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Thread: Fe, Fi, & Conflict-Aversion

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    Default Fe, Fi, & Conflict-Aversion

    While it's somewhat of a selfish interest as it's based in something @blaecaedre said about my type, I think it would be broadly productive to discuss aversion to conflict and what information elements (specifically between Fe and Fi) are most representative of it. I feel there are some contradictory ideas floating around about conflict-aversion, with some people suggesting that it is more of a Delta NF trait, and others seeming to imply that it's more related to Fe-creative types. I've also encountered the idea that it's mostly to do with subtype, and might be only minimally related to TIM. I'd love to know what people's thoughts on this are, and sort of expect them to probably fall into one of these three schools.

    Coming from an MBTI background, I've always been inclined towards thinking of Fe as "Harmony" and Fi as "Authenticity". I realize that this is absolutely not a Socionics understanding of those elements, but I simply think it's important to state where I'm coming from in order to better understand the essence of my question. My current (Socionics-informed) understanding of Fe and Fi is something like this:

    Fe - emotional charge in the external environment; a desire to impact/engage with that charge in some way; emotional expression in the form of build-up/release over some span of time perhaps describable by the word "catharsis"
    Fi - status of relations/attitudes between the self and other individuals or between the self and objects (material or abstract); a desire to affect change regarding those statuses in order to move them towards an ideal state or states informed by other valued elements; emotional expression mostly in the form of continuous (though not necessarily unchanging) attitude towards those things (as opposed to Fe's emotional release system)

    I may be horribly wrong about this, and that's what I'd like to discover here. Based on my current understanding I should expect conflict aversion to potentially be rooted in either element (though somewhat more directly related to the Fe desire to impact the emotional charge or vibe of the proverbial "room"). My inclination is to think it's not strongly diagnostic of either one element over the other.

    For the sake of convenience, here's the explanation of each element given on the wiki:

    Description of Fe from "Dual Nature of Man" by A. AugustaBlack (extroverted) ethics Fe

    Perceives information about processes taking place in objects — first of all, emotional processes that are taking place in people, their excitation or subduedness, and their moods. This perceptual element implies the ability to know what excites people, and what suppresses them. It defines a person's ability or inability to control his emotional state, and also the emotional states of other people.

    When this element is in the leading position, the individual has the innate ability to induce or convey his moods to others and energize people with his emotions. He is able to activate the psychological/spiritual lives of other people and their emotional readiness for action. You might say that such a person has the ability to infect others with his moods and tends to impose on others the emotional states that he considers beneficial for their life activities.

    What people usually call emotions or a person's display of emotions is neither more nor less than a form of letting out this internal excitation directly, almost without expending it in muscle activity. A cheerful person who laughs releases an emotional charge and inner excitation through certain movements of the muscles of the face and body. This might be a means for reducing overexcitement, when inner exertion cannot be used for the activity it was intended for. But it can also be a conscious method of conveying one's excitement/agitation to others — inducing one's internal excitement/agitation in the psyches of other people. Anger, for example, is also a way of reducing overexcitement, but it is usually directed not at arousing others emotionally, but at emotionally suppressing and depleting them, at lowering their activity level, or at strictly channeling their activity.

    Wikisocion description of Fe
    Extroverted ethics (Fe) is an extroverted, rational, and dynamic information element. It is also called Fe, E, the ethics of emotions, or black ethics.

    Fe is generally associated with the ability to recognize and convey (i.e. make others experience) passions, moods, and emotional states, generate excitement, liveliness, and feelings, get emotionally involved in activities and emotionally involve others, recognize and describe emotional interaction between people and groups, and build a sense of community and emotional unity.

    Types that value Fe like creating a visible atmosphere of camaraderie with other people. They enjoy a loose atmosphere where anything goes, where people don't have to watch too carefully what they say for fear of offending others. This means these types try not to be too thin-skinned, taking jokes with a grain of salt. However, they are very conscious of the fact that the way something is said is very important to how it will be received, so they tend to add emphasis, embellishments, and exaggerations here and there to keep people engaged. The best way to say something is highly dependent on the situation and the implied purpose of the exchange, so of course levity is not appropriate in some situations.

