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Thread: Si and Living Space Cleanliness

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    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    Default Si and Living Space Cleanliness

    How clean do you keep your living space (apartment/house/bedroom/cave/wherever you live your life when you're not out and about)? How about other people you know? Are there any type trends you've observed, or is it simply a matter of how people were raised? Personally I feel like I've known people of all sorts of types who were all over the spectrum with regard to this, so I've grown doubtful as to how type-related this is. Anecdotally the types of the cleanest people I know off the top of my head are ESE, EIE, LII, SLI, LSI, SLE, IEE, LSE, SEE, and LIE. I feel like there's not a strong trend though (other than extraversion perhaps), and if it's type related at all it may have a lot to do with subtype. What are your thoughts? How diagnostic do you think a habitually clean living space is, and what type(s) does it tend to point towards?
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  2. #2
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    SEI mother has OCD symptoms talked to another SEI here like that, she said she has the need to clean dishes ASAP takes them from under the guest maybe too suddenly and washes them then and there. another SEI mother who's critical of others being negligent. An SEI came home once he washed the dishes. The other extra clean person i know is LSI tho she claims its for aesthetics.
    LSE father he would want it mostly clean more than other ppl too.
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    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    I think this is more correlated with F place in psyche yoga type

    1F : don't care about cleaning even though they are perfectly capable of it

    2F : cleaning is a daily life thing , they are the best in doing it

    3F : interested in it and want to do it although they can forget it sometimes, but if there is pressure on F , they will not do it

    4F : well , forget about that

    There are subtypes too , so what I've said above is stereotypical even though it's right
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  4. #4
    ☽ the cutest type ☾ Aquamarine's Avatar
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    I'm not a super clean person. Examples of me being clean I guess...I wash whatever I eat from right after. I don't do this all the time though. My family likes to leave their dishes in the sink. Sometimes it makes me gag. They leave crumbs in the kitchen when they make anything to eat, my mother leaves her clothes everywhere, sister also has a pile of clothes. My mother cleans a lot so I guess it makes up for her being kinda messy. Idk their types tho

    I like to fold my clothes as soon as they're dry. If I leave it then it takes more effort for me to want to do it later. I'm sure I've probably left crumbs or whatever somewhere but I try not to and feel like I don't most times. I do wonder how people can let dishes pile up and just go relax and it doesn't even bother them one bit. I don't like to do other people's work though so I'm not going to clean up after them.

    Somehow I think I'd be more open to cleaning if I lived by myself.
    I don't think I like to clean. I do it because I have to. Sometimes I have to make myself do it before anything else or I'll try and put it off. So I mostly tend to clean when I get random burst of motivation. And then I realize it wasn't as bad as I thought.

    I'm more of a person who likes things to be put in specific places as opposed to them being clean.
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    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by decqueen View Post
    I think this is more correlated with F place in psyche yoga type

    1F : don't care about cleaning even though they are perfectly capable of it

    2F : cleaning is a daily life thing , they are the best in doing it

    3F : interested in it and want to do it although they can forget it sometimes, but if there is pressure on F , they will not do it

    4F : well , forget about that

    There are subtypes too , so what I've said above is stereotypical even though it's right
    Are you referring to Force (Se) or the feeling elements with F? I'm assuming Force, but want to make sure
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    Are you referring to Force (Se) or the feeling elements with F? I'm assuming Force, but want to make sure
    In psyche-yoga theory, that's "V". "F" is "physics".

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    I'm very OCD about other people's messes and their bodily fluids and when they mix food and shit but I'm blind to it in myself, although I don't mix my food that shit is just disgusting.

    Someone could live in my place and walk out completely fine, but they're not going to find it dusted or meticulously organized.. I'm lazy. I get ants like once in a never and those little fruit flies once in a half year. No straight up flies.

    I think cleaning is seen as such a universal good and value that it's possible to value it for a thousand different reasons and I don't think it's especially diagnostic, though a lack of care about cleaning in favor of other things would probably point away from conscious Si. In general I think this is a trait that is shaped more broadly than individual psychology.
    Last edited by ouronis; 08-19-2022 at 02:04 AM.

