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    Default Type Me

    Lately I've been getting weird claims from people I know, and I'm starting to have second thoughts about my type.

    So... here I am, Lol

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I chose to study economics because through a lot of research I read that it was one of the most requested and that its importance would also grow. There are so many different subjects in the course (economics, law, mathematics, statistics etc), so you almost always have to deal with something new. The downside is that for the same reason previous knowledge doesn't always help, plus they aren't all things I like. I would have preferred computer science or chemistry but for some reason I didn't considerate them. I have some regrets, but all in all I do not hate the course I have chosen (and by now I am graduated)

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I tend to read some essays, for example the history of ancient egypt, rome etc., or books relating to the myths of various ancient populations. I'm not a big fan of novels and I tend to be skeptical if it's not classic novels (except if it's fantasy).
    I like to play some musical instruments without basic studies. I prefer to learn this kind of thing "by hand".

    What are your values, and why?
    My desire is to get a prestigious job. I don't do it for the money (also because I'm already well off), but because I feel the need to do something important. I love helping people and I do sometimes do too much, but sometimes I look to blunt when doing it (like a father, maybe).

    From an early age, the most important desire was to get married and have a family. I've been single and a virgin by choice (lol) because I don't believe in the occasional stuff and because I have too high standards. When the girl I liked asked me for s3x (without being a couple already) my love for her vanished. I felt too much disappointed.

    If I think I probably wouldn't never marry a specific girl who likes me, I avoid even trying (even if I like her too). I hate making others feel bad. I'd rather be friendzoned than to reject someone. I can not resist under the weight of the sadness of others caused by me. I once rejected a girl I liked a lot because her life was incompatible with mine (she was an artist and had a terrible family situation, and so she didn't want childrens etc.).

    This led me to isolate myself a bit. The desire to have a family is vanishing considering how the world and relationships in general are going. I would give my children values ​​that are incompatible with the world and they would end up feeling bad, so it is useless to procreate.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I am very touchy. I get angry easily if someone questions my skills or knowledge. Even if it's not their intent to bother me, the reactions they trigger piss me off in the moment and it ends up not wanting to hear from them for days or months. In general I am not afraid that they will disappear forever because I do not tend to consider relationships with people important. I am prepared for the absence of any friend. This is what often happens with others, although not with everyone.

    If my anger is answered with a quiet and joking manner, I end up quieting myself too, taking the opportunity to remedy (I understand that I have this defect and if someone is proactive in restoring the atmosphere, I gladly accept)

    What are your strengths? What do people like about you? What do you like about yourself?
    People admire my sensitivity. Despite everything I've written previously, I am hyper sensitive to many things. As I said, I don't want to make girls sad. I also can't tolerate seeing animals suffer. I try not to kill any spiders or flies when I can.

    Another thing that is admired is my strength to let go others easily and endure it very well (speaking about girls I like etc.). If a person does not want me I tend to always think it's right that way. People more compatible will exist for sure and for both. I don't overestimate any of them. I'm realistic and I can see flaws in everyone when due.

    If you won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
    I'd probably build the house of my dreams. I've always been fascinated by Lara Croft's house lol. Secondly, I would try to finish writing my fantasy novels. I am a fan of the genre. I would also travel a lot, but more to experience to write better or with new mental images

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I do not behave. I'm like a ghost. If I am asked I try to be very thorough, but beyond that it is difficult for me to express myself a lot with strangers.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I always try to dress well. I want to please others' eyes. I often create a mix of clothes and accessories that others copy on time. It is not an extravagant way of dressing, but it is simply beautiful, balanced in regard to the context, not monotonous.

    I try to always have the perfect beard. I carefully remove any superfluous hair. I get compliments, but many say it's not so "straight"/hetero to have this cure. We live in a society lol

    In what situations or times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?
    At 16yo when I got engaged to a girl. Never felt that feeling again.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I love traditionalist people who set rules for a better functioning society. But this often does not appeal to those who want extreme freedom. Freedom is not my problem (everyone does what they want), but when there are requests that exceed and disturb the balance, there they will find me in disagreement. I hate the do-gooders, those who pretend to have humanitarian affairs at heart but in the end are the first to dishonor and exploit the people around them.

    Ialso hate that people likes bad boys so much. I go out of my way to avoid hurting people and often only get insults, while bad boys get everything they want, even from good people. Even knowing that the behavior would benefit me, it goes against my values ​​and I would never do it.