    Even after explosive arguments, these types find it hard to hold grudges, and can tolerate people they in principle don't like, as long as the situation is primarily social and doesn't require too close contact. They prefer misgivings to be out in the open; they believe that the silent treatment is one of the worst things you can do to a person, and only aggravates the underlying problem.

    Description of Fi from "Dual Nature of Man" by A. AugustaWhite (introverted) ethics Fi

    This is the subjective relationship between two carriers of potential or kinetic energy that shows the level of attraction (or repulsion) between one object or subject and another object or subject. Thanks to this IM element a person feels which objects attract him and which repel him. You might say that this perceptual element conveys information about objects' need or lack of need of each other and about the presence or absence of mutual or one-way needs.

    Such an individual perceives information about this facet of objective reality the individual perceives as a need for certain objects that satisfy physical wishes/desires, psychological or spiritual desires, and a need for other people — in other words, a person's wishes/desires and interests that are directed toward animate and inanimate objects. This includes feelings of like and dislike, love and hatred, the desire to obtain some thing/object, etc., and greed or the absense of greed. The higher feelings of this kind can be called ethical, because relationships between people's needs are mainly regulated by ethical normals.

    When this perceptual element is in the leading position, the individual possesses the innate ability to perceive and evaluate wishes/desires — both his own and others'. He always knows who wants what from whom. He is able to set his awareness of subjective reality and his wishes in opposition to those of others. He has the ability to mould and perfect both his own and others' wishes. He possesses both the ability to provide himself with necessary relationships with others and confidence in his capacity to influence other people. His correct perception of human needs allows him to avoid risky collisions when satisfying his own needs. This engenders the ability to manipulate people's attachments, and the ability and desire to influence people's ethical feelings and bring these feelings closer to societal ideals.

    Wikisocion description of Fi
    Introverted ethics (Fi) is an introverted, rational, and static information element. It is also called Fi, R, relational ethics, or white ethics.

    Fi is generally associated with the ability to gain an implicit sense of the subjective 'distance' between two people, and make judgments based off of said thing.

    Types with valued Fi strive to make and maintain close, personal relationships with their friends and family. They value sensitivity to others' feelings, and occasionally will make their innermost feelings and sentiments known in order to test the possibility of creating closeness with others.

    Also, these types convey emotions in terms of how they were affected by something (such as "I did not like that"), rather than an extroverted ethics Fe approach that would describe the object itself without clear reference to the subject involved (such as "That sucked"). Much of their decisions are based on how they themselves, or others in relation to them personally, feel in contrast to considering how "the big picture" is affected (such as groups of people.)

    Anyways, sorry this is developing into quite a long post, but I am intensely curious in what y'all think about this topic. What is the aversion to conflict rooted in? Is it Fe? Fi? Sometimes both or neither? Totally NTR? Subtype-related? Let me know, and use me as an example if you like. I get a nice dopamine hit and feel relevant when people talk about my type like it's important to anyone other than myself lol
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    I have nothing to add yet, but I'm merely commenting to say I'm interested to see where this goes.

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    The one alteration I'd suggest for your Fe definition is that there is a distinction between Fe expression and cathartic expression. The difference between Fi and Fe expression as I understand it is that Fi Base for example may seem placid on the surface, yet have a lot when it comes time for creating some artwork or something (which can also be cathartic expression). They basically just aren't animated. Fe types are very animated, demonstrating physically the emotions. Fi Base tends to explain or describe their emotions ("I feel X," "I like you," etc.) rather than demonstrating the emotions. This is one of the ways Fi is compatible in duality; their duals tend to be uncertain of where they stand in relation to someone, so explaining how they feel (including about someone) makes them have compatibility.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 09-30-2022 at 08:32 AM.

  4. #4


    My inclination is to think it's not strongly diagnostic of either one element over the other.

    Conflict aversion pertains to Agreeableness in Big 5, as well as Assertiveness, which is part of Extroversion.

