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Thread: How do I know if I am an EII or SEI? Or another completely different type?

  1. #1

    Default How do I know if I am an EII or SEI? Or another completely different type?

    One of the things I've noticed about myself is that it's hard for me to get out of my comfort zone which I think many Si leading types struggle too. Te creative is unlikely since I'm pretty terrible at it. For Fe creative, I don't really care about the emotional atmosphere around my environment, I'm probably known as the mood breaker lol. I try to have strong moral principles and constantly brooding my worldviews to see if I'm in the right path.

    I hate seeing others suffer whether in the Internet, news, or real life. Sometimes I find myself crying for them too, that's why I adopt antinatalism and try to help vulnerable children when I'm ready and capable. But ironically, I occasionally watch gore even though it's mentally scarring me because of the intense morbid curiosity within myself. If someone were to attack me physically or especially verbally, I would be dumbfounded the same goes when I see violence in real life. I don't know how to react or come up with a good comeback. During a confrontation, I preferably like to talk things through rather than fist fighting (isn't that what mature people do?). Is this Se ignoring or Se PoLR?

    Oh, another note about me is that I'm very lazy. If I don't find something interesting or easy, I will procrastinate until I find it necessary to get done. I'm an underachiever, I only care about what's fun and important to me, internally driven if you will.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    Well, that's a very open-ended question, but I think the way to determine your type is through several methods simultaneously because different methods have their own strengths and weaknesses. A combination of the functions/elements making sense, dichotomies largely corroborating them, behaviour roughly in line with what would be expected, and self-identification with the descriptions of the type you think you are is probably best. There simply isn't one particular thing that's like, "If you do X then you are for sure type A rather than B." Real people aren't caricatures, so it's very unlikely that you'll fit any type 100%. Rather, you're looking for probably a 70 ~ 80% match with a theoretical type. I would say first that SEI and EII are kind of an odd pair to be caught between though. Just going by the dichotomies alone you're looking at an irrational sensor vs a rational intuitive (although they are both introverted and feelers). I think SEIs are generally going to vibe as being chill, laid back, and down to earth, while the EII is going to feel more put-together, upright, and fanciful. They'll both be more reactive than proactive, and both will be fairly feely. I'd suspect the EII to vent to their friends a lot less than an SEI though if that helps.

    For what it's worth though, you almost sound more likely to be Beta NF to me, but that's just a passing feeling I have. You might have a lot of good reasons why you aren't, but I don't know you that well
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    moral principles & brooding points to Fi > Fe, no matter what Fe users seem to feel more "buoyant" than Fi
    maybe a good way to discern would be to use quadras, Alpha quadra is seemingly "nerdy", curious and playful, and Delta quadra is serious disciplined and "fair". both are pretty laidback compared to Beta/Gamma
    do you have a particular reason to think you're SEI? i can be pretty lazy too, i think that's Se polr to be totally honest (at least in the way I am) because i just forget about my environment and totally get lost in my own head. if i'm really stressing myself over trying to accomplish something i'll forego myself, but that's pretty rare and when it's over, i'm gonna go back to bed. yknow?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    One of the things I've noticed about myself is that it's hard for me to get out of my comfort zone which I think many Si leading types struggle too. Te creative is unlikely since I'm pretty terrible at it. For Fe creative, I don't really care about the emotional atmosphere around my environment, I'm probably known as the mood breaker lol. I try to have strong moral principles and constantly brooding my worldviews to see if I'm in the right path.

    I hate seeing others suffer whether in the Internet, news, or real life. Sometimes I find myself crying for them too, that's why I adopt antinatalism and try to help vulnerable children when I'm ready and capable. But ironically, I occasionally watch gore even though it's mentally scarring me because of the intense morbid curiosity within myself. If someone were to attack me physically or especially verbally, I would be dumbfounded the same goes when I see violence in real life. I don't know how to react or come up with a good comeback. During a confrontation, I preferably like to talk things through rather than fist fighting (isn't that what mature people do?). Is this Se ignoring or Se PoLR?

    Oh, another note about me is that I'm very lazy. If I don't find something interesting or easy, I will procrastinate until I find it necessary to get done. I'm an underachiever, I only care about what's fun and important to me, internally driven if you will.

    What do you think?
    Yeah I don't think Fe creative for you, but I don't know SEIs that well, so idk for sure. But yeah I find it very unlikely that you'd be an SEI with taking things seriously like your 4th sentence. Sounds like Ethical base and intuitive ideals also make sense. You'd have to be EII or EIE based on that and I think EII makes a little more sense, to me anyways. The "right path" thing with all the strong moral principles, it sounded Fi with some strong Ni, I don't know if EIEs care about Ti in that way. Maybe investigate Si HA vs Si PoLR, they are pretty different tbh (one is really liked, the other one is really hated), should be easy to decide based on that. Well that's it for IE-based analysis (I really prefer going by traits and styles, attitudes, values instead but this "type me" intro was too short for that)

    Quote Originally Posted by pasleine View Post
    moral principles & brooding points to Fi > Fe, no matter what Fe users seem to feel more "buoyant" than Fi
    maybe a good way to discern would be to use quadras, Alpha quadra is seemingly "nerdy", curious and playful, and Delta quadra is serious disciplined and "fair". both are pretty laidback compared to Beta/Gamma
    do you have a particular reason to think you're SEI? i can be pretty lazy too, i think that's Se polr to be totally honest (at least in the way I am) because i just forget about my environment and totally get lost in my own head. if i'm really stressing myself over trying to accomplish something i'll forego myself, but that's pretty rare and when it's over, i'm gonna go back to bed. yknow?
    A little unsolicited advice lol, take it or leave it - Make sure you aren't just depressed before you type yourself Se PoLR based just on that

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    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    A little unsolicited advice lol, take it or leave it - Make sure you aren't just depressed before you type yourself Se PoLR based just on that
    rationals mobilize for certain "periods" of time, irrationals are mobilized by default.

