Quote Originally Posted by ipbanned View Post
No need to be such a flippant asshole. I'm not asking you to hold my hand, my main point isn't about Manchin, anyways, but about how the left behaves, and you haven't addressed those points. I have seen liberals try to intimidate and bully those who are in disagreement with them (read not just those who are 'corrupt'), perhaps this doesn't a apply to you but it applies to many. Have fun with your 'realpolitik' of insulting people over the internet, I hear the democrats are getting tons more votes now that they can flex their political muscles on Twitter.
lol. Our only tool is to complain because our politicians don't actually fight for anything. They are the ones that need to do the realpolitik. I don't know about bullying, I haven't really seen that.

Everyone in gov is bought and paid for because it's baked into the system. It's very much a "get in line" type of system in favor of corporations and other special interests. Republicans straight up favor these special interests and Democrats have a thin veneer of pretending not to. There is a shift occurring where more people favor Democratic politicians who are not corrupt, go figure. Crazy right?