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    Member Questionnaire 1 (Clarke)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    This one was hard to answer, but I guess that beauty is a physical thing. It's an analysis of aesthetics. Usually there's balance involved, and there's some kind of interest factor, like the right color combination or the right shapes. Personally, I tend to view things as beautiful when they have a nice balance between realistic and fantastical.

    I really don't know what to say about love. It's a feeling that makes you addicted to people. I could talk about what it could be scientifically or evolutionarily, but I don't think that's relevant.
    What are your most important values?
    Loyalty, integrity, rationality. Generally, people should be open to new information so that they can learn multiple sides of the argument and come closer to, or contribute to, the truth.

    I like kindness, but it's hard for me to put it into a value. I tend to just make rules on how kind to act towards people (basically means that I'm "not mean" to "innocent" people).
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don't believe in religion in general. There's not enough evidence for it. Everything that I've seen that could be evidence for religion could either be coincidence or has some rational explanation that explains why the evidence exists.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I like war and militaries, at least somewhat on an instinctual level.

    Power for me tends to be the ability to override other people. It can come in many forms, and whether people have power or not depends completely on their environment. Conceptually, we could think of it like survival of the fittest.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I think I have long conversations about basically anything that seems meaningful to me. Sometimes, I'll have long conversations about relationships, while other times, I'll have long conversations about science. I generally don't have long conversations about sports or aesthetics (except from a theoretical point of view). I like talking about information and interesting phenomenons.

    My interests tend to be scientific or artistic (both visual art and the development of storylines). I'm not sure why I like both.

    I think that I tend not to like talking about deeply emotional topics for too long. By this, I mean that I think I don't like talking about topics that have deep emotional feelings involved.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Health/medicine can be interesting from a scientific perspective. I sometimes like to think of how to solve health problems, usually with plant or animal materials. I generally don't talk alot about or have a great interest in health/medicine.

    I'm not always aware of my body, but I'm aware that it often has certain needs. I usually don't think about my body.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't remember any movies that I would still say are my favorites. However, I've liked a variety of shows, including Game of Thrones and Daredevil (2012). In these cases, I've watched clips of them on Youtube instead of watching the entire show. I would say that they seem interesting based on the clips that I've seen.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I guess sad things make me cry. Sometimes, I cry without really understanding why, usually during a sad movie scene or when I think about a topic that might be sad. When it happens, I feel detached from the crying, like it's just an embarrassing body process. It's a weird phenomenon.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Basically virtual environments. I usually feel a sense of belonging on internet forums or in gaming groups. The closest I've gotten to in real life is a group of somewhat weird friends.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can't play sports. My reaction times when it comes to reacting to the physical sphere are actually extremely bad. I don't really care about this.

    I guess I've historically disliked being emotional.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I've generally been considered smart. Historically, I used to also consider myself to be strong-willed at certain points of my life. I also seem to be pretty creative, which is cool.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    A person who could show me how to manage/build physical survival things might be interesting.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    The closest I've had to this when I've been pretty clear headed is creators block. It tends to happen in the middle of major projects, usually art projects. Basically, I stop generating ideas, and don't really know how to approach the project. I forgot what I used to do about it. I think I probably just waited until I started to get ideas again.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like logical people. I also like kind people. I generally don't like chaos or what I see as stupidity.

    I tend to get along well with smart/logical and kind people. I guess I have trouble getting along with smart/logical people when I have nothing to contribute.

    I also admire people with strong willpower. I tend not to get close enough to these people to see if I get along with them.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I'd like a logical partner. I guess I also like masculine people. I don't see muscles as necessarily masculine.

    Ultimately, I think I'd like someone that's good at thinking, but also has some compassion, or at least sympathetic qualities. I don't need alot of compassion.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I guess children seem to be alot of work. I'd probably have to learn how to cook better meals, and I'd have to dedicate time to taking care of them. I'm generally not sure whether I want kids.

    Theoretically, if I had kids, I'd probably follow advice books or online sources that talk about how to take care of them if something wasn't straightforward.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Usually, I'd probably either diplomatically try to argue that they're wrong, or I'd just diplomatically and neutrally contribute some information or thoughts that I have about it. My inward reaction depends on the viewpoint and how confidently they talk about it. If a friend proudly said that they supported something that was immoral to me, I'd question why we're friends. There would probably be a level of disgust.