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    it's easiest by ITR (intertype relations)
    if you're SEI then LSE should cause some difficulties, but should be the very most sympathetic and interesting for EII
    while ILE is not viewed positively by EII, but is by SEI
    etc. etc.
    first, you can think about whether you're more attracted to intuitives or sensors - who interests you more, are less dull and boring. think about the people you know and whom you feel give more of a 'spark'.

  7. #7
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post

    What do you think?
    You have to learn what a type really is by comparing yourself to many people over a long time. It's not just about behaviour but but about your natural type of cognition. Also ITR, as has been said. The type id something particular and you have to learn what it is so that you learn to focus on thd right things in yourself.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    Well, that's a very open-ended question, but I think the way to determine your type is through several methods simultaneously because different methods have their own strengths and weaknesses. A combination of the functions/elements making sense, dichotomies largely corroborating them, behaviour roughly in line with what would be expected, and self-identification with the descriptions of the type you think you are is probably best. There simply isn't one particular thing that's like, "If you do X then you are for sure type A rather than B." Real people aren't caricatures, so it's very unlikely that you'll fit any type 100%. Rather, you're looking for probably a 70 ~ 80% match with a theoretical type. I would say first that SEI and EII are kind of an odd pair to be caught between though. Just going by the dichotomies alone you're looking at an irrational sensor vs a rational intuitive (although they are both introverted and feelers). I think SEIs are generally going to vibe as being chill, laid back, and down to earth, while the EII is going to feel more put-together, upright, and fanciful. They'll both be more reactive than proactive, and both will be fairly feely. I'd suspect the EII to vent to their friends a lot less than an SEI though if that helps.

    For what it's worth though, you almost sound more likely to be Beta NF to me, but that's just a passing feeling I have. You might have a lot of good reasons why you aren't, but I don't know you that well
    Can you explain why I might be IEI or EIE? Is it because of Se suggestive or Se mobilizing respectively?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by pasleine View Post
    moral principles & brooding points to Fi > Fe, no matter what Fe users seem to feel more "buoyant" than Fi
    maybe a good way to discern would be to use quadras, Alpha quadra is seemingly "nerdy", curious and playful, and Delta quadra is serious disciplined and "fair". both are pretty laidback compared to Beta/Gamma
    do you have a particular reason to think you're SEI? i can be pretty lazy too, i think that's Se polr to be totally honest (at least in the way I am) because i just forget about my environment and totally get lost in my own head. if i'm really stressing myself over trying to accomplish something i'll forego myself, but that's pretty rare and when it's over, i'm gonna go back to bed. yknow?
    I have the impression that Si leading has some trouble with getting out of their comfort zone, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also really focused on how comfortable I am at the moment, I'm sensitive to loud and unnecessary noises like engines, inconsiderate neighbors playing loud music, fireworks, firecrackers, call to prayers, loud gatherings, loud people, and many more, you get the picture, I would be really annoyed at best and would cry at worst if I constantly exposed to one of those.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    Yeah I don't think Fe creative for you, but I don't know SEIs that well, so idk for sure. But yeah I find it very unlikely that you'd be an SEI with taking things seriously like your 4th sentence. Sounds like Ethical base and intuitive ideals also make sense. You'd have to be EII or EIE based on that and I think EII makes a little more sense, to me anyways. The "right path" thing with all the strong moral principles, it sounded Fi with some strong Ni, I don't know if EIEs care about Ti in that way. Maybe investigate Si HA vs Si PoLR, they are pretty different tbh (one is really liked, the other one is really hated), should be easy to decide based on that. Well that's it for IE-based analysis (I really prefer going by traits and styles, attitudes, values instead but this "type me" intro was too short for that)

    A little unsolicited advice lol, take it or leave it - Make sure you aren't just depressed before you type yourself Se PoLR based just on that
    Depressed or mentally sound, I have a low drive to succeed from the beginning unless it's interesting or important to me which most of the case not. I once failed a grade in first grade elementary school because I'm too focused on having fun while most of the peers my age back then are already studying diligently, probably pressured by their parents. Now that I'm older I realize how important school is for my future I start giving some effort even though it's not much.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    You have to learn what a type really is by comparing yourself to many people over a long time. It's not just about behaviour but but about your natural type of cognition. Also ITR, as has been said. The type id something particular and you have to learn what it is so that you learn to focus on thd right things in yourself.
    I'm attracted to people who had similar views as me. I have this conversational partner on reddit, we had a lot in common mostly in how we view the world. We talk about transhumanism and struggles I had with my weird thoughts. They seem very open minded. I really enjoy talking to them, they had many insightful things to share! I don't really know their sociotype though, maybe strong Ni?

