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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    I don't want to bother timber anymore, but this is interesting article. I don't think it's celibacy. I do think pedophiles infiltrate. I also think there's a portion of pedophiles joining the clergy hoping God can save them.

    Statistics don't lie and I'm not interested in debating low grade pop psychology.

    Good short article of facts. Of course, something really is wrong when Catholic priests consist of as many pedos as everyone else, instead of far less, considering the fount of Graces they have available to overcome everything. So, that is very terrible.

    But God is cleaning house, and we will soon see!
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    Telling somebody God won't properly love them or save them (the supposed supreme being and creator of the universe mind you) unless they completely abstain from sex - it's clear as day if they genuinely listen to that advice, how it can fuck somebody up psychologically. Not like they will go 'Hey, I might as well be a pedo' over night- but it can be another ingredient in the cauldron as it were.

    Sexuality is a kind of 'Fi' thing for most people anyway, most of us don't really want to be whores or sluts and we want more to find one special person to fool around with. But you're denying them even that, and telling them that's wrong. Did you really think you could fool God by being private and respectful you little homo? Unella is looking at you hatefully, fag.

    idk about them already being pedos and using the church as a cloak of innocence. I'm sure some do that yes, but that doesn't seem very smart as there seems to be better and more clever ways to hide being a pedophile than that. And it clearly does not work. For some reason I didn't consider them using the church to try and cure pedo-ness that was already inside them- I can see that being true, but I still think my way is the most common. It's not like I think all sexual repression is the cause of pedophilia lol but that along with other factors can be the right deadly mixture.

    If you view sexuality as bad (even when it's not), then naturally when you express your sexuality it will actually be bad.

    In the Love, Victor TV show there's an inspiring moment where a bigoted priest tells the mom of a gay son that she's giving up on God for accepting her son's homosexuality. She then rightfully tells him "Oh, I'm not giving up on God. I'm giving up on you." You go gurl!

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    @DogOfDanger Mesopotamia isn't savage at all, though. Mesopotamia was the first civilization. Humans didn't evolve from monkeys that lived in Iraq, humans sprung up in lots of places but the first civilization was in the Fertile Crescent.

    I think IQ is a good measurement of intelligence, but based on its correlation with SAT scores, it's probably not innate at all. And if it were, who would care? It wouldn't even matter if some races were smarter than others on average because that says nothing about individual intelligence, nor would it mean anything about evolution since most people have never seen a random distribution in their lives, random distributions can be all over the place. But instead of saying it doesn't matter, you said intelligence is a bad thing because you only need it to live in civilized places unlike Mesopotamia (when Mesopotamia is literally the paragon of a civilized place,) and that's ridiculous.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    @DogOfDanger Mesopotamia isn't savage at all, though. Mesopotamia was the first civilization. Humans didn't evolve from monkeys that lived in Iraq, humans sprung up in lots of places but the first civilization was in the Fertile Crescent.

    I think IQ is a good measurement of intelligence, but based on its correlation with SAT scores, it's probably not innate at all. And if it were, who would care? It wouldn't even matter if some races were smarter than others on average because that says nothing about individual intelligence, nor would it mean anything about evolution since most people have never seen a random distribution in their lives, random distributions can be all over the place. But instead of saying it doesn't matter, you said intelligence is a bad thing because you only need it to live in civilized places unlike Mesopotamia (when Mesopotamia is literally the paragon of a civilized place,) and that's ridiculous.
    I'll try to be brief, since this conversation is getting pointless.
    a) IQ is loosely correlated with SAT scores, it's also correlated with some physiological markers, I read one study showing it correlated with the amount of time it takes an electrical impulse to propagate across a synapse. The flynn effect seems to have stopped in the last few decades ... individual IQ also remains consistent within age groups measured over time. Attempts to increase IQ through training have also consistently failed.
    b) mesopotamia is a natural paradise and a natural habitat for humanity. I never said it was a savage place, savage was actually your phrase, but it is definitely a natural habitat for humanity - obviously, since the first civilization formed there. The temperature is perfect, food and water is abundant...
    c) I have no idea what this sentence is trying to say: "nor would it mean anything about evolution since most people have never seen a random distribution in their lives, random distributions can be all over the place"
    d) I have never said anything remotely like this: "But instead of saying it doesn't matter, you said intelligence is a bad thing because you only need it to live in civilized places"
    e) "It wouldn't even matter if some races were smarter than others on average because that says nothing about individual intelligence," - then why are you asking me about it? It does matter if your conversation is about the success of various races in society, though - career success being something that IQ is a good predictor of.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 10-02-2022 at 10:08 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    e) "It wouldn't even matter if some races were smarter than others on average because that says nothing about individual intelligence," - then why are you asking me about it? It does matter if your conversation is about the success of various races in society, though - career success being something that IQ is a good predictor of.
    Who gives a rat's behind about the success of various races? Let's say there's a man Billy Bob who's white, and even though white people are on average more successful, Billy Bob is white trash who lives in a trailer park. What does the success of white guys such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do to help out Billy Bob? I could not care less about the success of races. That is just statistics. Statistics don't affect me nor anyone else. Billy Bob doesn't care a whit about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates just like Jamal doesn't care a whit about Oprah. Billy Bob cares about Billy Bob and Jamal cares about Jamal. That's it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Who gives a rat's behind about the success of various races? Let's say there's a man Billy Bob who's white, and even though white people are on average more successful, Billy Bob is white trash who lives in a trailer park. What does the success of white guys such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates do to help out Billy Bob? I could not care less about the success of races. That is just statistics. Statistics don't affect me nor anyone else. Billy Bob doesn't care a whit about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates just like Jamal doesn't care a whit about Oprah. Billy Bob cares about Billy Bob and Jamal cares about Jamal. That's it.
    lol you made me laugh so hard people around me IRL were like "What's going on"

