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Thread: My Probably Not ESE Mom

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    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    Default My Probably Not ESE Mom

    Lately I've been reconsidering my mom's type. Awhile back @Adam Strange mentioned that my mom VIs as IEI, and though I didn't take it seriously at the time, it's been occupying my mind lately.

    I initially typed her in MBTI as ESFJ, and in moving to Socionics I just left her as ESE because it never really occurred to me to reassess her type. The primary reason for the ESFJ typing in the first place is that she is very sociable, has a reputation for being the "party planner" to everyone who knows her, and is just a very expressive and happy person. I realize this isn't a very robust basis for a typing, and that's why I'm reassessing her now.

    Here's what her sister, my SLI aunt who's also into Socionics, said about her when I brought up the idea that she may not be ESE (I sorta randomly suggested IEE as a possible alternative, though I didn't put much thought into that one either):

    "In fact it was hitting me funny the other day that she didn’t seem like a typical Fe-Program type
    Reading Filatova’s IEE description and it doesn’t sound like your mom, especially when it comes to lack of reliability and putting minimal effort toward domestic chores
    I’m also trying to resist the temptation to compare her to other IEEs I’ve known who make their lack of planning and foresight everyone else’s problem 😂
    But it could be I’ve known extreme or unhealthy IEEs…there are elements to the behaviors I can kind of see in your mom — just thinking about tea party planning, for instance…
    I’m typically the one who thinks through the detail while she’s got the big picture nailed…we’re both aiming for a particular aesthetic, but looking at it from different perspectives
    My perspective is focused on materials, sensory details, the color of the forks and spoons
    She wants it to have a specific vibe…but the details are less interesting. I like to plan down to the last minute - and she’s incredibly laid back about the timing.
    When it comes to party time, I tend to want to chill out and hang with people while she goes into serve-mode. I always get the sense it’s hard for her to just sit and absorb the beauty of the moment. I don’t know how to interpret that part in light of the IEE possibility or ESE for that matter. It’s almost as if once the event starts, she’s satisfied that the production has occurred and it’s on to the next thing??
    I also get the sense that the production/creation is entirely her brainchild and I’m just a contributor. When speaking of how something will be done, she rarely says "we" but rather "I". This is a subtlety I’ve noticed over the last several years. I’d chalked it up to her not wanting me to feel obligated…but we’ve always done the tea party together - I didn’t just jump in and help out one year and now it’s our thing. I wonder if this behavior is common with visionaries.
    The more I talk about it, the more open I am to the possibility of her being IEE…but a very healthy and stable one. She doesn’t like possibility-killers like diets and exercise…if you start to talk politics, philosophy, physical health, etc, she will humorously change the subject unless she’s having a 1-1 discussion with you
    In light of all that, it’s tough to think about Si being valued much…"

    My own experience of her is that she's a very outwardly oriented person who severely dislikes engaging in anything unpleasant. She doesn't "get" why people enjoy horror, stories with sad endings, or extreme metal vocals. She's very positive and likes to stay that way. She's fine with drama in stories as long as it all turns out alright in the end. The ending to her is incredibly important, and is what she always focuses on when criticizing movies she doesn't like. She's pretty seriously critical of media in general come to think of it, and is very quick to point out unconvincing acting, or little story beats that don't work for her.
    She's always been very involved in my and my siblings' lives, and is a big part of the reason I came to Japan. I've always credited her with giving me the little push of willpower to come here by figuring out a bunch of the Te details of what forms to submit to where and when so I didn't have to. Such details are usually my reason for not doing things I might otherwise be interested in, and she's always veen very quick to remove such obstacles. She also seemed to start living vicariously through me before I even got here. She imagined my future in Japan and seemed to get very excited about it despite it not even being her who was going, and it still being a long way off at the time.
    She really likes starting projects and is never not working on something. Her usual projects are parties and plays. She teaches a high school theatre tech class now, but even when she was just a parent and not officially on staff she did 90% of the work for those plays for all my and my siblings' years at that school (about 8 or 9 years total). Even outside of work she enjoys making cosplays for herself or other people. She's very artistically inclined generally. She's painted murals on several walls of our house, and is prone to changing things about the house constantly. She'll decide she just doesn't like the colour of a particular wall anymore and not only will she repaint it, but in the process she'll probably decide she doesn't like anything at all about the whole room it's in and convince my dad to do a full remodel of it. Something about our house has changed significantly every year since it was built.
    She's also a big fan of puzzles. Sudoku in particular is one of her favourites, but she really enjoys any kind of logical puzzle, and has always done one as part of her morning coffee time. If you're familiar with the Nancy Drew PC games, she's played through all of them (some of them several times) with my aunt. She also enjoyed the puzzles in the KotOR games quite a bit, but didn't actually play the game herself cause she doesn't like fighting in games. She just watched my dad play it, and solved the puzzles as they came up.
    As my aunt mentioned, she's not one for talking politics, religion, or anything serious really. Any time a conversation starts to get "serious" in any way she tries to change the subject in a light-hearted way. If she can't she'll tend to disengage. When I video call my family, it often happens that I'll start talking about something more serious, and she'll give the iPad to my aunt or my dad and take that opportunity to go do dishes or laundry or something. She doesn't act upset about it or anything. It's just not something she likes engaging with, so she'll leave me to talk about that stuff with someone who enjoys it, and comes back when she thinks we've moved onto something more her speed.

