damage will last throughout life. A lot of conservatism is sheltered people who can't appreciate the damage imparted upon them by their own sheltering, so they instead attribute their pain to what they were sheltered against, and work to shelter future generations even harder. Cling too hard to life, and you'll die.
    It wouldn't if they actually bothered to get serious about forming actual communities. This would require a great sacrifice of time, effort, and resources in the current environment however and like I said above most are guilty of the sin of Sloth on my side and the slothful will never sacrifice any of that in service to a greater good/cause as sacrifice and suffering of any kind is anathema to the slothful save sacrifices made in the service of their sloth (e.g. not making the effort to bathe despite the fact their own stench is causing them displeasure because that'd involve physical exertion and they dislike that more than simply enduring their own most insufferable smell).

    If you haven't heard of Attachment Theory, I'd look into that as what you have to say here resembles a resignation to bad attachment. Yes, damage in this area during critical development stages (especially in the opening years of one's life) can and often does follow them into adulthood. You are wrong to assert it cannot be fixed/rehabilitated however. That is an issue of personal belief.

    If you believe you can get better in that regard. That maybe, just maybe, you are worthy of damn near unconditional love and validation despite how you may feel you aren't than you can fix it. I speak from personal experience on this front. Sadly, like I've also said elsewhere our whole modern society (at least here in the West in general and America in particular) is essentially custom built to ensure all of us get major attachment issues right from the start and never even think to question the baseline assumptions they lead us towards.

    All by design like I've said. Miserable people with major attachment issues are all the same despite what Tolstoy would have you believe. It is the happy and content that are all unique. The unhappy and miserable are all the same. It's called "GloboHomo" for a reason. It's short for "Global Homogenization". If everyone (save for the managerial elite of course) were all perfectly and utterly miserable they'd all be perfectly and utterly the same. All but interchangeable and perfectly machined cogs for the ideal managerial machine to manage as easily and effortlessly as possible.

    I stand against this darkest of all possible futures. I'd hope that we can all at least find common cause in wanting to screw over our would be pretender gods (for that is how the Gnostic Luciferians see themselves minus the pretender part) and prevent them from achieving this end no matter the cost. Let justice be done though the heavens fall...
    Last edited by End; 12-05-2022 at 03:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Forgive my impudence but how the ever living hell do you think pretty much every society/civilization to have ever existed up until the modern age did things? It's also essentially unavoidable. Yeah, you may send your kids off to someone else to educate them but those same kids will look to their parents to either confirm or deny the truths being told to them. Silence is consent as they say. If you don't say anything about what the kids are being taught you essentially confirm it as true in their minds. It's as if you actually did teach them yourself in that regard.
    Not in the modern world, where community is dead and kids can't go anywhere or do anything by themselves with other kids because the entire world is built to serve cars now. You can't learn how to be a human being from your parents only. You're too close to them, too impressionable, and also too sensitive to their faults and blindnesses. People have always existed in communities, not nuclear families, and the closest thing they'll probably get to that now is school.

    Far too many parents are effectively silent due to sloth and thus the "educators" have free reign to make your kids their kids. Give me the ability and authority to teach your children as I see fit and make no effort to examine, dispute or countermand anything I deign to teach them and they will become in all the ways that truly matter mine. Genetics are plebian. Memetics are Patrician. Hate Catholics and Christ all you want but if you do that while giving me free reign to educate them as I see fit your kids will have a high chance of becoming Priests, Nuns, Monk, etc. within the Catholic faith if they don't become good Catholic Wives or Husbands who will raise their kids to be likewise. That's just how things work whether you like it or not.
    Or they'll grow up to hate you, because you're trying to mold them into an image.

    Now, I say they are guilty of sloth because, if most parents bothered to actually learn what said "educators" were teaching their kids they'd be up in arms. In the few instances a community became aware of CRT being the basis of their children's education (and had caught said educators red-handed) they revolted. The fact that the entire education system isn't under a microscope by every parent everywhere is all the proof one needs of the general failing of most parents to live up to their most basic duties regarding their progeny and validates my charge of their guilt of being slothful.
    Many schools are teaching white guilt/CRT, sure. Many aren't, probably most aren't, and if you're that concerned there are always private or Catholic schools.

