Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
Every instinct you have (if indeed there is a such thing as an instinct) exists merely because it proved to be compatible with your and your ancestors' survival. To say that instincts often facilitate survival and reproduction is correct (granting, for the sake of discussion, that instincts actually exist). It isn't correct to say that instincts exist for the purpose of facilitating survival and reproduction any more than it would be correct to say that the Mississippi river exists for the purpose of providing the Gulf of Mexico with water. What a thing does is not necessarily the same as its purpose. And a thing's purpose is just whatever someone decides it is. You say that instincts serve the purpose of survival and reproduction. I might equally well say that instincts serve the purpose of ensuring that coffee is brewed and served in the morning. It's entirely subjective.
I see purpose everywhere. I'm sad you seem to minimize its existence and importance. I hope you can live your lifestream with this lack of understanding.