    She's my mom, so I could talk at great length about her, but I think that's probably more than sufficient for now. I feel like I almost know her too well to type her (and have also - probably incorrectly - thought of her as ESFJ for far too long to see clearly), and would love to hear your thoughts. I'm sorry I wrote probably too much, so don't feel bad skimming and giving a one-word answer even. I'm very curious to hear other ideas regardless of how thorough you'd like to be! ^-^

    A pic of my mom (with my dad who I type as SEI) for VI reference:
    parents - Copy.jpg
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    @AWellArmedCat, in the above picture you posted of your mother, she looks IEE-Fi to me.

    This is one of the drawbacks to VI typing. Unless I see a lot of pictures of a person, I can be way off. And I can be way off even if I have lots of pictures.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @AWellArmedCat, in the above picture you posted of your mother, she looks IEE-Fi to me.

    This is one of the drawbacks to VI typing. Unless I see a lot of pictures of a person, I can be way off. And I can be way off even if I have lots of pictures.
    Oh don't worry about being off! I appreciate any attempts, and I recognize that there's always going to be imperfections and noise in the data, especially when talking about someone who you don't know personally
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    Yeah she sounds ((and looks!)) way, way more IEE than ESE. The part about wanting things pleasant... my ESE mom likes sad endings more than happy endings really. I mean she likes both, but she's really into gritty and realistic crime dramas which often don't have a good ending. Also you said your mom was chill about the timing, I've seen my IEE cousin be EXACTLY that way - whereas my mom always is frantic about the time due to her Ni polr.

    I often want to slap my mom when she looks down at her watch, because the PoLR is so defeating and its like the world around her crashes down everytime she looks at her watch because she's not cool or chillax about what time it is - it's a Ni PoLR insecure thing. It's quite awful lol, you can sense how sad and anxious she is about the time and if often makes the other person sad and anxious... Every time she looks down at that thing, I feel the cringe and pain of it- and then me or my sister will tell her to stop doing it lol.

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    sounds/looks like she could be xEI..

    i once thought my younger sister is ESE (ESFJ) but now i'm fairly certain she's IEI (lol)

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    Default OR S.E.E (this is purely guessing by V.I)

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    Quote Originally Posted by bb brb bb View Post
    Oh, interesting! That pic looks weirdly like her, wow!
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Se-program feels very unlikely to me, but incidentally Gulenko's SEE-C description isn't terribly off for the most part:

    "Creative Subtype
    Politician — Mercurial
    Prototypes: Event planner, comedy artist
    This subtype is distinguished by uninhibited and demonstrative behavior. Amongst company his wit becomes apparent. He prefers democratic humor without sarcasm or mean and inappropriate jokes. He is good at conducting toasts and amusing guests during feasts, and he enjoys telling anecdotes and jokes that please everyone.

    SEE is sociable and knows how to secure valuable contacts, although he lacks the time to consistently support them. He prefers to negotiate depending on the situation and on mutually beneficial terms. He confidently finds applications for others’ skills and abilities and waits for others’ reactions and evaluations. He praises his intelligence, insights and other advantages or abilities alongside his pragmatic motivation, which stimulate him in pursuing his host of activities.