    One does not construct their identity a priori. You are, whether you like it or not, born into a kind of identity. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family after all. The academics are as you say but I'd add they're almost all part of a cult. I and those of a similar mind to myself call it the "Death Cult" for many a damn good reason.
    And yet children aren't their parents. Fine, academic types are ideological. But so are you. You're saying "but the fact that they're mine gives me the right to raise them however I want," not caring whether raising them how you want is in their best interest, because you've already decided you know what's best.

    What would you do if the state came along with research showing that homeschooled kids usually became fucked up, and so made homeschooling illegal? Would you accept that the state knew better than you?

    Secondly, the problem is ideology. I'm sure you want a nice shiny future where everyone is happy. So do the educators you're complaining about. So does everyone, and yet the world's how it is. The founders of the Church had good intentions, and I'm sure you know its history turned out less than rosy. People by definition aren't omniscient, and everything we create is imperfect, including the Church. When you elevate a human construct to an idol -- even if that construct is the Church -- the faults of that idol become the faults of a god.

    I will say one positive thing about them however. They are fully committed to their dark vision. They will gladly suffer for the sake of their goals and never fail to look out for one another (so long as they don't accidentally run afoul of their chaotic and ever-shifting moral code). Most so called "conservatives" do not share this trait despite the fact their moral codes are by and large fixed and unchanging if they're serious. They'll throw another one of their own under the bus if it means they'll "get theirs" as it were. Case in point? No major conservative "influencer" like (for example), Tucker Carlson, ever mentions conservative authors or artists nor makes any attempt to actively push their artistic works.
    Wouldn't that mean the moral codes of conservatives don't amount to anything if they aren't stuck to when important?

    Also: what do you consider good conservative art?

    Politics is downwind from culture. You will not, can not, change the politics of a society without first changing its culture. To change the culture, you must promote and promulgate cultural works that align with your moral vision. "Of all the arts, to us, the Cinema is the most important" to quote Vladimir Lenin! The fact that no major mainstream conservative voice does this is proof enough that they're all on the same team as it were (i.e. Not mine).
    Why do you consider Lenin worth emulating? He didn't succeed. Also, we had conservative control over cinema in the US, and got rid of it for a reason: it was terrible.

    I stand against this darkest of all possible futures. I'd hope that we can all at least find common cause in wanting to screw over our would be pretender gods (for that is how the Gnostic Luciferians see themselves minus the pretender part) and prevent them from achieving this end no matter the cost. Let justice be done though the heavens fall...
    Unrelated, but do you think wanting to screw over the PTB will amount to anything?
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 12-05-2022 at 07:55 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    All by design like I've said. Miserable people with major attachment issues are all the same despite what Tolstoy would have you believe. It is the happy and content that are all unique. The unhappy and miserable are all the same. It's called "GloboHomo" for a reason. It's short for "Global Homogenization". If everyone (save for the managerial elite of course) were all perfectly and utterly miserable they'd all be perfectly and utterly the same. All but interchangeable and perfectly machined cogs for the ideal managerial machine to manage as easily and effortlessly as possible.
    “The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.”

    ― Ursula K. LeGuin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

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    I think homeschooling is kind of a bad idea, but I also dislike the state since, at least recently, it's been rather consistently run by the most awful and incompetent people. The solution is probably private schools if you're really worried about the state being indoctrinating, or just to ask your kids what they've learned and actively take an interest in their lives like you should be already. Besides the whole "my kid is my Pygmalion" kind of thing homeschoolers seem prone to, I'm really concerned about the competence of home teachers. You could pay a private tutor for your kids, but the best tutor is probably tutoring very many children, which at that point is called private school and not tutoring.

    Additionally, for most of history parents didn't personally educate children. For most of history parents didn't even primarily personally raise children if they could help it, they got nannies just like Mary Poppins or sent their children off to boarding schools like in Harry Potter (in both cases, generally without all the magic.) Even breastfeeding would be done by someone else, wetnurses, if the household could afford to pay them. The desire to indoctrinate your kids yourselves seems like another form of consumerist narcissism almost.

