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Thread: how quadras form in society

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    Default how quadras form in society

    Ne people (maybe xIIs) push others in the way of suffering to escape. this mean they push others in the way of broken people and situations to get away. IxEs dont know wtf they are doing
    Ni types are disabled or born disabled. they cant cope with the suffering of life alone so they have to constantly make up for being inferior. they get disabled by being born or enduring too much suffering. as a result they turn to excess and cant find inner balance. extremely guarded, greedy and manipulative to get their, or weak victims who can barely function and everyone hates. Se types are also disabled, except they cope by fighting everything as hard as they can. as a result they become cruel and dont know where limits are.
    Si people have to take care of Ne people's bullshit by providing structure for them, except they can become excessive with the structure, and be so short sighted they are harmful. as a result of their mistakes a person under their care can turn into a Ni or Se person. All Si people seem reluctant and avoidant of waht they arent used to if it seems too far out there. so they can try different foods if they follow certain guidelines, or if they are completely out of the guidelines so that they are not banned.
    xIIs see xIEs as inferior, damaging and push them in the way of Se egos, while xII elitists take all the quality people selectively for themselves while denying the suffering in the world or thinking its not their responsibility (Se blind). as a result they can develop feelings of inferiority, loneliness and depression. IxEs are kinda similar except they try shit out much more BUT dont understand how it affects others. Ne and Ni types are more used to making their own decisions while S types are more used to reacting to constant or strong immediat external pressures. xIEs in the middle and xSIs have to do both which predisposes them to bad health (Ne PoLR makes them stuck in their ways or Si PoLR makes them fall apart constantly all the time)
    maintaining their health while trying to put their mind to be effective is why xIIs can feel superior and feed the cycles of their egos.

    sometimes Ne Si quadras think their thing will work but it doesnt and reality puts pressure on people who become Se and Ni egos
    Se egos also destroy everything including Ne and Si egos which creates Ni egos as puzzle pieces to narrowly fit all the chaos

    this fits dario nardi brain scans where INxJ had a wholistic low vibration brain pattern activtion that has to take every possible factor into consideration, IxEs have a christmass tree pattern that is spreading from one node to more nodes to even more nodes
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    xIEs are magnifiers. whatever u give them they will magnify it
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    Quote Originally Posted by Too deep View Post
    So you believe types can change?
    if u have to survive under tremendous pressure and u walk the walk it can prolly change but u will also come with very tough mental disorders (tho i suspect u are disordered anyway)
    Or it’s more a focus on SE and NI but the type don’t really change ?

    the actual type changes along with how u hold ur body and ur bone structure
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    betas are prolly the most "evil" due to having the least internal harmony due to having the weakest Fi AND Si at the same time. broken people. hurt people hurt people. if an ILI had their autistic obsessions and silence cut short, forced around etc to survive it was gonna die or just not be an ILI anymore. pain and death is related to transformation and change.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Too deep View Post

    Do you think I could be another type than LII?

    Also you’re right that I’m probably disordered. I read your blog had the same thing happen to me or something similar at least . Mewing and got tinnitus tmj etd with the cognitive and memory loss. I saw you talk about losing your identity . That’s what I was saying when it started. That im not myself and losing myself more by the day . I think I just became harmonizing instead of creative that’s all but don’t think actual type changed.
    u might still be LII but im pretty sure i can change from EIE to IEI at least, and have entered some altered states too
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    That is just proof that 1d Fi is 'evil' not really Betas entirely. If you don't value Fi you are evil? Yeah in a sense - because it is about spiritual loyalty to a thing and not narc exploiting others. But too much Fi is also just playing favorites when the more moral thing would to treat ppl more fairly and equally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    That is just proof that 1d Fi is 'evil' not really Betas entirely. If you don't value Fi you are evil? Yeah in a sense - because it is about spiritual loyalty to a thing and not narc exploiting others. But too much Fi is also just playing favorites when the more moral thing would to treat ppl more fairly and equally.
    Fi is a lot like oxytocin. It has a lot to do with hatred as well as love. It involves creating a division (a judgment).

    “We all know that a mother’s bond with her infant is one of the strongest human bonds. A mother will have a fit of rage so powerful that she will fight even a tiger to save her child. So, what powers the mother’s rage?

    We all can love our motherland so much that we can fight till death to protect it. What powers us to do that?

    As all such bonds are formed by oxytocin, it forces us to consider something completely counterintuitive about this blue-eyed hormone linked with all the good things in life.

