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Thread: The Kashmir Question

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    Question The Kashmir Question

    What does everyone here think of the Kashmir conflict? @Subteigh said he thought it was the most likely conflict in the world to go nuclear, and, know what, I think I might agree after considering the facts. The thing is... the Kashmir conflict is also an extremely religiously-charged conflict. It is primarily between Hindutva on the one hand and the two big Abrahamic religions of Christianity and Islam on the other. I think everyone might be straight up distracted by fighting over Mini Cali aka the West Bank and Gaza and just have completely lost sight of the real picture. OK, so maybe Jews have to be in the "holy land" for the apocalypse and to have rebuilt their civilization. They're there. Is that really a more likely location for the major war or wars than India? Everyone imagines the Crusades but Israel might as well be Western. Of course a bunch of white people including white Jews, white Christians, WASP-y Arabs, and all sorts of posh people hanging out in the Levant will just assume they're the main attraction as it always is when people in Europe aren't assuming the same. You probably aren't the main attraction even if you're necessary.
    Last edited by Metamorph; 09-01-2022 at 10:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    I've looked into it, briefly. I still don't fully understand it.

    I do know that Russia (and, before it, the Soviet Union) has reliably agreed to veto UNSC resolutions against India WRT Kashmir, hence the strong relations between the two. As long as that conflict goes on, and as long as no other permanent UNSC member steps up to support India, Russia can probably count on having India as an ally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I've looked into it, briefly. I still don't fully understand it.

    I do know that Russia (and, before it, the Soviet Union) has reliably agreed to veto UNSC resolutions against India WRT Kashmir, hence the strong relations between the two. As long as that conflict goes on, and as long as no other permanent UNSC member steps up to support India, Russia can probably count on having India as an ally.
    Hmm, a long time ago I met a Russian guy (who is semi-famous but I don't want to dox him in public in case he finds out) who was a huge fan of India and Hindutva. I was thinking, why? Hindutva is literally just a movement to kill and expel Christians and Muslims and you identify as Orthodox even though you also identify as Hindu. Yet everything makes even more sense I think when you center things on the Kashmir conflict rather than the Palestine conflict. Sure, I was making lots of predictions that turned out true and no, being opposed to many of Israel's policies and seeing them related to certain religious beliefs doesn't make you Antisemitic since it's still just criticizing the state and the religion. But even the animosity religious Jews get is probably an old and irrelevant resentment.

    I was watching Jordan Peterson invite Hamza Yusuf and Jordan Peterson said he wanted to be a good Jew, a good Christian, and a good Muslim. While I still have too many doubts about Jordan Peterson due to his horrible lifestyle decisions to agree with everything he says... those are not the words of an alt-righter. When you get to India, Christian and Muslim might as well be the same compared to Hindu and Buddhist, and Jewish would probably be the same if Jews were a larger population. If you look at all the religious texts, it never says the end times are against the Jews. It says they are against Gog and Magog. That description seems to align with India as a state. So if Kashmir is really way worse than Palestine people should probably consider that they might even be weakening themselves letting their old ressentiments drive them.

    I keep thinking, the West and the "Near East" might really be sort of an anti-India. In India everyone believes in completely different things but they say it's the same and they have peace with each other because they want to kill outsiders, while in the West and "Near East" everyone might really believe the same thing but with what essentially amounts to caste or class differences (like the Christians are the explorers and more manual people, the Jews are the administrators and the Muslims are the scholars) and just be at each others' throats because of grievances which might be best analyzed in quasi-Marxist terms (Marx seems highly dubious as a person to me but I think he took his work almost directly from Balzac's Human Comedy anyway.)

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    The Taliban regime has used India’s humanitarian support for “their own forces and their families, not the people truly in need”, according to Ahmad Massoud, leader of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, which is the key opposition to the Taliban.

    Massoud also drew a link between Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban and an increase in violence in Kashmir.

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I'm shocked. Shocked, to find that the Taliban cares primarily for itself and not for the people upon whom it is a parasite.

  6. #6
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    There's been serious escalation.

    Large-scale disorder broke out in Leicester on Saturday, with police and community leaders calling for calm.

    Officers tried to hold back crowds amid tensions involving mainly young men from sections of the Muslim and Hindu communities.

    Police said two arrests had been made, and that the trouble flared up after "an unplanned protest".

    It is the latest of several incidents, including violence after an India and Pakistan cricket match on 28 August.

    A significant police operation will remain in the area in the coming days.

    Suleman Nagdi, of the Leicester-based Federation of Muslim Organisations told the BBC: "What we have seen on the streets is very alarming.

    "There have been problems in the community since the India and Pakistan cricket match and while that game often sparks gatherings they have not in the past turned this ugly.

    "We need calm - the disorder has to stop and it has to stop now. There are some very dissatisfied young men who have been causing havoc.

    "We need to get the message out that this must end and try to do this through parents and grandparents talking to their sons."

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