Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
I can just help telling apart SEIs and EIIs considering their different Fi use (both 4D, but one valued and the other unvalued).

My impression is that most SEIs are "false introverts" respect to EIIs.

Those who have Fi lead try to increase or decrease the psychological distance based on their own expectations on others (dislike / sympathy), while SEIs, possessing the demonstrative Fi, manage to adapt a little to anyone who approaches them, changing many ways of behaving. They know what others expect from them to be and just adapt. Infact, that's a 4D Fi. Their main goal is still Si lead and Fe creative: being in comfort with contexts and everyone. EIIs are more for small groups of selected people, whom he gifted with his short-psychological distance. Fi lead's main interest is to select and protect loved ones.

All my SEIs friends close to me (or other people who have low sensing in general) act in a genuine weird way,
but when they are with other friends (individuals with high sensing), their adaptation is evident: they start speaking in dialects to comfort to them, or have a more serious behavior and a more captivating look (especially if in contexts with girls).

Then, when you're alone with them, they come back as usual. It's like they are almost acting in those moments, while it's just automatic adaptation.

In short, the demonstrative Fi of the SEIs highlights that "need" that they think that the context requires from them: to give the impression of being near to others in a personal way. Sometimes, It's like they give off the "I'm the object of your desires" aura to people. They can sell theirselves very well to others (in a positive way).

Their way of using Fe creatively with anyone is, precisely, by modifying their behavior by giving the other way to think that they are close to them. They want to connect with lot of people (Fe), but they think their Fe alone would not work, and so they need to do it by using this "fake Fi". This mask falls with his duals, because they don't expect it (infact, ILEs are Fi Polr and Si suggestive).

The difference with the EIIs (and ESIs) is that the latter do not change based on the others, but select people with which they can be themselves. SEIs love being around people and are a lot more open to them, having far less prejudices and walls than EIIs. Also, they are alfas. The major part of SEIs I know love parties, going to the disco and chill with almost everyone. Also, they easily keep a flirty behaviour. Maybe I took a strong stereotype, but it was just to make it clear.

You can see the same for IEIs. They are chiller masked by a demon Fi which makes them look a lot more serious than they actually are.

EIIs and ESIs are not so chill in my opinion. Delta and Gammas are quite serious in general (in fact, they fall under the "serious" dichotomy.
Well, according to your description I'm more EII than SEI as I only associate myself with like-minded people forming an ideological tribe. I don't bother to socialize with other people if I feel like we don't have anything in common. I also typed my brother as SEI though I'm open to other possibilities. He sounds quite like you describe.