    He loves freedom and cannot tolerate being regulated with precise instructions detailing when, how, and what he can and can’t do. He resists any restrictions placed on him, often in a manner that is harsh and rude. At the same time, he is capable of neutralizing a serious looming conflict by changing the subject or refuting the offensive words by turning them into a joke.

    SEE rarely pays attention to general laws and independent tendencies, often based on the fact that all actions are subject to his subjective desires and gains. Complex logical explanations do not suit him. He sticks to simple diagrams and explanations. He prefers compromise and arrangements instead of harsh confrontation. He looks for the right way to approach a person.

    He can be emotional and impetuous, boldly expressing his feelings and concerns. He is able to proffer compliments. His behavior is unpredictable due to sudden changes in his goals and desires. His mood affects those around him: if it is good, he can affect everyone with his optimism, and if bad, spoil the fun. At times, he can be excessively dramatic.

    He is sensitive to criticism and becomes nervous when attention is drawn to his mistakes. He is offended when people do not take his advice on remedial provisions; he may even protest. However, over time, he begins to listen to legitimate concerns and changes his stance. He respects smart people when they warn him about a hasty decision in advance, cautioning about potential adverse effects.

    As practical psychologists, this subtype is also good at reading people’s intentions by focusing on their appearance, facial expressions and gestures. He can cleverly make advertisements, persuading people to make particular choices. He stimulates, encourages, and persuades others. He revolves among his friends and relatives, and has the necessity to be social; however, in his narrow circle of people, he often criticizes rather than gives praise, though he does so gently in a half-joking manner.

    SEE is inclined to start a lot of things at once, but never manages to finish everything due to a lack of time, loss of interest, or falling into a bad mood. He has a poorly-developed sense of proportion, often wanting to do more than is objectively possible. He performs well in advertising fields, intuitively understanding what is interesting and how to hype something up to make it seem better than it is. Focusing on minor things, he may miss what is most important and necessary.

    Routine and monotony tire him quickly; therefore, he is inclined to relax and seek new interests. A characteristic curiosity leads him to new information and even self-improvement. Switching between various activities and people is vital to him."
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    I had the same problem in typing my mom for a while.
    She is very artistic: she adorned our house (which is near the sea) giving it a "marine" vibe. She made a painting of a lighthouse on the wall of the house and in general made it look gorgeous.

    I started thinking she wasn't ese, but iee, because my father is SLI, but analyzing her better I've come to the conclusion she is actually ESE.

    Ne is an important function for the type. All the ESE I know show a lot of interest in art and in possibilities, and this also applies to males. They need to be creative, and are often more practical than IEE in this. A less exuberant type of art, much more "balanced" and pretty for the enviorment, aiming to create comfort. I would say that very often they are externally more artistic than IEE, because they "do" things, without getting too lost in fantasies.
    I have also the impression that ESEs are more logical than IEE (and infact, they are suggestive Ti). My father is an SLI, and she sometimes demonstrates such a logical readiness which surpass him, but only in "simple" facts where you don't need to go into too much detail.

    Try to concentrate on her weak spots and lead:
    - Ni PolR: They are superstitious and often religious. It is as if even if they don't believe in superstition, they make sure to maximize safety in case some kind of karma etc. exists. This is because of their Ni polR. IEE are Ni ignoring, so in general they care less about the consequences that the possibilities they seek will have on their person (at least, from my experience). ESEs also try very often to identify "logical" reasons why someone is threatening them and reads a lot between the line. They often turning out to be a bit catastrophic (Ni PolR + Ne + Ti suggestive?). I consider Ne lead to be less preoccupied with this, because a possibility is a possibility, so no need to create barriers before anything happens.
    - Fe lead: ESEs show a genuine interest in others and their interest in creating a nice atmosphere is very clearly seen. IEE respond positively when others want to create it but have no real interest in creating them theirselves.

    This is the best I can contribute with. I hope you can find an answer to the dilemma

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    My IEI-Fe friend is ESE ish

    Before I get to know socionics I and my LIE friend used to type her as ESFJ , she was somehow a clear one

    After I got to know socionics and read IEI-Fe description , it suits her a lot

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Yeah she sounds ((and looks!)) way, way more IEE than ESE. The part about wanting things pleasant... my ESE mom likes sad endings more than happy endings really. I mean she likes both, but she's really into gritty and realistic crime dramas which often don't have a good ending. Also you said your mom was chill about the timing, I've seen my IEE cousin be EXACTLY that way - whereas my mom always is frantic about the time due to her Ni polr.

