Quote Originally Posted by wanderingsoul View Post
One of the things I've noticed about myself is that it's hard for me to get out of my comfort zone which I think many Si leading types struggle too. Te creative is unlikely since I'm pretty terrible at it. For Fe creative, I don't really care about the emotional atmosphere around my environment, I'm probably known as the mood breaker lol. I try to have strong moral principles and constantly brooding my worldviews to see if I'm in the right path.

I hate seeing others suffer whether in the Internet, news, or real life. Sometimes I find myself crying for them too, that's why I adopt antinatalism and try to help vulnerable children when I'm ready and capable. But ironically, I occasionally watch gore even though it's mentally scarring me because of the intense morbid curiosity within myself. If someone were to attack me physically or especially verbally, I would be dumbfounded the same goes when I see violence in real life. I don't know how to react or come up with a good comeback. During a confrontation, I preferably like to talk things through rather than fist fighting (isn't that what mature people do?). Is this Se ignoring or Se PoLR?

Oh, another note about me is that I'm very lazy. If I don't find something interesting or easy, I will procrastinate until I find it necessary to get done. I'm an underachiever, I only care about what's fun and important to me, internally driven if you will.

What do you think?
Yeah I don't think Fe creative for you, but I don't know SEIs that well, so idk for sure. But yeah I find it very unlikely that you'd be an SEI with taking things seriously like your 4th sentence. Sounds like Ethical base and intuitive ideals also make sense. You'd have to be EII or EIE based on that and I think EII makes a little more sense, to me anyways. The "right path" thing with all the strong moral principles, it sounded Fi with some strong Ni, I don't know if EIEs care about Ti in that way. Maybe investigate Si HA vs Si PoLR, they are pretty different tbh (one is really liked, the other one is really hated), should be easy to decide based on that. Well that's it for IE-based analysis (I really prefer going by traits and styles, attitudes, values instead but this "type me" intro was too short for that)

Quote Originally Posted by pasleine View Post
moral principles & brooding points to Fi > Fe, no matter what Fe users seem to feel more "buoyant" than Fi
maybe a good way to discern would be to use quadras, Alpha quadra is seemingly "nerdy", curious and playful, and Delta quadra is serious disciplined and "fair". both are pretty laidback compared to Beta/Gamma
do you have a particular reason to think you're SEI? i can be pretty lazy too, i think that's Se polr to be totally honest (at least in the way I am) because i just forget about my environment and totally get lost in my own head. if i'm really stressing myself over trying to accomplish something i'll forego myself, but that's pretty rare and when it's over, i'm gonna go back to bed. yknow?
A little unsolicited advice lol, take it or leave it - Make sure you aren't just depressed before you type yourself Se PoLR based just on that