    It relates to Enneagram in that type 9 is averse, and type 8 is prone.

    It relates to Socionics probably more-so in the Se department, with low Se types being more conflict averse. Se PoLR types also tend to overreact once they actually (finally, probably after some avoidance) do react.

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    I have noticed that I have a tendency to emotionally “escalate” situations to figure out where people stand with me because if there isn’t a outward consistency of behavior, it can create a lot of doubt and insecurity of where I stand with someone. In this way, I am not conflict-averse. However, if I don’t see the situation as relevant or if it doesn’t fit with my goals, I avoid the conflict.

    The funny thing about the former scenario is that the situation usually blows over with other Fe valuers within a matter of hours. With Fi users, they can become a bit shell-shocked.
    Last edited by EIE H; 10-02-2022 at 12:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    I have noticed that I have a tendency to emotionally “escalate” situations to figure out where people stand with me because if there isn’t a outward consistency of behavior, it can create a lot of doubt and insecurity of where I stand with someone. In this way, I am not conflict-averse. However, if I don’t see the situation as relevant or if it doesn’t fit with my goals, I avoid the conflict.

    The funny thing about the former scenario is that the situation usually blows over with other Fe valuers within a matter of hours. With Fi users, they can become a bit shell-shocked.
    That’s interesting. Are you trying to figure out where you stand in relation to others and where they stand with you? Do you ever find that escalating the situation actually changes where you stand with others?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    That’s interesting. Are you trying to figure out where you stand in relation to others and where they stand with you? Do you ever find that escalating the situation actually changes where you stand with others?
    Yes and yes. This is why I consider Fi ignoring because I don’t have much confidence in knowing where I stand with people. The escalation clarifies the position and it does change things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lioness View Post
    The one alteration I'd suggest for your Fe definition is that there is a distinction between Fe expression and cathartic expression. The difference between Fi and Fe expression as I understand it is that Fi Base for example may seem placid on the surface, yet have a lot when it comes time for creating some artwork or something (which can also be cathartic expression). They basically just aren't animated. Fe types are very animated, demonstrating physically the emotions. Fi Base tends to explain or describe their emotions ("I feel X," "I like you," etc.) rather than demonstrating the emotions. This is one of the ways Fi is compatible in duality; their duals tend to be uncertain of where they stand in relation to someone, so explaining how they feel (including about someone) makes them have compatibility.
    I see, thanks for the insight! I think you're right about cathartic expression not necessarily being Fe. Though I do wonder what types are the ones who "don't get" catharsis. As I mentioned in the thread about my mom's type, she simply doesn't understand why people like it or seek it out. To her she only wants to experience things that are positive for the most part, and she only likes stories that end happy. She's very adamant that despairing/tragic/horrific endings are inferior, and I don't know how to interpret that typologically. She is a very animated person fwiw
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lioness View Post

    Conflict aversion pertains to Agreeableness in Big 5, as well as Assertiveness, which is part of Extroversion.

    It relates to Enneagram in that type 9 is averse, and type 8 is prone.

    It relates to Socionics probably more-so in the Se department, with low Se types being more conflict averse. Se PoLR types also tend to overreact once they actually (finally, probably after some avoidance) do react.
    Yeah, that also seems right to me that it would have more to do with Se than either of the feeling elements
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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    I have noticed that I have a tendency to emotionally “escalate” situations to figure out where people stand with me because if there isn’t a outward consistency of behavior, it can create a lot of doubt and insecurity of where I stand with someone. In this way, I am not conflict-averse. However, if I don’t see the situation as relevant or if it doesn’t fit with my goals, I avoid the conflict.