    I often want to slap my mom when she looks down at her watch, because the PoLR is so defeating and its like the world around her crashes down everytime she looks at her watch because she's not cool or chillax about what time it is - it's a Ni PoLR insecure thing. It's quite awful lol, you can sense how sad and anxious she is about the time and if often makes the other person sad and anxious... Every time she looks down at that thing, I feel the cringe and pain of it- and then me or my sister will tell her to stop doing it lol.
    Yeah, funny thing is I don't even know if there's anyone I know in my personal life that I could very easily pin as ESE or IEE, but just reading the description it seems @AWellArmedCat 's mum sounds a lot more IEE than ESE, especially the part about her likes/dislikes. I agree that ESEs seem like they would appreciate a whole spectrum of emotions, they wouldn't always be hyper-concerned about *never* feeling bad. 4D functions, whether they are valued or not, can definitely make typing tricky (partly why Conflict relations end up happening).
    Also yeah, being unconcerned with time suits a Judicious Intuitive more than Ni-PoLR. The Ignoring/Control function can often be confused for being 'weak' at the information element that's slotted in there.

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    Some Te valuers... omfg... variety of emotions.. Let's run and/or reconcile or at least be upset about the experience of it - not the reasons. I do not follow that line of thinking at all.
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    She sounds like a nice lady. The pic is so cute. I want them to be semi-duals as I’m really into romanticising semi-duals atm..She could be good friend is one of the really sweet IEE-fi types. And I think my grandma was too. My grandma made amazing oil pastel drawings. My friend also likes to keep things really positive- and doesn’t talk about politics with me. She studied religion and politics so I think she probably talks about it with other people. She has specialised knowledge, so she can probably talk about it when she needs to. She does volunteering. She’s much more organised than me but she thinks she’s disorganised. She’s very caring and encourages me to be creative. Loves a phone conversation

    Does she read a lot? I think of IEEs reading/educating themselves as the IEI equivalent to sitting day-dreaming about their personal relationships and values..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 09-14-2022 at 11:17 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Does she read a lot? I think of IEEs reading/educating themselves as the IEI equivalent to sitting day-dreaming about their personal relationships and values..
    All the time! More than me anyways. She especially loves older "classic" works of literature. Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, and Victor Hugo are a few of her favourite authors, and as far as I know she's read basically everything by those three. She also likes C.S. Lewis and Mark Twain
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    All the time! More than me anyways. She especially loves older "classic" works of literature. Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, and Victor Hugo are a few of her favourite authors, and as far as I know she's read basically everything by those three. She also likes C.S. Lewis and Mark Twain
    your mother has the same type as you
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    your mother has the same type as you
    the thoroughly militarily equipped feline is possibly IEE, i'm beginning to consider that more likely in how he behaves on the forum (avoids conflicts a lot, which is less likely for Fe types, reacted positively to Te instructions on how to decide on his type)
    on video it was IEX too
    although he identifies more with IEI by descriptions

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    All the time! More than me anyways. She especially loves older "classic" works of literature. Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, and Victor Hugo are a few of her favourite authors, and as far as I know she's read basically everything by those three. She also likes C.S. Lewis and Mark Twain
    These are authors that seek to guide their readers in moral and social issues…they are also very good story tellers…could be appealing to an IEE.

    Could have a look at this description…it describes my IEE friends well, I’m scared to show it them haha

    IEE - ENFp Description by I/O ( There is probably stuff in the description that can apply to SEE too..(?)

    SEE enjoy chaos more than IEE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive
    your mother has the same type as you
    Quote Originally Posted by blaecaedre
    the thoroughly militarily equipped feline is possibly IEE, i'm beginning to consider that more likely in how he behaves on the forum (avoids conflicts a lot, which is less likely for Fe types, reacted positively to Te instructions on how to decide on his type)
    on video it was IEX too
    although he identifies more with IEI by descriptions

    Yes, it's certainly a possibility that we are either both IEI or both IEE! When I've brought it up, people in my family have a hard time picturing us as the same type though, so if we are the same then we're certainly either pretty different subtypes (I imagine @blaecaedre favours this interpretation) or else people of the same type are much more wildly diverse than I tend to imagine (which is how @Alive tends to interpret type).

