@seeking itWith all due respect... why haven't you accepted the LSI-Se typing? What reservations do you have about it? Why not look at what types you think you couldn't possibly be or that you think are extremely unlikely.

Assuming everything you've said is true, it's pretty obvious to me that your type is LSI-Se, the fact that you said you enjoy power struggles indicates Beta ST creative function subtype (SLE-Ti or LSI-Se)... those two types love power struggles, I've seen many, many examples of each. You can rule out LII of both subtypes because they don't actually enjoy power struggles, they will go into them if they have to, but they're extremely unlikely to do them for their own enjoyment... unless your power struggles were for someone else's enjoyment. LSI-Ti tend to have regrets about their power struggles and don't come out of them too well (hillary clinton and former police officer albin pearson who murdered my SLE-Ti friend and then lost his job, got arrested himself, and is now in jail)... LSI-Se do enjoy power struggles and they can charm people and logically make their way out of them, LSI-Ti are less able to do so unless they have power and even then they may not enjoy them.