    The funny thing about the former scenario is that the situation usually blows over with other Fe valuers within a matter of hours. With Fi users, they can become a bit shell-shocked.
    This is pretty interesting to me. What's an example of the type of escalation you might employ?
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    i will disagree and tell ppl what they want to hear if i feel safe enough to do so or dont care about my wellbeing. i will disagree with others when if i dont what they are about to do will hurt me somehow, if i feel like i cant lose anymore. example of that would be the Se gang pressuring everyone to agree to use presentations for grading instead of tests. there are different kinds of conflicts that have to be dealt with differently. i think i have avoided conflicts much more than most people. the most conflict avoidant types are prolly INFx types then INTx. i dont like it if i have too much power over someone and i have to disagree with them, esp if they have done something that may be wrong in my eyes or i dont know how wrong it is. there's ppl who have weaker presence and are much easier to push around and listen more even if their previous views are different and offensive to mine.
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    Ni is actually pretty important here too as in anticipatory way. That said it can work in both ways especially among extroverts. I seem to be pretty tune with surrounding moods (this comment comes from multiple people) so dunno.. I do not regulate that well Fi as I can step on toes with my arguments but Ni is sort of big thing.

    Si from what I gather is sort of well tuned to comfort so I think that ESFx ( also with Se) can probably really push limits here.
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    Wouldn't it mostly be Si and conflict-aversion? And ironically maybe Ne. Si wants comfort and I feel like Ne would have rather asymmetrical relationships with other people since people with Ne (at least Ne and Fe) would probably just be very "sensitive" ironically because, well, the description of Ne and ethics is being able to read people, but I feel like if you can really accurately read people, you probably have a lower opinion of them not a higher one, because no matter how well you know how to get what you want from people, you also know when they dislike you, are having negative thoughts, are being a pervert, etc. even when they're trying to hide that stuff. So for Ne it's not really "I want to keep the peace and avoid conflicts starting" like Si is but "I really am thinking about you when you aren't thinking about me so I just get tired of dealing with your BS which I can smell miles away." I still think Fe and Fi types in Beta and Gamma will start conflicts all the time, but they'll still feel like it's a waste of their time in many or most cases, which is probably exactly the problem with those types. Especially when you look at obstinate types in the Reinin dichotomies, I don't think they're really conflict-averse that way at all, but they just see other people having conflicting interests as sort of inevitable and a default state rather than a passing one. Rather than avoiding situations of conflict, I think the obstinate types with high-dimensional Ne EIE, IEE, LII, and ILI mostly avoid people who they see as enemies or opponents instead, but when the conflicts happen, they aren't really thinking of it as being situational or momentary so much as being an expression of a long-standing enmity based on opposing values and interests so they aren't really trying to avoid rocking the boat so much as they're trying to avoid people they think are bad.

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    Si as I understand is sensation and present oriented. That said Ni egos can have extreme reactions here but I supposed it will be self fixated.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Wouldn't it mostly be Si and conflict-aversion? And ironically maybe Ne. Si wants comfort and I feel like Ne would have rather asymmetrical relationships with other people since people with Ne (at least Ne and Fe) would probably just be very "sensitive" ironically because, well, the description of Ne and ethics is being able to read people, but I feel like if you can really accurately read people, you probably have a lower opinion of them not a higher one, because no matter how well you know how to get what you want from people, you also know when they dislike you, are having negative thoughts, are being a pervert, etc. even when they're trying to hide that stuff. So for Ne it's not really "I want to keep the peace and avoid conflicts starting" like Si is but "I really am thinking about you when you aren't thinking about me so I just get tired of dealing with your BS which I can smell miles away." I still think Fe and Fi types in Beta and Gamma will start conflicts all the time, but they'll still feel like it's a waste of their time in many or most cases, which is probably exactly the problem with those types. Especially when you look at obstinate types in the Reinin dichotomies, I don't think they're really conflict-averse that way at all, but they just see other people having conflicting interests as sort of inevitable and a default state rather than a passing one. Rather than avoiding situations of conflict, I think the obstinate types with high-dimensional Ne EIE, IEE, LII, and ILI mostly avoid people who they see as enemies or opponents instead, but when the conflicts happen, they aren't really thinking of it as being situational or momentary so much as being an expression of a long-standing enmity based on opposing values and interests so they aren't really trying to avoid rocking the boat so much as they're trying to avoid people they think are bad.
    It must be hard to be a conflict averse IxE, since those types usually have no filter