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    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    Are you referring to Force (Se) or the feeling elements with F? I'm assuming Force, but want to make sure
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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    I moved into my apartment in february 2019. I still have unpacked boxes gathered in the next room. My place is clean although I have stuff that should not be in the place they are. For instance, I spend my time on my bed mattress which is on the floor in the middle of my living room instead of being on the bed in the bedroom. The Bed is in the living room and I use it as a sofa for my guests (Family members, I don't have friends). I am a bit OCD I have all the important stuff at hand's reach :My guitar (it almost sleeps with me ahah), my medicines (Asthma, Type 2 diabetes), earplugs, posts-it notes, notebooks, my tablet, a book, my phone, Tv remote controls, of course my laptop, headphones and a midi keyboard. I also put together a system which protect my downstairs neighbours from disturbing noises when I move around my low table (basically, I slide and drag them on carpet which don't adhere to my floor).

    I can't stand dust so I try limit its accumulation. When I know that someone is going to visit me, I try to do my best to keep my place as presentable as I can. However, my Bathroom is always clean and smells good, I would say that it's the room I give special attention to. I keep my dishes clean too. To summarize, my living space is messy but clean.

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    Oh interesting! I've never heard of this system before
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    My room is pretty neat/clean but not overly so. Has some piles of junk in the corners but the main part is cleaned up/vacuumed. I try to vacuum every other day or so, I used to do it more when I first got my carpet but kinda stopped caring so much about it after awhile. I know somebody who never vacuums their carpet and it's just beyond gross to me...

    I kind of don't like when I'm made fun of for being neat and organized, like what is so wrong with not wanting to be a filthy and disgusting whore. =D

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    My room is pretty neat/clean but not overly so. Has some piles of junk in the corners but the main part is cleaned up/vacuumed. I try to vacuum every other day or so, I used to do it more when I first got my carpet but kinda stopped caring so much about it after awhile. I know somebody who never vacuums their carpet and it's just beyond gross to me...

    I kind of don't like when I'm made fun of for being neat and organized, like what is so wrong with not wanting to be a filthy and disgusting whore. =D
    People hate people who are better than them, so they try to bring everyone down to their level. I think the best response is usually just to distract from yourself in those cases, the real humility, not to either stoop to their level or rub it in, both of which seem to lead to equally disastrous consequences.

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    Aw <3. I think you have a big heart Coeruleum even if it's hidden behind a trolly sense of humor. I like you the best that way. If it was just 'big heart period' you'd be a corny delta therapist.

    Yes, people throw rocks at things that shine and I can shine brighter than Oprah at her book club convention. After she just had her morning meal of 15 plebs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    How clean do you keep your living space (apartment/house/bedroom/cave/wherever you live your life when you're not out and about)? How about other people you know? Are there any type trends you've observed, or is it simply a matter of how people were raised? Personally I feel like I've known people of all sorts of types who were all over the spectrum with regard to this, so I've grown doubtful as to how type-related this is. Anecdotally the types of the cleanest people I know off the top of my head are ESE, EIE, LII, SLI, LSI, SLE, IEE, LSE, SEE, and LIE. I feel like there's not a strong trend though (other than extraversion perhaps), and if it's type related at all it may have a lot to do with subtype. What are your thoughts? How diagnostic do you think a habitually clean living space is, and what type(s) does it tend to point towards?
    I'm likely Si Role, and my living space is usually a mess. I'm the type of person that has historically put dirty laundry on the floor and not really cared until I had to do laundry. I don't generally like or care about cleaning. The only time I really care about cleaning anything is if someone unfamiliar's going to see it or if it causes a health hazard.

    I know someone who seems to be a SLI, and they seem to occasionally like to clean, but ultimately are usually pretty lazy about cleaning as well. They ignore my messes for the most part. One time, when we lived together, the dishes stayed in the sink unclean for 3 days.

    I know someone else who I'm guessing is an EII and they're pretty obsessive about cleanliness, at least compared to me and the SLI. This might be due to 3F in Attitudinal Psyche.

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