    What are your spiritual or religious beliefs and why do you hold them?
    since I was a child I have wondered about the meaning of life. Through philosophy (also personal) I reached some "meta-physical" answers that were enough for me.
    In the end, I think religion gives us rules not because it wants to control the lives of others, but because it wants to pass those essential principles without the need to get there with insight (which is hard for most people). Savoring life little by little without skipping the stages makes us happier in living and so on.

    I am not a believer in a real religion. I tend to write several myths where I play with philosophical concepts. I use these myths to characterize the fantasy regions of the stories I'm writing.

    I feel a strong connection with ancient Egypt. When I warch pyramids or hieroglyphs I feel a strong suggestion. I often joke that I am for sure the reincarnation of an Egyptian. (Actually, it's probably all due to the fact that I grew up with Tomb Raider and Yugioh Lol)

    What are your political beliefs, and why? How much do you care about politics?
    I tend to be a conservative, but not on an extreme level. I think it is important to rediscover the sense of national unity. Feeling part of something helps citizens a lot to feel better.
    Probably one day I will try to do something in politics, but for now I would like to complete my specialist studies.

    I will add something when I have more time.
    Last edited by Mairon; 11-08-2022 at 09:57 AM.

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    a typing video is preferred, because subconscious non-verbal behavior is less controlled and thus more 'objective'

    @get R
    it's possible, but speculative because of lack of behavioral data on the forum and because self-reported personalities are rarely accurate, especially since he's familiar with Socionics which likely subconsciously influences his self-perception

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    What about a photo. I know it is not the same thing. But for now I have a sh1tty internet connection

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    What about a photo. I know it is not the same thing. But for now I have a sh1tty internet connection
    in lieu of a video - the more photos, the better

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    in lieu of a video - the more photos, the better

    Here. Bad pics because I hate photos and the shape of my eyes lol

    Old photo (16-17 y.o.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    Here. Bad pics because I hate photos and the shape of my eyes lol

    Old photo (16-17 y.o.)
    from those - i get stronger associations with an intuitive, mb Fe/Ti valuing. video is still preferable

    again, photos are difficult to type by because VI is mainly about behaviour. but LSE (I think you had it in your profile at one point) can be excluded, definitely

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    from those - i get stronger associations with an intuitive, mb Fe/Ti valuing. video is still preferable

    again, photos are difficult to type by because VI is mainly about behaviour. but LSE (I think you had it in your profile at one point) can be excluded, definitely
    I think you got it right both on the intuition and on the Fe/Ti valuing aspect.

    As soon as I get the chance I'll make a video. English is not my language and in general I'm shy about these things but I'll try

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    I think you got it right both on the intuition and on the Fe/Ti valuing aspect.

    As soon as I get the chance I'll make a video. English is not my language and in general I'm shy about these things but I'll try
    you can talk in your own language if that's more comfortable it's about how you behave, what you say is secondary

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    you can talk in your own language if that's more comfortable it's about how you behave, what you say is secondary
    I made a very short meme video for my friends. Maybe it's not enough to type. Still

    If I post longer videos I'll share here :0
    Last edited by Mairon; 12-07-2022 at 07:39 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    I made a very short meme video for my friends. Maybe it's not enough to type. Still

    If I post longer videos I'll share here :0
    You got rhythm, you got music, you got humour, who could ask for anything more !? IEE (?)

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    The meaning of life to me at least in small part out of a whole arcade seems about control, rendering wishes and throwing the chance dice of fate to achieve a greater destiny than ordinary.
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    EIE-D or SEE-N

    In any case you have strengthened Se.
    If I'm not answering you, I'm either procrastinating a response, or I've judged the conversation as fruitless/already settled prior to the debate for me.

    Plausible types; INxP>INxj>ENxp>ENxj

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    Thank you all for typing me!

    I read more about intuition and sensing these days and It's really strange that I give the impression of a sensor, but I'm very pleased.

    EDIT: I deleted unnecessary things I said. I'm probably EIE or IEI. I higly doubt of being a sensor or a Se lead, but probably I have valued Se.
    Last edited by Mairon; 11-30-2022 at 09:09 PM.

  15. #15
    May look like an LSI, but -Te. Metaphor's Avatar
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    This appears to be the description of Ni-base entirely.
    Typology Discord Server

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: "The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    Lately I've been getting weird claims from people I know, and I'm starting to have second thoughts about my type.