    I think it's worth remembering that I WAS raised by her, and I was also homeschooled, so I have had quite a lot of prolonged contact with her. Perhaps even more so than most kids had with their mom given she served as my teacher all through elementary school. I can easily imagine that I may have been heavily "deltafied" from that if we assume I'm IEI (which makes more sense to me in terms of intertype relations as I'm pretty confident I dualize with SLE and semi-dualize with SEE, but who knows lol)

    In any case, I very much appreciate all your perspectives (and that's not just me being conflict averse!) ^-^
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    These are authors that seek to guide their readers in moral and social issues…they are also very good story tellers…could be appealing to an IEE.
    Yeah, I think she really does like that moral guidance angle. Personally, while I like these authors, I could take or leave the moral guidance bit. It's one of the reasons I have a hard time imagining myself as having Creative Fi. I'm really not that interested in moral perspectives unless they're more of the "cold" political philosophy sort. I find it very interesting to discuss the philosophical foundation behind rights, but I'm really not interested in the "morality" behind whether or not you should marry financially stable guy vs run away with hot boi. My mom is the exact opposite. She couldn't care less about the philosophy behind political ideologies, but is deeply interested in the more personal morality stuff. The drama of those stories is still interesting to me. I just don't consider the moral angle particularly valuable.

    In a similar vein, I have three EII friends who are all anime otaku, but I've never really understood why they care so much about the morality behind shows. One of them in particular wrote this giant essay he posted to Reddit explaining why he disapproved of Mushoku Tensei, which, while it was impressive to me just because he put so much work in, left me rather confused as to why he cared so much about the morality of a fictional show in the first place. The EIIs seemed to really enjoy discussing this stuff, but I honestly never really cared. If I don't like something I just won't watch it. Those EII friends aren't like super PC or anything, but they definitely lean in that direction much further than I would. I'm only PC to avoid conflict. I really don't care that much about the issues themselves, and I also hang out around a lot of very not PC military guys too and if anything I find that kind of crowd much easier to get along with because I can relax and not worry about what kind of jokes I let myself laugh at
    Last edited by AWellArmedCat; 09-16-2022 at 04:15 AM. Reason: Parted the sea of text
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    ENFps are explorers that seem to follow a sort of Gaia principle, that all people are in some way interconnected - perhaps forming a celestial whole. They generally have a laissez-faire approach to life until their freedoms are threatened. They seem to read people well from phrases, intonation, facial expressions and peculiarities of behaviour, thus predicting likely motivations and goals. They're also able to detect personal issues, stress factors and or anxieties. They, like no other type, are discerning in human interaction, acutely seeing the reasons that create harmony and complications. They can appear rather superficial, high-spirited and carefree; however, they may sometimes overdo things to simply avoid the potential for unpleasantry, disappointment or sadness.

    They're rather idealistic, perceptive and creative, and can often dream up many alternate realities or offer multiple outcomes of the same situation, usually with amusing twists. They're frequently enthusiastic about future activities and prospects, and know how to encourage and inspire; they generously give compliments but much prefer receiving them. As free-spirited as they may appear, their habits and ethos are rather inflexible; and under stress, they develop siege mentalities shutting out almost everyone. However, they rarely look inward at themselves and at why they really do the things they do.

    They're usually charming and sociable, and will build relations with anyone interesting; they gravitate towards talented, eclectic personalities. It seems easier for them to maintain relations that are running smoothly than to mend problematic ones because they tend to avoid all potential conflict or animosity. Although perceptive of social interaction and of how to create social atmospheres, they don't always maintain appropriate psychological distances. When focused, they can deftly interact and communicate with people so as to ingratiate themselves or become invaluable to them.

    Their backs usually need to be up against the wall for them to act resolutely and decisively, but they can be quite so when defending themselves against encroachment or invasion. When cornered, they can get rather aggressive, irritable, edgy and or tense; they sometimes respond to dictates or coercion with force. They desire freedom for themselves more than anything else so they usually have distaste for anyone who tries to compel others. And, they're not usually afraid to speak their mind to anyone and demand resolutions to their issues.