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    When I say the attitude of child-rearing in modern societies mostly seems like consumerist narcissism, I'm not saying to hand your children to the state, I'm saying share the burden with other people who you trust because you've vetted them. Send them to a private school, get a babysitter who's your cousin, an old friend, or your niece or nephew if you need to leave your kids behind and your wife does too sometimes, things like that. There are options that aren't "I'm going to do this all alone with me and my wife and maybe the older children" and "I'm going to just hand my children to the state to raise them." The fact this isn't really considered often seems extremely symptomatic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    When I say the attitude of child-rearing in modern societies mostly seems like consumerist narcissism, I'm not saying to hand your children to the state, I'm saying share the burden with other people who you trust because you've vetted them. Send them to a private school, get a babysitter who's your cousin, an old friend, or your niece or nephew if you need to leave your kids behind and your wife does too sometimes, things like that. There are options that aren't "I'm going to do this all alone with me and my wife and maybe the older children" and "I'm going to just hand my children to the state to raise them." The fact this isn't really considered often seems extremely symptomatic.
    Private school is unaffordable for most households, but there are other options like magnet schools and charter schools (although ymmv, a lot of those schools are corrupt and failing)

    Anyway kids are easily influenced. You don’t need to homeschool them to influence their world view.

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    i give it two thumbs up they seem sensible, the name is eye catching, i like the proposals.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I understand by facts that telepathy exists. At now I experiment with future guessing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    “The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.”

    ― Ursula K. LeGuin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
    Hahaha, I've yet to actually read that work but I've heard it mentioned and reviewed more than enough times in the circles I frequent to know what it's all about and the critical failure the author missed. See, ya wouldn't just "walk away" from Omelas if you had an issue with that critical plot point that causes people to walk away from a Utopia that was in all ways perfect save for that one rather major issue.

    No, you'd go full Warhammer 40k Black Templar Chapter/Exterminatus on the asses of all those who didn't. We're talking willfully and gleefully becoming a Morlock who must feast upon the Eloi on a daily basis. Dumping all the nukes you got on them just because it's the right thing to do to such vile creatures! The conditions of me embracing Lichdom I mentioned in another thread are fully met in that story. Enough souls lie within Omelas for more than a few of us ILI liches to get damn close to the heat death of the universe before that condition of "Not one innocent soul" down our gullets has even the slightest chance of getting triggered in the negative way.

    Yeah, those who do NOT walk away from that are guilty as sin and deserve the fate of soul consumption. I'm only delivering their just deserts in that case. They can at least seek solace in the fact that I could have made their dark fate far worse because I'm rather a nice guy and don't exactly relish sadism. Quick, painless, efficient. That's how those who ought to die ought to die no matter what they've done to others. Vengeance is mine says the lord and his justice will sting them far more harshly than whatever horrific fate my limited, finite, yet rather inventive intellect could ever cook up (and boy howdy do you not want to end up on the wrong end of that equation)... I mean, even I'm horrified of me on that front...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Hahaha, I've yet to actually read that work but I've heard it mentioned and reviewed more than enough times in the circles I frequent to know what it's all about and the critical failure the author missed. See, ya wouldn't just "walk away" from Omelas if you had an issue with that critical plot point that causes people to walk away from a Utopia that was in all ways perfect save for that one rather major issue.

    No, you'd go full Warhammer 40k Black Templar Chapter/Exterminatus on the asses of all those who didn't. We're talking willfully and gleefully becoming a Morlock who must feast upon the Eloi on a daily basis. Dumping all the nukes you got on them just because it's the right thing to do to such vile creatures! The conditions of me embracing Lichdom I mentioned in another thread are fully met in that story. Enough souls lie within Omelas for more than a few of us ILI liches to get damn close to the heat death of the universe before that condition of "Not one innocent soul" down our gullets has even the slightest chance of getting triggered in the negative way.