    Generally, I think I'd tend to ask why a friend has that viewpoint rather than stop being friends with them immediately.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I tend to stay away from society unless there can be some exchange of information, I think. A prevalent social problem seems to be that people can't come together and push for a system that can function well. Being pretty detached from society, I tend to be guilty of this as well.

    I guess I generally view people as "okay".
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I guess I choose my friends based on their interests or how interesting they are as a person. I don't really have a conscious decision making process when I choose friends. I just choose them.

    Often times, I'll be invited to a group and others will engage with me. Regardless of how interesting they are, they'll probably end up as friends. They'll generally not be "good" friends unless they're interesting.

    I think I usually behave pretty diplomatically around friends, sometimes sharing interesting information that I've found or some light personal details. With closer friends, I tend to share more controversial personal details. This seems to be a form of venting.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I basically don't like to interact with strangers unless they're in a virtual world. In those cases, I usually observe the interaction for a while, and then start to contribute. Once familiarity sets in, I tend to no longer really see them as strangers.

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    in dire need of needing life Fransiskus's Avatar
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    Not the best on typing others, but...

    You really give off the "torn off from reality" vibes from your writing, you know what I mean?
    Probably high introversion.
    You seemed to talk about relationships a bit often, and to have meaningful conversation with others, so you might value Fi over Fe, as I don't really see any evidence that you value the latter.
    Probably logical type aswell, as you mentioned the dislike/difficulty understanding on being deeply "emotional", though it's not a correlation.

    Yeah, I'd stick with ILI unless there's some kind of new information from you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Yup, I've been told that I seem pretty detached from reality I guess. Not wanting to talk about emotions could be 3E in Attitudinal Psyche/Psyche Yoga I think, but I actually think that I had a decisive work style earlier in life (I used to slowly get ready to do projects I was procrastinating on). I also don't think I really have the Filatova EII Se weakness. I'm generally not motivated to push myself to reach any kind of ideal, or at least not one that seems unrealistic for real life. My attitude towards messes is basically to leave them alone unless they're a hazard somehow or someone unfamiliar is going to see it.

    I think my attitude towards Si is that if I receive stuff related to it, I usually think it's a kind gesture. However, I also tend to think that it's often unnecessary, or at least I don't seem to expect it from people. I would generally say that I don't expect Si-related things from society except for maybe basic safety (which might be related to order).

    I would generally say that I can't do Si related tasks, such as cooking, very well. I also have no desire to pursue these tasks. I've had the sense that if I needed to, I could learn how to do it well enough to support myself.
    Are you still doubting that you're a certain type ( such as ILI? )
    Or are you still searching?

    I'd say you're still ILI, and the stuff you mentioned might say you don't really value Si.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    I guess you could say that I'm always doubting.
    Which part are you doubting on?

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    opinions on a typing video may ease your doubts a little

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    I don't think that I fit the ILI description that well. I'm also not sure that the Te usage that I shown on the forums is actually a sort of natural skill (if I've used Te).

    While I remember liking war, I'm not sure that I was always like that. I think that when I was a kid, violence scared me. It's possible that violence had a scarring effect on me until, around my teens, I interpreted being scared of violence as weak. I didn't take the straightforward way of dealing with this, which would've been to get involved in fights or something. Instead, I basically made myself immune to the negative feelings that come with gore.

    I have trouble understanding whether I match the Filatova description for the EII when it comes to violence. I think that every act of violence I've seen does scar me for life, but that I've interpreted those scars as good, probably due to Sx 6 characteristics.

    As for why I wanted to be a sniper, it's probably because I was a sniper in FPS games. Due to my attitude towards gore and my apparent skill at being a sniper, I thought that'd be a good role for me.

    Maybe this is a counterpoint against EII, but I've always felt a feeling of power or some kind of interest maybe when I've been a sniper in FPS games. It's something about the one shot kill.
    No idea what you're trying to say, but I'll just assume you talk about either Te or most likely candidate, Se as in power / violence.
    Maybe try to find out if you value either Ti or Te. But if you valued Fi then you're already in the Te/Fi axis.

    EII has valued Ne, not Ni, you could try to find out which you value as both lies in ur ego block.