    So... here I am, Lol

    I chose to study economics because through a lot of research I read that it was one of the most requested and that its importance would also grow. There are so many different subjects in the course (economics, law, mathematics, statistics etc), so you almost always have to deal with something new. The downside is that for the same reason previous knowledge doesn't always help, plus they aren't all things I like. I would have preferred computer science or chemistry but for some reason I didn't considerate them. I have some regrets, but all in all I do not hate the course I have chosen (and by now I am graduated)
    Why did you ever doubt LSI? Seeing the bolded... plus you being a Logical type

    since I was a child I have wondered about the meaning of life. Through philosophy (also personal) I reached some "meta-physical" answers that were enough for me.
    In the end, I think religion gives us rules not because it wants to control the lives of others, but because it wants to pass those essential principles without the need to get there with insight (which is hard for most people). Savoring life little by little without skipping the stages makes us happier in living and so on.

    I am not a believer in a real religion. I tend to write several myths where I play with philosophical concepts. I use these myths to characterize the fantasy regions of the stories I'm writing.

    I feel a strong connection with ancient Egypt. When I warch pyramids or hieroglyphs I feel a strong suggestion. I often joke that I am for sure the reincarnation of an Egyptian. (Actually, it's probably all due to the fact that I grew up with Tomb Raider and Yugioh Lol)
    Ni seeking

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    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    Why did you ever doubt LSI? Seeing the bolded... plus you being a Logical type


    Ni seeking
    Thanks for your answer!

    I discarted LSI because of my differences with them. Everytime I say something abastract, they say "These things are not for me", and they claim I'm not so concerned with the most materialistic part of living. I'm not good at seeking advantages from context and I even refuse help from others (despite being ready to help others myself). I don't like to ask for something and I don't know why, even if this would help me to rise my "position". Do you think I could still be considered LSI? maybe I'm doing something wrong.

    To me, Ni translates (in brief) in "how much you are repared to perceive something", also reading between the lines. I do it a lot, but more in regards to people intentions (and always predicting things).

    So, I discarted Ni lead types because despite our similiarities I think they always go "too far" in perceiving. I like being imaginative etc. and to them I'm very interesting (because I like to discuss philosophically about things and I happear very open minded about everything that is conceptual), but not too much as they do. Also, It's like they reach a level of "Ni contemplation" that they are able to find a meaning in everything (like modern art and tarantino's films, which are the things about we clash the most). Even a blank and white wall could mean something to them.

    Ni seeking seems more like "absorbing" others insights, in fact most of Ni seeking very often believe to conspiracy theories made by others, while I like using Ni myself to seek meanings for myself and refuse interference by others in this matters.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    Thanks for your answer!

    I discarted LSI because of my differences with them. Everytime I say something abastract, they say "These things are not for me", and they claim I'm not so concerned with the most materialistic part of living. I'm not good at seeking advantages from context and I even refuse help from others (despite being ready to help others myself). I don't like to ask for something and I don't know why, even if this would help me to rise my "position". Do you think I could still be considered LSI? maybe I'm doing something wrong.
    I immediately thought LSI for you when I started reading the bolded above, because of how you go by previous knowledge, don't really want to always get into the new topics. The rest of your post just confirmed that perception of mine, you seem to have ideals and high standards and sortof rigid emotionally about these standards. Yet you are also practical, and interested in a prestigious position. Also, I excluded LII because of you preferring that previous knowledge rather than jump into all kinds of novel topics.

    And what you said about Ni leads now, that does exclude Ni leads, but I also got the sense from your OP that your Ni isn't that high anyways, that you just like to play with it in your personal free time, which can totally fit LSI.

    Your helpfulness and independence totally can fit a socially conscientious LSI who doesn't really depend on having many personal relationships. Beta NF would very much depend on those.

    The only other thing I would've considered from your OP is ILI, but you seemed a bit more down to earth for that and like, you have that "vibe" of assuredness as if you hold 100% certainty in your opinions like typical LSI. ILI isn't like that. They may still strongly believe in things of course, and LSI can be internally doubtful too, especially LSI-Ti, it's just a vibe I feel reading your lines.

    To me, Ni translates (in brief) in "how much you are repared to perceive something", also reading between the lines. I do it a lot, but more in regards to people intentions (and always predicting things).
    Yes, I think it's a human thing to want to get people's intentions and have some prediction about what will happen next with people. I think this is probably very important to LSI.