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    It must be hard to be a conflict averse IxE, since those types usually have no filter
    I think they would have a filter, though. They are 4D Ne. Especially IEE which has Ne and Fi, but I think what people forget about ILE is they also have 4D Ne. Unless we're saying they literally can't apply their Ne to people, which I don't think is how Ne works.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I think they would have a filter, though. They are 4D Ne. Especially IEE which has Ne and Fi, but I think what people forget about ILE is they also have 4D Ne. Unless we're saying they literally can't apply their Ne to people, which I don't think is how Ne works.
    Oh well this is just my experience. I don’t think it’s written in the theory anywhere. IxE types tend to have a flimsy filter between their brains and their mouths, which can get them in trouble with other people. ILEs especially (although idk if it’s because ILEs have a worse filter or if IEEs are better at recovering from their faux pas. Maybe both)

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I see, thanks for the insight! I think you're right about cathartic expression not necessarily being Fe. Though I do wonder what types are the ones who "don't get" catharsis. As I mentioned in the thread about my mom's type, she simply doesn't understand why people like it or seek it out. To her she only wants to experience things that are positive for the most part, and she only likes stories that end happy. She's very adamant that despairing/tragic/horrific endings are inferior, and I don't know how to interpret that typologically. She is a very animated person fwiw
    Sounds more Enneagram related. Positivity types be like that, lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Oh well this is just my experience. I don’t think it’s written in the theory anywhere. IxE types tend to have a flimsy filter between their brains and their mouths, which can get them in trouble with other people. ILEs especially (although idk if it’s because ILEs have a worse filter or if IEEs are better at recovering from their faux pas. Maybe both)
    Yup. I must admit that I like to apply this somewhat imaginatively... which actually is no filter + extra suction.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    This is pretty interesting to me. What's an example of the type of escalation you might employ?
    It can be as simple as calling someone out on an unpleasant truth regarding their behavior/actions. If I see a pattern that is causing friction, I eventually can’t hold it in and will tell the person. At first, the other person usually balks and gets upset at me, but they usually end up seeing what I’m trying to say and the friction goes away. Unresolved friction really makes me feel uncomfortable so I will create short-term conflict to prevent/resolve long-term friction.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma
    Si as I understand is sensation and present oriented. That said Ni egos can have extreme reactions here but I supposed it will be self fixated.
    How do you mean self-fixated in this instance? Like, their ‘extreme reactions’ tend more to be in relation to themselves/their ego than external actors?

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I see, thanks for the insight! I think you're right about cathartic expression not necessarily being Fe. Though I do wonder what types are the ones who "don't get" catharsis. As I mentioned in the thread about my mom's type, she simply doesn't understand why people like it or seek it out. To her she only wants to experience things that are positive for the most part, and she only likes stories that end happy. She's very adamant that despairing/tragic/horrific endings are inferior, and I don't know how to interpret that typologically. She is a very animated person fwiw