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    Quote Originally Posted by get R View Post
    you can write English sentences clearly, try harder
    What is going on lol. Did I misinterpreted it wrong?

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    i think you could be EII, Clarke

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    i have bipolar so it's considerably more difficult to type me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Oddly, my dad seems to match the Filatova description for SLI, although it's possible that he's actually a LSI who I just think matched the SLI description. I thought for a while that I might've taken on some alternate dichotomies because of the Look-a-like ITR. Ultimately, that wouldn't explain why I seem to have the Static Dichotomy.

    In terms of our ITR, all I can really say is that it doesn't seem to match Activity. I think it's also unlikely that he's a Benefactor to me, since I don't try hard to assist him.
    it's because the description doesn't take into account father/mother & son/daughter dynamic..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    I reviewed some of the cognitive function descriptions in "Aspects in the Valued Functions", and have come to the following conclusions:
    -I seem to fit Fi activating more than Fi leading. Ultimately, neither description fits perfectly, but I would generally not say that I'm confident in my assessment of good/bad. A key characteristics that I had historically is that I would usually try to at least tell the truth, even if it was hurtful. That would be my ideal state, and it's only over time that I've learned not to say the truth.
    -I don't seem to fit Se creative or Si activating. I would say that I fit some characteristics of both. In line with Se creative, I have this tendency to switch sides when I think that one side is being incompetent somehow.
    EIIs like Fiona Apple and Delta Work (drag queen) seem to do that a lot

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    @Clarke i think it's a mix of both..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    I guess that makes sense if they think it's ethical to tell the truth. I'm not sure why they would switch sides. I thought EII's were pretty loyal.
    i think it's just human nature to switch sides.. (non-type related)

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    ..just like now I think I'm switching back to being EII..

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    you write much more like a logical type (there's not much genuine emotional content, mostly thoughts about whatever interests you), and you express uncertainty and doubt about questions in many posts, have difficulty deciding
    I'd consider the irrational logicians, EII doesn't make much sense for you as far as I've seen
    best way to narrow down your type - understand your intertype relations with people you know. if you're ILI, then ILE should evoke more negative associations, for example

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    You seem to have an over analyzing style/using different information or fact to come to an conclusion when talking about things that fit J lead than P lead. I actually know a Te lead in real life has the same talking style like you lol.
    Last edited by Renna; 11-10-2022 at 04:00 PM.

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    At the moment I type you as LIE - N. But I may change my opinion later…

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    I get LSI vibes from the way you write and order things, certainly seems kind of static and delimited if you know what I'm saying, logical too. That post above there is definitely some Ti behaviour, you seem not very interested in Te which could fit with ignoring, you think you have bad intuition and type as 1F2L in PY, 6w5 sp definitely fits with it too. Maybe LSI-H to explain some of the irrational behaviour, just my guess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    You know, an interesting thing is that I've seem to have been posting facts about myself in this thread. That seems like Te to me. It's not necessarily an analysis of efficiency, but Te is sometimes attached to the facts. ExI's apparently also like to pursue fact dispensers, and EII's apparently like to discuss interesting facts (if I'm remembering sources correctly).
    it's Te, yes
    also, babbling on and talking with yourself without depending much on responses is more what introverts can have a tendency to do; we're more self-absorbed than extraverts. so introversion is somewhat more likely. although it's worth mentioning that extraverts have a greater need to communicate and may spam more to fulfill that need, but i'm not getting the impression that you're terribly dependent on that
    ILI, SLI is possibly your type - you mentioned an idealization of war and combat at some point. this is not very likely for SLI, and especially not for EII. but ILI with Se valuing can.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    it's Te, yes
    also, babbling on and talking with yourself without depending much on responses is more what introverts can have a tendency to do; we're more self-absorbed than extraverts. so introversion is somewhat more likely. although it's worth mentioning that extraverts have a greater need to communicate and may spam more to fulfill that need, but i'm not getting the impression that you're terribly dependent on that
    ILI, SLI is possibly your type - you mentioned an idealization of war and combat at some point. this is not very likely for SLI, and especially not for EII. but ILI with Se valuing can.
    I guess it makes sense for Se valuing to like violence in concept. I don't always like violence, especially chaotic violence, but for some reason war and death appeals to me. Usually, I seem to like it when it's systematic or ordered in some way, which is why I thought maybe it was attached to Te instead of Se.

