Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Errr, I actually do. Also, it's no mistake that the pagans were on the "right track" as it were. The like of Socrates and Aristotle deduced that "Monotheism" was the truth. Pagan men living in pagan societies and yet without any exposure to Jews far as I can recall they came about that conclusion independently.

I'd also challenge Mr. Stewart to seriously ask himself if Governments did more damage than religion did. Democide is a thing and, much like the sexual abuse done to students both male and female within the public school system, is a consideration conveniently overlooked by the obvious suspects. If you thought the Catholic Chruch was bad boy oh boy let me point you in the direction of the secular priesthood. Makes my side of things look downright saintly (pardon the pun).

People don't want to have their own personal narratives challenged. I do, but that's only because I'm so absolutely certain I'm right I have the gall, the absolute gall, to let my most ardent of enemies continue to spew forth their blasphemies and slanders. Let them. I'll let you. I, unlike so many others who claim to believe as I do, have the full faith of my convictions...
Can you give a list of properties unique to "God" that are observable?
ONE property, then?