    Strange though it may sound, there is a great possibility that the very oxytocin that fills us with love is also cause of hate.

    Till date, we may have carried a completely false notion that love unites the world, while the bitter reality is love borne of oxytocin divides us and pits us against each other. In simplest terms, love is hate, and oxytocin is actually hate hormone too.

    The phenomenon that is played out by oxytocin is linked with something that psychologists call in-group and out-group division that our brain makes. Oxytocin works as love hormone for in-group humans. But, by doing that, it automatically creates an out-group that it forces us to hate."

    "This intense emotional experience is because oxytocin leads you to hate in equal proportion of your love. "
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    I read the OP several times and just can't incorporate it all . Would improve your message if you improved the way in which you framed your ideas. Right now it's a hodge podge.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I read the OP several times and just can't incorporate it all . Would improve your message if you improved the way in which you framed your ideas. Right now it's a hodge podge.
    would u submit a contructive critique that explains waht is not being understood in this instance
    Ni types are disabled or born disabled. they cant cope with the suffering of life alone so they have to constantly make up for being inferior. they get disabled by being born or enduring too much suffering. as a result they turn to excess and cant find inner balance. extremely guarded, greedy and manipulative to get their, or weak victims who can barely function and everyone hates. Se types are also disabled, except they cope by fighting everything as hard as they can. as a result they become cruel and dont know where limits are.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    Ne people (maybe xIIs) push others in the way of suffering to escape. this mean they push others in the way of broken people and situations to get away. IxEs dont know wtf they are doing
    Huh? Why don't IxE know what they are doing? Is it because they tend to react (if immature) to perceived "slights"? (role Se), or...?

    Ni types are disabled or born disabled.
    Yes, that is the current 16 types paradigm, propagated by a few very active individuals (gulenko crowd), who need to lump Ni with autism. (not sure how that would be possible given Ni is simply the mind's eye habit of looking backwards to create timelines). ---> "disabled" Original sin much?

    they cant cope with the suffering of life alone
    Not type related.

    so they have to constantly make up for being inferior.
    Can this be more specific? Do you mean in a logistical way, they can't handle life ie: pay bills, feed and groom themselves ect? Or do you mean in x way? I'm seeing a lot of implicit bias here. I mean I have been guilty of judging IEs and people and behaviour as well. In a purely objective perspective, this "inferiorness" might actually be a type of strength.

    they get disabled by being born or enduring too much suffering. as a result they turn to excess and cant find inner balance.
    I'm not sure you are basing this off your observed reality. Sounds like more socionics role play. You read it and now its real. Anyway, excesses in what way? They eat to much, speed on the highways? Use drugs? Spend exorbitant amounts of money? What? Finally, inner balance.. in what way? Physically? Emotionally? Psychologically? Relationally? Are they ill, or diseased, do they have emotional problems, mental illness?

    Because from my standpoint its not really in the scope of Ni to have these issues, given that Ni is literally about the "integrity of the internal situation", regardless of the external issues. Let's remember modal A?

    extremely guarded
    Maybe. So could many other types for numerous reasons. So could something who has CPTSD, or a harsh childhood, or has experienced trouble in their career, relationships, ect.

    , greedy
    Greed is not type related.

    and manipulative to get their
    Manipulative has negative connotations, but I would argue everyone manipulates. Some are moral, some are using food or resources. So many ways. Some manipulations are done fairly, equally. If their is no crime and no victim, then is manipulation a problem? I think to expand, I can recall many instances where I have been manipulated by a Fi type (the Fi guilt trip "look what I did to help you, no you must help me"). So, I find it a little disingenuous to pin this quality squarely on Ni types and I hope you understand why?

    But everyone uses the tools in their tool box, and I'd say maybe Ni types must do this, even unconsciously, but as per the modal A, its not " a problem" as all is allowed in a giant wheel of "becoming".

    , or weak victims who can barely function and everyone hates.
    Everyone? Barely function, as in hold a job? Or? Are emotionally unstable? And this is true of millions upon millions of people?