  12. #12
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    I can just help telling apart SEIs and EIIs considering their different Fi use (both 4D, but one valued and the other unvalued).

    My impression is that most SEIs are "false introverts" respect to EIIs.

    Those who have Fi lead try to increase or decrease the psychological distance based on their own expectations on others (dislike / sympathy), while SEIs, possessing the demonstrative Fi, manage to adapt a little to anyone who approaches them, changing many ways of behaving. They know what others expect from them to be and just adapt. Infact, that's a 4D Fi. Their main goal is still Si lead and Fe creative: being in comfort with contexts and everyone. EIIs are more for small groups of selected people, whom he gifted with his short-psychological distance. Fi lead's main interest is to select and protect loved ones.

    All my SEIs friends close to me (or other people who have low sensing in general) act in a genuine weird way,
    but when they are with other friends (individuals with high sensing), their adaptation is evident: they start speaking in dialects to comfort to them, or have a more serious behavior and a more captivating look (especially if in contexts with girls).

    Then, when you're alone with them, they come back as usual. It's like they are almost acting in those moments, while it's just automatic adaptation.

    In short, the demonstrative Fi of the SEIs highlights that "need" that they think that the context requires from them: to give the impression of being near to others in a personal way. Sometimes, It's like they give off the "I'm the object of your desires" aura to people. They can sell theirselves very well to others (in a positive way).

    Their way of using Fe creatively with anyone is, precisely, by modifying their behavior by giving the other way to think that they are close to them. They want to connect with lot of people (Fe), but they think their Fe alone would not work, and so they need to do it by using this "fake Fi". This mask falls with his duals, because they don't expect it (infact, ILEs are Fi Polr and Si suggestive).

    The difference with the EIIs (and ESIs) is that the latter do not change based on the others, but select people with which they can be themselves. SEIs love being around people and are a lot more open to them, having far less prejudices and walls than EIIs. Also, they are alfas. The major part of SEIs I know love parties, going to the disco and chill with almost everyone. Also, they easily keep a flirty behaviour. Maybe I took a strong stereotype, but it was just to make it clear.

    You can see the same for IEIs. They are chiller masked by a demon Fi which makes them look a lot more serious than they actually are.

    EIIs and ESIs are not so chill in my opinion. Delta and Gammas are quite serious in general (in fact, they fall under the "serious" dichotomy.
    Last edited by Mairon; 11-28-2022 at 06:11 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    I have the impression that Si leading has some trouble with getting out of their comfort zone, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also really focused on how comfortable I am at the moment, I'm sensitive to loud and unnecessary noises like engines, inconsiderate neighbors playing loud music, fireworks, firecrackers, call to prayers, loud gatherings, loud people, and many more, you get the picture, I would be really annoyed at best and would cry at worst if I constantly exposed to one of those.
    i'm curious, is this sensory unpleasantness a constant thing or contextual?
    cuz like, i like loud music if it's MY music, but i've been to a couple concerts i didn't particularly like the music of and it felt like sensory rape, was extremely loud and like at this one specific one ppl were being carried out on stretchers and stuff lol, it sucked
    with my mom as an example(SEI), they definitely see "comfort" as their realm of expertise and will spend plenty of time indulging in things they enjoy. when they get bored they'll flash present you with a silly hypothetical but they will not spend much time entertaining it. she calls my LII dad an "absent professor" type because every time you throw a hypothetical at him he'll spend like 40 minutes thinking about it (way too long for Si lead), then he'll move on to the NEXT one.
    much of their idea generation is harmlessly brief, but they can also be intensely morbid about possibilities and can play the part of like a mystic in a movie that tells you "do not go to the bridge" or whatever cuz they associate "the bridge" with all these terrible things. and they can be extremely stubborn about this, so if you tell them you're gonna go to the bridge anyway, they will try to stop you

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    EII imo, you aren't airy enough for SEI. SEI don't like to overthink or be too serious about things. They are suited for letting things go and not brooding. Also on a technical level, EII and SEI are benefit pairs and very similar, but EII has a stronger psychological link to Si(2D)+Fe(3D) through the HA, like more of what a type is when relaxed, whereas SEI is more like EII as an active performance, with Fi being their demonstrative. So EII would be more like ILI as a performance. Does that make sense?

