Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
Try an entire 1200 page textbook from front to back. I'm well aware that there are flaws in the design, that evolution is not perfection - but what you don't understand is the miracle that the machine works at all, much less that it works so incredibly well, the incalculable number of chemical processes happening in tandem, and the incredible elegance of it all. This is an impression you would get if you did infact crack open a biology textbook.
How do you know that virus DNA didn't drive mutation & promote evolution? Viruses do thin out the weaker organisms. There are many examples in nature of predator/prey relationships driving mutual evolution. How do you know that the incorporation of viral DNA isn't used by the innate immune system to identify the viruses...? You don't, you're just kind of dumbly assuming the design is inelegant - in the same way you jump to the simplest, dumbest conclusion about every other conversation topic.
To what extent do you support slavery and forcing victims to marry their rapists?