    Yeah, those who do NOT walk away from that are guilty as sin and deserve the fate of soul consumption. I'm only delivering their just deserts in that case. They can at least seek solace in the fact that I could have made their dark fate far worse because I'm rather a nice guy and don't exactly relish sadism. Quick, painless, efficient. That's how those who ought to die ought to die no matter what they've done to others. Vengeance is mine says the lord and his justice will sting them far more harshly than whatever horrific fate my limited, finite, yet rather inventive intellect could ever cook up (and boy howdy do you not want to end up on the wrong end of that equation)... I mean, even I'm horrified of me on that front...
    I think the point is there's nothing you can do but know it's wrong. What are you going to do vs. them? Shoot a few and get shot like a school shooter? The Imperium of Man isn't the good guys in 40k, because there aren't any good guys in 40k. It doesn't matter if people are technologically-advanced or primitivist, capitalist or communist, their temples are full of chaste virgins or orgies, it doesn't matter if you stay in Omelas or leave or try to do something because it's all going to be horribly wrong no matter what. All you can really do is know passively.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I think the point is there's nothing you can do but know it's wrong. What are you going to do vs. them? Shoot a few and get shot like a school shooter? The Imperium of Man isn't the good guys in 40k, because there aren't any good guys in 40k. It doesn't matter if people are technologically-advanced or primitivist, capitalist or communist, their temples are full of chaste virgins or orgies, it doesn't matter if you stay in Omelas or leave or try to do something because it's all going to be horribly wrong no matter what. All you can really do is know passively.
    This may be where our mindsets diverge. See, even if I knew it was hopeless and that, from a "realistic" standpoint all my efforts would be for naught I'd still try. I'd be obligated to try no matter how doomed the endeavor seems to my mere mortal perspective. It's the right thing to do damnit and that alone is a thousand, nay, a trillion times reason enough!

    This viewpoint is, however, a direct result of my faith I reckon. What is impossible to you in your finite and mortal understanding is as nothing for God. A faith as small as a mustard seed is enough to move mountains if not entire continents after all. I forget the meme I saw but it's pertinent here. It involved mechs invading Omelas, stomping the "Eloi" there flat as they burned them, and successfully doing right by X (that's a major spoiler so it's doing right by X for those who haven't read it yet).

    Point is, I don't care if it's an exercise in futility. Justice, truth, beauty, and fundamental true humanity demands action in that case or else you're even worse than those you condemn as evil/reprobate/degenerate/etc! No matter how futile, fruitless, absurd, idiotic, you think it is you must still try and in so doing hold true to your own faith, convictions, and ideals. This is the mindset of the true martyr.

    Of course, one can bide their time and build up their forces until they were certain they would be victorious despite enduring the occurrence of "evil" in the meantime. Mechs, training, etc. take a lot of time to make happen and in the wastes beyond Omelas it'll be one hell of a long and hard slog until you're ready to actually make it happen and during that time little will seem to change or matter. However, like the Fremen of Arrakis once you're convinced of the ultimate success of an utterly morally correct and undeniably benevolent endeavor that slog is no big deal. Bide time, save up the men, women, and resources necessary, then simply execute.

    This is also excused in the tenants of my faith. God only allows Evil to occur because, as the creator, he can bring about something out of nothing. He, and only he, can create things ex nihilo. As evil (as most all things), properly understood is merely a lack/absence of the "good" where it ought to exist the "problem of evil" is readily explained and solved. Evil exists because without it greater goods could not logically be brought into existence as in order to make more "good" than would "naturally" exist without it you'd need to create it ex nihilo but in a "perfect" world (from our finite and mortal standpoint) there are no areas of defect/lack and thus no way to go beyond the "maximum" level of good.

    To bring this whole discussion back around to its original point I will now post a rather long video by an actual exorcist where he explains how Communism and the psychology of Demons are one and the same:

    Yes it's long but it was (at least to me) rather enthralling. He even mentions surveillance tech and why it's being so eagerly pursued by all the wrong people for the most heinous of reasons. At around the 1:54:00 mark he starts to get into that and that section of the video is the one I'd like other people to know about and consider no matter their political, philosophical, psychological, or religious persuasion. If ye crave to spy upon all others who are not like you to that extent than I'd be quite worried about the possibility that ye are but a very short hop and a skip away from suffering demonic possession (if ye have not already been so possessed in the worst-case scenario) ...