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Wouldn't it mostly be Si and conflict-aversion? And ironically maybe Ne. Si wants comfort and I feel like Ne would have rather asymmetrical relationships with other people since people with Ne (at least Ne and Fe) would probably just be very "sensitive" ironically because, well, the description of Ne and ethics is being able to read people, but I feel like if you can really accurately read people, you probably have a lower opinion of them not a higher one, because no matter how well you know how to get what you want from people, you also know when they dislike you, are having negative thoughts, are being a pervert, etc. even when they're trying to hide that stuff. So for Ne it's not really "I want to keep the peace and avoid conflicts starting" like Si is but "I really am thinking about you when you aren't thinking about me so I just get tired of dealing with your BS which I can smell miles away." I still think Fe and Fi types in Beta and Gamma will start conflicts all the time, but they'll still feel like it's a waste of their time in many or most cases, which is probably exactly the problem with those types. Especially when you look at obstinate types in the Reinin dichotomies, I don't think they're really conflict-averse that way at all, but they just see other people having conflicting interests as sort of inevitable and a default state rather than a passing one. Rather than avoiding situations of conflict, I think the obstinate types with high-dimensional Ne EIE, IEE, LII, and ILI mostly avoid people who they see as enemies or opponents instead, but when the conflicts happen, they aren't really thinking of it as being situational or momentary so much as being an expression of a long-standing enmity based on opposing values and interests so they aren't really trying to avoid rocking the boat so much as they're trying to avoid people they think are bad.
    Si I can see, but... Ne? ILEs are incredibly argumentative in my experience. That said, their argumentation never feels particularly personal to me. I often feel like they just enjoy the argument for its own sake as a fun way to employ their Ego functions. I've typed my younger brother and another long-time friend as both ILEs, and while they're very sweet people who don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, they definitely enjoy the act of debating. I don't really because I assume that whoever I'm debating won't change their minds. I think most people are pretty locked into their opinions and only really change them once they've convinced themselves to. Ultimately, substantial change is almost never externally motivated as near as I can tell. I very strongly relate to you saying that conflicts are viewed as a waste of time for Betas and Gammas. That's exactly how I feel, which is why I'm always pushing for just accepting the disagreements as inevitable
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    I'm beginning to feel that the idea of being "conflict-averse" is much too broad to be diagnostic of any particular type. Conflict can come in a variety of flavours, and what people even consider to be "conflict" can vary quite a bit. It might be more productive to consider the motivations behind conflict (anger, desire, simple entertainment, etc.), and in what ways the conflict happens to be manifesting (physical blows, arguments, silent-treatment, etc.). I think specific examples are probably more diagnostic of type, while avoiding conflict in a very broad sense might be better explained by systems like Enneagram
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    As a more concrete example, I avoid conflict that I think would make me less likeable to people and/or be a waste of time. I like to be liked, and I am pretty loath to engage in conflict when the only outcome I can see is losing favour. I feel a lot of guilt when I cause someone to dislike me. Even when it may be that I did nothing wrong, the idea of someone disliking me really makes me feel like I have failed somehow
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    As a more concrete example, I avoid conflict that I think would make me less likeable to people and/or be a waste of time. I like to be liked, and I am pretty loath to engage in conflict when the only outcome I can see is losing favour. I feel a lot of guilt when I cause someone to dislike me. Even when it may be that I did nothing wrong, the idea of someone disliking me really makes me feel like I have failed somehow
    *hugs you* I may not agree with ALL your ideas, but I still like you. I Always will.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    How do you mean self-fixated in this instance? Like, their ‘extreme reactions’ tend more to be in relation to themselves/their ego than external actors?
    Maybe that is just only my impression. When it comes to sensing types a present moment can influence a lot. It is just I might not notice things they react to. So it also a lot about perspective. I can admit being bit biased here.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Maybe that is just only my impression. When it comes to sensing types a present moment can influence a lot. It is just I might not notice things they react to. So it also a lot about perspective. I can admit being bit biased here.
    No, that's okay. I understand what you mean.

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    With Conflict-Aversion we are clearly in Enneagram 9 Territory. However, I don't think that conflict-aversion and conflict- avoidance (not quite the same imho) can be explained or reduced to just an Fe-Fi preference when it comes to socionics because it's a complex dynamic involving information acquisition within several different IE domains .

    However, the E9 fixation to not interfere or disrupt a felt state of a harmonious flow or continuum implies a certain level of awareness of internal state (Si) and the potential (Ne) events (Ni) that could alternate (Ne) it in a way or another in order to avoid the disruption in the first place. With that said, there is a difference between avoiding conflict and the fixated desire to be likeable. Here we are In Enneagram 2 territory (Flattery/seduction) and I think that the Fe-Fi preference can make a little bit more sense in terms of modus operandi in this case. Note that in E9 perception seems predominant whereas in E2 jugement seems predominant but it's difficult to measure in what proportion that is.

