Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
An individual involving themselves in politics is looking to take on others responsibilities as their own. I suppose that's fine, but the general public still remains in a dependent state looking to others to solve their problems. That may be all we can manage in these circumstances, and individuals that are willing to take on that responsibility can be applauded... assuming they somehow manage to avoid all the moral pitfalls in store for them. But what i think the ultimate solution would be is not certain super-human individuals taking responsibility for the masses, but the people at large taking individual responsibility for themselves and the consequences of their own actions. This individualism would be a general attitude fostered in the public. With it there would no longer be a need for these super-human individuals, and if there was still a need for a government... it wouldn't resemble what we think of as the government.
So personally what do I aim to do...
I'm not interested in suffering for the sins of the masses, being one of these super-humans... I'm not really morally suited for that and it's already been done anyway. I'll take responsibility for my own actions and live my own life to the best of my ability... and when confronted with these topics I'll encourage others to do the same. What I won't do is get distracted by this big lie that political activism as it's practiced (not connected to action) is somehow noble and accomplishing something (i.e. your 1 vote in your non-swing state which you probably won't even cast is worth all this going on about), or allow myself to get overly distracted by these things. So fuck politics, basically.
I kind of think there's a third way: just leave the people who can't take care of themselves alone. Who can they hurt but themselves, and whose fault is it anyways?