    So, I discarted Ni lead types because despite our similiarities I think they always go "too far" in perceiving. I like being imaginative etc. and to them I'm very interesting (because I like to discuss philosophically about things and I happear very open minded about everything that is conceptual), but not too much as they do. Also, It's like they reach a level of "Ni contemplation" that they are able to find a meaning in everything (like modern art and tarantino's films, which are the things about we clash the most). Even a blank and white wall could mean something to them.
    That's my understanding of the difference between Ni lead vs Ni superid / Ni mobilising too. I've known several LSI-Ti's who like to discuss and analyse these things just like that and they seem rather competent in it for a Sensing type. (Trust me, more competent with it than I am. )

    Ni seeking seems more like "absorbing" others insights, in fact most of Ni seeking very often believe to conspiracy theories made by others, while I like using Ni myself to seek meanings for myself and refuse interference by others in this matters.
    Yeah, people with Ni mobilising are usually able to take care of Ni issues for themselves on their own and it is hard to influence them on it. I think willingness to believe in conspiracy theories isn't dependent on type alone.

    Anyway, I highlighted Ni seeking there because of your mentioning a feeling of "strong suggestion" about such things. It does not have to be suggestibility just to insights from other people, it can happen with regard to other mysterious, ancient, etc. "Ni things" in the world, too.

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    Love your analysis. It would be ironic because LSI was the first type I thought I could be (and my favourite type in finction lol).

    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    you seem to have ideals and high standards and sort of rigid emotionally about these standards.
    Definitely. I think a lot by "principles", but in a more black and white way than the Fi valuers (who give me the impression of being more able to shape their values ​​and so their choices on a case-by-case basis).
    For exemple, I rejected the only girls I liked, and even loved, only because I didn't consider them "presentable" to my parents, nor their lives coincided with my plans (I want a traditional family).

    And what you said about Ni leads now, that does exclude Ni leads, but I also got the sense from your OP that your Ni isn't that high anyways, that you just like to play with it in your personal free time, which can totally fit LSI.
    Yes, this is true. I have noticed that when I spend time alone I feel totally absorbed in it. But if, for example, I am invited to an interesting place or I talk to a person I like, that part of me almost completely goes to rest for months (or, in general, until the interest in that context or person ends). Probably the fact that I'm not leading a very active life (although I would like to) leads me to analyze myself giving more weight to other aspects :/

    Your helpfulness and independence totally can fit a socially conscientious LSI who doesn't really depend on having many personal relationships. Beta NF would very much depend on those.
    Yeah. I like people, but I don't feel it necessary to build lasting bonds, and I find it hard to get attached to single individuals. If best friends were to leave at any moment I wouldn't care, because I can't estimate their actual weight in my life (which maybe there is, but it's "obscure" to me).

    If I go out with friends in groups it's almost only because I want to take advantage of the chance to meet interesting people (girls lol). I hate the idea of ​​not making the most of a night out, even though I'm not much of a talker at all. Dunno if all of this is due to Se.

    The only other thing I would've considered from your OP is ILI, but you seemed a bit more down to earth for that and like, you have that "vibe" of assuredness as if you hold 100% certainty in your opinions like typical LSI. ILI isn't like that. They may still strongly believe in things of course, and LSI can be internally doubtful too, especially LSI-Ti, it's just a vibe I feel reading your lines.
    Exactly. This is objectively the thing that bothers my friends the most about me. I think I'm right even when I'm not and I know it (paradoxical lol). It's also one of the few things that makes me incredibly angry. In the end however, although I feel the duty to show external confidence in my ideas, I feel the weight of other people's judgments on the same things. Internally I wonder if I'm wrong or not and I also feel vacillating, but from the outside I cannot allow myself to give this impression.

    Also, I feel sorry when others have political or social ideas opposite to mine, because I feel I can't connect with other people's morals (when in truth I would like to). Also, I fear the possibility of being considered "evil".

    That's my understanding of the difference between Ni lead vs Ni superid / Ni mobilising too. I've known several LSI-Ti's who like to discuss and analyse these things just like that and they seem rather competent in it for a Sensing type. (Trust me, more competent with it than I am. )
    I didn't know this! Usually I tended to compare myself with my ENFp and INFj/p friends and I always felt at an equal or higher level of analysis for some things (but only for things I like a lot), so much that for all my friends I am N in MBTI (not the same as socion, still...). But, even they find unusual the fact I'm so attentive to the way I take care of my physical appearance, dress myself, my skills with music and other things. So who knows...