    It's basically which one represents you more
    relaxed - type - performance

    But EII is what I'd guess, if I had to guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    Can you explain why I might be IEI or EIE? Is it because of Se suggestive or Se mobilizing respectively?
    Oh I mean, like I said, it was kind of just a vibe based on relatively little. I wouldn't give too much thought to me saying that. I tend to feel that beta NFs are more prone to adopting an array of uncommon moral ideologies than Delta NFs are, so the bit about antinatalism made me think you could potentially be Beta NF. Obviously though, not everyone who adopts a given position are the same type though, and there's no reason any other type couldn't also hold the same position. Just relying on this post alone there isn't nearly enough information to come up with any particularly useful type guesses
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Wanderingsoul - IEI>EII or SEI
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by pasleine View Post
    i'm curious, is this sensory unpleasantness a constant thing or contextual?
    cuz like, i like loud music if it's MY music, but i've been to a couple concerts i didn't particularly like the music of and it felt like sensory rape, was extremely loud and like at this one specific one ppl were being carried out on stretchers and stuff lol, it sucked
    with my mom as an example(SEI), they definitely see "comfort" as their realm of expertise and will spend plenty of time indulging in things they enjoy. when they get bored they'll flash present you with a silly hypothetical but they will not spend much time entertaining it. she calls my LII dad an "absent professor" type because every time you throw a hypothetical at him he'll spend like 40 minutes thinking about it (way too long for Si lead), then he'll move on to the NEXT one.
    much of their idea generation is harmlessly brief, but they can also be intensely morbid about possibilities and can play the part of like a mystic in a movie that tells you "do not go to the bridge" or whatever cuz they associate "the bridge" with all these terrible things. and they can be extremely stubborn about this, so if you tell them you're gonna go to the bridge anyway, they will try to stop you
    Yeah, I like loud music if it's to my liking too but I try not to be too loud lest I disturb other people because I know how sucks it is to be annoyed.
    I don't know if it's a type thing but my imagination goes way deeper and weirder, I feel like I'm an immaterial being from another world trapped into this prison we call flesh. I would like to free myself from this if I got the chance, unfortunately I don't know how.
    Me and my friend talks about how we would be better off without a body, that existing as a primitive animal shaped by nature is disgusting.
    I also do worldbuilding as a hobby. I have an idea about writing a math related fiction but I'm really terrible at math

    And I'm still uncertain if my Ni or Ne is good enough, if it's obvious to you, you can call me oblivious :/

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Wanderingsoul - IEI>EII or SEI
    Interesting, but not all people in this community are introverted intuitives right? Isn't that too generalizing?

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    Oh I mean, like I said, it was kind of just a vibe based on relatively little. I wouldn't give too much thought to me saying that. I tend to feel that beta NFs are more prone to adopting an array of uncommon moral ideologies than Delta NFs are, so the bit about antinatalism made me think you could potentially be Beta NF. Obviously though, not everyone who adopts a given position are the same type though, and there's no reason any other type couldn't also hold the same position. Just relying on this post alone there isn't nearly enough information to come up with any particularly useful type guesses
    What should I fill in to get properly typed?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    Interesting, but not all people in this community are introverted intuitives right? Isn't that too generalizing?
    Not all sure, but probably the overwhelming majority. I don't keep an eye on every single user on this site, but you seem more Ni and Se valuing to me
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    I can just help telling apart SEIs and EIIs considering their different Fi use (both 4D, but one valued and the other unvalued).

    My impression is that most SEIs are "false introverts" respect to EIIs.

    Those who have Fi lead try to increase or decrease the psychological distance based on their own expectations on others (dislike / sympathy), while SEIs, possessing the demonstrative Fi, manage to adapt a little to anyone who approaches them, changing many ways of behaving. They know what others expect from them to be and just adapt. Infact, that's a 4D Fi. Their main goal is still Si lead and Fe creative: being in comfort with contexts and everyone. EIIs are more for small groups of selected people, whom he gifted with his short-psychological distance. Fi lead's main interest is to select and protect loved ones.

    All my SEIs friends close to me (or other people who have low sensing in general) act in a genuine weird way,
    but when they are with other friends (individuals with high sensing), their adaptation is evident: they start speaking in dialects to comfort to them, or have a more serious behavior and a more captivating look (especially if in contexts with girls).

    Then, when you're alone with them, they come back as usual. It's like they are almost acting in those moments, while it's just automatic adaptation.

    In short, the demonstrative Fi of the SEIs highlights that "need" that they think that the context requires from them: to give the impression of being near to others in a personal way. Sometimes, It's like they give off the "I'm the object of your desires" aura to people. They can sell theirselves very well to others (in a positive way).

    Their way of using Fe creatively with anyone is, precisely, by modifying their behavior by giving the other way to think that they are close to them. They want to connect with lot of people (Fe), but they think their Fe alone would not work, and so they need to do it by using this "fake Fi". This mask falls with his duals, because they don't expect it (infact, ILEs are Fi Polr and Si suggestive).

    The difference with the EIIs (and ESIs) is that the latter do not change based on the others, but select people with which they can be themselves. SEIs love being around people and are a lot more open to them, having far less prejudices and walls than EIIs. Also, they are alfas. The major part of SEIs I know love parties, going to the disco and chill with almost everyone. Also, they easily keep a flirty behaviour. Maybe I took a strong stereotype, but it was just to make it clear.

    You can see the same for IEIs. They are chiller masked by a demon Fi which makes them look a lot more serious than they actually are.

