Quote Originally Posted by pasleine View Post
i'm curious, is this sensory unpleasantness a constant thing or contextual?
cuz like, i like loud music if it's MY music, but i've been to a couple concerts i didn't particularly like the music of and it felt like sensory rape, was extremely loud and like at this one specific one ppl were being carried out on stretchers and stuff lol, it sucked
with my mom as an example(SEI), they definitely see "comfort" as their realm of expertise and will spend plenty of time indulging in things they enjoy. when they get bored they'll flash present you with a silly hypothetical but they will not spend much time entertaining it. she calls my LII dad an "absent professor" type because every time you throw a hypothetical at him he'll spend like 40 minutes thinking about it (way too long for Si lead), then he'll move on to the NEXT one.
much of their idea generation is harmlessly brief, but they can also be intensely morbid about possibilities and can play the part of like a mystic in a movie that tells you "do not go to the bridge" or whatever cuz they associate "the bridge" with all these terrible things. and they can be extremely stubborn about this, so if you tell them you're gonna go to the bridge anyway, they will try to stop you
Yeah, I like loud music if it's to my liking too but I try not to be too loud lest I disturb other people because I know how sucks it is to be annoyed.
I don't know if it's a type thing but my imagination goes way deeper and weirder, I feel like I'm an immaterial being from another world trapped into this prison we call flesh. I would like to free myself from this if I got the chance, unfortunately I don't know how.
Me and my friend talks about how we would be better off without a body, that existing as a primitive animal shaped by nature is disgusting.
I also do worldbuilding as a hobby. I have an idea about writing a math related fiction but I'm really terrible at math

And I'm still uncertain if my Ni or Ne is good enough, if it's obvious to you, you can call me oblivious :/