    Se types are also disabled, except they cope by fighting everything as hard as they can.
    Cope now has negative connotations in today's world. I've seen lots of types "fight" against someone, or something, in order to gain something. You cannot advance otherwise. So not type related. I think its fair to say that in specific situations, like Mike Tyson as a boxer, you could say this to be so. I also think that pairing the words "disabled" and "cope" might reveal a little bit of YOUR prejudice here. If you find an Se types methods so distasteful, might that say something about your own sociotyping? Just food for thought. I don't know.

    as a result they become cruel and dont know where limits are.
    I think unhealthy psychological approaches to reality, or maybe a natural extension of one's circumstances spread out through time can make one cruel, or uncertain about one's limits. So, not type related.

    Expansion is a part of Se, sure, but its just as much a part of ALL extroverted IEs.

    Si people have to take care of Ne people's bullshit by providing structure for them, except they can become excessive with the structure, and be so short sighted they are harmful.
    If people are unconscious and their built life is allowing it to happen ie: significant other, supervisor-boss employee dynamic, bread winning significant other who is a Si type, then yes this can happen.

    as a result of their mistakes a person under their care can turn into a Ni or Se person.
    I've never observed this, but could you expand?

    All Si people seem reluctant and avoidant of waht they arent used to if it seems too far out there.
    No certainly not. Especially for your justification. "to far out there" is actually what one of the purposes of Ne is meant to do - expand horizons. For deltas its with people, options, opportunities for life building "explore options". With alphas its with entertainment, medias, ideas for their own sakes. Although this is not a hard line. ALL types have this potential as there are millions of variations. Socionics is about GENERAL patterns if we are discussing quadra values.

    I think you are meaning to say "to far out there" if you mean Si realms, still. In other words, I know a ESE who cannot sleep unless they have a white noise sleep machine playing. The thought of sleeping on the ground in a tent, for them, is abhorrent. However, another Si type might be just as comfortable on the ground in a tent, ie: the outdoorsman. Si is in this sense ALWAYS idiosyncratic.

    so they can try different foods if they follow certain guidelines, or if they are completely out of the guidelines so that they are not banned.
    No. Lots of Si foodies open to everything. Lots of stubborn Si types who eat the same thing always. Are we talking guidelines as in government mandated type guidlines, scientific ones? I hate to be prejudice here, but have you seen The Food Network? or watched HGTV? Si *is* the foundation of these channels.

    xIIs see xIEs as inferior, damaging and push them in the way of Se egos,
    Perhaps some "dim" xIIs might do this. I find it sad when intuitive types struggle with understanding basic common sense. I think if anything, to carry on your point, its the need for sensing that they are lacking from the semi dual, which is driving the semi dual to improve by behaving more impactful. Impact on the 16types is equated with Se (almost exclusively, which is unfortunate).

    while xII elitists take all the quality people selectively for themselves while denying the suffering in the world or thinking its not their responsibility (Se blind).
    Se blind---yes. But its not exclusively just picking and choosing what suffering to notice, and I argue thats not even the mainstay anyway. Why would a EII be blind to suffering?

    I think if I were to expand on your main point, it would be that they are elitist for differing reasons such as : both Ij; one is an aristocrat prone to grouping like things, and seeing things though the lens of "politicalness"; Ti means independence of thought. Arrogance is annoying in any circumstances anyway.

    as a result they can develop feelings of inferiority, loneliness and depression.
    Yeah maybe.

    IxEs are kinda similar except they try shit out much more BUT dont understand how it affects others.
    I don't think this comparison is all that real given that either types could "try shit", but I agree generally, IxEs do tend to branch out in any and all directions, but I don't think how it affects others applies to both given one is a ethical type. I think psychological maturity is important. I think its important to keep in mind that the unhealthy versions of people, albeit more obvious, are not a way to brand the ENTIRE sociotype. Meaning, selfish IxEs are not the majority. I've always argued why would a person, raised in a normalized family setting, or even just a normalized upbringing, "not understand how [they] effect others", regardless of sociotype?

    Ne and Ni types are more used to making their own decisions while S types are more used to reacting to constant or strong immediat external pressures.
    No, life hits everyone. The only difference is in how someone reacted in a pattern across time. The intuitive who chooses to go to a library to avoid immediate external pressure is just as much effected by the external pressure, no matter how they mentally and physically reacted, as the type who reacted head on.

    I think this is not type related anyway, given that many sensing types are hiding from external pressures and many intuitive types are not hiding.

    I also find it difficult to agree with the original statement that intuitives are making their own decisions?

    xIEs in the middle and xSIs have to do both which predisposes them to bad health (Ne PoLR makes them stuck in their ways or Si PoLR makes them fall apart constantly all the time)
    xSI has to make the decisions AND always face and react to external immediate reality? OR.. they are using reactions to deal with - cope- create - inside external reality. This is the nature of a Se creative function. (The way in which the ego meets reality).

