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Thread: David Myatt

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    Exclamation David Myatt

    David Myatt - Wikipedia

    David Myatt is the inventor of modern terrorism. Whether you're a radical violent Islamist, a far-right sovereign citizen, a neo-Nazi, a Satanist looking for blood for the blood god, or simply a protagonist in Ben Shapiro's True Allegiance novel, David Myatt has a tailored version of terrorist ideology for you! Indeed, David Myatt has been a member of all of these groups besides Ben Shapiro novel protagonists.

    So... what type do you think he is?

  2. #2
    Holy is the name of my ruthless axe Pyretta VauxDevil's Avatar
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    This is an interesting can of worms, and I'm not sure enough about the typing itself (a few years ago I've been thinking ILI, nowdays I wonder if he is an EIE).

    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    You see that the same guy is telling people to join all the violent extremist groups. Violent extremist groups simply don't have much of an ideology besides violence. However, there is something I see as an ideology underneath that: human inferiorty, trying to make humans bow to the "dark gods" and insulting human reason. You can go to space and do all that at last! But not by the powers of human reason given by God (or metaphorical God,) and you can only learn not by rationality but by degrading yourself ("pathei mathos.")
    I agree there is a much more sinister (hah) ideology underneath that. It might be due to my lack of knowledge, but it has always seemed to me the O9A's self-representation and ideology was communicated in ways to create confusion and chaos, almost like chaos embedded in more chaos. You'll find members in the miliary, in neo-nazi and islamic terrorist groups (funnily enough in Christian music bands as well, larping as goody two-shoes), because the idea is to completely get rid of one's own preconceptions and moral boundaries to become something more (acasual) than that (which I don't have to say is ironically the perfect tool for any ideological grooming).

    The way the O9A itself is represented has always struck me as purposefully paradoxical (for example followers of the tradition can be followers of "the Rounwytha tradition", focusing on closely-knit groups and an intuitive understanding of "natural harmony", except I guess you'd become "living portals" affecting human history):

    "Four other distinctive features of this Way are perhaps worthy of note: (α) that there is no interest in, no concern with, matters beyond one’s family, one’s local area of dwelling, and beyond such problems of one’s neighbours that they personally bring to one’s attention because they may require some help or assistance" and "(α) means that the external world beyond such boundaries is unremarked upon because there is little or no interest in it, certainly no desire to acquire ‘news’ concerning it, and certainly no desire, no need, to become ‘involved in changing it’. It also means that there is no desire, no need, to ‘expand the tradition’, to recruit people elsewhere, with ‘new recruits’ thus being rare (a few per generation) and for the most part family members or locals or some acquired and trusted friend." (O9A-written source:

    Some artists affiliated with the O9A write in great details about the importance of compassion, while one of the group's catchphrase is "mundanes", who can be culled, with bonus writings, detailing some heavily gruesome shit. Some examples for "The Star Game" include destruction of a set percentage of the human population, or the creation of a cult, as a living, breathing representation of art. The nexions are not supposed to follow an organized hierarchy, but I guess follow his agenda, which will form another type of organized system, even if it propagates the manifestation of chaos.

    Supposedly all in the name of creating "nexions" and "thinning the veil enough" so acasual entities can manifest themselves. Even if we look at Rounwytha as a way to form these nexions, it is yet another way to create very different forms how his ideology can manifest itself, whether it's someone "culling the mundane" by becoming a soldier, harassing people, or creating art as a form of magic.
    Then again, the ways the O9A's philosophy is represented will heavily depend on the followers, their inconsistencies (and according to some it's merely a tool to "find the actual truth behind the paradoxes") and my understanding, and for now I don't know enough details about his philosophy or the O9A to give a proper typing, or even get into more details, so this is more like a general vibe I have at the moment, with some ideas thrown around.

    There are many more things (including his view on evolution as a magical act, the creation of a "more evolved human species", the idea of learning compassion by dissolving himself and suffering, leaving behind the casual self by embracing chaos), the idea to become the personification of an ideology, the vessel of something greater, the way he is moving the ideological strings, the romanticized idea of martyrdom, the need to have a great societal impact (and an impact on human evolution) feels very Beta to me, represented in an especially extreme manner, while looking at this so called evolution of the self by becoming more acasual, and joining groups that represent the exact opposite of your own moral system and logical framework to become something that has become basically all and nothing by merging the opposites, until nothing remains smells to me like DA cognition.