    Although we can correlate some traits between Enneagram and Socionics (or Jungian based Typology in general), I don't think that both systems can correlate each other as a whole. However it is obvious that some Enneatypes exclude some Sociotypes and vice-versa while almost all the central Enneatypes (9-3-6) esp E6 can include any sociotypes. In other words, it's a big mess !

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    conflict aversion may be influenced by two type-related factors:
    Fi types generally have on their minds good relations, pleasant behaviour and kindness - when they are in a situation of conflict, they more often respond with affability (''i can see what you mean, i understand'') or, if necessary, push the opponent away and withdraw (''don't talk to me!'') than to engage, because a relation of open emotional conflict is generally a thing that Fi valuers avoid as far as possible, and Fi types are particularly good at placating their adversary. if this is not possible, only then will they be forced to engage in offensive behaviour, in order to 'sting' the opponent into submission
    introverts are withdrawn, shy, indirect and easily become tired of interaction - conflict, especially related to the weak functions, puts a strain on them, and thus they more often prefer to avoid than to engage. conflict is usually only sustained in the ego functions, and much less adamantly than for extraverts.

    people are usually confident in their ego functions, and thus will engage in conflict more readily when it is in those areas - when it is in the weaker areas, people more often naively yield or respond stubbornly and negatively to correction, usually for superid and superego, respectively.
    Fi ego, Fi valuing and introversion are the main factors that make an individual less prone to conflict, i'd say - also, intuitives, namely Ne types, usually have a more nuanced understanding of what the motivations of people are, and can thus effectively avoid conflict better.

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    In addition to what blaecaedre wrote I think that Fi+ is the most peaceful function making EII the most conflict averse type.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    it's NTR imo

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    I think there are people who are both conflict prone and conflict averse.
    It can leave you lonely.

    Likely everyone's got some form of conflict aversion imo, but the reaction vary from withdrawing to destroying.
    Unhealthy 9 vs 8 reactions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    *hugs you* I may not agree with ALL your ideas, but I still like you. I Always will.
    Awww you're so sweet ^^
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    With Conflict-Aversion we are clearly in Enneagram 9 Territory. However, I don't think that conflict-aversion and conflict- avoidance (not quite the same imho) can be explained or reduced to just an Fe-Fi preference when it comes to socionics because it's a complex dynamic involving information acquisition within several different IE domains .

    However, the E9 fixation to not interfere or disrupt a felt state of a harmonious flow or continuum implies a certain level of awareness of internal state (Si) and the potential (Ne) events (Ni) that could alternate (Ne) it in a way or another in order to avoid the disruption in the first place. With that said, there is a difference between avoiding conflict and the fixated desire to be likeable. Here we are In Enneagram 2 territory (Flattery/seduction) and I think that the Fe-Fi preference can make a little bit more sense in terms of modus operandi in this case. Note that in E9 perception seems predominant whereas in E2 jugement seems predominant but it's difficult to measure in what proportion that is.

    Although we can correlate some traits between Enneagram and Socionics (or Jungian based Typology in general), I don't think that both systems can correlate each other as a whole. However it is obvious that some Enneatypes exclude some Sociotypes and vice-versa while almost all the central Enneatypes (9-3-6) esp E6 can include any sociotypes. In other words, it's a big mess !
    I'm only familiar with Enneagram on a sort of surface level. I get the basic concept and know that there are tritypes, wings, and instinctual variants, but I'm not well read on the finer points of the theory. Reading your description of types 9 and 2, it's not immediately apparent to me which I would fall into. I think in theory I am anger-repressive, which would be 9 as I understand it, but your description of 2 sounds closer to my motive for avoiding conflict most of the time.