    I've thought that maybe death didn't always appeal to me, and I just made it appeal to me by numbing myself to the negative reactions I had to it. I think war always appealed to me as a concept, though.

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    >but for some reason war and death appeals to me.
    it's more of a Se/Ni valuing thing. although I have had similar grim fascinations at points in my life - the more removed and abstracted it is from your actual life, the less strong the aversion. I enjoy violent games and horror films, too, for example
    >Usually, I seem to like it when it's systematic or ordered in some way, which is why I thought maybe it was attached to Te instead of Se.
    pleasure in systems and order is more of a Ti valuing thing, generally. but I think that Te is more likely for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    Generally, my Se scores on tests have been extremely low. I would say that EII is more likely, as they've been described to appear similar to LSI's. I think that I might appear to be logical because of 6w5 and 1F2L.

    While I seem uninterested in Te, I'm actually very uninterested in what I think is Fe. The extraversion of feelings to improve mood usually bothers me. Things that tend to have positive emotions and "happiness" tend to bug me on some kind of deep instinctual level. The tone of voice that comes with optimism feels bad for some reason. Not to be too impolite to Fe users here, but it feels "gross" and almost physically hurts.

    I don't know if this was always the case because I also used to use emoticons (even happy emoticons), although I never used the happy tone of voice that could come with these emoticons in real life. Generally, I've been a fairly straightforward person.

    As for Se usage, I don't think that I've really had the willpower to impose things on others. The most I've done is stand up for myself in family conflicts by having a sort of war.

    Oddly enough, when I broke up with one of my partners, I think I called him weak as part of my 3E tirade. I don't know if that was an analysis of Se or Te.

    Edit: Actually, I looked at one of my tests and the Se strength was actually fairly close to the Ni usage. However, I think this is because the test measured Se strength based on Si strength. The relevant results are attached.

    In a different test, where I got EII, my Se score was 2%. On this test, I answered how I think I was historically according to maybe others' standards or how I should realistically be, rather than what my self image was.

    I don't put much stock into online test results, especially ones like, they're all over the place. Furthermore, while many see their typings in different systems as disconnected from each other by I think each has an implication on the others. There's some clear correlations between each system that work together to make an overall image of a person.

    Your subtype will affect your relationship with your functions a lot. For the LSI, Se is not something they do constantly, but it helps them recognize hierarchies and power dynamics, and be able to operate in them, support them or challenge them when necessary. It also gives them ability to stand up for themselves, like you mentioned you do (EIIs are pretty terrible at it ngl) and mobilize themselves in critical situations, like acting in a crisis. If there is suddenly a massive fire in an LSI's house they wouldn't panic or freeze, they'd be able to act quickly to get everyone out safely. This is the kind of stress situation that makes LSIs use Se more actively, otherwise it's mostly background and they operate with Si. Harmonizing subtype would take that further, making the LSI even more Si oriented over Se.

    Also Fe isn't just bubbly, cheering and optimism. In fact it can be quite the opposite, as it's often the case with the LSI's dual, the EIE who as negativist type leading with -Fe and -Ni is more about dramatic emotions, sardonicism, playing a sort of role, etc. Not exactly a cheerleader, more of an actor or character, they're called the Hamlet after all.

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    I have noticed that you use " I seem" a lot. It's very unusual for a person to say that (a lot) about him/herself . Do you know why that is ?

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    I think that for story making, my natural tendency is to make a story with 1 main character. I don't seem to like switching story perspectives, especially to small objects or creatures which have low importance in the grand scheme of the story. This seems to match the static writing style.

    Usually, if I switch characters, it happens across multiple story arcs. There'll be a story or arc where character A is the main character, and then a story or arc where character B is the main character. I think this is based on which character's perspective would make the best story.

    When I first started making story plots years ago, it was hard for me to imagine the entire plot. Usually, I'd imagine scenes that took place in the plot, and then stitch them together with what I think should logically/reasonably flow between the two.

    Recently, I made a story and seemed to take a different approach. Instead of coming up with scenes, I seemed to come up with an entire plot. The plot involved one character. I didn't really imagine this plot. It seemed to just come to me as I was writing content.

