Extraverted Feeling: passion, self-expression, emotions, moods
Introverted Feeling: relationships, ethics, values, conscience
Extraverted Thinking: realism, commitments, practicality, facts
Introverted Thinking: analysis, objectivity, rules, structure
Extraverted Intuition: potential, creativity, inventiveness, possibilities
Introverted Intuition: time, foresight, optimism, patterns
Extraverted Sensing: appearance, determination, will-power, initiative
Introverted Sensing: health, aesthetics, atmosphere, comfort
Like others on this forum I am attempting to design a socionics test. The purpose of this test is to help people determine which quadra they belong to. The problem is, the accuracy of this test is contingent upon the accuaracy of eight sets of key words. I've already read all the function descriptions I can find and you can see what I've come up with. Let me know if you would change/add any words. Thanks.