    Like he says, if you cannot truly "live and let live" it's a pretty bad sign for you. I won't elaborate but let's just say I have kept my head down quite a lot recently despite many a good reason I've had to not do so. Mainly, it was because rasing a stink at that time and place would do diddly dick.

    As I've said elsewhere, it was a very hard and painful lesson for me to accept, but it is sadly the case that true logic and deductive reasoning simply will not convince any soul that isn't already predisposed to embrace it. Such souls are few and far between even if one thinks themselves amongst their sparse number. My faith, for example, says X is a mortal sin. Many reasons that it does. None of those guilty of it will listen to my exortations that they cease their indulgences unless and until they hit an emotional nadir brought about by it. Then, and only then, will their hearts and souls be willing to entertain my arguments without summarily rejecting them as if they were the utterances of a confirmed and known demon out to annihilate all they hold or ever will come to hold holy and true.
    Last edited by End; 12-08-2022 at 03:30 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Point is, I don't care if it's an exercise in futility. Justice, truth, beauty, and fundamental true humanity demands action in that case or else you're even worse than those you condemn as evil/reprobate/degenerate/etc! No matter how futile, fruitless, absurd, idiotic, you think it is you must still try and in so doing hold true to your own faith, convictions, and ideals. This is the mindset of the true martyr.
    ...Truth demands not trying to take action when you know you'll fail. The Bible says that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can tell mountains to move and they will move, not if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can shout at mountains like a maniac and watch them still sit there unmoving but people should admire you anyway for your "convictions" and "martyrdom." You need to have a reasonable plan.

    And the mech plan is good in theory, but what's the point of it? The innocent child in Omelas is a metaphor for Jesus and is literally based on Dostoevsky. You might as well plan to take a time machine to ancient Rome and try to rip Jesus off the cross in the name of Christianity. If you wouldn't condemn a child for the sake of Omelas, why would you tell Jesus to die on the cross so you can sin? And if God wanted it, what could you do about it? Even the mech plan isn't reasonable if you see that as God's will, any more than I could plan on taking a time machine to rip Jesus off the cross.

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    Marxism's critique of history postulates that most political
    and cultural institutions are a byproduct of class relations.

    From a communist POV nations are politically constituted artificial constructs to justify or maintain a certain general mode of production.

    Marxists might be relatively protectionist or isolationist in policy but that could never mean they're protecting a nation, as they believe nations to be a fraud to con the working class.

    Therefore all of this is stupid.
    If I'm not answering you, I'm either procrastinating a response, or I've judged the conversation as fruitless/already settled prior to the debate for me.

    Plausible types; INxP>INxj>ENxp>ENxj

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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    Marxism's critique of history postulates that most political
    and cultural institutions are a byproduct of class relations.

    From a communist POV nations are politically constituted artificial constructs to justify or maintain a certain general mode of production.

    Marxists might be relatively protectionist or isolationist in policy but that could never mean they're protecting a nation, as they believe nations to be a fraud to con the working class.

    Therefore all of this is stupid.
    It's stupid, but it's an accelerationist ideology, and it takes more work than that to see how accelerationist ideologies are all stupid. Accelerationists know everything you said, they just want to promote capitalism and everything that goes with it (or other aspects of the current ideology for non-communist forms of acceleration) so it'll supposedly wear out and come to its natural end faster.

    Accelerationism is basically "otherworldliness," aka, "do the opposite of everything you want and eventually you'll blissfully inhabit the world you do want."

    That being said, there are probably some traditional conservatives who are more isolationist than war-hawk neoconservatives but also want better social policies and less capitalist liberalism than libertarians identifying as "MAGA communists" to pull people's legs, not only accelerationists, but the movement itself tends to seem accelerationist, possibly because of the shock-value drawing accelerationists in and them putting out the official platform, plus its ability to be unclear about whether it's left-accelerationism or right-accelerationism. Right-accelerationism in the traditional sense isn't about "accelerating destabilization" through more destabilization, it's about "accelerating destabilization" by supporting the current system. So, for example, a real right-accelerationist who wants a race war (not all right-wing people are racist) wouldn't assassinate Black Lives Matter leaders and talk about white Western tradition, they'd cover their lawn in Black Lives Matter signs, donate money and show up to BLM rallies, and talk about how much they support BLM's supposed work toward bringing around the "race war" rather than talking in terms of racial equality or peace.