    EIIs and ESIs are not so chill in my opinion. Delta and Gammas are quite serious in general (in fact, they fall under the "serious" dichotomy.
    Well, according to your description I'm more EII than SEI as I only associate myself with like-minded people forming an ideological tribe. I don't bother to socialize with other people if I feel like we don't have anything in common. I also typed my brother as SEI though I'm open to other possibilities. He sounds quite like you describe.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Not all sure, but probably the overwhelming majority. I don't keep an eye on every single user on this site, but you seem more Ni and Se valuing to me
    Oh right, for a moment I don't realize the word "majority" from your text, my bad. Can you elaborate why I'm Ni and Se valuing to you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    Depressed or mentally sound, I have a low drive to succeed from the beginning unless it's interesting or important to me which most of the case not. I once failed a grade in first grade elementary school because I'm too focused on having fun while most of the peers my age back then are already studying diligently, probably pressured by their parents. Now that I'm older I realize how important school is for my future I start giving some effort even though it's not much.
    EIIs are actually naturally conscientious and not this relaxed so maybe you really are Beta NF lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    I don't know if it's a type thing but my imagination goes way deeper and weirder, I feel like I'm an immaterial being from another world trapped into this prison we call flesh. I would like to free myself from this if I got the chance, unfortunately I don't know how.
    Me and my friend talks about how we would be better off without a body, that existing as a primitive animal shaped by nature is disgusting.
    I also do worldbuilding as a hobby. I have an idea about writing a math related fiction but I'm really terrible at math

    And I'm still uncertain if my Ni or Ne is good enough, if it's obvious to you, you can call me oblivious :/
    What would the math related fiction be like? I mean I'm seriously asking, do you mind saying more on it?

    Maybe it would help with typing too

    Anyways the rest of what you said there, it's *stereotypically* very Si-devaluing and very Ni and blah. So yeah, beta NF. I actually know some beta NFs who I'm not sure if they are IEI or EIE but they've said things like your "I try to have strong moral principles and constantly brooding my worldviews to see if I'm in the right path."

    More specifically, they'd say they spend a looot of time worrying about moral stuff, moral principles, whatever, things like that. Like getting really neurotic about it sometimes

    I mean EII gets obsessed too with being moral and with achieving their moral potential or some such. But I've heard this from beta NFs too in one form or another

    Also, if you can describe how you are a "mood breaker", maybe this would also help with typing.

    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    as I only associate myself with like-minded people forming an ideological tribe. I don't bother to socialize with other people if I feel like we don't have anything in common
    Oh yeah totallllly stereotypical Beta, "ideological tribe". Though IEEs can also be picky with social groups but maybe not like this, I'm not sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    What should I fill in to get properly typed?
    There's not a magic amount or specific set of questions that will work every time. I don't know how to predict when I'll be struck by an insight lol

    Generally for me to feel someone is "properly" typed I need to interact with them in person and through a variety of mediums in several different contexts over an extended span of time and then also hear from them that they resonate with the type that I settle on for them. Only then will I feel confident in saying that I truly know their type. My guess for you will likely change with every few sentences I read from you until I've amassed enough to really see the underlying threads, so it's hard to say.

    The shortest answer is just, as much as you can/feel comfortable providing. I also don't believe I'm a particularly good typist though, so who knows
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  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    EIIs are actually naturally conscientious and not this relaxed so maybe you really are Beta NF lol.

    What would the math related fiction be like? I mean I'm seriously asking, do you mind saying more on it?

    Maybe it would help with typing too

    Anyways the rest of what you said there, it's *stereotypically* very Si-devaluing and very Ni and blah. So yeah, beta NF. I actually know some beta NFs who I'm not sure if they are IEI or EIE but they've said things like your "I try to have strong moral principles and constantly brooding my worldviews to see if I'm in the right path."

    More specifically, they'd say they spend a looot of time worrying about moral stuff, moral principles, whatever, things like that. Like getting really neurotic about it sometimes

    I mean EII gets obsessed too with being moral and with achieving their moral potential or some such. But I've heard this from beta NFs too in one form or another

    Also, if you can describe how you are a "mood breaker", maybe this would also help with typing.

    Oh yeah totallllly stereotypical Beta, "ideological tribe". Though IEEs can also be picky with social groups but maybe not like this, I'm not sure.
    Every individual prime factorization (idk how to word it better) has a culture for example when I see numbers of the form 2 × 11 like 22, 44, and 242 I get the vibe that they're gardeners who has beautifully decorated gardens all over their community or nation. They also got gothiclike vibe from the powers of 11. Their cultural fondness for nature is inherited from powers of 2. That's the general picture, for more information you could check out my reddit post:

    I remember when my extended family is being loud downstairs, I get really irritated I dashed to the door to go home immediately but my mom (ESI) who is concerned prevent me by asking where I'm going, we're actually out of our hometown and oddly enough, I don't have a car with me, (can't drive and don't wanna ����), house keys, and money so how am I supposed to go home? By walking? lol �� I tell my mom and grandma (SEI) in front of my uncle and aunt that they're being utterly noisy, so the former two promise to quiet down so I can calm down after that I went back to the room upstairs where I'm staying for the moment and end up crying because of how tired I am. I don't hear those noises ever again, uncle's family must have left.

    It's embarrassing how an older teenager throw a small tantrum in front of people, probably because lack of sleep and being sick at the same time but it doesn't really justify my shameful behavior.

    Antinatalism has affected my relationship with my birth family, during holiday extended family gatherings I acted on edge it weirded everyone out, my younger brother (who I guess is a ESE or is it SEI? His Fe is apparent but I don't think he's shown any Ni) even call me out on it ��
    Every adult in my family has given birth and I see them as criminals unless they own up their mistakes, apologize, never do the same mistakes, and make sure that their remaining offsprings is safe from harm or suffering.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    Every individual prime factorization (idk how to word it better) has a culture for example when I see numbers of the form 2 × 11 like 22, 44, and 242 I get the vibe that they're gardeners who has beautifully decorated gardens all over their community or nation. They also got gothiclike vibe from the powers of 11. Their cultural fondness for nature is inherited from powers of 2. That's the general picture, for more information you could check out my reddit post:
    Now that's truly interesting lol. Do you mean you basically sense the factors in these numbers without having to make the conscious mental effort to do the factoring, or without having to use rote learning to remember them?