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    The counter-terrorism author Jon B. Perdue describes Myatt as "[a] British iconoclast who has lived a somewhat itinerant life and has undertaken an equally desultory intellectual quest” and is "emblematic of the modern syncretism of radical ideologies".[13] Myatt is regarded as an "example of the axis between right-wing extremists and Islamists",[8][14] and has been described as an "extremely violent, intelligent, dark, and complex individual";[15] as a martial arts expert;[16][17] as one of the more interesting figures on the British neo-Nazi scene since the 1970s,[16][18][19][20] and as a key Al-Qaeda propagandist.[21] According to Daniel Koehler of the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Myatt "is a complex persona who defies simple answers to the question of why he changed groups and milieus so often and so fundamentally. It is also obvious, that during large parts of his life, Myatt was driven by a search for meaning and purpose."[

    Myatt describes the Numinous Way as "the result of a four-decade long pathei-mathos and [...] the often difficult process of acknowledging my many personal mistakes",[122] and writes that it is an apolitical, and individual, way of life,[123] based on empathy and πάθει μάθος, pathei-mathos,[123] where race and the concept of the folk not only have no place[124] but are regarded as unethical abstractions.[58][123]

    He defines pathei-mathos by saying: "The Greek term πάθει μάθος derives from the Agamemnon of Aeschylus (written c. 458 BCE), and can be interpreted, or translated, as meaning learning from adversary, or wisdom arises from (personal) suffering; or personal experience is the genesis of true learning."[125] Pathei-Mathos is thus an aspect of or element in the Numinous Way, although the former term comes to predominate over the latter in Myatt's writings beginning 2012.
    Myatt writes that "the numinous sympathy – συμπάθεια (sympatheia, benignity) – with another living being that empathy provides naturally inclines us to treat other living beings as we ourselves would wish to be treated: with fairness, compassion, honour, and dignity. It also inclines us not to judge those whom we do not know; those beyond the purveu – beyond the range of – our faculty of empathy".


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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I think ILI or EIE. I agree about DA cog lol.

    Deranged hermit - ILI-C is possible.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evergreen View Post
    The counter-terrorism author Jon B. Perdue describes Myatt as "[a] British iconoclast who has lived a somewhat itinerant life and has undertaken an equally desultory intellectual quest” and is "emblematic of the modern syncretism of radical ideologies".[13] Myatt is regarded as an "example of the axis between right-wing extremists and Islamists",[8][14] and has been described as an "extremely violent, intelligent, dark, and complex individual";[15] as a martial arts expert;[16][17] as one of the more interesting figures on the British neo-Nazi scene since the 1970s,[16][18][19][20] and as a key Al-Qaeda propagandist.[21] According to Daniel Koehler of the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Myatt "is a complex persona who defies simple answers to the question of why he changed groups and milieus so often and so fundamentally. It is also obvious, that during large parts of his life, Myatt was driven by a search for meaning and purpose."[

    Myatt describes the Numinous Way as "the result of a four-decade long pathei-mathos and [...] the often difficult process of acknowledging my many personal mistakes",[122] and writes that it is an apolitical, and individual, way of life,[123] based on empathy and πάθει μάθος, pathei-mathos,[123] where race and the concept of the folk not only have no place[124] but are regarded as unethical abstractions.[58][123]

    He defines pathei-mathos by saying: "The Greek term πάθει μάθος derives from the Agamemnon of Aeschylus (written c. 458 BCE), and can be interpreted, or translated, as meaning learning from adversary, or wisdom arises from (personal) suffering; or personal experience is the genesis of true learning."[125] Pathei-Mathos is thus an aspect of or element in the Numinous Way, although the former term comes to predominate over the latter in Myatt's writings beginning 2012.
    Myatt writes that "the numinous sympathy – συμπάθεια (sympatheia, benignity) – with another living being that empathy provides naturally inclines us to treat other living beings as we ourselves would wish to be treated: with fairness, compassion, honour, and dignity. It also inclines us not to judge those whom we do not know; those beyond the purveu – beyond the range of – our faculty of empathy".


    Yeah, I think he just wants to blow people up and doesn't really believe in any ideology, except maybe "blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne!" which would put him firmly still in O9A.

    I posted this on a different thread but it's really obvious he not only was Anton Long but still is:

    If he's trying to summon the dark gods (and he literally talks about the dark gods and wants to open stargates for them, it really sounds like someone who took 40k too seriously) through wanton violence that's probably the best explanation for all his actions.

    "The ideal of the race and the volk has nothing to do with my enlightened ideology..." "I just want to commit lots of wanton violence and summon the Blood God!"
    "I am not a proponent of radical Islamism..." "I want skulls for the skull throne, you think Allah cares about skulls for the skull throne?"
    "I have learned much through suffering over the years, my pathei-mathos..." "Primarily, I have learned how to cause as much suffering as possible and open a stargate for chaos dae... acausal entities to enter our world!"

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