    The story I wrote was developed in the following way:
    -I had a new story idea that took the form of an insight. I can't remember whether this insight contained many elements (like how the world would be structured) or was just based on a single concept (in this case, what if x).
    -I started to write ideas down.
    -As I wrote ideas down, things were added that made sense and seemed to make the story more interesting.

    Generally, I think that the style I used to make the most recent story isn't what I would've done years ago. I think I would've been too insecure about the development of the story somehow. I'm not sure about this.

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    Sometimes I see myself as resembling various other people. While I was writing the above post, I imagined my wording as being similar to Paladin Danse's from Fallout 4. These are usually a source of paranoia for me because I think they have some implication about my type (I typed Paladin Danse as a LSE, and the other likely thing he could be is a LSI based on others' typing of him).

    I don't think I used to be paranoid about this before I learned about personality types.

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    The following event happened today:
    -Around the time that I woke up, I heard the phone ringing with a tone that meant that someone familiar was calling. I was too lazy to get up and check it out. I think I wasn't sure whether I wanted to go back to bed. I don't currently live alone, and the person it was most likely to be was in the house, so I guessed that it was one of my family members' business. I'm generally not the one who answers the phone. I knew it was important, but I didn't think it was worth getting up to answer or waking up other members of my house for.
    -After I got up, I realized that it could actually be an emergency, so I went down to the phone to check its messages. However, there were no messages.
    -Generally, I've been wary that something's wrong. I almost seem to be sort of on guard. I don't have the self awareness to tell whether I'm "relaxed" or "mobilized", or whether this has been consistent. It feels like I'm occasionally more on guard than other times, but it's just sort of a blend of being aware and being more focused on the computer. Sometimes I seem to get more on guard when I have realizations about what could happen.

    I noticed that while writing this, I seemed to use the word "generally" alot. Theoretically, static types talk about general phenomenons, while dynamic types talk about specific phenomenons.

    Generally, if you asked me what I would do on New Years, I would probably tell you something like "Well, I guess I tend to just stay home.".

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    My reaction to food is generally the following:
    -I will occasionally get cravings to eat something, like a burger. However, if I can't get this item for some reason, I plan on when I can get it, and then simply wait until that time. I don't like when plans about this change.
    -As I've said in other posts, I seem to be able to basically switch off my need for food. I'll feel the effects of not eating, but if it's important not to eat, I'll just ignore them. I've never really understood fat people, since I tend to think that if I were them, I'd simply stop eating.

    During the period that I've been calling psychological stress, I had the following characteristics:
    -If I felt like a burger, I basically needed it that day. Usually if I had to convince other people to get me a burger, I would use persuasion to do it. It would physically hurt me not to have the burger.
    -I actually gained some weight because I couldn't not eat junk food. Since I've stopped being psychologically stressed, I've lost weight.

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    We could say that my reliable interpretations of the future tends to be like a vector instead of an imagination.

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    You're so invested in this lol

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    you said u like military and consisred urself strong willed which makes me think not EII
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fransiskus View Post
    You're so invested in this lol
    I guess I'm just providing information.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    It's possible that I simply imagined the ideal for me to be an emotionally or mentally strong person, and tried to pursue that. After that, when I was already numbed to violence, the appeal of the military's order made it the next logical step.
    the military creates mental illness, and you need to be mentally ill to get there anyway. this is not being mentally strong its being dysfunctional weak and desparate. ofc u have such problems when you're on this forum.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    the military creates mental illness, and you need to be mentally ill to get there anyway. this is not being mentally strong its being dysfunctional weak and desparate. ofc u have such problems when you're on this forum.
    We seem to be valuing different functions here. I'm valuing something that you're not, or you're valuing something that I'm not. I think it might be related to Te or Fe somehow. I actually think that it's more likely to be related to Fe, since someone who doesn't value Fe might not consider the ethical implications of war on the collective psyche (maybe the mood that war brings to societies).

    I think that most people who went into the military aren't mentally ill from a psychiatric standpoint. As for wanting to go into the military, it's probably somehow related to a desire to be aggressive or powerful, or like things that are aggressive or powerful. That's sort of my reason for wanting to join. While that seems like Se, my desire to be powerful isn't the same as a desire to be violent necessarily. I seem to have a gut reaction against most acts of violence, especially if they don't make sense.

    I've only really been confused about myself after I got into personality types. Before then, I wasn't really that confused about who I was, or what I really wanted in life.