    The certain thing is that if I am very interested in something I can also go very deeply into it. I spent an entire summer studying the mythological figure of Lilith, and then decided to take her as a thesis at the end of high school. I am fascinated by these things (mythological figures etc.) and I like to analyze them.

    Yeah, people with Ni mobilising are usually able to take care of Ni issues for themselves on their own and it is hard to influence them on it. I think willingness to believe in conspiracy theories isn't dependent on type alone.
    Sure, that's definitely not the only reason.
    Let's say that for this vision of the suggestive Ni I drew a lot from Jung. The mbti completely skipped this great thing that Jung said about dominant Se types, and socionics brings it up in a really clever way speaking about it in terms of "mystic suggestion". I see a similiar thing in Ni Polr individuals.

    Overall, it seems really possible. I've probably been too used to being considered silent etc. to ever accept being a creative Se. But it's probably the truth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    Love your analysis. It would be ironic because LSI was the first type I thought I could be (and my favourite type in finction lol).
    Glad if my analysis helps

    Overall, it seems really possible. I've probably been too used to being considered silent etc. to ever accept being a creative Se. But it's probably the truth.
    Creative Se isn't about being loud, this is still an introverted type, so it's about reliably doing tasks for goals, your duties (sense of duty is Ni mobilising also), and also helping others with them as well as helping others with motivation and achieving their goals. A lot of time it's about helping others with tasks, various little things.

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    I've just read your answers to the questionnaire. I say this because my first estimation was based only on that little video you posted and even if my typing abilities suck I thought that was worth mentioning

    Now, I think I have a proper idea. Without going into an in depth analysis (I just pretend that I can do such thing ahah!) I think that your NF-ness is pretty clear. Overall you have (I'll stop using stuff like" you seem" or "it seems to me" for now just to pretend that I'm know what I'm doing !) equally strong Fi and Ni and I detected some Aristocratic>Democratic points (it's weird that I often use the Reinin dichotomy that I like the least !). That leaves us with IEI or EII. How would I make up my mind then ? Well, the answers lies in your love and Passion (here we go !) for Fantasy Novel and your preference for developing Philosophical themes in your writings and the fact that you don't give much importance to relationships with that little "Sacrificed on the Altar of Love" flavor. All this points to Beta-ish Fe/Ti > Fi/Te mindset preference. So IEI it is imho.
    Last edited by godslave; 12-05-2022 at 07:25 PM.

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    Thanks you all for your replies!
    The thing I'm pretty sure about is that I'm part of beta quadra (and that I'm not SLE )

    My specific type will probably be clearer to me when I start a more active social life and meet new people. For now I'm in a moment of life a bit stagnant and maybe it doesn't allow me to better express myself

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    Thanks you all for your replies!
    The thing I'm pretty sure about is that I'm part of beta quadra (and that I'm not SLE )

    My specific type will probably be clearer to me when I start a more active social life and meet new people. For now I'm in a moment of life a bit stagnant and maybe it doesn't allow me to better express myself
    And you're probably not EIE because the cyclical nature the bold part seems to point to is not typical of E-J temperament.
    However if you have an H and/or an N in your Subtype it might cancel my observation ( because apparently Subtypes have almost overthrown the core type and has became almost like a Trifix (just kidding !)). Like you suggested it, interaction with forum members will eventually highlight some markers characteristic of your TIM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    And you're probably not EIE because the cyclical nature the bold part seems to point to is not typical of E-J temperament.
    However if you have an H and/or an N in your Subtype it might cancel my observation ( because apparently Subtypes have almost overthrown the core type and has became almost like a Trifix (just kidding !)). Like you suggested it, interaction with forum members will eventually highlight some markers characteristic of your TIM.
    Very interesting.

    I considered more EIE than IEI because of the ignoring Fi and demonstrative Ne. I kinda reject Fi because it's unnatural to me, even through a demonstrative approach.

    IEIs and SEIs have this skill of adapting to others simulating this short psychological distance. I wrote something about it in the thread called "Am I EII or SEI" (or something like this). I consider the demonstrative one of the most obvious function you can see from an external point of view, because is how the creative is manifesting its products.