    I never really was on board with the interpretation of " stuck in their ways" for Ne polr, because I found it overly simplistic and non-explantory. I read some great Ne poplar material by a ESI on this sight last year. Can't remember, but I think they were saying that Ne polr is about a failure to explore options, or a fear of doing so. Not a conscious "stuck".

    sometimes Ne Si quadras think their thing will work
    I'm always impressed that delta NFs can "move on" and try something different. I'm equally impressed that alpha SFs maintain their hope and positivity.

    but it doesnt and reality puts pressure on people who become Se and Ni egos
    Super ego can be a bitch. But its required. Usually I see it when people are not getting their dual seeking - suggestive function needs met.

    Se egos also destroy everything including Ne and Si egos
    Some more implicit negative observations here... are you sure you are INFp? I think Se is far less destructive than people seem to think. Why would a socioptype who is destroying everything , and undermine everything that is occurring, even continue on a evolutionary standpoint for a million years we are human? I don't see Se as destructive, actually. I'm sad only negative individuals are brought forward as type exemplars.

    I know it can be uncomfortable to have another human body all up in your space. But, it doesn't bother half the socion. So lets "keep it real".

    which creates Ni egos as puzzle pieces to narrowly fit all the chaos
    Ni types do have a dual-suggestive role for "fitting all the pieces of chaos" together. How can you have integrity on the inner world if you have not framed the pieces of chaos throughout time (of any field: personal, interpersonal, historical, ecological)? Clearly this is a part of their purpose for their duals, so how can this be a bad thing?

    this fits dario nardi brain scans where INxJ had a wholistic low vibration brain pattern activtion that has to take every possible factor into consideration, IxEs have a christmass tree pattern that is spreading from one node to more nodes to even more nodes
    Yawn. Looking for socionics in brainwaves is lame and a dead end. I actually don't believe in the veracity of this supposed study.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Huh? Why don't IxE know what they are doing? Is it because they tend to react (if immature) to perceived "slights"? (role Se), or...?
    i have to preface that u are lacking in a lot of prior understanding to understand this, but all this means u havent been trying to understand by yuorself. i, and no one else, is supposed to be thinking about everything, and put it into concrete words for you to specifically understand, esp when u may just find some other bs to discard it bc again ur not making the effort to discover and udnerstand patterns bc thats actually difficult and u can feel like u know better just bc u can call bs on anything while u already have people making videos, articles, books and experience from ur own personal life to draw patterns on your own from.

    IxEs are Ji PoLR. Ji is a judging function and its introverted. so it involves interrelating a bunch of factors together to make a decision. They are Ne leading and the Ji PoLR is kind of what allows their Ne to flow freely bc it doesnt tie them to some preconceptions that could limit their ideas but then this means they may miss how something destroys the integrity of smth else. they are also Ni ignoring for a similar reason. ILEs can say or do smth sociopathic while acting blind to the implications or like they dont matter bc bad things just happen or are part of reality and u should get over it or whatever and IEEs think they can do this or that and get away with it bc theres no way to "know" whats fair or appropriate or workable so no one can judge them or anyone else while simultenously they judge others unfairly but theres no way to know whats fair or not so it becomse about what they FEEL in the moment and u have to agree with them. so theres this structural aspect of reality thats a part of everything that they tend to ignore and act like their bs has merit bc the Ji they are blind to doesnt exist to them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Some more implicit negative observations here... are you sure you are INFp? I think Se is far less destructive than people seem to think. Why would a socioptype who is destroying everything , and undermine everything that is occurring, even continue on a evolutionary standpoint for a million years we are human? I don't see Se as destructive, actually. I'm sad only negative individuals are brought forward as type exemplars.

    I know it can be uncomfortable to have another human body all up in your space. But, it doesn't bother half the socion. So lets "keep it real".