    And are you like do you see full images, fully fleshed out pictures when you think of these numbers?

    Here's something for you, do you relate to any of this as below?

    Link to article:

    (Download the PDF, it's free)

    You don't have to read it all if you don't want to, just check out the pictures on page 722 (page 13 in the PDF) for the visual artist's vs the scientist's response to a question about a graph shown on page 721 (page 12).

    I remember when my extended family is being loud downstairs, I get really irritated I dashed to the door to go home immediately but my mom (ESI) who is concerned prevent me by asking where I'm going, we're actually out of our hometown and oddly enough, I don't have a car with me, (can't drive and don't wanna ����), house keys, and money so how am I supposed to go home? By walking? lol �� I tell my mom and grandma (SEI) in front of my uncle and aunt that they're being utterly noisy, so the former two promise to quiet down so I can calm down after that I went back to the room upstairs where I'm staying for the moment and end up crying because of how tired I am. I don't hear those noises ever again, uncle's family must have left.

    It's embarrassing how an older teenager throw a small tantrum in front of people, probably because lack of sleep and being sick at the same time but it doesn't really justify my shameful behavior.
    Heh that reminds me of my brother when he wants to sleep, god save you from bothering him with anything then. He's anything but Si ego though, not Se PoLR either

    And I mean, anyone who hasn't slept for long enough and is sick and all that, it's totally normal to get grumpy. I don't see that part as type related

    What could be more type related is you wanting to run away like that without thinking it through first but I am not sure I mean how impulsive are you in general?

    Anyways was that the example for breaking the mood?

    Antinatalism has affected my relationship with my birth family, during holiday extended family gatherings I acted on edge it weirded everyone out, my younger brother (who I guess is a ESE or is it SEI? His Fe is apparent but I don't think he's shown any Ni) even call me out on it ��
    Every adult in my family has given birth and I see them as criminals unless they own up their mistakes, apologize, never do the same mistakes, and make sure that their remaining offsprings is safe from harm or suffering.
    That kinda doesn't sound any kind of Fe creative, they like to keep peace or a fun, light-ish atmosphere more and are more flexible in getting along with as many people as possible

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    Original post sounds EII>SEI

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I would say first that SEI and EII are kind of an odd pair to be caught between though. Just going by the dichotomies alone you're looking at an irrational sensor vs a rational intuitive (although they are both introverted and feelers). I think SEIs are generally going to vibe as being chill, laid back, and down to earth, while the EII is going to feel more put-together, upright, and fanciful. They'll both be more reactive than proactive, and both will be fairly feely. I'd suspect the EII to vent to their friends a lot less than an SEI though if that helps.
    Types on benefactor ring can be misunderstood as each other, and this definitely wasn't the first time I have seen this kind of phenomenon.
    But they both do have distinguished characteristics without looking at Quadra and Temperament.
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    One of the things I've noticed about myself is that it's hard for me to get out of my comfort zone which I think many Si leading types struggle too. Te creative is unlikely since I'm pretty terrible at it. For Fe creative, I don't really care about the emotional atmosphere around my environment, I'm probably known as the mood breaker lol. I try to have strong moral principles and constantly brooding my worldviews to see if I'm in the right path.

    I hate seeing others suffer whether in the Internet, news, or real life. Sometimes I find myself crying for them too, that's why I adopt antinatalism and try to help vulnerable children when I'm ready and capable. But ironically, I occasionally watch gore even though it's mentally scarring me because of the intense morbid curiosity within myself. If someone were to attack me physically or especially verbally, I would be dumbfounded the same goes when I see violence in real life. I don't know how to react or come up with a good comeback. During a confrontation, I preferably like to talk things through rather than fist fighting (isn't that what mature people do?). Is this Se ignoring or Se PoLR?

    Oh, another note about me is that I'm very lazy. If I don't find something interesting or easy, I will procrastinate until I find it necessary to get done. I'm an underachiever, I only care about what's fun and important to me, internally driven if you will.

    What do you think?
    No absolute offence here, but you will have to read more with such kind perception about IMEs, as Fe-ego has little to do with caring about emotional atmosphere - this is mainly to be SEI's domain in taking care of the environment due to their Si-ego, IEI's Fe-ego mood tends to be the icebreaker, of all things that they can't do at all in real life. Simply said, I didn't see Se Ignoring, let alone Si-base.
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  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    Now that's truly interesting lol. Do you mean you basically sense the factors in these numbers without having to make the conscious mental effort to do the factoring, or without having to use rote learning to remember them?

    For integers greater than 1000, I have to figure out their prime factorization to decide their personality, social role, and belonging. My OLP goes from a simpler concept to a more complex one.

    And are you like do you see full images, fully fleshed out pictures when you think of these numbers?

    Yes, I can clearly see the theme that each prime factorizations has. The views of cities, countries, states, even their political structures are crystal clear to me. Most of the time I'm not looking at the pictures, I'm looking at the interactions between the numbers. Coprime numbers barely interact with each other except for formal business.

