People talk like religion is just choosing whatever you want, but that's such a postmodern relativist view. We can't have many gods any more, so we try to have many Gods. And if anything that's even more laughable.

And if there is a such thing as truth, which there is, there must be evidence for it.

Person: I wonder what color the sky is? Maybe this is just the bong I'm smoking, but I can't tell, man.
Me: The sky by all appearances seems to be blue.
Person: That's just like, your opinion, man. Anyways, you just really like the color blue. I think the sky is red with green polka dots. I mean, there are lots of skies that are all sorts of colors, and maybe the sky isn't always up, maybe it's down, or sideways! But my sky is red with green polka dots and made of speckled plastic. You're just a blue supremacist who likes blue too much.
Me: No, I'm just answering your question that the sky appears to be blue. You're the one who asked. I'm not even trying to make you think the sky is blue, I just said it appears to be blue to me.
Person: Stop trying to convert me to blue-sky-ism you blue-sky-ist! I don't want your proselytizing!

Discussions of religion always seem to be framed completely wrong. People want to make God become The Idea of God, but before that, The Idea of God was the Devil anyways. Bleh.