    Forgetting all typology systems for a moment, I would say that I repress my negative emotions because I grew up as the oldest of 5 kids and was taught to repress my anger in particular. As a kid I got mad at my younger siblings all the time for messing with my stuff or just being annoying somehow. My parents tell me when my twin sisters were babies I got mad at them for some reason and pushed them off the couch. My parents were very strict about me being the bigger person all the time though, and I was simply not permitted to express my negative feelings towards them. I also wasn't allowed to tell my parents "no" growing up (I would've 100% been spanked if I did), and in general I was just raised to be tolerant and not react if someone was doing something that upset me. My dad left the church we used to go to when I was young because he hated that the church taught that Jesus was above family. My dad has always believed that a relationship with God can only come through love of family, and he stopped believing in hell too when I was pretty young. He basically became a kind of universalist (though he'd deny it if you ever called him a "universalist"), and always taught us that God was Agape love. A bit of a tangent perhaps, but it's just to illustrate that I grew up in a household where conflicts were heavily discouraged and really viewed as quite "shameful" and "embarrassing". If we ever saw people fighting in public my parents would always comment on how "embarrassing" that was. I very much internalized that embarrassment around conflicts and am still quite shy about conflicts becoming heated in view of third parties. Interestingly, physical conflicts absent emotion were quite encouraged. Sparring in taekwondo class with my family (most of us attended the same class), with foam swords, or doing airsoft battles were all very encouraged and seen as good outlets for aggression. So aggression wasn't really discouraged. Just interpersonal emotional conflict. Debates about religion and or politics were always equally fine as long as they were devoid of emotion. My family enjoys an open and curious attitude towards purely academic ideas.

    In any case, my running theory is that perhaps I've been somewhat Alpha or Delta-fied despite being Beta myself. I'm not sure what Enneatype my experience of conflict relates most to
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    I’ve always loved arguing, descending through forges of creation and details to connect pictures of relics in the time jar to awaken new ideas and waters that show pure inventiveness and novelty.
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    Fe is Mirroring, Fi is more about staying true to yourself and if other people don't like you, fuck them. (Te/Fi professionals are obsessed with "confidence" for this reason)

    But it's a crude and overly simplistic definition of the functions. I don't think Fi is more sincere than Fe and I don't think Fe is more fake than Fi- but I can see how it comes off that way. If anything Fi is a lot more manipulative and fake - it's often saying or not saying something just to preserve a relationship. My IEE cousin thinks she has to say something nice about gay people to get me to like her, but it doesn't come off as genuine and I honestly wouldn't give a shit. I want her to talk about how she wants to decapitate gay men, shrink their heads- and use their skulls as golf balls while yelling "FORE!"

    Man, I miss HaveLucidDreamz.

    Fe is affective empathy, Fi is cognitive empathy. Justin Bieber is no empathy.

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    i will disagree and tell ppl what they want to hear if i feel safe enough to do so or dont care about my wellbeing.
    That's interesting to me cuz I will tell people what they want to hear precisely because I do care so much about my own wellbeing. I don't want to get too involved maybe and I know a lot of people can't handle the truth, they'd instead break down and have a meltdown. U could say that's me projecting. Maybe I'm the one that can't handle the truth but I don't think so. The world is filled with lies to keep businesses running. lol @ Te.

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    Conflict avoidance is indeed mostly about Si (values). But Fi also play a role - ESIs and SEEs are less openly conflictive than Betas generally because conflict has a negative impact on relationships. That is to say Fi doesn't openly express opinions to people who are not already receptive to them, unlike Fe which is more concerned with convincing people of things they don't already believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Oh well this is just my experience. I don’t think it’s written in the theory anywhere. IxE types tend to have a flimsy filter between their brains and their mouths, which can get them in trouble with other people. ILEs especially (although idk if it’s because ILEs have a worse filter or if IEEs are better at recovering from their faux pas. Maybe both)
    I really don't agree that IEEs are unfiltered, they value Si and have good Fi and Fe so they are extremely aware of how their words affect other people. The most unfiltered types are Beta extroverts, and then other types like Alpha extroverts (although they do filter themselves to avoid conflict) and Gamma extroverts -- all of those types are more unfiltered than IEEs.

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    well IEEs have strong Fe even tho it's not valued. so I've seen them say very unfiltered things- but around professionals they will be very filtered. Idk about most unfiltered type vs filtered type since almost everybody talks differently in their living room than how they would in a corporate business meaning with Te Lizards watching u.

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