    Here's something for you, do you relate to any of this as below?

    Link to article:

    (Download the PDF, it's free)

    You don't have to read it all if you don't want to, just check out the pictures on page 722 (page 13 in the PDF) for the visual artist's vs the scientist's response to a question about a graph shown on page 721 (page 12).

    I think I'm more of an object visualizer... I'm still not quite sure.

    Heh that reminds me of my brother when he wants to sleep, god save you from bothering him with anything then. He's anything but Si ego though, not Se PoLR either

    And I mean, anyone who hasn't slept for long enough and is sick and all that, it's totally normal to get grumpy. I don't see that part as type related

    What could be more type related is you wanting to run away like that without thinking it through first but I am not sure I mean how impulsive are you in general?

    I'm impulsive when I don't want to stay in the same place for long. Another example of my impulsiveness, but due to boredom is when I go around exploring a small part of a foreign province (not really, we go there periodically for recreational reasons or whatnot) by myself. I spend a lot of money and I don't care if I got lost, better that way than being stuck in a religious, rigid, boarding school suggested by my dad, but I agree to enter anyway because I thought “Why not? Let's try a new environment”. That new environment turns out to be soul crushingly stifling, I got a lot of trouble with the residents including the caretakers. Despite my journey into the unknown, I don't get lost lol. It doesn't help that the dormitory I stayed in is freaking noisy, it makes me feel crazy. There's no place I can go to where it is quiet and serene, my room has 4 people in it for fuck's sake! Not to mention there are rooms that contain 12 people?!? Unbelievable! (At least in my opinion) it was hell for me. Luckily, I got out before I lose my sanity entirely. The people there probably think I'm the weirdest person they have ever encountered lol.

    Anyways was that the example for breaking the mood?

    Yeah, at least for me. Is it not?

    That kinda doesn't sound any kind of Fe creative, they like to keep peace or a fun, light-ish atmosphere more and are more flexible in getting along with as many people as possible
    I behave differently around schoolmates, teachers, acquaintances, friends (possibly colleagues too even though I haven't gone to work), strangers, people I don't know or aren't close to in general. I tend to keep the peace. It's strange how I can be authentic around close relatives but not people outside my circle.

  31. #31


    Goddamn it, I don't know how to reply separately between conversations �� how do you reply between different quotations anyway?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    I behave differently around schoolmates, teachers, acquaintances, friends (possibly colleagues too even though I haven't gone to work), strangers, people I don't know or aren't close to in general. I tend to keep the peace. It's strange how I can be authentic around close relatives but not people outside my circle.
    That's pretty much universal. We all have a Super-Ego (The Freudian one) and a Social Persona. Introverts act and behave more like extroverts in a familiar environment (with family close people) and vice versa. With that said, I like to keep things simple so would you mind sharing : How old are you ? Why do you take Antinatalism so seriously ?
    Last edited by godslave; 12-01-2022 at 07:06 AM. Reason: add some politeness cuz I asked questions without asking the permission to ask them..

  33. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    That's pretty much universal. We all have a Super-Ego (The Freudian one) and a Social Persona. Introverts act and behave more like extroverts in a familiar environment (with family close people) and vice versa. With that said, I like to keep things simple so would you mind sharing : How old are you ? Why do you take Antinatalism so seriously ?
    I'm 17. I think suffering is the worst thing that could happen to a sentient being. Ideally, we should prevent it before it happens. Antinatalism has some connections to negative utilitarianism which I also agree.

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    ive seen alpha SFs blame others for crying publicly. i havent seen EIIs do that. EIIs seem more open to what ppl express. alpha SFs are more controlling and EIIs are Se PoLR which makes them more cowardly/avoidant since they dont know how to take advantage of a situation and often they dont want to. they just want to mind their business. EIIs are more likely to want someone to leave them alone doing their own thing while alpha SFs want someone to be with them more which doesnt mean they dont enjoy alone time its just a general preference.
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    I'm 17.
    Thanks, that's what I thought . Note that it was your 17th post

    I think suffering is the worst thing that could happen to a sentient being. Ideally, we should prevent it before it happens. Antinatalism has some connections to negative utilitarianism which I also agree.
    I agree with the bold part. However for most of us, life is a struggle and that's just the way it is. You are most certainly not SEI imho and probably some kind of NF. You have some pretty Idealistic/Utopian views and some of your statements convey Intuitive informations :

    I don't know if it's a type thing but my imagination goes way deeper and weirder, I feel like I'm an immaterial being from another world trapped into this prison we call flesh. I would like to free myself from this if I got the chance, unfortunately I don't know how.
    Me and my friend talks about how we would be better off without a body, that existing as a primitive animal shaped by nature is disgusting.
    Those kind of thoughts are not that of a sensor. In fact they are not very healthy imho even coming from an intuitive (for hormonal reasons unless you have some kind of condition) but you are young so it's probably a"phase". SEI would not wish to be disconnected from their bodily sensations imho, Si is their Lead function after all. I think you're Aristocratic>Democratic ("ideological tribe" etc...). I can't tell if you are indeed EII. In fact it's not that obvious because EIIs are usually not lazy and your initial post gave me an Ip vibe. I don't have enough informations but Beta or Delta NF are both possible so far. To answer your initial question I would say NF>SEI.