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    I don't want to derail the thread too much, but yeah - Te cares about data like that. It's important and vital to them for some strange reason. It's probably not #AllTeValuers but Te Valuers + ones get in some sort of position of authority around others.

    IEE therapist: "Did you know Samuel that gay youth are eight times more likely to kill themselves? EIGHT TIMES!" (this was back when it was really eight times supposedly - and its like three times now or something idk. Again - it's irrelevant, but I'm sure a LIE will supervise me on the correct number)

    Yeah but this is supposed to be about me here isn't it. I don't mean to be self-absorbed, but come on. What does that have to do with my psychological issues that u supposedly can help me fix. That doesn't actually do anything to make people feel sorry for them or help gays anyway - instead an anti-gay person is just like "Of course they off themselves more. If I were a gay- I'd kill myself too."

    And likewise, just because 10,000 homosexuals jumped off a bridge with campy ACME spikes at the bottom - doesn't mean I would as well. There's another good joke in there somewhere, but it's lost to me at the moment.

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    On average the variation of IQ between family members is greater than the variation between races.

    IQ isn’t set in stone, either. We know that prenatal factors and early childhood environmental factors can impact long run life outcomes (including adult IQ)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    On average the variation of IQ between family members is greater than the variation between races.

    IQ isn’t set in stone, either. We know that prenatal factors and early childhood environmental factors can impact long run life outcomes (including adult IQ)
    That is all true. That's why I asked "what do you think... ?" and not "there's no such thing as... !" I could swear most people have never seen a true random distribution in their lives. People assume purely random distributions and everything being equal are the same when randomness is generally all over the place, not evenly spaced out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Who gives a rat's behind about the success of various races?
    Every person that argues for racial equity is arguing for equalizing success between various races. People argue for / about this all the time...
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    That is all true. That's why I asked "what do you think... ?" and not "there's no such thing as... !" I could swear most people have never seen a true random distribution in their lives. People assume purely random distributions and everything being equal are the same when randomness is generally all over the place, not evenly spaced out.
    This sort of thing is why psychology is not taken seriously as a science... IQ distributions are not random, they're normal distributions based on giant samples... honestly, what you even talking about?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    Every person that argues for racial equity is arguing for equalizing success between various races. People argue for / about this all the time...
    I know that, but I'm not one of the people arguing for equity. The average white intelligence is probably higher than the average black intelligence due to breeding patterns in the tropics (that also apply to non-human animals) and due to environmental factors. So what? That doesn't mean individual black people who are geniuses should be held back on some preconceived notion of how black people should be. And there definitely are black geniuses and there definitely are white supremacist racists who would leverage the likelihood that black people on average probably are less intelligent to hold those people back. There are stupid white people, too, and beyond most white people being comparably stupid to most black people, the areas where there are dearths of white geniuses are similar: most of the Balkan states, for example, are probably dumber than sub-Saharan Africa, and areas in sub-Saharan Africa near the waterways are pretty comparable to most of Europe. Somalia might be backward now... Well, even England has gone through periods of backwardness. It's geography determining both skin color and intelligence, not skin color directly determining intelligence. Therefore, it's terrible to use skin color to discriminate, and it's also terrible to use geography, because people can and do move.

