Quote Originally Posted by Astor View Post

I don't think IEIs are like that, but those are the kinds of things Alive says about IEIs (mostly in shoutbox) that make even people who self-type as IEI like @Shazaam take issue with him. I wouldn't type myself as IEI though because I don't relate to the descriptions of the Ip temperament. My old Big Five result had @Subteigh, who doesn't use any of the core features of socionics like quadras, types me as LII (which doesn't mean anything if you're completely disregarding core socionics imo.) Old socionics tests type me as EIE which is not too different from IEI in terms of functions, but it's typing me as that because I self-described as rational, process-oriented (over results,) etc. and not irrational, results-oriented, etc. To type me as IEI, you have to not be using socionics, but if you're not using socionics, you might as well be Subteigh and type me as LII. Which is still nothing like Alive's descriptions. I got those results on that Big Five test because I do not sit around daydreaming, I organize things, I do not shy away from conflict, I am pragmatically-oriented, etc. That's not consistent with Alive's description of the IEI blowing their money on tarot cards while claiming to be from another planet before flying a plane into a building so they can die and be famous because they like making their whole lives messy. To be fair, actual IEIs are rarely like Alive's horrible descriptions, either, which is why even self-typed IEIs have beefs with him at this point. Lots of IEIs invest and don't care about being famous or who's famous. Lots of IEIs have never considered flying a plane into a building. Lots of IEIs don't see life as this game of amusement picking out private interests and hobbyhorses that are of no benefit. IEI does what the good type descriptions say it does, which is actually beneficial.