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    Other uses of the term[edit]

    Since "accelerationism" was coined in 2010, the term has taken on several new meanings, particularly by right-wing extremist movements and terrorist organizations,[9] that has led the term to be sensationalized on multiple occasions.[2] Several commentators have used the label accelerationist to describe a controversial political strategy articulated by the Slovenian philosopher, Freudo-Marxist theorist, and writer Slavoj Žižek.[28][29] An example often cited of this is when, in a November 2016 interview with Channel 4 News, Žižek asserted that were he an American citizen, he would vote for former U.S. president Donald Trump as the candidate more likely to disrupt the status quo of politics in that country.[30]

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    Far-right accelerationist terrorism[edit]

    In spite of its original philosophical and theoretical interests, since the late 2010s, international networks of neo-fascists, neo-Nazis, White nationalists, and White supremacists have increasingly used the term "accelerationism" to refer to right-wing extremist goals, and have been known to refer to an "acceleration" of racial conflict through violent means such as assassinations, murders, terrorist attacks and eventual societal collapse, in order to achieve the building of a White ethnostate.[9][10][11][12] Far-right accelerationism has been widely considered as detrimental to public safety.[31] The inspiration for this distinct variation is occasionally cited as American Nazi Party and National Socialist Liberation Front member James Mason's newsletter Siege, where he argued for sabotage, mass killings, and assassinations of high-profile targets to destabilize and destroy the current society, seen as a system upholding a Jewish and multicultural New World Order.[9] His works were republished and popularized by the Iron March forum and Atomwaffen Division, right-wing extremist organizations strongly connected to various terrorist attacks, murders, and assaults.[9][32][33][34] According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks hate groups and files class action lawsuits against discriminatory organizations and entities, "on the case of white supremacists, the accelerationist set sees modern society as irredeemable and believe it should be pushed to collapse so a fascist society built on ethnonationalism can take its place. What defines white supremacist accelerationists is their belief that violence is the only way to pursue their political goals."[34][10]
    Brenton Harrison Tarrant, the perpetrator of the Christchurch mosque shootings that killed 51 people and injured 49 others, strongly encouraged right-wing accelerationism in a section of his manifesto titled "Destabilization and Accelerationism: Tactics". It also influenced John Timothy Earnest, the perpetrator of the Escondido mosque fire at Dar-ul-Arqam Mosque in Escondido, California; and committing the Poway synagogue shooting which resulted in one dead and three injured, and influenced Patrick Crusius, the perpetrator of the El Paso Walmart shooting that killed 23 people and injured 23 others. Tarrant and Earnest in turn influenced Juraj Krajčík, the perpetrator of the 2022 Bratislava shooting that left dead two patrons of a gay bar.[35][9][36] Sich Battalion urged its members to buy a copy of Tarrant's manifesto, encouraging them to “get inspired” by it.[37]
    Although these right-wing extremist variants and their connected strings of terrorist attacks and murders are regarded as certainly uninformed by critical theory, which was a prime source of inspiration for Land's original ideas that led to accelerationism, Land himself became interested in the Atomwaffen-affiliated theistic Satanist organization Order of Nine Angles (ONA), that adheres to the ideology of Neo-Nazi terrorist accelerationism, describing the ONA's works as "highly-recommended" in a blog post.[38] Since the 2010s, the political ideology and religious worldview of the Order of Nine Angles, founded by the British neo-Nazi leader David Myatt in 1974,[9] have increasingly influenced militant neo-fascist and neo-Nazi insurgent groups associated with right-wing extremist and White supremacist international networks,[9] most notably the Iron March forum.[9]
    Accelerationist organizations[edit]