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post

    IxEs are Ji PoLR. Ji is a judging function and its introverted. so it involves interrelating a bunch of factors together to make a decision.
    If I was being pedantic, just purely making a decision is more of a Te exercise, or even judicious, decisive dichotomy amoung others. I can see you are going from the broad strokes and explaining why BOTH sociotypes have similar trending polr issues, and I can respect that. I still think its unnecessary to lump both in together as they are so different from one another. ILE has issues with field statics of relationships. What that means in other words from a practical standpoint if you were to see and hear in it real life:

    "Suzy is John's girlfriend. She has been with him for 8 years. Suzy loves when John does the laundry, yet she feels he only does so out of obligation. When she brings this up with him, and tells him how she feels useless, she experiences guilt at not doing it herself, and shame that she should be better. This effects how she relates to her children, one of which does her laundry every week, while the older son leaves all his clothes all over his bedroom and mud room." <-----imbedded in this is Fi information, "who relates to who, and why" (amoung a few other IEs, for instance, Te and Si.

    A ILE by view of classic socionics theory, has this sort of awareness in a "dead zone", same as all polr for any sociotype. Meaning, they just straight up do not think about it. Do not consider it, find considering it stressful, understand on the intellectual level its important, yet executing the habit of these discussions is tiring and bothersome as per information metabolism standards. Make sense?

    For a IEE, the introverted thinking factor, which is static, "field like" - for example: players relate to positions and those relate to rules and those rules relate to field markers and those field markers relate to how far a ball can travel given its relative velocity and speed by the force impact the player gave when kicking the ball, which leads to acceleration <---- all a field of objects in relation to each other and their purpose.

    In a real world setting this looks an individual who does not process, nor consider the deepest connections inherent between real world objects, as per the definition of this particular polr. (this is not an exhaustive definition.)

    You get individuals who are failing to see the intricateness of rules that are already inherent in the system itself. I can think of a dozen instances where a IEE I know "thinks" they can just "read some books" and now they are experts on a given topic, without having done any of the leg work to obtain such knowledge. This suits the quadra fine, given that Te can still function even without any conscious Ti. (btw this is not connected to intelligence, ability to achieve, success in life, success in one's career, ect, all of which are terrible memes this site propagates. Each individual has strengths and those strengths can evolve adapt, or shrink across the course of one's life.)

    They are Ne leading and the Ji PoLR is kind of what allows their Ne to flow freely bc it doesnt tie them to some preconceptions that could limit their ideas
    I would take out the word ideas and just say limits. I have experienced this with IEEs several times, and in some cases the event was extremely painful for both of us. I heard a lot of "you just understand the way we do things, the way people do things, you don't care." Me, yes I do understand, but you can't claim something is true just because you want it to be, or it "ought to be". IEI have similar issues, but from different angles and outcomes.

    but then this means they may miss how something destroys the integrity of smth else.
    Like all polr, failure to acknowledge other facets of reality that are effecting the integrity of the thing that is occurring. All IEs are occurring always in every situation, btw.

    they are also Ni ignoring for a similar reason.
    I see it more as a disinclination to go over "the timelines" of reality in to much depth. "what happened, when it happened, how this effects..."

    ILEs can say or do smth sociopathic
    I have to reiterate this point because its important: Fi polr DOES NOT MEAN THE INDIVIDUAL IS CRUEL, ANTISOCIAL, IMMORAL, VIOLENT, UNCONNECTED TO THOSE AROUND THEM, ect.

    Fi polr means "they just do not consider it", or "they assume more relationships are there then it seems". "Everyone is my friend". Plus Fe is a "key" to any sort of situation, in their eyes, who cares the interpersonal relationships that " are" or "should be", when Fe-Se of the moment is acceptable? People need to remember "merry" quadras have a definition based off something real world and tangible.

    while acting blind to the implications or like they dont matter bc bad things just happen or are part of reality and u should get over it or whatever a
    "acting blind" or, are literally blind? (as per polr theory).

    nd IEEs think they can do this or that and get away with it bc theres no way to "know" whats fair or appropriate or workable so no one can judge them or anyone else while simultenously they judge others unfairly but theres no way to know whats fair or not so it becomse about what they FEEL in the moment and u have to agree with them. so theres this structural aspect of reality thats a part of everything that they tend to ignore and act like their bs has merit bc the Ji they are blind to doesnt exist to them.

    Ti polr is frustrating from the outside, I'm sure.

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    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    You cannot type each of Quadra in a society one-by-one. Because Quadra means the overall environment itself.
    Therefore, it doesn't work like that. Your society forms a Quadra instead of Socionics type - not by IME either.
    And that is just not only what but also how it is.
    Last edited by Metaphor; 01-08-2023 at 01:19 AM. Reason: OCD
    Typology Diagnostic Service

    Typology Discord Server

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: "The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom."

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