    I've noticed that I like the idea that I can be a sort of arbiter of death. I don't really care about the choice of being the one who kills someone, but I like having the ability to do it, and to somehow do it correctly. Somehow, this seems to be controlled by ethics (kind of a sense of fairness).

    I guess ultimately, you could say that everyone who wants to join the military is mentally ill. But I don't think there's any psychiatric basis for this, and there's really no reason for it to be cured, at least for cases like me. I didn't join the military, and I probably wouldn't have if there wasn't a good reason for it to wage war.

    Edit: I guess I don't understand why it would be desperate and weak. You have a weakness towards violence, so you eliminate it. That gives you the capability to act in the physical sphere. I guess for me, there was nothing desperate about it. It was a straightforward action.

    Edit 2: I was going to say that having a weakness towards violence wasn't useful for me, but actually I guess with losing it, I lost a sort of awareness about violence (how people would react to it). I sort of stayed aware at the time, but I guess I just didn't really sympathize with it on any deep level. Maybe my thought process at the time was that if I could get rid of it, then anyone could. Something like that would make everyone able to interact with things that they might usually flinch at, whether it's an injured person or brain surgery on someone that has a tumor. It can also help stop them from being fearful of terrorists.

    I have no idea whether this makes me look like a Te Ego type. I'm clearly considering the usefulness of the weakness from a pragmatic standpoint, which would imply Te valuing. I guess this actually makes me look more Te-based, since I'm using Te-type justifications to support my decisions.

    Edit 3: I guess for me to believe that mentally ill people join the military, I'd need data. I guess I'd probably question this data as well if it doesn't make sense.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-11-2022 at 06:48 PM. Reason: Improving information accuracy, adding information.

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    I just don't understand why I have the static dichotomy. I'm clearly using Te here, or maybe I'm talking about using Te, but with the Look-A-Like ITR I shouldn't get the static dichotomy. It would make sense if I looked more like an SLI, but SLI's are also dynamic. Even if the Look-A-Like ITR somehow weakens the leading function, the creative function should still be dynamic. Although, interestingly, the mobilizing function for xLI's is static and it's also in the accepting position (similar to the leading function).

    I've noticed something interesting, which is that in a VI-related article written by Sanguine Miasma about DCNH subtypes, Harmonizing subtypes seem to resemble their contrary type or even their supervisor, and Normalizing types seem to resemble their Super Ego. Hypothetically, if I was a ILI-HNDC (one of my potential type options), I would resemble an ILE or maybe somehow an EIE sometimes. Some people on this forum thought that I resembled an LII, which might seem similar somehow. On the other hand, if I was a EII-ND (another potential type option that I'm considering), I would look like a LSI. This would actually explain Pendulum's perception.

    The problem with me being ND is that I generally don't like when other people are arguing near me. It bothers me on some instinctual level, like it affects my personal sense of peace. This doesn't seem to be a N or D characteristic.

    Edit: Even though it seems like I'm using Te here, I think that it's also possible that I'm using it to defend an ethically based action (such as wanting to feel powerful or justify my likes/dislikes and belief systems). Having low experience with ILI's, I don't know whether they do this.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-11-2022 at 07:04 PM. Reason: Added more information.

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    @Clarke can i see your face
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    @Clarke can i see your face
    I don't post pictures of myself on the internet.

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    An interesting note is that when I first read Punisher Max, I think that I had a desire to help Frank Castle. It wasn't a strong desire, though. I think I wanted to help him with something related to ethics.

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    I imagined myself doing the following:
    -Answering "What do you do on new years?" with either "I guess last new years I played video games.".
    -Answering "What do you usually do on new years?" with "I guess I play video games.".

    Later, I imagined answering "What do you do on new years?" with "I guess play video games.". I think my imagination might not be reliable for typing myself according to dichotomies.

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    Rationale for EII-H:
    -I don't like when arguments happen near me.
    -I'm highly kind to animals, even random bugs. This might indicate that I'm actually naturally highly ethical (maybe according to DCNH definitions).
    -I engage with my PoLR function (Se). This matches the Empirical Portraits source description for H types.
    -I appear to be a LSI. This matches Sanguine Miasma's description of H types (that they resemble their Super Ego).

