"I have good control over my rage. I don't like conflict and aggressive people and find them stupid. But I hate avoiding conflict more. I admire strong people. And I kinda want conflict because I believe it will make me stronger. Sometimes I wish I had a worse family. I am always pushing myself to be more strong." = e6 counter-phobic
as a somewhat CP-6 i dont relate to this. but maybe its a sensor vs intuitive issue so he wants things to manifest physically? or my trifixes.
I hate generalizing.
ESIs are stereotyped as nice guys/girls so they often do generalize when they talk about how shit men or women are.
I always have a plan because I am nervous. I only have one friend. And we mostly talk about how stupid and bad people are, the other tragic events and our rage towards people.
the "hardship makes me stronger" i associate mostly with Se egos. but EIEs like jordan peterson are also stupid enough to sell themselves to it.

i associate prying into others business mostly with high valued Fe. Fi likes to pry in business if its someone in particular they care about/trying to learn about but high valued Fi ppl tend to be kinda diplomatic and even scared of prying, if they care to pry at all.
my EIE friend does that but he has more friends and he doesnt think hardship makes anyone stronger even tho he seems to seek challenges.
idk a lot of what u said sounded like Se-HA to me but not sure. it took me more than 5 years to find my type.