    • Atomwaffen Division is a neo-Nazi terror organization found in 2013 by Brandon Russell responsible for multiple murders and mass casualty plots. Atomwaffen has been proscribed as a terror organization in United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.[39]
    • The Base is a neo-Nazi, white supremacist paramilitary hate group and training network, formed in 2018 by Rinaldo Nazzaro and active in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and Europe. As of November 2021 it is considered a terrorist organization in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.[9]
    • Combat 18 is a neo-Nazi organization that has been proscribed in Canada and Germany and is tied to the assassination of Walter Lübcke and the 2009 Vítkov arson attack.[40][41]
    • Nordic Resistance Movement is a pan-Nordic neo-Nazi organization that adheres to accelerationism and is tied to ONA and multiple terror plots and murders, like the murder of an antifascist in Helsinki in 2016. There has been an international effort to proscribe NRM as a terrorist organization, and it was banned as such in Finland in 2019.[42][9][43]
    • Order of Nine Angles is a neo-Nazi satanist organization that has been connected to multiple murders and terror plots. There has been an international effort to proscribe ONA as a terror organization. Further, the ONA is connected to the Atomwaffen and the Base and the founder of ONA David Myatt was one-time leader of the C18.[9]
    • Russian Imperial Movement is a white supremacist organization found in Russia and proscribed as a terror organization in United States and Canada for its connection to neo-fascist terrorists. People trained by RIM have gone on to commit a series of bombings and joined the separatist militants in Donbass.[44]
    I tend to think this shouldn't be described as "far-right accelerationist terrorism." It's authoritarian accelerationist terrorism, e.g., they want anarchy so they can create fascism to try to fill the void of power structures in general, so instead of just promising themselves as the dictators, they're trying to make everything so unstable people will want or be forced to recognize them as the dictators to clean it up, even though they were the ones who caused the chaos to begin with. They might be far right, but racism isn't their primary motivation, their primary motivation is basically just to do everything evil-seeming they can think of and society today has largely decided racist is the worst thing you could ever be so they often focus on that, while also ironically pushing Islamic terrorism just because it causes destabilization too. Their description of themselves as accelerationist is intellectually correct, but Wikipedia mucks it up as the usually do by trying to focus on the idea that they're racist and less on the idea that they're just a bunch of people who would like to be dictators of the world and think that creating a state of fear and chaos would make people want dictators of the world which would in turn lead people to having to obey them as the dictators of the world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    What do you think of this absurdity? Anticentrism has become reality...

    What the Hell Is MAGACommunism? (
    Basically, people are dissatisfied with the current system and want to replace it with something that works. In that kind of state, they'll probably embrace anything that seems functional, whether it's fascism or communism.

    I guess this assumes that MAGA started partly because people were dissatisfied with their societies' economic or maybe cultural characteristics (things like low unemployment or an increase in "degeneracy"). I know that they were also influenced by new knowledge about the world (mostly about the establishment or the elites), but I'm not sure where that fits here or whether it would've been as relevant without the societal problems. I think that people might usually investigate new information about society at least partly because they're dissatisfied.

    From some of the quotes in the article, knowledge about the world (the elites) seems to be kind of a limiter on what new ideas people would embrace. It seems like you can convince them to embrace new ideas if you somehow detach them from the implications of that knowledge (the knowledge that MAGA supporters know paints Soros as a bad person, so you would need to detach communism from Soros to get them to accept it).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Basically, people are dissatisfied with the current system and want to replace it with something that works. In that kind of state, they'll probably embrace anything that seems functional, whether it's fascism or communism.
    American government: Hire a bunch of literal Nazis who you pretend aren't literal Nazis, pretend you aren't employing actual fascist war criminals, then when everything breaks down people think fascism is a functional alternative instead of what broke things in the first place.
    New Atheists: Talk about how much you dislike religion, but make excuses for churches, lots of priests and pastors end up not even believing in God but thinking church is a good idea, then collect lots of people into your atheist movement who are bored at church even though you're the one who made church boring.

    Well, there's accidental accelerationism, too. No wonder people like doing it on purpose. Step #1: lie about what you're doing. Step #2: draw lots of attention to yourself. Step #3: "profit."
    Last edited by Metamorph; 12-18-2022 at 09:39 AM.

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