    This sort of thing is why psychology is not taken seriously as a science... IQ distributions are not random, they're normal distributions based on giant samples... honestly, what you even talking about?
    The distribution of individual intelligence seems random, though, because it is mostly correlated to environmental and hereditary factors that are essentially randomized. Additionally, there are far more retarded people than geniuses, and far more stupid people than smart people. The average intelligence appears to be much higher than the mode intelligence, so it seems perfectly accurate to say most people are dumb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    The distribution of individual intelligence seems random, though, because it is mostly correlated to environmental and hereditary factors that are essentially randomized. Additionally, there are far more retarded people than geniuses, and far more stupid people than smart people. The average intelligence appears to be much higher than the mode intelligence, so it seems perfectly accurate to say most people are dumb.
    An individuals IQ is not a distribution, it's a single point of data. It's a sample of 1, ... you can't even do a distribution on that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    So what?
    You are the person that brought up this topic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    That doesn't mean individual black people who are geniuses should be held back on some preconceived notion of how black people should be.
    Did I ever imply otherwise...?
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    And there definitely are black geniuses and there definitely are white supremacist racists who would leverage the likelihood that black people on average probably are less intelligent to hold those people back.
    Sure, but they can be dealt with on moral grounds, without lying about the data. When you lie you actually undermine your moral arguments, you don't strengthen them. Infact, part of why I detailed the difference between social success, evolution, and talked about humanities place in all this in my first post was to provide a solid grounding for dealing with these sorts of issues (a post to which you responded with something like.... durr, don't go on about it dude)
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    There are stupid white people, too
    Oh yes, I'm well aware of this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    and beyond most white people being comparably stupid to most black people, the areas where there are dearths of white geniuses are similar: most of the Balkan states, for example, are probably dumber than sub-Saharan Africa, and areas in sub-Saharan Africa near the waterways are pretty comparable to most of Europe.
    The statistics simply say otherwise. People in Africa have much lower IQs than African Americans due to nutritional deficiencies & other factors... there's also the Flynn effect that has something to do with this. .
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Somalia might be backward now... Well, even England has gone through periods of backwardness. It's geography determining both skin color and intelligence, not skin color directly determining intelligence. Therefore, it's terrible to use skin color to discriminate, and it's also terrible to use geography, because people can and do move.
    No, the racial IQ statistics that people typically reference, the ones showing an average black IQ of 86, were gathered within the United States. I think as of today that number has increased to 89, probably due to the Flynn effect which most effects people on the lower end of the distribution. The Flynn effect looks to have stopped now, though... some people are saying it might be reversing. We'll see.
    The average African IQ is actually way below 86, there's not even a question about that - again it's due to nutritional deficiencies, cultural differences, etc.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 10-07-2022 at 03:06 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    @Eliza Thomason @End @Shazaam @Subteigh @FreelancePoliceman What do you think of it?

    I think it's probably a result of the artificial celibacy imposed on priests combined with the abuse of children. I don't think celibacy is inherently wrong or "unnatural," but I don't think it has anything to do with priesthood and people who want to be priests shouldn't be forced to be celibate since it's just not related and most people are not celibate, including people interested in theology. I don't see where God instituted celibacy at all (but then, God didn't seem to institute really anything the Catholic Church does, it still seems pagan to me even though maybe it was instituted by God and the Church is just being extremely secretive for apparently no reason.) I think often, the abusers are themselves children who were abused.
    That is not it. The celibacy is real, not artificial, and agreed to, not imposed upon.

    To be a priest is to serve God with one's entire life. Those who enter priesthood for personal power quickly find it a most miserable vocation. Some of these stay, though, living a life of great hypocrisy that is clearly anything but Catholic. But just because false priests exist doesn't mean real ones don't exist. We have heroes in these dark times, just as in previous dark times, as St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra was in his day. Modern day lights-in-the-darkness include Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and good Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

    Yes, you are right, abusers are often children who were abused. Yes, so much of the time. God sees all hearts, and His heart breaks for the pain they endured as well as the pain they are now inflicting on others. He loves ALL, and He desires all to be saved. But He calls for repentance. In that call He is long-suffering. But if that call is never answered, the wages of sin is death.

    There is much wrong everywhere in our world right now. Churches, governments, and every kind of leadership are all infiltrated by enemies of God and of the people. But ALL of our enemy leaders will soon face the aggressive judgment of God. This will be seen by the world. Then the people will rejoice when God gives back to us all that has been stolen from us. God says it is much more than we realize - and for many generations back! God says He will restore us and He will pour out His glory and blessings, healing, health and prosperity on us. We will live on earth how He intended us to live on it. We have a great future!


    [Sorry, you mentioned me in this at the top, but I have been and continue to be immersed in my work, so I did not see this. I know there is something else of yours I wanted to respond to, and I hope to get to it soon. But this discussion - wow. I skimmed a few pages but it is not my thing. I can't follow it. It is drawing mostly male interest].

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    Quote Originally Posted by Burnin up View Post
    What do you think of wisdom teeth ? Are they good or bad?
    i am not sure
    current lifestyle and body language cases them to not grow properly, but i somewhat doubt this is condusive to intelligence.
    receding chin is relted to schizo personality disroders as well as some personality types more than others. with the schizo stuff its about holding back, projecting possibilties of danger and thinking things through. people like that can develop larger frontal lobes earlier in their lives but this may be at the cost of something else, and this makes your body imbalanced and not functioning properly.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    Interesting you are not able to keep track of the point we were talking about. Your pictures says evidence of hunting gathering for millions of years, yet we were talking about anatomical human beings from 200-300 thousand years ago. The point was we were human prior the tool making. Not certain about language.

    What is natural, what is inherited?

    I'm stating the ability to reason the differences between the two relies on the capacity of the reasoner. Of which I doubt a centrist type can do, given the deluge of current modern belief systems about why we do what we do as people.

    Hunting gathering is sort of a side quest you are focusing on, when to me, from the start, it was merely a stopping point to elucidate on why I do not think these belief systems are not properly founded on real world experience.

    I'm pretty much done with this line of discussion.

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