    They find it difficult to work effectively within rigid, restrictive systems whether they be social or work related, and find repetitive processes absolutely unbearable; they have to really force themselves to do meticulous, detail oriented tasks. Along the same vein, they don't always let others finish before jumping to a conclusion, which often results in people feeling somewhat misunderstood. When rationalizing, they often err on the side of subjectivity and morality, and may ignore or dismiss facts that contradict their own personal perceptions. Thus, they're often not very pragmatic or wise with their resources.

    They seem to need substantial doses of pleasantry and personal enjoyment. They're only able to fully relax in comfortable, familiar environments where there aren't many complications. They love to be surrounded by coziness and helpful people but they can do with very little. Since physical or emotional discomfort can undermine their health, they usually seek lifestyles where one doesn't need to fight for one's existence. A lot of their comfort is very dependent upon the nature of their commitments; when work or play is uninspired or boring, their mood drops. For this reason, they don't usually like maintenance and will often live and work in abject disarray.

    When they become involved in anything, they usually do so because of creative interest or new experiences rather than for achieving an outcome. The best rewards for them seem to be admiration, excitement and positive emotion. They will always try to turn work into play so as to make it more bearable such as turning a task or study into a kind of a game. They don't like it when people waste their time but will often poorly manage their own time and dawdle. Also, when explaining something, they'll digress and relay information in a chatty inefficient manner. They seem to communicate to inspire further discovery rather than achieve any measure of closure.

    They know how to take the initiative and inspire people to action but they run out of gas quite quickly. They can be rather naive and easily believe in and give optimistic promises. Even though they understand that major projects take a while to implement, they're not characterized by patience and want it done yesterday. When their enthusiasm wanes, they try to get other people to take projects to completion.

    Beneath the charm, they're often filled with conflicted thoughts about and disappointment with an imperfect world. They absorb vast amounts of information and are aware of so much; sometimes they stop and stare to better process, which may leave some to wonder what's the matter. In communication, they can become rather probing in an investigative-like manner and they can relay their findings in infinite detail but much of it isn't that useful. They're often dissatisfied with what they have discovered and are always in search of greener pastures. With their exploratory nature, they're able to discover resolutions for many seemingly hopeless scenarios.

    "However, they rarely look inward at themselves and at why they really do the things they do."

    This bit definitely describes a huge difference between my mom and I. She'll tell you straight up that she doesn't do this, but I've always been prone to falling into deep self-reflection. I remember when I started going to therapy for some stuff my therapist said at the end of the first session, sounding rather surprised, "Wow, you really seem to have a lot of insight into your own issues."
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Alive usually uses subtypes (I don't) and Alive has a tendency to type by occupation (I don't; types can be very different, with their similarities being mostly confined to what can be inferred from their ego functions, dichotomies, values etc. - types seemingly have similarities in nonverbal expression, however, in spite of all of the individual differences, and this is what is mainly used by me in VI)

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    @AWellArmedCat: did you post a picture of your parents here or in another thread? I can't find it atm. the impression I got was that you mother is an IEI with a distancing subtype (N or H) and your father seemed more plain and maybe a sensing type. how would you describe their relationship? are they still together, did they get along? I suspect your mother has the same type as you but a different subtype yeah. you are either N or C and your mother maybe H or N.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    @AWellArmedCat: did you post a picture of your parents here or in another thread? I can't find it atm. the impression I got was that you mother is an IEI with a distancing subtype (N or H) and your father seemed more plain and maybe a sensing type. how would you describe their relationship? are they still together, did they get along? I suspect your mother has the same type as you but a different subtype yeah. you are either N or C and your mother maybe H or N.
    Actually I posted a pic of them at the top of this very thread. It's right at the bottom of the first post ^^
    But yeah, my dad is 100% a sensor, and almost certainly SEI imo (he's a real estate agent, volunteer chaplain, and his interests are mostly just hunting, fishing, and taking photos of nature and our family). My parents have an amazing relationship. They're still together and I've never seen them fight about anything. After they got used to living together in their first few years of marriage there really weren't any problems (or if there have been they've done a damn good job of hiding them from everyone lol). They definitely seem to love each other very much still as far as I can tell
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

  24. #24
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    I think they are: ESE-Si (your dad), SEI-Fe (your mom).

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