    Rationale for EII in general:
    -I don't like chaotic violence, and have trouble acting in the physical environment (I have trouble tracking the trajectory of flying objects, such as sports-related balls). This might imply that I have Se PoLR.
    -I appear to be a LII.
    -I seem to value Te, and not Fe.
    -I seemed to get a high Fe score (in the negative) on the AIM test.
    -I have the constructivist dichotomy (implies not LII).

    Reasons why I might appear to be a different type:
    -I've been using functions that aren't natural for me due to some kind of psychological stress factor.
    -I'm 6w5 and FLEV.
    -I have Sx characteristics, most likely Sx 6 characteristics.
    -I have N as my second letter in DCNH. This might increase Ti more than types that don't have N in their first 2 letters.
    -I'm not good in DnD alignments, which might make me look unethical.

    Characteristics that seem to contradict this:
    -Different imagination style than some possible EII's.
    -Apparent good Te usage. This is questionable because while I seem to be stating facts, I don't think I'm necessarily doing anything related to efficiency.

    The alternative to this is ILI-HNxx, which would imply that I should look like a SEI or at least seem to use Fe like a SEI would. This would explain why I used to use emoticons. I highly doubt that this is the case due to the following:
    -A lack of an imagination that involves multiple moving objects or objects at different time stamps. I can imagine singular objects moving generically, but they seem to be detached from time.
    -Low apparent brilliance compared to most ILI's.
    -What seems like a decent understanding of Fe (I seem to have the ability to mimic emotions and be fairly socially aware or even confident).

    Rationale for why I have Sx 6 characteristics:
    -I seem to try to value and embody strength, which seems to be in the form of resistance or numbness to violence (which seems to be my PoLR function). You can see this in some of my posts. I don't show this all of the time because I know that it sometimes has detrimental effects on relationships.
    -I've historically had low So characteristics, such as a low consideration or understanding for the social sphere (this is only valid if instinctual stack can be distanced from classical Enneagram).
    -I greatly value partners and intensity (also only valid if instinctual stack can be distanced from classical Enneagram).

    Rationale for my current DCNH guess (HNDC):
    -I seem to be an EII-H.
    -I seem to have normalizing characteristics, such as a desire for order or the tendency to put objects in the right place. I also react violently to objects in my territory being moved.
    -I seem to get war-like and maybe dominant-looking in response to breaches of my territory (steamrolling).

    I think that people I know or are aware of are the following DCNH types:
    -Dad: NH.
    -Mom: D or xD. Normally appears to be D, but there's a chance that this is actually due to some kind of stress factor.
    -Frank Castle (Punisher Max): ND.
    -Doomslayer (Doom 2016): ND.
    -Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender): D.
    -Doom Guy (Ultimate Doom): H.

    I currently interpret myself as identifying with the following elements: Water > Fire > Earth > Air.

    I think that it might not be a good idea for people to self-type with elements.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-12-2022 at 08:25 PM.

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    Some additional information about Model A-related perceptions:
    -I perceive myself as having an unknown amount of skill in Si. I assume that I can do it, but I usually have difficulties when I try.
    -I perceive myself as definitely having trouble doing Se.

    Some additional information about my attitudes towards classic EII interests:
    -I actually don't like schedules. I like to be generally aware of what others will do, but I tend to understand that plans can change (including my own). I don't like to be trapped into a daily schedule, especially one that spans the entire day.
    -I don't have the optimistic quality of some potential EII's. I tend to be more internally harsh or intolerant of mistakes, and I don't really like positivism or a bubbly attitude in general.
    -I have historically liked it when people have brought me food. Based on some discussion in the Delta Lounge, this implies that I might be compatible with a LSE.

    Some additional information about my dichotomies:
    -While I've seen myself slowly seem to mobilize for a project, I think that it would be hard on me to do many projects in a short amount of time or one project in a short amount of time. It seems to help me to have a relaxation period before I start to do the project. This implies that I'm probably judicious.

    The confusion about judicious/decisive was that I interpreted myself as making very fast decisions when it came to minor lifestyle choices, and not consciously thinking about choices when I made more important decisions. I'm actually fairly indecisive when it comes to large decisions, mainly because I tend to stick to decisions that I tell other people. This seems to be related to my need for stability.
    Last edited by Clarke; 11-12-2022 at 08:33 PM.

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