    Note however that my typing skills are not very sharp.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Thanks, that's what I thought . Note that it was your 17th post

    I agree with the bold part. However for most of us, life is a struggle and that's just the way it is. You are most certainly not SEI imho and probably some kind of NF. You have some pretty Idealistic/Utopian views and some of your statements convey Intuitive informations :

    Those kind of thoughts are not that of a sensor. In fact they are not very healthy imho even coming from an intuitive (for hormonal reasons unless you have some kind of condition) but you are young so it's probably a"phase". SEI would not wish to be disconnected from their bodily sensations imho, Si is their Lead function after all. I think you're Aristocratic>Democratic ("ideological tribe" etc...). I can't tell if you are indeed EII. In fact it's not that obvious because EIIs are usually not lazy and your initial post gave me an Ip vibe. I don't have enough informations but Beta or Delta NF are both possible so far. To answer your initial question I would say NF>SEI.

    Note however that my typing skills are not very sharp.
    Do you think I'm more of an IEI, EIE, EII, or IEE? What about subtypes?

    The reason behind my thoughts of wanting to sever myself from my body is because of my unwillingness to take care of my body. I see my body as an unnecessary burden. I don't know if it's depression, but I hope not. I took my laziness onto a whole new level lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    Do you think I'm more of an IEI, EIE, EII, or IEE? What about subtypes?
    It's hard to say right now but time and interaction with forum members will help you finding your best fit type. As far as I know you are at the beginning of your self-typing journey. ~ The road is long and each step is only the beginning.

    The reason behind my thoughts of wanting to sever myself from my body is because of my unwillingness to take care of my body. I see my body as an unnecessary burden. I don't know if it's depression, but I hope not. I took my laziness onto a whole new level lol.
    I think this might be NTR (non type related) unfortunately. It's true that intuitive can be "out there" sometimes but society (and our family members and loved ones) expects from us a minimum of selfcare. Under a certain threshold not taking care of our body can have some serious consequences on our functioning and that would be unhealthy of course. Society is full of intuitives who are perfectly integrated and the manifestations of their weak sensory are rectified by the people around them, that's learning by experience. In a way even the most intuitives types conform with the specificities inherent to their types to the society standards because that's the point of parental education, school and basically socialisation. Anyway, that might point to INp or INj H subtype 4D Ni (EII or IEI)
    Last edited by godslave; 12-02-2022 at 05:33 PM. Reason: deleted some unnecessary words

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    EII unlike SEI judge people’s character and often times focus in on the sad things that are happening in society rather than letting go and focusing on happy things
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Type is not about behavior but how the function extends or processes information. Fi will emotionally react to injustice if the injustice goes agains one’s values and ethics. The reaction is not Fe as it maybe emotional (a behavior which would seem like Fe) but rather out of one’s personal ethics

    So learn the functions well and then ask yourself what the function is doing or working as it comes in contact with stimuli. If you are Si then when experiencing things of sensory perception like looking at a tree then the tree maybe warped or perceived not for its real properties but the impression that it makes on you.

    Which world do you live in Fi where you are reacting to injustice and judging the world by morals or are you living in Si? Both types can do one or the other as we all have the same set of functions however it is perceivably different when coming in contact with people of the similar of each of these types since the rings of relationship start to work; for instance EII starts to help the SEI as the benefactor for no reasons.
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 12-02-2022 at 04:36 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
    I think I'm more of an object visualizer... I'm still not quite sure.
    I was asking because the stuff you described with numbers sounded a lot like the object visualizer yea.

    Do your images around the numbers look like movies btw or static pictures?

    I'm impulsive when I don't want to stay in the same place for long. Another example of my impulsiveness, but due to boredom is when I go around exploring a small part of a foreign province (not really, we go there periodically for recreational reasons or whatnot) by myself. I spend a lot of money and I don't care if I got lost, better that way than being stuck in a religious, rigid, boarding school suggested by my dad, but I agree to enter anyway because I thought “Why not? Let's try a new environment”. That new environment turns out to be soul crushingly stifling, I got a lot of trouble with the residents including the caretakers. Despite my journey into the unknown, I don't get lost lol. It doesn't help that the dormitory I stayed in is freaking noisy, it makes me feel crazy. There's no place I can go to where it is quiet and serene, my room has 4 people in it for fuck's sake! Not to mention there are rooms that contain 12 people?!? Unbelievable! (At least in my opinion) it was hell for me. Luckily, I got out before I lose my sanity entirely. The people there probably think I'm the weirdest person they have ever encountered lol.
    Ok, the EIIs I've known don't complain this loudly about sensory discomfort. I'm not sure if this is type related

    But what is more type related, EIIs stereotypically don't mind some "religious, rigid" environment. Well, maybe the Ne subtype can be bothered by it, I don't know.

    Anyways was that the example for breaking the mood?
    Yeah, at least for me. Is it not?
    It is. But how often do you upset the mood in the "room" otherwise?

    Goddamn it, I don't know how to reply separately between conversations �� how do you reply between different quotations anyway?
    You can use the quote feature ("Wrap QUOTE tags around selected text") above the textbox, or manually add the quote tags.

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