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Thread: Member Questionnaire (seeking it)

  1. #41

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    @seeking itThank you! I asked because I was curious about LSI-Ti and LSI-Se abilities, especially about how much they see.
    Why would you be curious about that in particular?

  2. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    Why would you be curious about that in particular?
    I'm just naturally curious.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    seeking it, you are more likely an ethical type anyways. Ne valuing and irrational also somewhat more likely
    you are too expressive and personable for introverted logic type.
    you think too haphazardly for base logic type
    you are even a little too enthustiastic about psychological perception towards others for Ne superego. Se types just don't usually have great interest in understanding the essences of people. just read basic theory and see how you are far from LSI, whereas Clarke could easily be one; you even see how strange you consider her deficiency in emotional understanding and her strong tendency to rationalize; for another logician, these are more familiar and less exotic traits. her distanced and formal communication is, furthermore, generally more familar for introverted and base logicians respectively (both of which you consider yourself to be). perhaps you find her quite interesting, considering your extended interaction with her - if she's your conflictor this is not so unusual, initially they're seen as a little adorable and attract attention, like duals. for me she's relatively uncomplicated as a person (we responded with similar arguments to some amusingly bad logic recently), but rather more quotidian than you see her. where i see her as more weird is her arduous, long-winded attitude to writing (base logic) and speculativity (Ti). she is certainly not any Delta type (she thought EII for a while). LSI is what i'm thinking, as of now. but LII could be.
    there is the option of trying to make a video for opinions. you may find something interesting in yourself you didn't have eyes for before. i speculated about SEI or IEE as your type from behaviour on the forum
    Well so I disagree with your opinion on my typing, but thanks anyway.

    Ethical types are however not an option for my typing.

    I will consider it as a compliment that you think I'm so enthusiastic about "psychological perception". I really am not, life just forced me to pay attention to it. Also, with that kind of reasoning of yours, everyone on these forums should be Ne valuing, right?

    Also, just because you don't necessarily follow my reasoning, it does not mean I think haphazardly ...though some people did bring up SLE for me.

    I do not find @Clarke 's rationalisations exotic at all, or her lack of emotional understanding strange. I actually pointed out that she takes detachment further than me, so I related to it, I did not claim that it cannot be understood, you misread my tone there.

    Sorry, still no video.

  4. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Well you did seem to perceive it as something nonstandard for the average person.
    I think that observation is just a fact, though. (And I have no problem with that trait of yours)

  5. #45
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    > Beauty can be in the physical looks or it can be artistic, emotional or "abstract" things.

    The question was "what is it". Not where.
    From the beginning the shift from common physical association to "abstract things". The core answer was not given, at all.


    > Beauty in the arts is really enthralling to me

    talking about himself instead of answering the question

    two places with avoiding answers - for P

    > But if you mean personal power, and not in a traditional hierarchy then power is simply energy, vitality, confidence.

    Power is the abbility to do something.
    personal, vitality, confidence - it's people centered terms. more general meaning you've missed

    seems you have F type

    Making of quality photo has said as a symptom of psychiatry disorder. This was not cute More for Fe for valuing categories (Ti) above emotional comfort (Fi).
    The aversion to my talking style, which leaded to negative personality evaluation (even with ignoring theory basics) is an argument for not good IR with LSE, mainly for opposing to Te (supports to have Fe type), mb to delta functional values.

    There you said that to discuss types on typology forum (instead of other models) is abnormal and schizophrenic. Besides exotic understanding, that what some rough for IEI and so adds to the possibility of EIE and other types.

    possible FN, some more for P
    with possible Fe the main supposed are: INFP, ENFJ

    I'd look a video. Especially taking possible drugs usage, rather unusual thinking and hence more risks of behavior distortions.

    > being really bad at close relations but that can just be 1D Fe lol

    can be just psychopatic traits. especially so for FN
    Last edited by Sol; 08-06-2023 at 11:49 AM.

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