    On the countrary, I completely reject this approach and I kinda hate it. I don't want to give to others the impression of being psychologically near to them or adjusting to people in general. Most of all in regard to social believes (almost all of fhem supports world social changes, while I'm extremely conservative).

    I dated a lot of XEIs and had a lot of XEIs friends, and this demonstrative Fi thing is always present. It creates a mysterious aura around them that makes me angry for some reason. I don't liks the importance they give to it.

    So, I'm not able to play it cool like IEIs. They are able to keep it very cool with people, passing for mysterious guys and girls who are very loved by people. And that's the major difference from me.

    If I had to analyze myself, I would say Si and Ne are the functions that creates me major problems, but it depends how I interpret them!!

    - If I consider Ne as "brainstorming, be extremely imaginative, making connections" , I'm for sure a 3-4D. But If Ne means "knowing the existance of external possibilities", I'm probably very low in dimensionality. If my decided plans are no longer avaible I'm subject to a lot of anxiety and I start doing crazy things (typical of Ne Polr), sometimes connected to Se-Ni (hurry in searching for a clear-cut solution). I'm a person who doesn't believe in opportunities and goes for the path with less risks~best resoult in everything (from choosing a partner to everything else).

    - For Si, I'm very preoccupied in how I present myself to important people, and in general, in contexts, phisically speaking (my hair, beard, clothes etc.), but I'm not able to spend time drinking, dancing and sh1t. I don't like living in the present "physical" moment if I'm in contexts like this, while I'm more operative in work and "serious" things. I feel better with older people rather than people with my same age

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    - If I consider Ne as "brainstorming, be extremely imaginative, making connections" , I'm for sure a 3-4D. But If Ne means "knowing the existance of external possibilities", I'm probably very low in dimensionality. If my decided plans are no longer avaible I'm subject to a lot of anxiety and I start doing crazy things (typical of Ne Polr), sometimes connected to Se-Ni (hurry in searching for a clear-cut solution). I'm a person who doesn't believe in opportunities and goes for the path with less risks~best resoult in everything (from choosing a partner to everything else).
    Ne in Socionics is the latter definition.

    - For Si, I'm very preoccupied in how I present myself to important people, and in general, in contexts, phisically speaking (my hair, beard, clothes etc.), but I'm not able to spend time drinking, dancing and sh1t. I don't like living in the present "physical" moment if I'm in contexts like this, while I'm more operative in work and "serious" things. I feel better with older people rather than people with my same age
    Important people like?

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    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    Important people like?
    I give this label if the person is skilled socially or is superior in his position (job, economical condition etc.).

    An exemple:
    I had roommates with an active social life and who were very good looking, but they were also extremely polite and treated me incredibly well. Yet I perceived them as too superior and had an exaggerated introversion towards them, although I would have liked to not be like this.

    For the same reason, I can only be very outgoing with people I perceive as "less" skilled than me or at my same level. And with some of them, at times I can be brutal. I always try to help my friends, but in giving support I am extremely argumentative and petulant.
    I realize too late the harsh tone I use, and a certain internal anger is perceived, which however is not used with those who are perceived as "superior".

    An interesting reason I get angry when I help someone is that the one I help is often the victim of people I hate because break ethics and morals. People who fly over ethics get the attention and love of others, who becomes victims, while people who always act according to ethics get little respect and love. I wish those who I help were able to punish them, so that certain behaviors and social dynamics could cease to exist, having the evil one loosing everything. But human beings love pain and suffering for stupid reasons (but not me Lol). People should consider dignity over everything, and feelings must adapt to this, not be so blind.

    That's probably bad to say and I'm describing myself as a frustrated guy but... yes, I am!
    Last edited by Mairon; 12-06-2022 at 10:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    I give this label if the person is skilled socially or is superior in his position (job, economical condition etc.).

    An exemple:
    I had roommates with an active social life and who were very good looking, but they were also extremely polite and treated me incredibly well. Yet I perceived them as too superior and had an exaggerated introversion towards them, although I would have liked to not be like this.

    For the same reason, I can only be very outgoing with people I perceive as "less" skilled than me or at my same level. And with some of them, at times I can be brutal. I always try to help my friends, but in giving support I am extremely argumentative and petulant.
    I realize too late the harsh tone I use, and a certain internal anger is perceived, which however is not used with those who are perceived as "superior".

    An interesting reason I get angry when I help someone is that the one I help is often the victim of people I hate because break ethics and morals. People who fly over ethics get the attention and love of others, who becomes victims, while people who always act according to ethics get little respect and love. I wish those who I help were able to punish them, so that certain behaviors and social dynamics could cease to exist, having the evil one loosing everything. But human beings love pain and suffering for stupid reasons (but not me Lol). People should consider dignity over everything, and feelings must adapt to this, not be so blind.

    That's probably bad to say and I'm describing myself as a frustrated guy but... yes, I am!
    Hmm okay, so you see people superior and inferior to you like, in a social hierarchy?

    As for your complaint with people paying less attention to ethics and morals getting more ahead in life. Do you have some example?

    PS: I watched your little video, I would've thought IEI or EII or at best LII from that but....your writing in your last post again isn't anything like either of those types. (Not really EII either btw because you seemed Fe-valuing-like "animated" in the video if that makes sense)

    I don't think I can try and type you from video with all that facial hair anyways, I feel like that affects my perception

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    Quote Originally Posted by seeking it View Post
    Hmm okay, so you see people superior and inferior to you like, in a social hierarchy?
    It's very hard to explain. Let's try saying it differently: I believe you are your friends. If you are with people who have no goal (even a small goal), you are automatically in their same position. I would like to see people more "individually", but evidence (just to me) shows that your group tells a lot about every member of it.

    At the same time, I cannot behave extravert with people more skilled than me (socially, or regarding to exams grades etc.), so I have to work and reach that point in which my results are the same of them to fit in. This would be my desire, but I always find it impossible to do because I have my limits, and this makes me sad

    As for your complaint with people paying less attention to ethics and morals getting more ahead in life. Do you have some example?
    I was talking more regarding to "bad people" who receive love despite being bad. People respecting evil people even if they clearly hurt them, while who tries to not hurt people and following a pure ethics is disprected in the long run.

    I'm the kind of guy who would prefer being friendzoned rather than to friendzone someone. I can endure it because if people go away I feel always some sort of relief, but having to bear the fact I made a girl sad... it kills me. It happened once and I stopped dating for years lol

    At the same time, I recognize that I am very aggressive to someone myself. But besides saying something I never do anything exaggerated.

    I'm impulsive and petulant with words when someone doesn't give back the same respect I gave to them.
    For exemple, I'm always punctual. If you arrive several minutes late without a reason multiple times even if you live near our meeting point while I've to drive for 30km to reach it, I will feel the visceral need to argue about it. And so in similiar matters.

    PS: I watched your little video, I would've thought IEI or EII or at best LII from that but....your writing in your last post again isn't anything like either of those types. (Not really EII either btw because you seemed Fe-valuing-like "animated" in the video if that makes sense)
    LII and EII would be strange, just because I have tons of friends of these types and they are so calm. I kinda like being argumentative and impositive sometimes and I very often clashed every EII I came across for these reason. I doubt having PolR Se. Suggestive Se is more probable, maybe?

    EDIT: Through empirical experience and some studies regarding theory, I've reached a conclusion in which I'm enough confident about: my very first typing was correct. I was just in a tiring period and overused my mob.
    Thanks for you all for helping me btw. Hope this thread will help others too.
    Last edited by Mairon; 12-14-2022 at 03:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    I'm the kind of guy who would prefer being friendzoned rather than to friendzone someone. I can endure it because if people go away I feel always some sort of relief, but having to bear the fact I made a girl sad... it kills me. It happened once and I stopped dating for years lol
    Why or how does it kill you or how does it feel immoral and bad?

    I'm impulsive and petulant with words when someone doesn't give back the same respect I gave to them.
    For exemple, I'm always punctual. If you arrive several minutes late without a reason multiple times even if you live near our meeting point while I've to drive for 30km to reach it, I will feel the visceral need to argue about it. And so in similiar matters.
    Stereotypically LSI does care this much about being punctual lol

    LII and EII would be strange, just because I have tons of friends of these types and they are so calm. I kinda like being argumentative and impositive sometimes and I very often clashed every EII I came across for these reason. I doubt having PolR Se. Suggestive Se is more probable, maybe?
    Yeah I saw Fe valuing more than xII, and it was just a few seconds of a video anyway

    EDIT: Through empirical experience and some studies regarding theory, I've reached a conclusion in which I'm enough confident about: my very first typing was correct. I was just in a tiring period and overused my mob.
    Thanks for you all for helping me btw. Hope this thread will help others too.
    Np, glad to help

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